Amongst The Stars

Par Kars-Kars

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Part 3 of "Star Child" Series: Krolia is back with Ranveig to complete her mission and Keith is left on the m... Plus

Chapter 1: Secrets
Chapter 2: Decoy Base
Chapter 3: Sleep
Chapter 5: Consequences
Chapter 6: Assignment

Chapter 4: Trials Of Marmora

1.3K 55 19
Par Kars-Kars

"What the quiznak?" Keith snickered as he listened to Yessek curse. Regris was hiding one hall over, ready and waiting for the signal. Keith stayed low, trying to remain as quiet as possible as he waited for the perfect moment to strike. "I know he's here, I just – where the quiznak did he go?"

"Dunno, maybe he left for the training deck? Or went back to his room?"

"Don't be stupid Zav. He's banned from the training deck for the rest of this movement and he's too much of a nuisance to just go back to his room." More boxes were shoved to the side, a few chucks of unrefined luxite clambering to the floor. "If I get my claws on either of those brats they're gunna be sorry!"

"Hahaha good luck! Regris is stronger than you and Keith is way too fast to catch. I'd pay 100 GAC to see you try."

"You're not helping!" Yessek growled angrily. More boxes flew across the room, one landing dangerously close to where Keith was hiding.

"Oh, I'm not trying to."

"Stop snickering! You sound like that pain-in-the-ass kit." Keith bit back his grin at the comparison, taking great pride in his blossoming reputation. If he'd been paying better attention he would have heard the door open. If he'd heard the door open he would have heard the boots enter. And if he'd heard the boots enter he wouldn't have been caught off guard by the familiar voice that commanded the attention of the two Blades.

"Yessek. Zavin. What are you doing in the weapons vault? You do not have clearance to be in here unattended. Explain your actions immediately!"

"Stars! Krolia! I – I was just looking for – uh, someone. But I cant find him and – and I think he's hiding in here and -"

"Who would hide in the weapons vault? You know what – never mind. When you find Keith tell him I need to speak with him." He watched her turn heel and head for the exit before pausing. "Out, now! And do NOT let me catch you in here again or the consequences will be severe." Yessek withered under her scrutiny. Keith knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of her tongue-lashings, as her kit he got them all the time. "This must be brought to Kolivan's attention. If you are knowingly entering areas beyond your clearance -"

"I'm sorry! I didn't notice it was the vaults when we rushed in." he interrupted her. Dumbass. Keith thought, never ever interrupt Krolia, very bad decision.

"You didn't notice? How can you not notice where you are? There are four levels of security to access this section of the base. I can't imagine what details you must over look on missions." She stared them both down, harsh gaze unwavering. "OUT. Out now!" He watched the two Blades scurry out of the weapons vault, proverbial tails between their legs. Suddenly Keith felt terrible, this was supposed to be a harmless prank, Yessek wasn't meant to get in any real trouble. Swallowing his pride he let his guilt get the better of him and stepped from his hiding place.

"Yessek was just following me. I led them here." His voice sounded smaller than he'd intended, but his mother's glare had a way of doing that too him. The moment the words left his mouth, the young Blade whirled around, eyes blowing wide in shock.

"I KNEW IT! I knew you were in here!!" Yessek threw his arms in the air as he yelled his accusations. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Holy shit! I didn't even notice where you were hiding. Damn Keith, well done."

"DON'T COMMEND HIM!! Zav, what the quiznak!" Yessek screeched.

Zavin merely shrugged. "What? Praise where praise is due." Keith felt himself grin.

"Keith." His grin immediately faded at his mother's tone. "Where is Regris?" He cringed under her scrutiny. "Keith." She didn't raise her voice, she didn't spit her words, she merely spoke with the kind of authority that is earned through years of stern command. The authority of a mother scolding their troublesome kit. He was so busted. "Keith, tell me now."

"Waiting around the corner." He said sheepishly, hanging his head.

"And what is he waiting for?"

"For Zavin and Yessek." She stared at him in silence, waiting for him to continue. He huffed and gave in. "To scare them."

"I see. And what else." How did she know??

"And – uh, to pie them -"

"WHAT?" Yessek yelled, interrupting his betrayal of the plan.

"- with, um – with diffry berry pie." Zavin burst out laughing, choking out a strangled 'hilarious' before realizing that he too would have been pied.

