Coffee: a Hitman Story (Scree...

By jgblodgett26

752 197 545

While scouting his latest mark in a small town coffee shop, a hitman engages in four seemingly random convers... More

Title/Intro to COFFEE
Scene 1: The Hitman, The Mark and The Student
Scene 2: The Vixen
Development Key Art: Paul, April & Sky
Development Key Art: Leanne (The Vixen)
Scene 3: The Hustler
Development Key Art: Ernie (The Hustler)
Scene 4: The Retiree & The Mrs.
Development Key Art: Mr. Sullivan (The Retiree)
Development Key Art: Nigel
Scene 6: Final Decision

Scene 5: Nigel

40 13 68
By jgblodgett26


Paul enters the bathroom and walks up to the urinal. The door bangs open and Paul carefully watches in the reflection of the flush handle as a man approaches.

The man walks up to the urinal beside him. NIGEL(47), a large man, wearing an ill-fitting suit. He wears a gold watch which sparkles when it catches the light.

They stand in silence for a moment, not making eye contact. Nigel eventually speaks with a working-class English accent.

NIGEL:  I've drank too much bloody tea today.

Paul smiles but says nothing.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  What brings you here, mate?

Paul gets a look on his face. A "is this guy really trying to start a conversation while we pee?" kind of look.

PAUL:  Just the coffee.

NIGEL:  Yeah, they have a good brew here. Nothing like a good cup a joe. That is what you yanks call it, yeah?

Nigel smiles toothily.

Paul responds by flushing the urinal and walking over to the sink to wash his hands. Nigel joins him.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Did I tick you off or something?

PAUL:  No. Just not in the mood for another conversation.

NIGEL:  (smiles) Unless it's with a nice young bird, I'll bet?

Paul dries his hands and then walks out without saying anything. He simply raises his hand to show his wedding ring.


Paul returns. Sky has left a little origami bird on his table.

He picks it up and looks around for Sky, she's nowhere to be found. He sets the bird down and takes a seat.

He takes a sip of coffee and picks up his book.

Nigel sits down at the table across from him. He watches Paul, who does his best to ignore him. Nigel's right hand is bandaged where his thumb would be.

NIGEL:  Interesting choice of book. Wouldn't have thought you were into trashy novels.

Paul sets the book down and glares at him.

PAUL:  I don't know who you are, but is there a reason you're bothering me?

NIGEL:  Didn't mean to bother you, mate. Just thought you might like to talk about some literary stuff. I happen to review books.

PAUL:  Good for you.

NIGEL:  You can learn everything you need to know from books. For example... (beat) "All men live enveloped in whale lines. All are born with halters round their necks; but it is only when caught in the swift, sudden turn of death, that mortals realize the silent, subtle, ever present perils of life."

PAUL:  Moby Dick.

NIGEL:  You know your stuff. Good.

Paul turns his eyes away again.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Can I get your opinion on something?

PAUL:  What?

NIGEL:  You know The Catcher in the Rye?

PAUL:  I do.

NIGEL:  What do you think of the theory that J.D. Salinger wrote the book in conjunction with the FBI and the CIA to act as a trigger for otherwise normal young men to commit assassinations?

Paul rolls his eyes.

PAUL:  Is that a serious question?

NIGEL:  What about the theory that Stephen King was the one who really killed John Lennon?

PAUL:  What? I've never heard that before. Who would even believe that?

Nigel laughs a zany laugh.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Just checking to make sure you're not a loony. I can't stand nutters.

Paul casts him a look then goes back to his book.

Nigel looks around the room. None of the other patrons are reading books.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  So few novel enthusiasts these days. I'm actually writing an article right now 'bout how the popular novel has died as an art form.

Paul reluctantly takes an interest.

PAUL:  Let me guess. The internet killed it?

NIGEL:  Internet, shorter attention spans, smart-phones, you name it. It's a bloody disgrace.

April passes by their table.

APRIL:  (to Paul) Made a new friend?

PAUL:  I wouldn't say that.

APRIL:  You gentlemen need anything?

PAUL:  No, thank you.

Nigel answers her with a perfect American accent.

NIGEL:  Ma'am, I would definitely like some more Earl Gray Tea, if you don't mind.

APRIL:  Coming right up.

She exits.

Paul stares at Nigel in surprise.

NIGEL:  What?

PAUL:  Do you always randomly pretend to be American?

NIGEL:  Who says I'm pretending? Maybe this is my real accent and I just like to pretend to be a limey?

PAUL:  Why would you do that?

NIGEL:  In my line of work, it pays to be able to hide your true self.

PAUL:  Really? A book critic?

NIGEL:  Or maybe I just have a lot of gambling debts and I don't want people to find me.

He holds his bandaged hand up.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  They said they would take my thumbs but I cut one of them off before they had a chance. (grins) I showed them.

Nigel's grin turns to a mad smile.

Paul is speechless.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  You like the casinos?

