Moises12w3 द्वारा

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(Y/n) Valkyrie, Team RWBY, and Co. have finally reached Mantle, and after fighting so hard and getting throug... अधिक

Character Bio:
Chapter One: The Devil is in the Details
Chapter Two: About time for an Upgrade
Chapter Three: Still Human
Chapter Four: A Blue Spark
Chapter Five: Election Fight Night
Chapter Six: Anticipation is Killer
Chapter Seven: Dinner Served Cold
Chapter Eight: A Stampede of Trouble
Chapter Nine: No Time to Die
Chapter Ten: The Right Thing?
Chapter Eleven: Good Luck
Chapter Twelve: We all Fear

Prologue: A Night in the City

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Moises12w3 द्वारा

3rd POV:

Intercom Lady: "Manta 5-1, welcome home, please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay Omega 12, a security team will meet you there over." The lady on the intercom said.

Ruby: "I don't understand...What's happening here?" Ruby asked as everyone was looking at the air fleet in concern, they looked prepared for an assault.

Qrow: "I don't know..." Qrow said also unsure what was up.

Jaune: "Look we may not know what's up but we're here, we got the lamp to Atlas, let's just land and get some answers." Jaune suggested.

(Y/n): "He's right Ironwood knows us, so if we ask them they'll take us to him." (Y/n) said.

Weiss: "Or they won't." Weiss said as everyone looked at her confused as she looked at the fleet with skwented eyes.

Weiss: "I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before, if we land in a stolen ship there's no way the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood...and they might even take me back to my father." Weiss informed.

(Y/n): "Hmm well as much as I'd like to see my future father in law, we definitely don't want that." (Y/n) said ruffling her hair as she blushed and slapped his hand away.

Blake: "So...what do we do?" Blake asked.

Weiss: "Oh! I got it, Winter!"

(Y/n): "I mean this place is surrounded by icy tundra so what's your point?"

Weiss: "No you dunce my sister, Winter!" Weiss said pulling out her scroll.

Weiss: "Mind putting some distance between us and the fleet?" Weiss asked Maria.

Maria: "You don't have to ask me twice." Maria said steering the airship towards the city below.

(Y/n): "Man... this is my first time in a big city like this,  but for being the city under Atlas, this place doesn't really look like a tourist's delight right now." (Y/n) looking out at the city.

Ares: "He's right, even Vale and Mistral had more life to them than this, that's why I hate cities." Ares said leaning on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Nat: "I didn't get to explore much of Mistral but I don't think this is the time for sightseeing." Nat said walking up to their side.

While passing by a tall building they suddenly started hearing Ironwood's voice, they all looked over and saw a lit up screen showing Ironwood himself.

Ironwood: "...And we can't express our appreciation enough, many describe this as uncertain times, and while that may be the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain, the kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and it will remain safe, that is my promise." Ironwood announced.

Yang: "Man...general Ironwood...he looks so..."

Ruby: "...Tired." Ruby said finishing her sentence.

Qrow: "Oh James...what have you been doing?" Qrow asked concerned.

(Y/n): "Yeah...On the bright side he's killing it with that beard." (Y/n) said as they gave him unamused expressions.

Ares: "Don't know too much of the general but that's a pretty big promise to keep, even for him." Ares said.

(Y/n): "He's a strong man, and a great leader, he'll keep his promise for sure, but in case he can't that's why we're here, to help him keep that promise." (Y/n) said confidently, Ares smiled at his statement but she looked over and saw Nat giving him a concerned expression, once she saw Ares looking at her, Nat changed her expression and walked away but not before saying something.

Nat: "Yeah...we will..." Nat said.

Weiss looked out at the city she grew up in and couldn't help but look at it with such concern, Atlesian Knights were out patrolling every where, small drones were flying around and scanning people and streets, and everyone just looked so bitter and gloomy, the city...it was just so unrecognizable.

Weiss: "This isn't right...none of this is right." Weiss said.

Intercom Lady: "Manta 5-1 we've noticed a detore in your route you were to make your way to docking bay Omega 12 immediately do you copy over?"

Maria: "We're kind of running out of time here kids." Maria announced.

Yang: "Well we gotta ditch the ship." Yang suggested.

Qrow: "Agreed, we'll get lost in Mantle and buy ourselves some time." Qrow said.

Nat: "Wait guys I don't think that's such a good-"

Weiss: "Guys I'm telling you, my sister can get us to Ironwood." Weiss said.

Blake: "Uh Weiss..." Blake said as Weiss walked over and saw her sister show up on the screens.

Winter: "A reminder: Failure to cooporate with Atlas military personal is a punishable offense..."

Weiss: "Winter..?"

Qrow: "No offense Weiss, but I don't think that's such a good idea anymore." Qrow said.

