Dear Heaven

By Human_fo

54K 2.2K 874

OffGun oneshots. Characters like Rome, Phun, Liftoil and Third are played by Gun Atthaphan. Characters like P... More

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My Human- Part 5

Mine (part 1)

3.1K 93 51
By Human_fo

(Credit for the above picture goes to whoever made this edit. I'm so sorry I lost the owner's details)

Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn was a name to be feared. Everyone who lived in and around GMM grounds knew that. Off was one of the three head alphas and also the most ruthless one. GMM was divided into three sectors. Sector one was the W sector and was denoted by purple. Off was the leader of this sector. Sector 2 was the D sector and was denoted by pink. Their leader was Tay Tawan Vihokratana. Sector 3 was the E sector and it's color was blue. Their leader was Arm Weerayut Chansook.

The three sectors were divided by the river of life. It was believed that long ago the three blood brothers had fought for the throne of GMM. The Goddess of Water had sent forth storm in rage. It had rained continuously for a month until the brothers had begged the goddess for forgiveness. The goddess had then rewarded the land of GMM with the river of life. The river separated the land in three divisions and the three brothers had ruled over one sector each.

The D sector was the most friendly one. Both W and E sectors were on good terms with the D sector. However, it was a rare thing for the wolves of W and E sector to talk or even know each other. Even then the leaders were known in all the sectors of GMM. Leader Tay for his friendliness and intelligence. Leader Arm for his generosity and hunting skills. Leader Off for his leadership and temper.

The present generation of the W sector had no omegas. It was known by all the wolves that omegas were an essential part of the society. Off's mother herself was an omega and had ruled the W sector alongside her husband. The lack of omegas was not deemed to be a problem by Off himself. The alphas and the betas were pretty strong and Off believed they could together live in harmony. Sompob Adulkittiporn, Off's father, however, knew that omegas are needed to balance the masculinity of the society.

Alphas had much of masculinity in them. Generally, they were known to have a temper and were quick to start a fight. They were mostly straightforward and kept nothing inside their own minds whether their opinions hurt the other person or not. They were mainly known for their physical prowess.

Betas were an essential part of the wolf society. They were known for their happy-go-lucky nature. They potrayed both masculinity and femininity in a balanced way.

Omegas exhibited feminine quality. They were generally a master of emotions. They could read your emotions and sometimes, it was suspected that they could read other's mind (false assumption, of course). They were known for their patience and their mysterious ability to manipulate.

Too much masculinity or too feminism always bought the downfall of a kingdom. That's why these qualities should be balanced.

Sompob knew this but he also knew how stubborn his son could be. So when he advised his son to make alliances with the other two sectors and take an omega for his mate, he knew Off would react badly. Off did not believe in alliance. He only tolerated Sector D because Tay, their leader, was his best friend. Still, to make alliances was never his style.

The river shall not be crossed. The elders had said and Off had believed them. The river of life had separated them for a reason. While Tay visited him often, he had never crossed the river to meet Tay.

Sompob knew his son's belief. But he also knew what his people needed - a powerful omega to stand beside Off. The wolves of Off's generation had not met omegas of their age and so they didn't know their importance but Sompob knew.

"This is ridiculous!" Off had protested, "We, as a society, are strong and independent. There is no need to find an omega from another sector to come and rule here!"

Sompon sighed, "It is not about letting them rule. As an alpha, you will sometimes make rash decisions. Trust me, I know. I would've made terrible mistakes had it not been for your mother and our general, Mr. Prachaya. An alpha needs a word of advice from an omega and a beta. All point of views must be considered. Only then things will be balanced."

"And they are balanced till now. Tell me father, when have I disappointed you? It has been a year of me being the head alpha and nothing has gone wrong!"

Sompob sighed. Never had he been able to win an argument with his son. He needed to rope in his wife into this. But Mrs. Adulkittiporn believed that Off will realise these things in his own time. For now, Sompob decided to let his son be.

"If you think so. I'll let this matter rest for now. But promise me Jumpol, you will think about this."

Off grudgingly nodded, "If you wish so dad. But I don't think it'll change my mind."

Sompob knew otherwise but decided to not to further voice his opinions. As his wife had told him, he'll learn.

Off Jumpol was an exceptional leader. There was not one person who didn't follow his orders. It rarely happened that an individual's orders were recieved by the public as law. Wolves were powerful creatures and hated being ordered. Off spoke with such strong conviction that the people followed his words despite their nature. But everyone has a flaw. And as mentioned before, Off had a flaw of temper. He lost his cool one too many times. Everyone knew that their leader's temper must not be tested.

One fine morning, Singto Prachaya came to Off's office to place an odd request.

"You want to cross the river? For fashion?" Off was surprised to be honest. This man was supposed to be his right hand in the future. And here he was voicing such a silly request.

"P'Off they have a better sense of style than us. And it is just two days of workshop. If I learn there, I will bring that knowledge here. It will not be a waste. Leader Tay crosses the river all the time and nothing happened till now."

