The Lost Princess

By RegalRayne

21.5K 411 52

What if the former Evil Queen-Regina Mills and The Prince of Thieves-Robin Hood had a daughter? What if the D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13A
Chapter 13B

Chapter 5

1.4K 31 5
By RegalRayne

Two days have passed and everything went just fine. There was no sign of Mother so far, which count as a good news. Sleeping under the stars was something Evie absolutely love. It wasn't comfortable as sleeping in bed, but there is something inside her that felt so connected with nature. Perhaps it's the Robin Hood blood in me, she thought to herself. It was only a half day walk more until she reaches the Enchanted Forest. Her heart pounds in excitement. How does it feel to be held in their arms? Do they love her? How does it feel to have someone who loves her unconditionally? What would her mother be like? What would her father be like? There were too many questions running around in her head.

Evie loved being in the forest. Her mind wondered about Robin Hood, who was told to be her father. Blue Fairy had told her everything she needed to know. Her father had stolen from the rich and gave to the poor. He spent almost all of his life in the forest, leading The Merry Men before he met her real mother. That must be an adventurous life he had made. Speaking about her real mother, the thought of Queen Regina filled her mind.

Regina was a former Evil Queen, used to hunt Snow White down because she had killed her first love. She used to be fed by her anger, her rage, believing that nobody could ever love her until she met Robin Hood. Her father robbed one of her mother's carriages and of course, it sent the Evil Queen on her edge. He was sentenced to death but at the night of his execution, something changed within her when she finally looked into those blue orbs. There was something inside her that attracted to him though it required him so much effort to let her break her walls down.

He fell in love with her at the first sight. He loves her since the day he set his foot in that palace. To him, she was just a little misunderstood. He knew that she wasn't all evil like everyone entitled her. He believed she just needed a touch of love to melt the ice in her heart. He was intrigued by her. And eventually, love was on their side. Step by step, piece by piece, bit by bit, he mended her cold, shattered heart back. Thanks to Robin Hood, the Evil Queen finally knew how it felt to love again. It took her a long time to finally be accepted as the Good Queen; what she had done was too cruel to be forgotten easily. Snow White made it easier; if Snow White–the princess who Regina had hunted for years–can forgive her, so why can't everyone else? Snow made everyone realize that Regina deserves her second chance and she was the only one who fits to rule the Enchanted Forest. The royal wedding happened and not long after, Evie came into the picture. A princess loved by everyone.

Evie had lost in her mind until she heard familiar screeching voices behind her. It was Zelena's flying monkey; they found her. She ran faster to get away from the beasty creature. Zelena couldn't get to her anymore, there is no way she could take her happiness ever again. Her feet were slower than she thought and it was too late. Her hands were scratched by its claw, leaving such an open wound on her arms that made her doubled over in pain.

"Duck!" A woman's voice instructed as Evie tried to get up and continue to run. She took cover behind the nearest log. The woman was aiming for the flying monkey before releasing an arrow, shooting it right in its heart. The flying monkey fell down with a loud thud.

"Are you okay?" The woman ran towards her, noticing there was a claw wound on her arm. "You're injured! May I?" Evie nodded, and the woman tied clean cloth to stop the bleeding.

She was quite talkative. "I've never seen you but you seem familiar to me. Do you live around here?"

"No, I... I live somewhere far." Evie easily dodged, she doesn't want to even remember about Emerald City anymore.

"So, why are you here?"

Evie sighed. She just can't tell this woman about her journey, about how she found out she was a lost princess, kidnapped by The Wicked Witch, and finally found her way back into the world she belongs. "I just– I want to see the Queen. Anyway, thank you for saving my life. I'm Evie."

The woman starred right into her eyes, jaws dropped. She looked extremely shocked like she just saw a ghost. Choking back, this woman hugged Evie immediately. "That's why you look familiar! I knew you would be safe. I knew you would find your way home. We missed you, Princess; you are dearly missed every day."

Princess. So this woman knows who she is, she must know her story. Evie couldn't hide her excitement. "You know my parents?"