Weiss: "There's obviously somethings very wrong, if we can just talk to her maybe we can-"

Qrow: "Look I'm not even sure we should be talking to Ironwood until we know exactly what's going on with Mantle." Qrow said.

Weiss: "But-"

Maria: "Alright everyone calm down, I know someone who can help with both." Maria said.

(Y/n): "Is it a bad time to say Winter looks great since last we saw her?" (Y/n) said as Blake and Yang elbowed him.

Intercom Lady: "Manta 5-1 you are to make your-"

Maria: "Geez lady take a hint." Maria said turning off the radio as she steered the airship down on a roof of a building.

Maria: "Alright after we're off of this building everyone stay close and don't do anything to cause attention, (Y/n)?" Maria said looking at (Y/n).

(Y/n): "What?! Me?! Nora's louder than me, Yang's hair glows bright yellow, Ruby can busrt into rose petals, and Weiss uses her glyphs! Don't just assume I'm gonna cause a scene!" (Y/n) said offensively.

Maria: "Please Lightning boy, your power is way flashy and out there it's laughable." Maria said.

(Y/n): "I can be discreet if I want to!" (Y/n) argued.

Maria: "Is that a fact? Because that outfit of yours is so out there it's funny." Maria said as everyone giggled.

(Y/n): "Seriously?! Ruby, Qrow, and Nat are also wearing capes!!"

Nora: "No offense lil bro but they can do it without gaining too much attention, but you wearing a cape just screams "HEY LOOK AT ME!!" You know what I mean?"

(Y/n): "Okay first of all, I thought you had my back you traitor! Secondly, I look good in this cape and anything I wear, and finally, it's not like I can just change out of this! It just magically appeared!" (Y/n) said annoyed as he turned away with a pout.

Blake: "He's got a point." Blake said rubbing his shoulder to calm him.

Ares: "Actually I think I can help with that." Ares said as she held out her hand and it started glowing a bright green, suddenly (Y/n)'s whole body also began to glow green as he was now wearing a different outfit.

(Y/n): "What the heck was that Ares?" (Y/n) asked as he looked down and realized he was wearing a new outfit.

Everyone: "WHOA!!"

Nat: "How did you do that?" Nat asked Ares.

Ares: "Hey while you were playing puppy with Thor all those decades ago, I was in charge of looking after Queen Frigga, and that lady was raised by witches, so I got a few tricks of my own." Ares said proudly.

Nora: "Can you do that to the rest of us?"

Ares: "Nope sorry I can only do it once and then I have to wait for it to recharge."

Everyone: "Dang it."

(Y/n): "Whoa hold on what about Mjolnir and StormBreaker?" He asked looking around.

Ares: "Well those umbrellas on the floor are your weapons." She said pointing as two umbrellas were seen on the floor.

Jaune: "Really? They are?" Jaune said going down to pick one up as he couldn't.

Jaune: "Whoa what the heck!?!" Jaune said as (Y/n) went over and picked them both up as he could sense they were his weapons but they didn't look or feel like his weapons.

(Y/n): "How do I turn them back?" He asked.

Ares: "Activating Odin's force will cancel it and turn your weapons and your outfit back like you want.

(Y/n): "Sweet sounds simple enough." He said putting one on the inside of his jacket while he held the other on hand.

Maria: "Okay come on y'all let's get a move on." Maria said as the all got out of the ship, climbed down the stairs, and walked out of an ally way on to the sidewalk.

(Y/n): "Well let's hope nobody recognizes me." (Y/n) said as Ares looked over at Nat, who looking everywhere while her hand was on her sword handle.

Ares*Whispers*: "Nat what's wrong?" Ares asked coming over to her fellow Valkyrie.

Nat*Whispers*: "Ares, mantle is territory to two of the High Order'smembers, if they discover (Y/n)'s here they'll send everyone they've got after him, and that will in danger everyone else who gets in their way, you, me, and everyone here care too much about (Y/n) to just let him fight alone." Nat said.

Ares*Whispers*: "Well to be honest I haven't been here since...um...hmm I don't really remember, but what do you want to do about it?" Ares asked as Nat suddenly stopped.

Nat: "(Y/n) Wait!" Nat said as everyone stopped.

Yang: "Something wrong?"

Maria: "What's going on?"

(Y/n): "What's wrong Nat?"

Nat: "There's... something me and Ares have to do, I know this is sudden and out of nowhere but it's important." Nat said.

(Y/n): "What? Nat what's happening? Why are you guys leaving?" (Y/n) asked concerned as he walked up to her.

Nat: "We need to go do something urgently, I don't know how long it'll take but it's something we have to do." Nat said.

Yang: "Do you need some of us to go with cause we can lend some-"

Nat: "No Yang it's fine, please it has to be us, and just us."

(Y/n): "No, Nat come on, we just got you back, I can't lose you again, nor you Ares." (Y/n) said with a saddened expression.

