Who Am I? || Bts Hogwarts AU

By zdksoo

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A girl was born from an unknown family.She was clueless about her identity and at the same time, she didn't k... More

Beginning: Introducing
s n e a k p e e k 🐍
1: 'Dreams'
2: Diagon Alley
3: Houses
4: Dorms
5: classes
6: classes [pt.2]
7: Potion Class
8: The dungeon
9: Books
10: Gone
The Door That Only I Can See
11: Hospital
12: A Toad
14: The 'Feast'
15: Narcolepsy
16: No one!
17: Detention!
18: 'She'?

13: Teeth

295 10 9
By zdksoo

The door was locked. I couldn't even escaped from the dark. I barely see anything. This time, it was too dark, no moonlight and I've got no wand in my hand.

The only thing I saw was a pill that I found in my almost ripped pocket with a note

Eat or die
Alive but dying
Choose with wise
Or you'll end up suffering

I didn't eat the pill. But, I notice the sound of a serpent slithering. The sound hurted my ears and I didn't know what to do instead of eating the pill.

I chose to eat the pill, to be alive but dying.

I fainted and woke up in the same dream but inside another familiar room. The room that I went when I dreamed about a lady with a crown.

I went to look for the same picture.

But the crown was gone

And it was still autumn, Namjoon hated it the atmosphere in Hogwarts for the past few weeks. "What's it about Halloween? People wear black, ripped outfit just during this month?", he complained. He said as he put on his clothes, which were all black and a very vintage looking boots. Without even complaining about the cold weather, he took his wand and put it in his pocket. Then, he went straight to the common room.

It was very early. He went to the common room just to wait until it was 7 am sharp because Professor McGonagall asked the students to go to the Great Hall just before they go outing. Before it's even 8.00 a.m, The stair echoed of footsteps walking towards the room and Namjoon was cautious so, he went to take a closer look.

Slowly, the footsteps sounded clearer and the person appeared. "Really? What the hell are you doing this early?", he asked the person.

Indeed, she replied with a sharp glance toward him, "and what are YOU doing here?"

He didn't reply but, he sighed instead tried to mind his own bussiness. He saw Aurobella brought a book. A book that was always with her since the library had been broken into. He was curious so, he decided to ask a question... out of nowhere!

"Hey, what are you reading?", he asked nicely. He had never been that way, he had never talked that way to anyone before. Aurobella, who was kind of understand his personality was feeling weird at the same time.

Namjoon is a boy that will never talk nice to you and he must really want to know something if he does.

As she continued walking towards the window to feel the fresh air, she tightened her grip on the book and replied, "I'm reading a book. Perhaps you don't know how books look like".

"I know.. it's just.. Seeing you with the book all the time makes some questions popping in my head", he objected.

"I didn't know that you were watching me all this time", she said.

"Maybe you have another reason to that",

"Like what?", he questioned.

"Maybe you are interested with me, and decided to watch me all the time.. that bothers you, isn't it", she savagely answered and open the window.

"What a thought! Besides, I'm not interested with someone that couldn't even walk stabily", he annoyed. He went out and slammed the door.

What? My foot has gotten better!

His ears turned red. His black jacket were fluttering along his way to the quidditch field. In this early morning, that field will be emptied but, there might be a captain who will prepare their equipment for their practice later on.

"A pathetic mudblood girl! You deserve to be punished. I know that you steal the book that night! I should've told Professor Snape about this!", Namjoon whispered to himself while he grasped his wand tighter.

Suddenly, he heard a buzzy noise lingering around him but, it was very fast. He couldn't see what was it. It was a gold-ish flying ball with wings. However, he acted as if it didn't even bother him. He continued his way to sit under this big tree that Aurobella loved to spend her time at.

He sat there, waiting for the clock until it was 8 a.m. But now, "it's too early, too cold and too boring!", he said as the petals falling onto his clothes.

Again the gold-ish creature flew surrounding him. As it landed on his shoulder, he picked it up. Turned out, it was a golden snitch. Namjoon picked it up, "Why is it here? Are they practicing now", he asked himself. But, no one was there beside him.

And it's almost 8 am sharp. He got up and, the golden snitch still on his hand. He was curious about the owner.

Later on, a guy chased him from behind and he was Marcus Flint, the Slytherin quidditch captain. Not going to be mean but, he is very immature. He seized the snitch from Namjoon's hand and didn't thank him. "Your teeth are bigger than my future, dude", Namjoon whispered, wishing that Marcus didn't hear him but indeed he did. He spun and pushed Namjoon out of sudden. Namjoon admitted that it was such a waste. He tried to walk away instead of standing there and fight with him. An immature boy like Marcus Flint kept on pushing Namjoon until he fell on the ground. Marcus laughed and his big teeth showed up. He didn't walk away afterwards, thus he poured dirt on Namjoon's jacket making him even mad.

Namjoon stood up, took out his wand and pointed it towards Marcus. His anger had dominated him and without waiting any longer, "rictusempra", he said.