"Keith. Diffry berry pie would stain their skin bright pink. I assume you were aware of this?"

"Yes, mom."

"Then you will lead the way back down the hallway."

"WHAT? No. Reg will hit me with the pies! The pink will be even more noticeable on me!!" Both Zavin and Yessek were belly laughing behind him and he groaned.

"Lead, Keith. Yessek, Zavin – you are on laundry duty for the next two movements for entering a secure area without authorization."

They collectively groaned and Keith led the way, trying to make his footfalls as silent as possible, hoping he could skirt past Regris before the other noticed him.

It didn't work; he was now neon pink and sitting in the medbay – again. Turns out, Human skin reacts violently to diffry berry juice and now not only was his skin a bright, almost radiant pink, but he was covered in a painful blistering rash.

Keith hissed as Sergin spread the ointment on his luminescent skin, and again for good measure.

"Don't hiss at me kit. Maybe you and Regris should stop pulling pranks and you wouldn't find your self here so often."

"But then you'd get bored or lonely." Keith deadpanned and actually blushed when the medtech looked up at him. "And stop calling me kit. I'm doing my trials in 2 phoebes!"

"We'll see about that. You're doing nothing until this rash heals."

"It wont last that long ... Will it?"

"I don't know. I've never seen anyone's airway close up just from contact with pie. Who knows how long it will take for your Human genes to heal."

"OH STARS! You don't think it will be permanent do you?"


"I'd look ridiculous if I had to spend the rest of my life bright pink!"

"It's actually not that far off your natural colour – a little more intense, but you already stand out." Keith stared at him, completely unable to process what had just been said. He'd never really paid attention to his pale skin and how different it was from the purple that surrounded him. It didn't really bother him when new recruits pointed it out, or when Blades visited from other bases and stared, because mostly it went unmentioned. He didn't feel any different, and he knew he was Galra; whether he looked it or not.

But the more he thought about it, the more it made him feel exposed, like he was wearing a giant blinking sign that screamed 'Halfling' for all the universe to see. They had left Earth, left his dad behind, because his mom was purple and the Humans would have thought she was a freak. Did that mean the Galra on base thought he was a freak? The ticks passed by and Keith hadn't said anything. He realized that Sergin was staring at him with wide eyes, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly.

"I – stars! – Keith I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that, honest! There are tons of Halflings in the Blades, none of which look very Galra. You definitely are weird!"

"Why though? Why is it that half Galra don't look Galra?"

"Um, I'm a medtech, not a biologist so I'm certain. But I think it has something to do with the way Galra genes manifest. Like, most Halflings have Galran instincts and share the same single-minded-drive and bloodlust of a pure Galra and most have the yellow sclera. But features, body build, and skin tone tend to come from their other parentage. It's why Regris and Antok are more of a greyish colour with scales and a tail, while Tobik is yellow with long green hair, and why Mizor is even pinker than you currently are, with colourful stripes. He also has that long tendril on his head." Sergin playfully nudged Keith, which made him wince at the pain from his rash. "Oops, sorry."

"S'ok. I have the yellow sclera, and claws, plus I think my canine teeth are maybe a little sharper and longer than a Humans; at least from what I remember of my dad. But that's it. Those are the only physical Galra traits I have."

"You're not a freak. If anything, your other parentage could hide some super cool skills that pure Galra don't have."

"Like what?"

"Well, Mizor can make himself invisible for short periods of time; that's pretty cool. And Antok and Regris have tails, which come in handy I'm sure. Oh – and I think Borz can stay underwater for vargas at a time!"

"Ya but I cant do any of that stuff."

"Well, we don't really know anything about Humans. Maybe you just need to figure that out? Besides, how many people can boast a quintessence sensitivity? That's something exclusive to the Galra."

"Ya. I guess."

"I didn't think any of this bothered you?"

"It didn't – er, doesn't. I don't know why I got so upset." That was a lie, he knew exactly why it upset him. If anyone else had said it, Keith would have just brushed them off. But it was Sergin.

Sergin, who Keith had had a massive crush on since he was 10 when the older had joined the Blades. He had passed his trials, but elected to become a medic instead of a field agent and Keith spent most of his kit-hood in the medbay with his various (self inflicted) injuries. He had a pension for causing trouble and it usually ended up with him, or Regris, or both of them, in the medbay.

"Sergin? Did Reg get in trouble?"