Ares: "Awe I feel so included."

Nat: "Please don't make me do this (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "I'm not making you do anything I just don't want you to-" before he could finish Nat got down on one knee.

Weiss: "What's she doing?" Weiss said as everyone look around nervously.

(Y/n): "Nat you don't have-"

Nat: "Your Majesty, as your personal guard I ask of you to permit me and Ares to do what we have to." Nat said as (Y/n) quickly stood her up.

(Y/n): "Nat you're gonna draw attetion to us with you kneeling like that!" (Y/n) told her.

Nat: "Look your Majesty, I'll keep kneeling and drawing attetion if I have to if it means you'll let us go, in fact Ares why don't you come kneel with me." Nat said.

Ares: "Do I have to, these streets are dirty."

Nat: "Ares just do it!! I'm trying to make a point here!!"

Ares: "Ugh fine!" Ares said about to do it as (Y/n) stopped her.

(Y/n): "Alright alright can y'all excuse us for a sec?" (Y/n) said pulling Nat and Ares away to get some distance from the rest.

Maria: "Well make it snappy Mijo! We're sitting ducks out here!" Maria said as everyone else acted natural as they could.

(Y/n): "Alright look as your king I order you to tell me where you guys are going and why?" He said crossing his arms.

Nat: "Alright well me and Ares are going to go find out what we can on the High Order members that are here in Mantle and if their going to send any assassins after your ass, since without a doubt they will!" Nat said a bit angrily.

(Y/n): "Oh shit I forgot about that." He said scratching his head as they both faceplamed.

Nat: "Look it's better of it's just me and Ares that way no one finds out about your bounty and we'll finally be ready for any attacks, so is it too much to ask you to trust us and let us help you for once?" Nat asked.

(Y/n): "...Okay just...be careful, I don't want to lose either of you...I wouldn't be able to handle it." (Y/n) said honestly.

Nat: "(Y/n) we're your personal guards, if we couldn't handle ourselves then we wouldn't be here now would we?"

(Y/n): "Point taken." He said as suddenly Nat hugged him, much to his surprise.

Nat: "Just stay out of trouble and watch out for everyone till we get back alright?"

(Y/n): "You know me." He said hugging her back as they let go.

Nat: "Unfortunately, but we'll be back as soon as we can, let's go Ares." Nat said as she walked away as Ares came up to (Y/n)

Ares: "Don't die." She said as (Y/n) looked at her confused.

Ares: "You know what I mean." Ares said running after Nat.

Blake: "Where are they going?" Blake said suddenly behind (Y/n) as he got spooked.

(Y/n): "Holy Oum! Blake what the heck!?"

Blake: "I thought you could feel me coming at you, with your um what was it called? your danger tingle!"

(Y/n): "Really? Danger tingle? Please don't call it that." He said annoyed as they walked back to the others.

Maria: "Y'all done flirting? Come on let's get movin." Maria said as they all kept walking toward wherever they were going.

Yang: "So where did they need to go?" Yang asked.

(Y/n): "I'm...not really sure, Nat said it was personal and that they'd catch up to us when they could." (Y/n) half lied.

Ruby: "I hope it's nothing bad, their really cool teammates." Ruby said.

(Y/n): "Yes they are."

Maria: "Alright y'all were getting close it shouldn't be that much of a walk."

Jaune: "Is this many soldiers...normal?" Jaune asked noticing a lot of Atlesian Knights out.

Weiss: "No...at least I don't think so." Weiss said unsure.

Yang walked with (Y/n) in the back as they both noticed a small flying drone right next to them on the street.

(Y/n): "Uh is that some police drone or some drone taping us for social media?" (Y/n) asked.

Yang: "I don't know, let's just keep walking." Yang said as they kept walking but suddenly the drone began to follow them as they both stopped.

(Y/n): "Okay we're being stalked." (Y/n) said uncomfortably as suddenly it got close to both and it took a picture of them.

(Y/n): "Ah what the heck my eye." (Y/n) said rubbing his eye cause of the flash while Yang kicked it away, it bounced on the street as it was going to fly up but suddenly it was hit by a car.

(Y/n): "Ha! Nice one Yang."

Yang: "Eh it was nothing, nobody takes a picture of me or my man without consent." She said as she turned and saw everyone staring at her and (Y/n).

Yang: "Uh...we should probably pick up the pace." Yang said as everyone started walking again.

Maria: "Man you have to remember that this kingdom had just lost the Great war, the people of Mantle needed a sign of a brighter future, and that sign was Atlas, after all a home in the clouds is as bright as it could get."

(Y/n): "Yeah till everyone else wants to go up there too." (Y/n) said as suddenly in front of them a truck of oil covered workers passed by with upset faces.