PAUL:  Not really.

NIGEL:  I love them. Palaces of peccancy. They're so beautifully... human.

Paul eyes him curiously before speaking.

PAUL:  You're one of the strangest people I've ever met.

NIGEL:  A bit early to make such a grand assumption, I think. (smiles) Maybe not far off though.

They share a long silence before Nigel moves. He takes off his gold watch and places it on the table.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Well, let's get to it then.

He starts a stopwatch counting down from ten minutes.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  You have ten minutes. Ten minutes to make a choice. After that, I'll be gone and it will be made for you.

PAUL:  That sounds fine. Can we just skip to that part?

NIGEL:  But if I leave you'll never find out why I'm here. And believe me, it's a good one.

Paul stands up.

PAUL:  I've got a better idea. I'll just come back when you're gone.

He starts to walk out and Nigel grabs his arm.

PAUL:  Take your hand off me. Or should I call the police?

NIGEL:  Oh I'm sure you wouldn't do that.

Paul eyes him carefully.

PAUL:  You don't know anything about me.

He pulls free of Nigel's grip and carries on walking.

NIGEL:  Suit yourself. But The Mrs. is expecting an answer.

Paul stops.

April tries not to look on from the counter.

Paul turns back around and walks back over.

PAUL:  (lowered voice) What did you say?

Nigel smiles wryly.

PAUL:  Who are you?

Nigel leans in.

NIGEL:  In good time.

Paul eyes him suspiciously.

PAUL:  You're not really a book critic, are you?

NIGEL:  (smiles) I do like to read. But it's not my job. The clock is ticking, Paul.

Paul sits back down.

PAUL:  How do you know my name?

NIGEL:  I know a lot about you, Paul.

Nigel smiles.

Paul looks lost in thought. He speaks.

PAUL:  Did the Mrs. send you here?

Nigel laughs loudly.

NIGEL:  No, I have nothing to do with her. Now I suggest you choose.

PAUL:  Do you work at the University?

NIGEL:  Wrong again. (aggressively) Now choose.

April comes back and refills his tea.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Thank you, sweetheart.

She smiles. She then turns and sees the look on Paul's face.

APRIL:  Everything okay?

PAUL:  Just peachy.

She leaves without another word, eyeing the two men as she does.

NIGEL:  Lovely girl, isn't she?

PAUL:  You can leave her out of it.

NIGEL:  And just what is "it"?

PAUL:  There is no it.

NIGEL:  And she's not a part of it?

Paul slows his pace, as though he wants to choose his words carefully.

PAUL:  (Re: April) Do you know her?

NIGEL:  As well as I know the next one.

Paul taps his fingers nervously on the table.

PAUL:  I'm tired of riddles. Why don't you just tell me why you're here?

NIGEL:  Where's the fun in that?

Nigel sighs and steeples his fingers together.

Paul doesn't bite.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Fine, if that's what you want. (beat) I'm the one who comes for everyone in the end.

PAUL:  The tax-man?

NIGEL:  No, the other one.

Paul stares at him for a moment and then bursts out laughing.

PAUL:  That's a good one. I'm sitting here in a coffee shop with... nah, I won't even say it.

NIGEL:  Stranger things have happened. What's that expression? "Stranger than fiction."

PAUL:  Right. Why do I feel like I've walked into a Monty Python sketch?

NIGEL:  I'm one hundred percent serious. And time is ticking away.

PAUL:  Are you saying you're going to kill me?

Nigel shakes his head slowly.

NIGEL:  I'm not here to kill you. I'm simply here for an answer.

PAUL:  An answer to what? Who sent you?

NIGEL:  An answer to the question that's been knocking around in that brain of yours for the past few weeks. (beat) How's it going to end, Paul?

PAUL:  (chuckles) I get to choose how it ends?

NIGEL:  How. When. I'm sure its one of those.

PAUL:  What if I refuse to choose?

NIGEL:  Now we're gettin' somewhere. (smiles) Even that would be a choice. And all choices have consequences.

Nigel looks over at April, who is bussing another table.

PAUL:  What makes you think I care?

NIGEL:  You care for her. Although I'm not sure why. That was certainly an interesting development. (smiles excitedly) But a welcome one. That's why this choice is so hard for you.

PAUL:  What's this about? (irritated) Sin? Karma?

NIGEL:  It's about neither of those things. I'm just looking for an answer. You are a curious one, sir.

PAUL:  (Re: the watch) And I'm on a time limit?

NIGEL:  Oh, that was your doing. You've been on the clock ever since you had that conversation with The Mrs. a few weeks back. You just didn't know it, although I'm sure you suspected. (smiles) You didn't think The Mrs. would wait around forever. Why do you think she sent you such a test?

Nigel nods towards Sky, who is back at her table minding her business.

Paul looks over to her, ponders for a moment then looks back to Nigel.