Singto's reasoning was valid. Off found no loophole except the age old legend. And these were the modern times. Not everyone held the same belief as him. So he allowed Singto to leave not knowing that this very act of his was going to change his life.

And so it happened.

Singto returned after two days with a smile and a whole load of clothes. Off was impressed by how much the workshop had helped Singto.

"People from both the sectors were there. I alone was from W sector. At first, they looked at me as if I was an alien. But then P'Gun was so friendly and supportive that soon others also accepted me. They even requested me to come next year. They said that I had talent!" Singto recited happily to his father.

Off, Mr. Prachaya and Mrs. Adulkittiporn smiled happily at Singto. Just then  Ohm Pawat arrived at the main hall. Ohm was Singto's fiancee.

Singto approached his lover with a smile and went for a hug. But Ohm stopped him with a cold glare. Shocked, all of them watched Ohm remove his ring and place it in Singto's hand.

"Goodbye, cheater." Singto was scandalized.

"Wait! Ohm! What are you talking about? What did I do?" Singto held Ohm's arm to stop him from leaving.

"You cheated! Now let me go!" Ohm tried to go away but Singto hugged him.

"But I didn't!"

"Just because you crossed the river doesn't mean I'll not find out!"

Singto now seemed desperate, "I swear I didn't cheat. Love, I would never!"

"Then who was that freaking omega you spend a night with?!"

Singto froze. By this time, everyone had come out to the main hall to watch the drama. Off held his fist tight. He hated cheaters. In fact, all the wolves did. Wolves were known for their loyalty. To cheat was to sin. And one law of Sector W stated that the disloyal had to cross the river and never look back.

"Is it true?" was all Mr. Prachaya asked.

Ohm broke free from Singto's embrace.

"ANSWER YOUR FATHER SINGTO!" Off's voice was clean and cold as he commanded.

Everyone stood there shocked. No one expected the perfect gentleman Singto to commit such a hideous sin.

"I didn't." Singto answered loud and confident. "And I am hurt to see that you almost believed it father."

Ohm laughed bitterly, "So I am a liar now? Did you not take an omega to your hotel room? Gun Atthaphan was his name I believe!"

Off stiffened. Singto had been praising this Atthaphan guy since he had returned. Was this the real reason behind it?

"P'Gun was my guide! He was everyone's guide! And yes, I stayed in a hotel but alone! Love, why don't you believe me?" Singto looked at Ohm with pain laced in his eyes. Ohm almost melted. But he remembered what he had seen.

"Here is my proof, P'Off. As a leader, I ask you to decide who is lying." Ohm took out his phone.

The first photo was blurry but you could make out that it was a small guy holding Singto's hands. The second picture was that of the same guy in a club and a silhouette of someone who looked like Singto at the back. The third was a shot of the CCTV footage of that boy going inside a room. Another shot showed Singto going inside the same room.

Off felt his heart being torn out. He could see the sincerity in Singto's eyes but the proof was too strong to be ignored. He had taken Singto as his blood brother and now, he himself had to exile him. But he had to try one last time.

"Where did you get these evidences from?" He asked Ohm.

"I have detectives all around to report back to me. One of them saw these and thought I should know. Well... he thought it right!" Ohm sniffled trying to control his tears.

Ohm was in the defense department. He obviously had spies all around. Now, that doubt being cleared, there was only one conclusion.

"Singto Prachaya is hereby exiled from Sector W. You will be given exactly one hour to take what you need and leave. After that, no safety can be guaranteed here for you." Off spoke.

Singto looked up at him with unshed tears in his eyes.

"You all believe I'd do that?" His voice was barely above a whisper. He slowly turned to face every single person present there. They all had a look of disgust in his eyes. Finally, he looked at his father. Mr. Prachaya looked down in shame. That's when the first tear fell down from Singto's eyes. Ohm felt like taking back his words. He didn't want Singto to be thrown out but he was mad and he had publicly announced that information.

"I don't need an hour. I don't have anything here."

The words melted into the air and was lost before it reached any ear. Singto hung his head low and left without turning back. Ohm fainted.

There was nothing but chaos after that. It had been two days but Ohm had not left his bed. Mr. Prachaya had not left his room. Singto's painful eyes had not left Off's mind.

Suddenly, a great noise came from the hall. The crowd had gathered there and were shouting incoherently. Sompob Adulkittiporn had left with his wife for the hills. Off was the only one they would listen to. He rushed towards the hall.


One word and the noise dropped down to zero.

"One of you tell me what is going on!"

A small figure moved amongst the crowd. The crowd immediately made way for him. Now, Off and the guy were directly facing each other. Five steps and they would collide.

"Nothing much leader. They just hadn't seen an omega of their age before."

The guy who spoke held no fear in his voice or in the way he walked forward. When he spoke, he looked directly into Off's eyes. Nobody looked directly into the head alpha's eyes.

"Who are you?" Off stared right back at him.

Any other person would have shivered under Off's piercing gaze but the guy was unmoved.

"I will only speak to a certain Ohm Pawat." The guy replied.

Off's eyes widened in realization.