Nora: "(Y/n)'s right it's cool till you have to be the one to look up at it without being able to be up there." Nora agreed.

Blake: "Yeah, I mean this city...it seems so awful.." Blake said.

??: "Yeah?! You don't like it here? There's plenty of space out in the tundra!" Some random drunk guy with glasses said, overhearing what Blake said.

Blake: "Sorry I didn't mean to-"

Drunk guy: "Atlas is the greatest kingdom in the world alright!"

Ruby: "Hey!"

Blake: "Don't Ruby, we can't cause a scene." Blake said holding Ruby back.

Other Drunk guy: "The embargo...the embargoes has us in a rough patch...but it'll blow over y'all see." This other drunk guy with a beanie said.

Drunk guy: "We-we tried and helped the other kingdoms and this is what happens?! I say let them rot!" The guy stated angrily.

Blake: "Look I apologize, I didn't mean to insult you." Blake said kindly.

Drunk guy: *Spites on the ground* "Stupid Faunus like you wouldn't understand wha-" before he could finish (Y/n) suddenly walked up to him angrily as he grabbed him by his sweater and picked him up while still walking.

(Y/n): "You made your point pal! Now beat it!!" (Y/n) said angrily as he threw the guy into a dumpster, the other drunk guy got scared as he hide behind a corner.

Blake: "(Y/n) what the hell!?" Blake said grabbing his arm as some Atlesian Knights were coming over and they all took off running, the other drunk guy came out of the corner as he recognized someone.

Drunk Guy: "Hey wait! Wasn't that (Y/n) Valk-agh!" He said falling over.

The group ran to put some distance as they stopped to catch their breaths.

(Y/n): "Phew! Just like old times right Nora?" (Y/n) said with a smile.

Nora: "You got that right."

Suddenly Blake came over and surprisingly slapped (Y/n) in the face.

(Y/n): "Ow! What the heck Blake!?" He said rubbing his cheek.

Blake: "You idiot! What did we say about causing a scene!?" Blake said a bit angrily.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry women, I just couldn't let him disrespect you like-"

Blake: "(Y/n) just stop!" Blake shouted as she slammed (Y/n) up against the wall and everyone just watched in surprise.

Blake: "Look at me." She told him as he do so.

Blake: "I grew up with comments like those, some even worse than what he was going to say, and I thank you for standing up for me but don't do it like that, you doing stuff like that only provokes more hate, just because you helped with Beacon and Haven doesn't mean everyone will like the Faunus like you do, there will always be people like that, so please...don't do something like that again okay?" Blake asked him.

(Y/n): "Y-yeah okay I'm sorry." He said as Blake smiled and got closer to she whisper something.

Blake*Whispers*: "You're already doing enough with that bounty on your head." Blake whispered as (Y/n) went wide eyed with surprise.

Blake*Whispers*: "Don't worry I won't tell, but you're telling me the full thing next time we are alone you hear?" Blake said scooting away.

Maria: "Can we go now? We're literally next door." Maria said as they all just agreed and kept going, they went to the side of a building as they saw a young girl coming out with a mechanical arm, inside they heard someone say something.

??: "And no more heavy lifting you hear?"

Maria: "Come on you're all really going to love this guy, Ah it's good to see you again old friend!" Maria said walking in as everyone else walkes in and saw an old man managing the place.

??: "Ah yes yes...Have we met?" He said kindly.

Ren: "Well this is off to a fantastic start." Ren commented.

(Y/n): "Ren shame on you."

Ren: "What?!"

(Y/n): "Have you no respect for your elders?!"

Ren: "What? Of course I do, all I say was-"

(Y/n): "Don't you know Ren, old people are the greatest, their filled with wisdom and experience!" He said proudly as Ren faceplamed and everyone else chuckled.

Maria: "And that's why I like him best, but anyway I have cybernetic optimal implants? You adjust them every ten years or so? Any of it ring a bell?" She said as the man skwented and started thinking deeply.

??: "...Hmm Maria! Ah yes with the cybernetic optimal implants, I adjust them every ten years or so, has it been that long already?" He asked as he came out from behind his desk riding on some mechanical spider like chair as he lead Maria over to a medical bed.

Maria: "I know, I age like fine wine, and I would have been here sooner if I hadn't run into these jokers along the way, at the time I thought they could use my guidance while fighting some little of spinks."

??: "Oh I see did they?"

Maria: "Oh no no, they had much more complicated issues." She said laughing.

Qrow: "Ahem! And this is..?"

Maria: "Ugh so impatient, I didn't think I needed to introduce one of Atlas' finest minds." Maria said.

Yang: "Working in a place like this?" Yang said as a wooden piece fell from the roof.

(Y/n): "Eh I think it's more homie."

Maria: "Haha again my favorite one, but anyway he likes to keep a low profile, unlike all of you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Wow! I'm her favorite but she still likes putting me on blast." (Y/n) said shaking his head.

