My Idiot // Luffy x oc

By PirateQueen14

250K 8.4K 1.5K

Lily has always felt like she doesn't belong. One day she finds out that the person she calls her father has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 66

1.3K 60 11
By PirateQueen14

Shirahoshi went to the grave and has been praying for a long time, Jinbei informed us that it belongs to her mother and her name was Otohime.

"Yellow hair, blue eyes, her clothes are like a goldfish?" I asked.

Jinbei froze "Have do you know?"

"I can see spirits, she's rubbing her daughter's back while jumping trying to wipe her tears" I explained as Otohime noticed me then bowed to me and mouthed thank you for bringing Shirahoshi here and I bowed back to her.

"That's amazing" Jinbei mumbled.

"I'm glad Shirahoshi is finally able to be with her again" I grinned "Also Megalo, you did so well!"

He looked exhausted but then swam around happy from my praise, "Lily!" I saw Nami and Camie in what looks like a bubble bus.

"PRINCESS!!" Camie freaked out once she got off the bus.

"Nami! Did the banquet start?" Luffy waved to her.

"Any strawberry tarts? I had a huge one" I grinned.

"NAMI-SWAN!!" Sanji came through like a tornado and got caught up in Shirahoshi's hair but he was happy as he was getting strangled by it concerning us and Shirahoshi cried about how she is murdering someone.

Chopper and I helped him out.

"Anyway, Camie how did you not see her?" I asked.

"Because of your beauty!" Sanji answered for her making me laugh.

Camie went to check on Hachi and Nami explained to us that Neptune has been captured and so was some of our crewmates by someone called Hody.

"Who di?" I tried saying his name.

"I never thought that such things could happen at the Ryugu Palace" Jinbei mumbled.

"Where are the others?" Luffy asked worried.

"I don't know, I was gonna go back as soon as I met you" Nami explained.

"Okay, let's get an army of sharks" I spoke up and Luffy's eyes turned into stars.

Jinbei picked me up "I left the message because I didn't want to get you into trouble" He explained.

"Its Luffy," I said confused as to why he even tried.

Jinbei brought up someone called Arlong who was taken down by Luffy and his crew when they were in East Blue.

"I have to apologise the person who is responsible for setting Arlong loose in the East Blue was me" Jinbei admitted shocking us all and he finally put me down when Luffy started whining that he wanted to hug me.

Nami informed me about her past before so I know what significance this has to her, Sanji then came along with tea while singing "Sanji we are having a serious conversation so stop acting like that!" Nami demanded.

"I love you, even when you're so severe!" Sanji exclaimed.

Luffy sipped my tea "THAT'S NOT FOR YOU!!" Sanji yelled.

Luffy then kissed me making Sanji turn to stone shocking all of us "Oh yeah. he was passed out when I said we are dating" I mumbled as Sanji crumbled away and Chopper cried over him

"Now Jinbei, what do you mean? You set Arlong loose into the East Blue?" Nami questioned him.

Sanji explained how he heard someone say it was so Jinbei could become a warlord and he informed Jinbei about how Arlong killed Nami's mother.

"Depending on what you have to say, I might not forgive you" Sanji glared at him.

"That's Nami's choice" I spoke up.

Nami explained to Jinbei everything Arlong did "Sounds like you had a terrible experience" Jinbei mumbled.

"You bastard! Don't distance yourself!" Sanji yelled.

"Your apology would never make me change the way I feel about Arlong, but meeting Lily and when I went to Sabaody Archipelago 2 years ago, I never knew that such tough Fishmen were persecuted by humans and Lily always had to hide her face, I found out why she wears that cloak and she even had to run from people in Sabaody" Nami mumbled.

Luffy pushed my hood off annoying me "Actually that was my dad" I explained, "He smashed into a wall and got yelled at by an old lady to fix it so he couldn't chase after me anymore."

"I'm not asking you to forgive us! Arlong didn't like humans, he hated them! We went to far" Hachi admitted, "But we yearned for the world that humans live in."

"200 years ago, the Ryugu Kingdom became a member country of the World Government but humans still disliked us, the king was even attacked when he went to attend a world summit but the ones that came to our help was the Kaze D family" Hachi admitted shocking everyone "We have an alliance with them, but I don't know if it's still active especially after now."