"Oh ya. He has to help the other two with laundry duty. You were supposed to help too, but Kolivan decided your allergic reaction was punishment enough. Though, your mother wanted you to complete your punishment once you were healed." Keith winced, she would want that. "Krolia's as stern as she is stubborn. I don't envy you!"

Keith chuckled. Krolia maybe stern and harsh, but she was fair. He knew he deserved every punishment she gave him. But she was also sweet and gentle, and he knew his mother loved him dearly. "She has my best interest at heart."

His rash cleared up within a couple quintants, and was completely gone after a full movement. The pink however, took much longer to wear off. Now that he was fully healed, Tok was running him through drills. They had private lessons once a movement in preparation for his trials, which were only a few quintants away. Keith was nervous and excited and terrified all at the same time. Blades were not permitted to discuss what takes place during the trials, so he had no idea what he was in for. What he did know was that the Trials of Marmora tested more than just his physical performance; there was a mental aspect as well. But he was ready. He had studied everything he needed to know and even some things that were just for good measure. Tok, Regris, Zavin, Sergin, and his mom had dragged him from the training deck floor or the archive rooms on multiple occasions for food and rest. But he always found his way back. Keith was determined to pass. He would make his mother proud, he would earn his place amongst the Blades, and he would honour his ancestors like his mother and uncle had before him.

Currently he didn't feel like he was making them proud. His body was sprawled out on the mats, a hydration pouch lying just out of reach as he panted heavily from exertion. His sweat was pooling around his head and had soaked through the back of his training gear. He could smell the tinge of salt in the air and tried to get up but groaned audibly at his protesting muscles. Maybe taking a break every once in a while was a good idea.

He passed. He had passed his trials and nearly collapsed from them. On second thought, he must have actually collapsed because he was now waking up in the medbay ... again.

"We really should just move all your belongings down here. Might be more convenient." Sergin joked as he removed the IV from Keith's hand.

"Am I dead? Is this my hell?" The older Blade choked on his sudden laugh.

"Smart ass. But actually, you almost were. Dead that is."

"What do you mean? Ughhh my head is pounding!"

"Keith, lay still. Tell us what you remember?" Mom? He looked up and squinted through the thrumming pain in head. Krolia and Kolivan were sitting on the bed beside him, staring at him from across the isle.

"What I remember? I – I don't remember much after making it through the first section." He muttered 'stupid riddle' under his breath and heard Kolivan snort. "I remember dad being there, we – we were at the house, back in the desert. There was an attack, our house was being attacked I think, or maybe the desert was being attacked – I don't know, it's all kinda fuzzy."

"Did your father say anything? You were speaking a strange language." Keith looked at Kolivan curiously before turning to his mom and cocked his head to the side.

"It was English." She said bluntly. "What did he say?"

"He, he said something about wanting to catch up, things he needed to tell me. The attack got closer and he said – he said everything was fine. But it wasn't, the house was on fire mom, I – we had to go. There were screams, people screaming in the fire outside and – and he asked if I wanted to know where I came from." Keith sniffled; his head ached trying to pull the illusion back to the surface. "Dad was holding a jacket in his hands. It had a strange insignia on it, he said it belonged to the people he worked for and that they'd be there soon. The fire was everywhere, we had to get out but he wouldn't move. I – I had to drag him out of the house and lay him down in the sand. Then we were under attack. They were Humans, they attacked us screaming about the Galra, about Zarkon, but then – then they were Galra, they became Empire soldiers, and they kept attacking. I tried to protect both of us, I really did, I tried as hard as I could but they – there were too many of them and they just kept coming. That's when I heard a loud roar and woke up."

The room was silent for a long time. Several dobashes went by and Keith's breathing slowly started to level out, the painkillers dulling the throb in his head.

"Keith? Your suit's lights were dimming, they had almost gone out completely, but this red energy shot out of you and your eyes opened. What ever that was, it was strong enough to replenished your quintessence levels and forcibly pull you from the illusion."

His eyes went wide as his mother's words sank in. He really had almost died, but something, some outside force had saved him. He felt something brush against his mind, it was brief and fleeting, but he felt it: a soft purr. Something out there was watching over him like a guardian angel.

"Get some rest Kit, you start your flight training in the morning." Kolivan smiled at him before standing to leave.