??: "Hahaha I like him, but anyway you all can call me Pietro."

Maria: "Finest heart too, this is just a pharmacy he volunteers when he inst building the future up in Atlas alongside Ironwood up in the clouds." Maria informed.

Pietro: "Oh it's stuffy up there, down here I get to help the locals and have a little fun, I'm currently working on some shoes that can help you dance, you guys want to try them on?" He asked.

(Y/n)/Nora: "Heck yes!!" The Valkyrie siblings said excitedly.

Yang: "Wait wait before that, we were wondering if you could help us, we came to Atlas hoping to talk with general Ironwood but um..."

Blake: "We were wondering what's been happening here?" Blake asked.

Pietro: *Coughs* *Coughs* "Well the Fall of Beacon took a toll on all of us, James was no different." Pietro said as Nora noticed (Y/n) looking away sadly as she grabbed his hand.

Pietro: "I can't tell you exactly what he saw there but it changed him he's..."

Qrow: "He's scared." Qrow said.

Pietro: "Paranoid would be the more appropriate term, but you do have to understand it wasn't just the Grimm, someone else completely dismantled the Atlas security code, made it their plaything, it made us look like traitors to some and buffoons to everyone else..." Pietro said ashamed.

(Y/n): "Sir I just want to say, we were there when Beacon fell, and I just want you to know that I stand with Atlas, none of you are traitors or buffoons to us, you helped us back in Beacon the best you all could, and that's all any of us could do, our best, so no one here blames any of you sir." (Y/n) said giving him a bow out of respect.

Pietro: "My boy I appreciate your kind and inspiring words, but what the general and I fear is that whoever was behind the security codes was either a genius or one of ours, and what we dread is that it could be both." Pietro said unsure and fearful.

Ren: "Maybe...Atlas isn't as safe as we thought."

(Y/n): "Ren!"

Ren: "What? I'm just saying what everyone is probably thinking (Y/n)."

Oscar: "Even after we came all the way here? We can't just leave can we?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Guys come on we can't just-"

Weiss: "Look I agree with whatever (Y/n) is going to say, I mean what does the council have to say about this Or Winter Schnee do you know anything about her?" Weiss asked.

Pietro: "Well the council is so scared they'll agree to whatever Ironwood wants, although some of the representatives of Mantle are...wait you're...you're Weiss Schnee!" He said as that spooked everyone a bit.

Yang: "Wait what were you trying to say about Mantle?" Yang said as she stepped out and Pietro was looming at her metal arm.

Pietro: "You...You painted it?" He said talking about her arm.

Yang: "Um what?"

Ruby: "Is something wrong?"

Pietro: "Wait...are you team RWBY?!" He asked as the girls looked at each other confused.

Ruby: "Wait you know us!?"

Pietro: "Oh my girl I do, I most certainly do, and I feel like such a dense not recognize you all sooner." He said scratching his head as he chuckled.

(Y/n): "Wow I'm glad I'm not the only famous one now." He said happily as as Pietro looked over at (Y/n) with wide eyes.

Pietro: "It's...it's you." Pietro said coming up to him as he grabbed his metal arm and started examing it.

Pietro: "I've...I've seen this design once before." He said amazed.

(Y/n): "You have?"

Pietro: "Yes I'm the one who designed it, but only the blue prints to it, but this arm it's magnificent, who made it?" He asked.

(Y/n): "Um it was made by someone I cared about, her name was Jenna, but she liked me calling her Mema." He said as Pietro looked at him surprised.

Pietro: "Wait you know Jenna?!"

(Y/n): "Y-yeah I do, why you know her?" He asked.

Pietro: "Haha of course I do, that women was as good at making deals as she was friendly, we became friends faster than a snap of your fingers haha, how is she?" He asked as (Y/n) looked away sadly.

(Y/n): "She...she passed away." (Y/n) told him as his expression changed to a sad one as he sat back on his chair.

Pietro: "O-oh I see...I'm sorry to hear that..." He said saddened.

(Y/n): "It's...it's okay sir, she...she died peacefully." (Y/n) said with a half smile.

Pietro: "I see...well may her soul rest in peace, but anyway I'm at least glad to finally meet you in person Mr. Valkyrie, my daughter has talked about you all, especially you two." He said pointing at (Y/n) and Ruby.

Ruby: "Your daughter?" Ruby asked confused as suddenly a siren started ringing really loudly.

(Y/n): "What the heck is that?!"

Ren: "Trouble." Ren said as everyone beside Maria and Pietro ran outside.

Pietro: "Wait!" He said as they already went out into the street, people were running around panicking and heading indoors as the gang whipped out their weapons, Blake pulled out her Gambol Shroud as she remembered that it's blade was broken, in which case she transformed it into it's gun mode.