The golden snitched fell on the ground and flew away, Marcus' face turned red and his eyes started to get teary. He laughed and couldn't stop laughing causing his stomach to hurt. "Stop it, you weirdo!", Marcus begged. He started to fell on the ground, rubbing his stomach, begging Namjoon to stop but instead, he walked away without any mercy given to Marcus.


"Kim Namjoon!", yelled Jin who was watching the whole incident.

Namjoon was shocked as he pointed his wand towards Jin. At the same time, he was concious that Jin will spread to the whole school about what happened.

"W-w-why are you here?", he stuttered.

"Well, I am looking for someone but I got distracted because I heard someone's laughing",

"And what's with the wand?",

"Did the wand just detect the handsomeness of this face?", he giggled.

Namjoon put his wand back and tried to step away. Thinking that Jin didn't know what just happened. "I think I have to go and you should help me to make that guy stop laughing",

"Kim Namjoon... Do you think that I don't know what just happened?", Jin smirked.

"Well, he deserved it! He started it all first!", Namjoon said.

"You're right. He isn't a good guy anyway. I think we should leave him like that. I'll keep it as a secret", Jin said and continued walking.

"Oh! By the way, Namjoon! SLICK MOVE!", Jin spun and smiled at him.

They both then had their walk to the Great Hall. Along the way, they didn't talk much to each other. Plus, Jin used to be noisy, even in class Namjoon just don't like his existance. Both Slytherin and Ravenclaw share the same class for Charms. But this time, Jin was clueless indeed, he looked worried. Before they went to their separate ways, Jin said "I'm sorry if I got you into troubles" with a sad expression on his face. Once Jin spun to his other friends, his face litted up, smiling out of sudden.

"What's wrong with that guy?", Namjoon whispered to himself.

The students started to fill up the seats on the Great Hall. Everyone was excited to go out for the outing afterwards except for.... Aurobella.

"We should go to some fun places later!", Taehyung said excitingly, encouraging others to join him.

"Yeahh! You should come with us too, Irene", he said to Irene.

Irene didn't reply anything. She was looking at Aurobella who was busy with her book. "Bella!", Irene said right to her ear.

"Yeah, what?", she replied.

"Let's go out together later", she said.

"I have things to do. You can ask Elizabeth to come along", she said as she continued reading.

Indeed it wasn't an official ceremony so every students didn't have to seat separatedly according to their own houses.

"Attention!", said Professor McGonagall who was standing at the very front.

Nobody listened to her order.

"Attention! All of you should stop talking", she said again. The students didin't listen at all. She shook her head and she looked at Professor Dumbledore.

"SILENCE!", Professor dumbledore said as he stood at the podium.

"Now let us welcome Professor McGonagall to deliver her speech, everyone remain silent", he said calmly.

Not going to lie, even without pointing his wand on his throat, he still sounded loud and clear. Finally, the students stopped whatever they were doing and started to pay attention to Professor McGonagall's speech.

"This is going to be very exciting. Since it's Halloween, I bet she'll going to tell us that we will celebrate The Hallowe'en Feast tonight!", Taehyung whispered to Hoseok. Taehyung giggled happily while, Hoseok wasn't paying any attention to Taehyung and he kept a straight face waiting for the declaration.

Professor McGonagall then cleared her throat before even saying anything.


"I know that everyone are aware of today's historical date",

"Almost every year, we celebrate The Hallowe'en Feast in our school. It is like a tradition to appreciate the deaths and the livings, to reunite and to have fun among each other. We've never missed even A CELEBRATION before",

"So, right now, I know it is a very hard decision to make. But, all teachers had agreed that the celebration will be cancelled tonight",

"Which is also unfortunately means, there's no celebration for this year's Halloween",

"We don't want to tell the reason why. But, we need to tell you that, tonight isn't the best night to have fun in a very crisis situation in our school",

"I hope everyone will give a very supportive cooperation, if you have any problem, you may ask me, that's all, stay safe and thank you", she said with a broken smile

All Professors were worried, this first semester for all students was quite confusing and hard to go through. Everyone took a long sigh, whining, concerned about how dangerous it was in Hogwarts and how they couldn't celebrate the significant feast.

"Well, that's disappointing", Jin said as he looked at Taehyung who was frozen with his mouth opened and lost with words.

"There's nothing to be disappointed for, it's just a feast", Hoseok finally objected. Ever since the morning, he hadn't said a word. It was pretty strange Hoseok wasn't that passive plus, he had changed... A lot!

He tended to sleep during classes. Most of the time he had been full with thoughts, lost in mind and sometimes forgetful.

Hearing those harsh words from Hoseok caught Aurobella's attention. She stopped her reading and took the chance to look into Hoseok's sorrowful eyes.

What if that dream has something to do with Hoseok? This school isn't only endangered by the prisoner's escape but also the found of the hiddened door.

I need to know what has been going on!

"Don't look at me that way! You are creeping me out!", he said with annoyance.

"I'm reading your mind", Aurobella secretly whispered to his ears.

"I know more than what you actually think", she continued with a very convinced look.

"You should learn to mind your own bussiness", Hoseok snapped and stood up leaving the others. What had been bothering Aurobella was, if he was the one who found the door, why she couldn't even find any door in the dream. Perhaps, those are just empty dreams.

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