"No it's still up and I will force a new one if I have to" I informed him and he looked relieved, "My dad asked of me to check on each country we have an alliance with."

"What ones?!" Luffy asked excitedly.

"Fishman island, Zou and Wano" I answered "Since we wanted to support the other races like us and my dad was friends with someone important from Wano."

"Didn't attacking whoever it was put your family in danger?" Jinbei asked me.

"They might not have attacked them" Nami added.

"Oh, no fists were used before words at some celestial dragons" I grinned making many scream.

"The only consequence from our actions was that we couldn't attend the World Summit anymore and that's it, our island is closed to keep humans out and keep our strength unknown" I explained why they didn't attack us back, "We would like to open it to the world one day but we have many scared of what will happen after and some still hate humans because of what happened to me."

"I'm sorry because of us" Shirahoshi mumbled.

"Oh no, that was 200 years ago!" I laughed "You can think your repayment was giving me that strawberry tart."

"JUST THAT!?" Jinbei and Hachi yelled.

"Anyway, we will probably be able to attend this year since the appearance of a Naren is probably concerning for them, well that's what my mum guessed" I hummed.

Jinbei then explained some more of the history of why they hate humans, pirates attacked the island a lot until Whitebeard showed up claiming the island as part of his territory but the relationship between them and humans didn't change and more fishmen were captured to be sold as slaves.

"I guess its the same with the Nijime and Najima?" Jinbei looked to me and I nodded "Yeah even my auntie was taken by a slave trader and she was never seen again."

Luffy pat my head making me smile "But I have come to understand that some humans are just dicks while some aren't, I would have hated them all if I didn't meet Akira and Luffy" I mumbled.

"Akira?" Everyone mumbled.

"An old friend who was killed by another human" I explained.

Jinbei told us the story of Otohime of how she tried to get the Fishmen to live in harmony with humans but she was killed in the end and told everyone to not hate humans because of her death.

I looked to her and she was smiling warmly at her daughter who was crying.

Jinbei told us about a Fishman called Fisher Tiger and he was amazing he even went to Mariejois to free slaves. He made a crew called the Sun Pirates, Jinbei, Hachi, and Arlong were on that crew.

In the end, he was killed by humans and he asked of his crew not to say about how he was killed by humans since he didn't want them to hate humans just like Otohime.

"Arlong, who did horrible things to your hometown was like a brother to me" Jinbei explained "If he engaged in violence, we were willing to go anywhere in order to stop him ourselves but he always paid off the Navy soldiers around him to keep his actions a secret from the Navy."

"As a result, I made you and many others suffer" Jinbei bowed with his head on the floor "I feel responsible!"

"Oh, yeah? Then why don't you cut your own bel-" Sanji went demand.

"Shut up Sanji" I ordered and they were all shocked "Don't demand for death, I'm sick of that logic, killing and hurting others won't make the pain going away."

"She's right" Nami added.

"But Nami, what they have done to you was-" Sanji tried to retort.

"Lily said shut up" Luffy spoke up making him freeze and I checked to see Luffy is fast asleep, I had my suspicions because his voice sounded very sleepy to me.

"Are you kidding me?" Lukia groaned as I laughed a little.

"This man didn't mean to hurt us" Nami explained.

"I will take any punishment! If it makes you happy-" Jinbei then yelped confusing everyone and he lifted up his arm to see Lukia biting him.

"Can you shut up? My mother was murdered by humans but I would only ever kill one human, I just hate the rest since they are loud" Lukia sighed as she walked back to me making me laugh.

Everyone looked confused except for me and Chopper "She said you're too loud but won't kill you" Chopper explained.

"Thanks?" Jinbei mumbled.

"Well, thank you Lukia for stopping him" Nami grinned "Jinbei, the only one I hate is Arlong, anyway, I'm glad that you are not the mastermind of the Arlong Pirates because you're Luffy's friend, aren't you?"

"Its true that I have gone through hell because of the Arlong Pirates but I met my friends in that horrible turmoil, one thing led to another and I am who I am today, I'm not gonna hate you because you're a Fishman, so don't pity me because of my life" Nami grinned "Its not so bad because I'm enjoying it in the present."