Oscar: "I guess the city's defenses are doing much."

Nora: "Some how that doesn't surprise me." Nora said as a few blocks down Atlesian Knights were seen shooting at something while some were being thrown around like ragdolls.

Ruby: "Well we didn't come this far to fail now!" Ruby said taking out her Crescent Rose and stabbing it on the floor ready to shoot what was coming.

Suddenly they saw Sabyrs Grimm attacking the Atlesian Knights as they charged at them.

(Y/n): "Now this is more like it." (Y/n) said coming up in front of the gang as he smashed his umbrellas down on the floor as a lightning bolt struck down on him and transformed his umbrellas to his weapons and his outfit to a new sleeveless outfit.

(Ignore Loki but you get the gist.)

Yang: "Flashy but slow big guy!" Yang shouted as she charged first.

(Y/n): "We'll see about that!" (Y/n) said as he spun Mjolnir and charged next.

Ren: "Let's go." Ren said charging behind them as he left Nora behind.

Nora: "Hey!" She shouted as she looked back at Jaune and smirked.

Jaune: "What?!" Jaune said as Nora ran at him as he held his shield up and she used it as a boosted lift off, the four attacked the first as following them came Qrow who was happily back to be swinging his scythe around magnificently as always.

Jaune was also holding his own as he slashed with his sword and blocked with his shield like a pro, clearly a show of his improvement.

Oscar stepped up as well as one of the Sabyrs charged at him, once before Oscar would have been afraid, but this time he held his ground and and charged as well as he jumped up and with one hit with Ozpin's cane to it's neck the Grimm was finished.

Suddenly another Sabyrs was about to pounce on his back when a shot was fired at it by Ruby who nodded at Oscar, and now it was time for team RWBY's leader to show her stuff as she transformed her Crescent Rose and charged at full speed, she slashed, zoomed, and shot her way through while using her Semblance as she took out some Sabyrs like they were nothing, she finished it off with a side spin as she slammed Crescent Rose on the ground and took three out simultaneously.

Weiss was seen slashing one Sabyrs a little less classy than normally but when she noticed a few more coming from the side she smiled and summoned a couple gravity glyphs on the ground as the Sabyrs ran over them and suddenly they started floating in the air, Ren ran up and hopped from one to the others in a flash as he slashed them all singlehandedly.

A Sabyrs was seen running up to Yang while she had her back turned as it was close to pounce on her when suddenly it was shot just in time, Yang turned and saw it was Blake who had her back as Yang noticed one about to pounce on Blake but before it could it was quickly sliced in half by a green laser.

Everyone but (Y/n) looked up in surprise as whatever or whoever was firing the laser was tooking out the remaining Sabyrs like they were nothing.

(Y/n): "Alright kitty cats! (Y/n) Valkyrie coming at you!!" (Y/n) shouted excitedly as he was about to take out the last one when it too was sliced in half by the green laser.

(Y/n): "Uh okay what?" He said confused when he noticed something or rather someone flying over them.

(Y/n): "Ironman?" (Y/n) said confused as whoever it was landed in front of them gracefully, Pietro came over with his chair as Ruby suddenly gasped in surprise as she realized who it was!

Ruby: "Penny..." Ruby said surprised and happy at the same time.

Pietro: "Darling, why don't you say hi to your friend." Pietro said as suddenly Penny's expression changed to a very excited one with sparkling eyes.

Penny: "SAL-"

Ruby: "Huh?"

Penny: "-U-" penny said getting in a running's position.

Ruby: "Ehh?"

Penny: "-TATIONS!!!!" She shouted excitedly as she ran at full speed, zoomed by everyone like a rocket, and tackled hugged Ruby really hard.

Ruby: *Groaned in pain*

Everyone but (Y/n) but their weapons away as they walked over happily.

Penny: "It is such a pleasure to see you all again!" Penny said very happily as Ruby held her head in pain but got up.

Ruby: "Penny I...I-I thought you..."

Pietro: "Died? I guess in a manner of speaking she did, but we were able to recover her core from Amity arena and once it made its way back to Atlas, it took me some time but-"

Penny: "I'm as good as new! Better even! And now I'm the offical protector of the city!" Penny said proudly.

Pietro: "That's my girl! We're not going to let a little ripping to shreds stop us are we? Hehe." He asked happily.

Penny: "No sir." She agreed as she knocked on her head.

Weiss: "This is..."

Blake: "Strangely wholesome."

Yang: "Sounds like Penny to me, right (Y/n)? (Y/n)...?" Yang said as she and the other girls looked over at (Y/n) who just stood there with his weapons in hand as he looked in shock, everyone looked over at him as he didn't respond.

Blake: "(Y/n)?" Blake said as (Y/n) dropped his weapons and walked up to Penny who looked at him also in surprise.