"Of course I know! Regina and Robin are my dear friends! Come on. Let's get you to meet your Mommy!" She dragged Evie's hand, which make her grunted. She grinned awkwardly and apologized right away.

"I'm sorry, but I think I don't have your name yet." Evie asked as the lady helped her to mount on her horse.

"Oh how rude of me! I'm Snow White." She smiled. "Hold tight, dear. We're going home fast." 


Evie's first reaction was amazed. She never looked at something so beautiful before her eyes. All she ever saw in her sixteen years were only gloom and bitterness. She wondered how life could be if this was the place she had growing up; perhaps life wouldn't feel so agonizing. Her steps stopped as her eyes caught the painting. Her eyes tear up instantly, she walked closer to get a better look at it. There was some sort of pain, anger, sad, bliss, touched, stunned, mixed up inside her heart. It was a floor length family picture; her family picture. Now she really knows how her parents look like. The painter perfectly caught how delightful they were. She could see herself–baby Evie–was being hold in her mother's arms; how her eyes reflected such innocence.

"Wait here, I'll tell Regina there's a princess waiting for her." Snow's touch on the shoulder snapped her back into reality.

"Thank you, Aunt Snow– can I call you that?"

Snow grinned and gently squeezed her hand. "Well, I'm honored." She winked. "I'll be right back."



She jumped in her chair, slamming her hand to the desk. "Didn't I tell you to knock!? I was trying to write my letter in peace!"

Snow hugged her, giggling. "Letters can wait! There's someone who's waiting for you and you've been waiting for her!"

"Her? I didn't expect anyone today, Snow. So quit teasing."

"I'm not, Regina. Please. Letters can wait!" She grabbed her hands and slightly pulled her to get up.

"What do you want? You're not a teenager anymore, Snow." Regina rolled her eyes.

"There's someone outside that you have been waiting for years; for sixteen years."

Regina's eyes grew wide. The clue was more than enough. She let go from Snow's grip, rushing to the hall. Her heart beating so fast that she could her it pounding in her ear. Snow White just wouldn't give her a false hope or a cruel joke. Snow White must have told her the truth. She must be here. She ran fast, almost tripping on her dress.

She held the door for a second, gathering the power in her to face her. There was a subtle skepticism running in her head, but she shook them away. Snow White won't trick her, she believed.

She swung them open. The girl's back was facing her and covered in a royal blue hood. Realizing that she wasn't alone anymore, the girl turned around and lowered her hood. Snow White didn't lie. It is her baby, her beloved princess. She is here.

"Hi, my name is Evie. You must be Queen Regina. I'm your– "

Regina ran toward her daughter, shushing her daughter with a tight hug. She cried the tears that have been held for sixteen years. In something that felt like forever, Regina could finally feel relief. Her daughter had grown up into a beautiful young lady; looks exactly like her younger self.

Her knees felt so weak. She sat on the floor, still hugging her princess.

"Mommy missed you." Regina said as she stroked Evie's hair. "I'm so sorry, Evie. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe."

Evie herself drowned in tears. She finally knows how a mother's touch feels like, how warm and loving a mother's embrace should be. She finally knows how it feels to have a place called home.

"Don't blame yourself, Mommy. You did everything you could to protect me." She pulled away, looking into a pair of eyes similar to hers.

"Oh my baby," Regina cupped her cheeks. Evie leaned into Mommy's palm as she stroked her cheek. "How did you found me? Where have you been all these years?"

Evie giggled shyly. "It's a long journey. Mother–I mean Zelena kept me away in her palace. She locked me away for years, until Blue Fairy found me or more like I accidentally found her. She gave me this," Evie showed the magic mirror she had. "It helps me to find you and I'm glad I did."

Regina remembered something, a thing that she has missed for years. Something she had been longing to said directly for years.

"It might be late but happy birthday, my sweet girl. Sorry I missed your other fifteen." She planted a soft, languid kiss on Evie's forehead. Evie leaned closer, relishing on the affection she lacked.

"It never felt like birthdays anyway." She admitted. "Blue has given me the best birthday present I'll ever have."

Both remained silent for quite sometimes, savoring the feel of each other embrace. It took Regina some times to realize Evie's hand was covered in bandage. Something terrible must have happened to her.