His mother gave a quick lick to his cheek, smiling sweetly. "I'm proud of you, Keith." She whispered in his ear before following their Leader out of the medical room.

"They let me watch you know." Keith quirked a brow at his favourite medtech. "Your trials, Kolivan said having a medic nearby for anything that involves you would be a good idea." They both chuckled. Keith blushed heavily and reached for the hydration pouch on the table beside him. "You did well. I've never seen anyone last that long in the first section of the trials with out loosing steam. You have some pretty crazy endurance levels kit."

"Thanks. And Sergin, don't call me 'kit' anymore. I passed my trials, I'm Blade now."

"So you are."

After he was dismissed from the medbay, Keith made his way to the weapons vault. Having passed his trials he was now a full member of the Blade of Mamora and would be allowed to forge his own luxite blade. This was the day he had been most looking forward to his whole life. The trials were nerve wracking but this; this was exciting!

He placed his hand on the scanner and was granted access, the first time that it didn't involve Regris overriding the security settings. The door opened and he walked into the dark room where the forge was lit in the back left corner – waiting for him, for his blade. Keith was giddy, he could feel himself bouncing on the balls of his feet and had to summon every ounce of self-control he had to contain his ever-increasing energy level. The Blade's blacksmith was a burly old man, he was half Galra like Keith, but his other parentage was a total mystery. It was what allowed him to imbue the blades with special properties, almost like the alchemy that the ancient Alteans used but not quite as advanced. Still; SO COOL!

"Welcome, young Blade." Blade! He had just been addressed as a Blade!! Keith tried to reign in his excitement but it bubbled out of him, making his voice slighter higher, and definitely much faster, than he had anticipated.

"Hello Sir. I am here to forge my blade." He was beaming.

"Yes, a moment of great anticipation I see." Keith blushed, his kit-like excitement giving way to embarrassment. "No need to be ashamed, it is quite an experience. Choose your piece of luxite from the pile on the table over there. Then, choose your handle from the pile on the table to the left."

Giving a curt nod of understanding, Keith literally bounced over to the luxite piles. He swore Reg would never find out about this, when he retold the story later he would make sure to come off as cool and nonchalant.

He watched as the blacksmith melted and molded the luxite, letting Keith hammer it into the shape of his blade. The metal almost seemed to form itself, he hammered away and it took shape right before his eyes. After the blade was fully formed the blacksmith turned to him with a heavy gaze and pulled the glowing hot blade from the forge.

"Give me your hand." Keith blinked; he wasn't serious was he? That blade was a bajillion degrees, what could he possibly want Keith's hand for. "Young Blade, your hand." He thought about all the other Blades, non of them had any severe burn marks on their hands, so he trusted the blacksmith and held out his own.

The metal made a horrifying hissing sound as it connected with his palm. He didn't flinch; he was too well trained for that. They'd had session after session where they learned to handle pain and Keith was exceptional at it, his pain tolerance was really high. Luckily, this didn't hurt in the slightest. He could feel the warmth but it didn't burn.

Keeping his attention on the glowing blade in his hand, he listened as the blacksmith performed some strange hand waves, said some words in a weird alien language, and asked for his other hand. Keith obliged and the sudden sharp pain across his palm made him regret it. The blood bubbled to surface and his hand was pressed against the blade, sandwiching it between his two palms. The crazy words and movements continued and the blade in his hands started to get warmer, a soft purple light emanating from it. Keith was enraptured by the sensation and he felt he little pulse of life, like a heartbeat, flicker in the blade.

The blacksmith removed his hand, and lifted the blade from the other, placing the metal back into the forge one last time before dousing it in a bucket of some mystery purple liquid. The mystery liquid had a strange glow to it as well, almost seeming as if it were alive as it shimmered in its bucket. Keith's attention was ripped away from the shimmer and back to the blacksmith as he was presented his blade. It was in its unawakened form and as soon as he held it in his grip, the sigil on the handle lit up and the knife ignited into a sword, his sword. He could feel the pulse of life inside it syncing with his own heartbeat.

"It feels alive." His voice was breathy; he stared down at the glowing purple sword in awe.

"It does? You are the first to say that." Keith stared at the blacksmith. He didn't seem surprised by the statement; more caught off guard that Keith had said it. "You have a gift. I could feel it as I crafted the blade whilst in your hands."

"Sensitivity." He corrected.

"Gift." The blacksmith insisted.

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