(Y/n): "P-Penny?" He said in utter surprise as he held out his hands, which were shaking, as he felt his hands cup her face, he couldn't help but let tears flow out of his good eye.

Penny: "Awe why are you crying?" Penny asked a little confused as she cupped his cheek.

(Y/n): "Hehehe is this *Sniffles* a dream?" He asked sniffling as he wipped his tears.

Penny: "Well according to my optimal scanners you're 100% awake, and only 5% exhausted from battle." Penny said with a smile.

(Y/n): "Oh okay good to know." He said as suddenly, much to everyone and Penny's shock he brought her into a passionate kiss, Penny was wide eyed in total surprise as she was also deeply blushing, and though it was making her feel embarrassed she couldn't find it in herself to push him away, instead she closed her eyes and went along with it, this was like a whole new feeling to her, and she liked it.

(Y/n) and Penny pulled away slowly as they opened their eyes and didn't stop staring into each other's eyes, they had a sparkle in their eyes as it felt like they were both in a peaceful zone.

Nora: *Wolf whisles* "So how many sister-in-laws I'm I going to end uo having?" Nora said coming inbetween them as they were brought back to reality.

(Y/n): "Huh? Oh! Uh...I'm-I'm so s-sorry about that!!" (Y/n) said with a blush as he covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

RWBY: "Rrrriiight." They all said with their arms crossed and looking away with pouts.

(Y/n): "I am!!"

Jaune: "So how many girls is that?"

Ren: "Let's count." Ren said using his fingers to count as him, Jaune, and Oscar we're huddled together.

(Y/n): "What the heck guys!!"

Pietro: "Hahaha my my lady killer aren't cha! Haha reminds me when I was that age!" Pietro said laughing.

(Y/n): "Sir no offense but you're not helping! And I'm still shocked your Penny's dad! I mean I thought you were a some young billionaire, playboy, philanthropist! No offense!"

Pietro: "Haha none taken."

Qrow: "Hehe if you were my kid I'd be proud, too bad you ain't, but still congrats." Qrow said patting his back.

(Y/n): "You're not helping either!!"

Maria: "Boys will be boys." Maria said rolling her eyes.

(Y/n): "Uh I am a man!"

Maria: "Right."

Penny: "Ahem! Um well w-we have alot to catch up on don't we? I can't wait!" Penny said happily as suddenly another siren started ringing else where.

Penny: "Oh would you look at that another siren! I guess it will have to wait! Okaylet'stalklaterIcan'twaittohearaboutallyouradventuresi'msoexcitedtohearaboutyourwholeexperieancealso(Y/n)Ican'twaittoseeyouagainbye!!!" She said really fast as she quickly took off.

(Translation: Okay let's talk later I can't wait to hear about all your adventures I'm so excited to hear about your whole experience also (Y/n) I can't wait to see you again bye!!!")

Nora: "Heh that was cute."

(Y/n): "Please stop talking Nora."

Nora: "Anyway honestly I don't know weither It's cause I'm just so happy or because I have a million questions but my head is buzzing." Nora said.

Pietro: "Well luckily I have a million answers but first let's get out of this weather." Pietro said walking away in his chair.

Maria: "I'm still confused on who that girl is, is she important?" Maria asked following behind him.

Jaune: "Well that was unexpected." Jaune said walking up to (Y/n) and putting his hand on his shoulder.

Ren: "Never a dull moment." Ren said putting his hand on (Y/n)'s other shoulder.

Qrow: "But I wouldn't say unwelcomed, I was honestly expecting things to go alot rougher."

(Y/n): "Don't jinx us." (Y/n) said to him as (Y/n) went over to grab his weapons when suddenly his danger sense went off.

(Y/n): "Guys something's not-" before he could finish some type of wired capture device was thrown at everyone as they all dropped to the floor.

Qrow at least managed to draw his sword but soon got wrapped with a wire too.

(Y/n): "You just had to say something didn't you!" (Y/n) said as a bunch of wires were thrown at him, but thanks to his danger sense he was able to dodge them all as he cartwheel away to grab his weapons.

(Y/n): "Alright whoever's doing this show yourself!!" (Y/n) shouted as suddenly four individuals in white outfits suddenly appeared out of nowhere as (Y/n) was in a fighting stance.

(Just pretend (Y/n) is in the middle holding his weapons on the offense.)

??: "Alright kid by the authority of the Atlas military you are hereby ordered to put your weapons down, put your hands behind your head, and get on the floor." Some guy with a sleeveless white outfit ordered as he came up behind (Y/n), who quickly turned to face him.

(Y/n): "Who the hell are you guys!?" (Y/n) asked.

Qrow: "(Y/n) just stay calm and let me handle this, hey buddy! I'm a licenced Huntsmen and these kids are with me!" Qrow said as the guy just ignored him and picked Qrow's sword up.