"I don't deserve such words of kindness!" Jinbei admitted, "Thank you!"

"Its nice you were trying to be the responsible one out of you two brothers and take the punishment for him but that doesn't work and you really just deserve a hug" I admitted and hugged Jinbei.

"You just wanted an excuse to hug him" Lukia sighed.

"Of course I have been wanting to hug him! I love that you guys are fish! Its so cool!" I admitted making Jinbei cry a little "Did I use to much strength?!"

Franky then started crying loudly "That wasn't me, right? Lukia?"

"I didn't bite him" She sighed.

"Shut up, Franky! You're causing Lily-chwan to get confused!" Sanji yelled.

"Hey, Luffy wake up" I demanded and he then fell over and started to snore.

"Wasn't he awake earlier!?" Nami yelled.

"Oh, he was sleep talking then" I explained "He fell asleep right at the beginning."

I then held Luffy's nose and he got up confused "Huh? Jinbei, are you crying? You to Lukia?"

She hissed at him then hid in my hood making some of the others laugh "What are you saying? I am not crying!" Jinbei wiped his tears.

"Yeah his eyes are just sweating a lot" I added.

"Hmmm...oh well? What happened to that thief that Coward's mother caught?" Luffy asked.


"Well, she is always right" Luffy explained, "Except from strawberry tarts being the best food."

"Now, excuse me" Jinbei coughed as he stood up.

I saw Shirahoshi was crying so I summoned Laila "Nami finds you soft as well so go give her affectionate along with Shirahoshi," I asked of her and she was very happy to do it.

"I need to know who is still at the Ryugu Palace now, Hody and his crew invaded the palace and captured the King and his soldiers and you don't know what happened to four of your crew, that's all the information we have so far" Jinbei mumbled.

"Jinbei, if things are going as Hody planned, the whole country might be in a terrible state by now" Hachi spoke up.

"Do you know what his plan is?" Jinbei asked, "I suspected he was up to something in the Fishman District after retiring from the army, but he never revealed it to me."

"Hody hates humans more than Arlong did, he has been living on the resentment and anger of the Fishmen and nothing else, there is something about him clearly different from Arlong" Hachi explained, "Hody attacks Fishman who are sympathetic to humans, unlike Arlong who would never hurt a fellow Fishman."

"That doesn't sound right at all" I mumbled "Are you sure Fishmen haven't done anything to him then or tried to stop him from doing things like we do with Luffy when he wants to take our food?"

"I don't know" Hachi admitted, "But this World Summit King Neptune will express his intention to the world finally to relocate the Fishman Island."

"Don't tell me he is planning to block it!!" Jinbei freaked out.

"Do you know what's happening?" I asked Luffy.

"I haven't for a while now" Luffy laughed making me laugh.

"The captain and vice-captain everybody" Lukia sighed.

Chopper then screamed bloody murder and it was actually very harmonious, we looked to see a transponder snail come out of the forest of coral "That's huge!" Chopper yelled.

It stopped and projected something showing someone's face "Hody" Hachi groaned.

"Uh, everyone on the Fishman Island, can you hear me? I'm the captain of the new Fishman pirates from the Fishman District, Hody Jones, this country will soon be destroyed and will be rebuilt under a new king, me!" He announced.

"Those of you who want friendly relations with humans leave this country immediately, The Fishman master race will not extend its hand to the humans when they are too stupid to even realise their proper place in society" Hody explained his deluded knowledge.

"At this moment, people are coming here from the Fishman District and will be the new citizens of the land, they hate the humans, just like we do" He informed everyone.

The screen then moved to Neptune who is all chained up.

"Father-sama!" Shirahoshi yelled.

"I guess that it's really our fault that the King was captured" Nami turned away from a wide-eyed Jinbei "Or Zoro's fault."

"Yeah definitely, he just made the whole plot get lost so for some reason the King is tied up" I agreed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO BEFORE YOU CAME HERE!?" Jinbei freaked out.

"Eat food, kidnap a princess, punch a creep and kiss Luffy" I answered making Sanji cry.

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