By PuuwaiUilaniRosa

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Chapter One: The Truth and The Beginning of a Journey
Chapter Two: Creating A Warrior
Chapter Three: Uncles
Chapter Four: My First Ball
Chapter Five: Time To Get Ready
Chapter Six: Being Strong
Chapter Seven: Good-bye to Originality of Evil
Chapter Eight: A Break
Chapter Ten: Hope
Chapter Eleven: The Glory and the Pain
Chapter Thirteen: Happy Ending

Chapter Nine: Unexpected

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By PuuwaiUilaniRosa

I'd woken up alone. I remembered Edward had dropped me off and left. I hadn't asked him where he was going because I myself had been sleepy. I wish I knew where Edward was, but I had an uncle to find. I decided to dress in a red dress and walk towards my uncle's bedroom. When I enter his bedroom he is sitting facing the window.

"Uncle?" I ask, standing still.

"Eliza. Come in, come in." Uncle Alexander turns slightly so I can see him clearly. I slowly walk in.

"How are you?"

"Fine. My muscles are protesting, but I'll get over it soon. How are you?" Uncle Alexander was the master of redirecting a topic.

"Fine. I feel refreshed." I answer, sitting next to him. "Uncle I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" he asks, placing his hand around mine.

"I took Edward to your cherished place." I whisper. "I wanted to show him something that meant so much to you, and I wanted to show him the beauty of it." Tears start to fall.

"Eliza. I'm happy you took him. If her survived a place filled with love than he's ready. He's ready to be your all." Uncle Alexander pulls me close and kisses my forehead. I couldn't believe it! He wasn't mad that I had showed someone his favorite place.

"Oh! I have to wait until this is over though uncle. I couldn't bare to loose him if I found out he loved me the way I love him." I tearfully tell my uncle what I hadn't even let myself think of. It was true though. I didn't want to know that Edward was in love with me the way I was in lvoe with him if he were to die. I just wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Maybe, you should think a little bigger." Uncle murmurs as I cry.

"What?" I ask.

"If you were to die today, would you be able to accept the fact that he would never know that you loved him?" He had a really wierd way of putting it, but I could see his logic. If I were to die today I would want Edward to know how much I love him.

"of course I'd want him to know!" I shout at Uncle. Why was he doing this?

"Than maybe he feels the same way. Now go! I have to rest before this old body can fight again." Uncle shooes me out of his chambers and I end up walking the hall. I saw injured and wistful faces as I walked by, and no matter how much it hurt everyone bowed. One man screamed trying to do it and I winced, then walked over to him.

"Do not bow. You are far too hurt for that!" I ordered him. He looked at me with plain shock.

"You're not mad?" he asks.

"Of course I am mad!" I shout exasperated. "I am mad that we are at war and I am mad that my old foul uncle made you bow at royalty even if you're sick, but poor man, I am not mad at you. I fear that you will leave this land without knowing the ending of this war." I tell him. He smiles and says one thing.

"Just like your father." I watch as he's laid down again. I look at his nurse and she bows. I bow back and sweep the floor in my leave. Men grew happy and the room no longer felt so depressed. I just wish Edward was here.

"You are the most amazing woman I have ever met." I hear that voice that always makes my heart skip beats.

"Nice of you to show up Edward." I smile to take the sting out of the words.

"Well of course I have your highness." Edward answers. I kiss him and he kisses me back.

"I hope you didn't hear that?" i say as I realise he was one of the people my men had to bow down to.

"All of it. You are a very amazing when you do things that surprise me." Edward says.

"What do you mean?" I ask tentavely.

"You stand up for what you believe in, and if someone doesn't like it you tell them sorry, but they need to get over it. You make people do things that they can't do, and when they find they can, then they become happy. You're amazing!" Edward says animatedly.

"Oh, I didn't even know that I did that. I thought I was saying what needed to be said, and not what they wanted to hear or expected." I tell him honestly.

"Well, you do, and it makes me very happy." Edward entertwines our hands together and again, I'm struck by how much I wish he'd say I love you. Edward was a man of many things, but I'd begun to believe love wasn't one.

"I have to meet with Nick." Just as I said that, I heard comotion from afar. I spared one glance at Edward, then ran in that direction, my sword drawn. I had come to see Nick standing over a man, and instead of feeling relief I felt dread.

"Where is he?" he yelled at the man. The man coward back, and tried his best to look as if he wasn't already wounded.

"Where is whom, Nick?" I ask, and he drops the man. He was probably shocked to see me up and moving.

"Oh, no one your highness-" Nick begins.

"Nick I do not like liers. Of course you were looking for someone who is it?" I tell him, gradually coming closer, though he doesn't know it.

"He's after your father! At least that's what he says." The poor man blurts out before Nick can lie again.

"You idiot! Princess do not believe him. Your father is dead." Nick hit the man and then turned his sweet, disgusting smile on me.

"Nick, you have better leave now. Or some poor soul shed light on you and save you before I murder you." Edward threatens as I've felt the breath knocked out of me. Nick, the boy I'd trained with since I'd been here was changing on me.

"You will loose, Princess. King Micheal will win this war, and I will find your father." Nick begins to mount on his horse, and I find my courage again.

"I will not loose to a man who falsely calls himself King. My father is dead Nick, and you are no brother of mine in anyway." I tell him. He looks at me with sad eyes, but suddenly his cold new look returns.

"Your father may possibly still be alive and I will find him." With that he left. I watched with reknown hope inside of me.

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