"Gun Atthaphan! YOU DARE TO ENTER OUR LAND AFTER WHAT YOU DID?" Off was trying to control his anger. This was the omega who had destroyed their peace!


Off moved a step back. No one had ever raised their voice at him. Not even his own father. Off was so powerful that one literally couldn't shout at him. But this omega was glaring at him.

Off opened his mouth to speak but Gun cut him off.
"Don't waste my time leader. I came here just to have a quick chat with Ohm. And I will not leave without talking to him!"

Off was surprised at the power Gun held. He looked behind him to see if he had any back up.

"There is nobody except me. You can stop looking." Gun said coldly.

"Ohm is not in the condition to meet anyone yet. You may leave and NEVER look back." Off had had enough of this little guy. Who did he think he was?

Gun just laughed.
"He's exhausted after what he did? Or is he sad about the fact that Nong Singto didn't actually die? He must've found out. He has freaking detectives everywhere, right?"

Suddenly the atmosphere became cold.

"Die?" Mr. Prachaya stood at the entrance, rigid.

"YES DIE! Your stupid son jumped inside the river. Thank God P'Tay saw him." Gun threw his hands up. "Now will you heartless people tell me Ohm's room number? You know what? I'll find it myself!"

Gun tried to move past Off but the latter caught his arm.

"Where did Tay find him?" Off asked.

Gun chuckled, "Why? Want to cut off friendship with him too?"

"Please," Mr. Prachaya asked Gun, "Is he alright?"

Gun's face softened, "He is fine physically. He spoke his first words today. If he had spoken before, I would've been here before to teach that guy a freaking lesson!"

Off pulled Gun in front of him.


Gun was not fazed. He went closer to Off and said in a challenging voice,
"If you are an alpha enough, try and make me, an omega, submit to you."

The crowd gasped. Off almost broke out in anger. He could feel every bone in his body shouting to hit the guy. But there was something something that stopped him.

Off used his alpha voice, "Submit omega."

"No can do." Gun freed his arm from Off's hold.

"SUBMIT!" Off tried again. All the betas of the crowd bend their heads in submission and the alphas seemed affected.

"I reject." Gun's voice cut Off like a sword.

"Why are you here?" Ohm's voice was heard.

Gun quickly looked over at Ohm. He grinned.

"You made me wait far too long Ohm!"

Mr. Prachaya spoke up, "My son didn't do it."

Gun smiled at him, "If only you had shown that much faith two days back."

"What do you mean?" Ohm asked nervously.

"Did you check your source stupid boy?" Gun tapped his foot.

Off felt an urge to hit something. Anything!

"You can't speak to him-"

"-like that. Blah blah. Chill alpha will you? I haven't accused him of something, have I?" Gun was sarcastic and cruel. His words sliced through Ohm's heart.

Ohm tried to defend himself.
"I have detectives! I saw you and-"

"-all the people who were in my team for the workshop at the club. And also me going inside my room. And Singto going inside his room. You do realize poor Ohm that hotels have many rooms with the same damn type of door! Did you even check the room number?" Gun had a point.

Ohm staggered back.
"I didn't. You didn't!"

"Of course, I didn't!" Gun held fire in his eyes, "Do you take omegas for a slut? Or maybe just the omegas of Sector E! Forget about me! Your own people! At least, trust him!"

"OH MY GOD! You said that Singto jumped? Is he alright?" Ohm was going crazy.

"I lied. You wouldn't have come out if I hadn't said that. He went to P'Tay who told me by accident. Then I forced him to speak and found out."

Ohm fell on his knees and started crying as he whispered apologies to Singto. Off atared at Gun in shock. How did this little omega have the courage to come in a totally unknown place and challenge all the people there. Moreover, he seemed to be winning.

"Aren't you from the defense team?" He asked Ohm as he seemed to realize something. Off just watched in amazement.

"Now, what I can deduce from app these is that your defense has been infiltrated and they attacked you emotionally to leave you weak! Do you understand what I'm saying Head Alpha?"

Off's eyes widened in realization. Ohm cursed under his breath. Mr. Prachaya seemed too numb to answer and the crowd went wild. There were murmurs then people started rushing God knows where. It was a total chaos.

"My job here is done." Gun moved back as he put on his hoodie.

"Why are you helping us?" Off asked so as to only make Gun hear.

"Because Singto is my nong and he still loves that idiot. And P'Tay always had good words to speak about this sector though I doubt those words right now. We are wolves but we are part human too you know." Saying that Gun moved towards the crowd and was soon out of Off's sight.

Three days later, they caught all the betrayers. Ohm went to Sector E to ask for Singto's forgiveness. Singto was received back with full warmth. He still carried hurt in his eyes but who could blame him?

After all this, Off's parents came back. Off placed a problem in front of them.
"I want an omega. His name is Gun Atthaphan."

*to be continued*

(P.S apart from this plot I have other plots. So a quick question. Which title seems more appealing-
1. Off's Rome. 2. Tell me. 3. Fanboy 4. Truth and 5. Three)

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