"What happened to your arm?"

"I was attacked by Zelena's flying monkey, but Aunt Snow came just in time and saved my life. That's why I met her and she brought me here right after I tell her my name. It's okay, Mommy. It's just a scratch."

"No, we should take care of it. Come on," Regina stood up, and guiding Evie into her chamber. She kept their hand entwined. Though she is sure there her daughter is safe, she still didn't want to let her go in case Zelena could come anytime and ruin everything once again. Besides, it was the least she could do to pay her absence in her early life.

"Wow." Evie was fascinated. Her Mother's chamber was too good to be true. She never saw something as grand as this.

Regina chuckled, motioning her daughter to sit on the couch. Evie wondered, it must be nice to have a cuddle party with her parents as the fireplace was lit up to warm them from the cold winter.

Regina rolled her sleeves as she took a seat beside Evie and untied her bandage. "May I?"

Evie frowned. Mommy wouldn't do any harm, so she just nodded. Soft purple light glowed from Mommy's hand as she ran her hand above her wound, making it disappear.

"There, that should do it." Regina said as she kissed her daughter's knuckles. She realized Evie was alarmed. "Did I hurt you?"

"No," Evie looked down, rubbing her arm. "It's just, I... maybe I need a little adjustment to this light magic thing. Magic had never been good to me."

She hugged Evie. She couldn't even imagine what kind of horror her daughter had gone through. Regina could hear her heart breaking for the beloved princess. Stroking her hair, Regina relentlessly repeated I'm sorry through tears. Zelena had successfully traumatized her, just like what Cora did in Regina's early life.

"That's okay, Mommy. It's not your fault, please stop self-blaming yourself. I know you have done everything and so has Daddy."

"Daddy. You're right, Princess. Daddy has to know that you're home." Regina softly talked through her sobs.

"Where's Daddy?" Her eyes scanned the room. She realized she hadn't seen her Daddy ever since she arrived.

"He just left for Locksley. Daddy was here on your birthday; he always is. We always celebrated your birthday though you're not here."

"Left? You don't live together?" It was something she just recently discovered, Blue didn't tell her this. Why would her parents live separately?

Regina sighed. She never liked to dig up her old wound, this wound. "Do you know your father and I are cursed?"

Evie nodded. She remembered all the pieces Blue tried to show her a few days ago.

"You see, we decided to live separately for our safety. Sharing a kiss is fatal, to say the least. We already lost you. We can't afford to lose each other too. It was, is hard, indeed. But what can we do? I can't break that curse; it was built to be unbreakable. That's why we come into agreement.

"Wait here. I'll send someone to tell your father that you're here."

"Mommy wait." Evie reached for her mother's hand. "Can I write something for Daddy? I'd like him to hear directly from me, please?"

Regina smiled lovingly, knowing her idea is much better than hers. Evie ran to Regina's desk, grabbing the quill and happily write everything that came across her mind. She was grateful to finally meet her real mother but most importantly, Evie was beyond delighted to meet her father, a figure she has lacked since the very start.

"How long does it take to Locksley?"

"Four days ride, top. Let's hope it could get as soon as it can be."

Regina handed the letter to her handmaiden, telling her to send someone real quick to Locksley. She couldn't help but to stare at her daughter. She is exactly like what Regina imagined she would be. Robin was right, their daughter will look exactly like her when she grows up. Evie is a perfect resemblance of her. Her hair, her smile, everything in her is Regina.

Everything still seems hazy for her. This is real. Evie is here. Her daughter is real. None of it is a dream. She hugged Evie for the millionth time, just to make sure that everything is real. She laughed heartily, her heart filled with so much love. Snow White was right, hope wouldn't hurt her; all she had to do is to believe that one day, their lost princess will come home–which she did. Keeping her fingers crossed, she hoped Robin could make it home as fast as he can be.

A/N: Ah, finally another update! I still kinda figuring out how many chapters this story will have tbh 😅 anyway, I hope that you can perhaps leave a note or two about this story so far. Any critique, love, support, anything, that means a lot to me!

All my love,


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