PAUL:  You say you don't know her, but you've mentioned The Mrs. twice now—

NIGEL:  Paul. Paul. Paul. Don't change the subject.

Paul looks as though he has been caught off guard.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  You're stalling. Just make the choice.

PAUL:  Since when has death ever been about choice?

Nigel gets serious and leans in close.

NIGEL:  Since the beginning of time.

Paul is stopped in his tracks at this comment.

There is a long silence between the two of them before Nigel sits back and breaks the silence.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Now choose.

Paul snaps at him under his breath.

PAUL:  I don't believe a word you're saying! You were sent here by the University! You're testing me. Is she watching us right now?!

NIGEL:  Nope. No one's watching. It's just... the two of us.

The coffee shop suddenly goes deathly silent around them.

Paul looks up. The house is empty.

Paul stands in a panic and looks around. He tries to steady his breathing and he suddenly hears a ticking and turns to look at the table.

Paul looks down at the stopwatch while another ticking joins in.

Paul looks up at the wall clock.


NIGEL (O.S.):  "How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?"

Paul snaps back to Nigel but says nothing.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Dr. Seuss. Very interesting fellow.

PAUL:  What?

Paul's eyes race about and confusion marks his face.

NIGEL:  Your time is almost up, Paul, and you still haven't chosen. (beat) You're losing control. Something you are not used to.

Nigel sips his tea.

PAUL:  This is bullshit. I don't know why I'm listening to this.

NIGEL:  Because you have to. No one gets to dodge their fate. Ignore it. Turn a cold shoulder. (beat) You think you're special or something? You think the rules are different for a man such as yourself?

PAUL:  I didn't say that.

NIGEL:  Well what are you saying?

PAUL:  I'm not saying anything. I just want to end this conversation. And I want you to leave.

NIGEL:  I'm not leaving until I get what I came for.

PAUL:  My life?!


Nigel slams the table with his fist.

The other patrons come back now and they look around at the sound.

Paul looks around to see concerned looks, suspicious muttering, then everyone slowly goes back to their own concerns as Paul takes a seat.

Nigel leans in close again.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  (lowered voice) I only want one thing from you.

Paul slowly turns back to Nigel and listens intently.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  An answer. To the question you've been mulling over in that very complicated brain of yours.

Nigel takes a sip of tea.

Paul fidgets in his seat.

PAUL:  Why do you care what choice I make?

Nigel shrugs and makes a face.

NIGEL:  Morbid curiosity? (beat) Or maybe I have a bet going with someone and I just have to know.

Nigel smiles at Paul.

Paul's eyes burn with rage now.

Nigel leans back in his seat and speaks in a calm voice before Paul has a chance to respond.

NIGEL:  Do you know who you're actually playing against?

PAUL:  What?

NIGEL:  Earlier this day, the old man said, "It depends on who you're playing against." (beat) Do you know the answer?

Paul is taken aback.

PAUL:  How do you...

NIGEL:  No matter. But the answer is... (beat) ...yourself.

PAUL:  Myself?

NIGEL:  You always play against yourself. There's no one else.

Paul is speechless.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Other players, other... pieces, may come into your path, force you to change the game. (beat) But your opponent has always been you.

He leans in again.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Until you face yourself, put yourself in check, you will never be able to make that decision.

Paul sits with mouth agape. He breathes deeply and runs his hands through his hair. Takes a long moment to calm down, closes his mouth and composes himself.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  (softly) There you go. (sits back) That wasn't so hard, now was it.

Paul looks at him, realization on his face, but also a hint of anger and confusion betrays him.

NIGEL (V.O.):  (Re: watch) Oh, and with time to spare.

Nigel stands.

Paul quickly stands, on guard.

Nigel chuckles.


April looks on at the exchange. Her phone suddenly buzzes and she reaches to check it.


Nigel smiles at Paul.

NIGEL:  Paul, you sir are easily one of the most interesting characters I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. (beat) I don't usually make a trip here for just anyone. I hope you believe that.

Nigel winks and walks away.

Paul does not speak as Nigel walks off. The bell on the door rings louder than usual as Nigel makes his exit.

April comes up to him.

APRIL:  What was that all about?

PAUL:  I'm not completely sure. (beat) But I think I need some air.

He notices the gold watch is still laying on the table. The time has almost run out.

APRIL:  That your watch?

Paul watches it tick for a beat before speaking again.

PAUL:  No.

April picks it up.

APRIL:  Pawn shop it is.

Paul gives her a look.

APRIL (CONT'D):  Just kidding. I'll turn it in to my manager. Maybe that guy will come back.

PAUL:  I doubt it.

Paul watches with a grave look as she starts to walk away with the watch. She places the watch in her pocket, the time reaches its end as the watch disappears into her apron.

Paul stands alone, visibly disturbed by the recent turn of events. His face a mixture of pain, angst, possibly even fear. But his thoughts are soon interrupted by a familiar voice.

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