??: "Secure the rest of their weapons!" The guy ordered as they were about to do so as (Y/n) shouted at them.

(Y/n): "Hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! I am way too unstable and confused for that bullshit! Stop all the goddamn movement! Everybody stop moving!!" (Y/n) ordered as they all stopped and just stood there.

??: "Now son you don't want to make this matter worse than it is, please lower your weapons and do as I say." They guy said holding his hands up.

Pietro: "What is the meaning of this?! Why are the Ace-Ops even doing here in Mantle?!" Pietro said coming back to all the commotion.

(Y/n): "Ace-Ops? You know these guys?!" (Y/n) asked when suddenly the guy took advantage of the moment and threw a small device at (Y/n)'s neck.

(Y/n): "What the fuck did you throw at me!?!" (Y/n) shouted in surprise as he dropped his weapons.

??: "Just a little something our tech guys upstairs came up with against the tough guys like you, now how bout we watch our language sport." The guy said with a smirk as he activated the device on (Y/n)'s neck which suddenly made (Y/n) start convulsing while all his vains started showing and he fell to the floor.

Ruby: "(Y/n)!! What are you doing to him!?!" Ruby asked angrily as the guy turned off the device with a remote he had in his hand.

??: "Don't worry it won't kill him but it will keep him under control or subdue him." The guy said with a smile as his men picked up everyone's weapons, the guy walked over and picked of the Relic of Knowledge as well.

??: "Hmm alright let's get them loaded into the next transport." The guy ordered.

Ruby: "Please! We were just trying to help!" Ruby said to him as he ignored her.

Pietro: "Captain I demand to know what's the meaning of this?" Pietro asked.

??: "Doctor good to see you and well we're here about a report about an unauthorized ship, making an unauthorized landing followed by use of unauthorized weapons by non-liscened Huntsmen." He Informed.

Pietro: "Well I'm sure we can just talk this out."

??: "Oh don't worry they'll be able to talk this out while their up in Atlas." The guy said.

??: "Hey Cap! We have a problem here!" One of his men called.

??: "What's wrong?"

??: "Well I don't know what it is but I can't seem to lift these weapons." His man said as he tried picking up Mjolnir and StormBreaker but couldn't.

??: "Hmm that's strange." He said trying to lift them both himself as even he couldn't.

Qrow: "You can't lift those pal! You have to be very strong or worthy to pick one those up." Qrow informed.

??: "Very strong or worthy? Nonsense have one of the Knights pick them up." The guy ordered as an Atlesian Knight came over and picked them both up.

??: "See, now let's move out!" The guy said as he and his team swung away using some kind of grapple hooks.

The gang were all now in handcuffs as they were all loaded into an airship ready to be taken up to Atlas, (Y/n) who was unconscious was thrown in after everyone else was loaded.

Nora: "Hey! Don't just throw my brother around like a rag doll!!" Nora said angrily.

(Just pretend (Y/n) is unconsious on the ground.)

Qrow: "Okay this...This is much closer to what I was expecting." Qrow said as they closed the doors on them.

Meanwhile on a building not so far from the scene, Nat and Ares stood at the edge as they saw everything that happened.

Ares: "Wow you predicted everything, color me impressed." Ares said.

Nat: *Sighs heavily* "A lot is going to go down here in Mantle and up in Atlas, it's better for them to go up there than to stay down here, for now we have work to do."

Ares: "Right we're going to find the High Order members right?"

Nat: "That's part of it."

Ares: "Part of it? What else are we doing?" Ares asked confused.

Nat: "I didn't tell you but other than you and I, there's two other Valkyries here in Solitas, and there's another on her way here as we speak." Nat informed.

Ares: "Oh wow, how do you know that?"

Nat: "The vision I had, when we were on the ship, it showed me."

Ares: "So that's a good thing right, I mean gathering all the Valkyries would help (Y/n) a fuck ton."

Nat: "I'd like to say that's the case but unfortunately what's coming is going to be an all out fight." Nat said.

Ares: "A fight? Between who?"

Nat: "Us Valkyries who'll fight alongside (Y/n), and those other Valkyries who are going to go against him." Nat informed.

Ares: "What? Why? I get we don't have to follow (Y/n) but why go against him?" Ares asked as Nat didn't answer.

Nat: "I don't know okay!! That vision isn't exactly a full detailed! It only showed me parts, and what I've seen, what I know is coming, It's got me all rattled Ares so I'm sorry if I can't tell it to you straight but I'm afraid!!" Nat shouted as she turned her back to Ares.

Ares: "Nat...what did you see?" Ares asked as Nat turned to her with tearful eyes.

Nat: "...It's Hela Ares...She's coming back." Nat told her as Ares went wide eyed in fear as she turned around and looked up at sky.

Ares: "All Fathers...help us."


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