The Last Mission - Naruto Und...

By kAizEr_eD

88.1K 2.3K 1.7K

A genius. An Anbu. A child. Naruto didn't have much of a choice about his birth, nor did he have a choice abo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

6.3K 192 129
By kAizEr_eD

Third person's POV

It is a beautiful morning. Beautiful and peaceful. The birds are chirping, the crickets are cricketing and Anko, well Anko was just Ankoing. It was a peaceful morning.


It should be illegal. No, it was totally illegal for someone to so awake in the morning. "Come ooooonnnn! Haven't you heard of the saying 'early bird gets the worm'?" Anko started whining, while naruto rolled over and stuffed his head under his bright orange pillow.

"And early worms get eaten. You can go eat your worms yourself cos they are disgusting, and mornings are stupid." Naruto growled at the purple haired, crazy sadist. Anbu captain be damned, nothing in this world can make Naruto wake up at 6am in the morning. Nothing. Perhaps he got this particular trait from Kakashi himself, it was almost customary for those two men to be late. Unfortunately for the blonde, all of this changes today. Sarutobi had personally begged Anko to wake Naruto up and bring him to the Academy. He gave Anko permission to do anything she wants, as long as he still has his Anbu captain intact after she was finished with him. The white haired Hokage happily did his paperwork as one explosion followed by another resounded suspiciously close to Naruto's apartment, followed by shrieks and screams of pain. The Anbu guards glanced at each other, chuckling lowly at their captain's antics. Ah, the youths of this generation are truly youthful.

While Hokage-sama was enjoying the pleasant morning, Naruto was getting his ass swiped by Anko. He was literally blasted out of his bed, right out of his apartment, narrowly avoiding a passing Genma. He narrowed his eyes, squatted down to check if the Anbu captain is alive, ran his hand through his hair exasperated, and continued on his merry way. It was too early in morning to deal with this crap. He truly hopes that Naruto would survive his predicament.

"UZUMAKI! Quick get your ass UP. " Anko hollered. " Hokage-sama would be mad at you if you are late on your first day, Iruka-chan would not be pleased either." Naruto flinched at the mention of an angered Iruka. The last time it happened, three training grounds were burnt down and the whole of team Scarecrow received an earful from the Hokage, along with 3 months of D-ranks. The blonde dragged himself up from the ground and trudged back to his apartment. He dug through his closet pulling out his usual attire before he paused for a minute and turned to Anko. "It wouldn't be clever if I act normally would it? Should I change my style and personality?"

"Of course you should! You are going undercover for a reason. What is that blob of bright orange I see there? " Anko gestured to a orange piece of clothing stuffed at the very back of his wardrobe

"Ahh.... That. Kakashi gave that to me when I got promoted to Captain. I think it was revenge for the temporary orange dye, with sparkles I dumped on his hair a long time ago. Man, he really bears a grudge eh." Naruto scratched his head, looking totally unapologetic.

There was a pause, before realisation dawned on the blonde's face.

"I am not wearing that orange monstrosity for the rest of my academy days 'ttebayo. No way, never." Naruto mastered a glare at Anko while shaking his head determined. A series of explosions and screams of pain followed soon after. A couple of curious shinobi poked their head out, blinked, and dismissed it as a normal wake up call performed by the one and only Anko.

Half an hour later, Naruto arrived at the academy, perfectly on time albeit a little singed. The bright orange jumper like thing he was wearing was absolutely horrible, and the blonde wasn't happy about it. He had henged into a shorter version of himself, his hair was a brighter orange and his muscle mass was replaced by baby fats. At exactly 7.45, fifteen minutes before the academy starts, Anko had thrown Naruto on the doorsteps of the building and shunshined off to goodness knows where. Left on his own devices, the blonde sluggishly walked into the academy, located Iruka's chakra and walked towards it.

Naruto's POV

I slid opened the door to the teachers lounge with a bang.

"Good morning everyone! I am Uzumaki Naruto, the future Hokage Dattebayo! Is Iruka-sensei here?" He yelled enthusiastically. Immediately, glares were directed at the poor blonde.

Ugh, how scary.

"Ahh, Naruto was it? I am Iruka, your Sensei. You are pretty early, come on, I'll lead you to your class." Iruka-nii stepped forward, gesturing me to follow after him. Trailing behind him like a lost puppy, he led me to his empty office. Immediately, his lips stretched into a smile that looks suspiciously evil.

"I see that Anko has successfully woken you up. The explosions could be heard all the way from here." The former Anbu chortled with laughter. I grimaced. Whatever happened in the morning left me mentally damaged. Iruka-nii handed me a pile of books which I'll need for the next few months I'll be spending in the Academy before graduation. Books, Yuck. I thought my reading days were behind me after I passed the Anbu exam, the obviously fate has different plans. I glared at Iruka, "Burn in hell, please."

The Raven haired teacher gulped and immediately defended himself, "Hey, don't look at me like that. If you want, go ahead and complain to Hokage-sama." I pouted at him before letting out a sigh. Ji-san is not gonna have a change of mind no matter how much I beg. Plus, a mission is a mission. I can't really back out now. I let out another sigh, being in a class filled with aspiring ninjas can be a tiring ordeal. In the past, I've peeped into the classrooms and listened to the lessons. Simply speaking, the lessons were unnecessary. It's not like you're gonna need to know the history dating back a few thousand years ago to fight well against enemies. The taijutsu and ninjutsu skills taught were barely enough for the students to defend thenself against other ninjas, much less be able to defeat them. What a disappointment.

Much to my displeasure, the trip from the teacher's lounge to my classroom was a short one. I mentally prepared and breathed in a deep breath. Iruka-nii patted my head unsympathetic, and gave me a grin. He slid open the door and stepped in the classroom gesturing me to wait outside for a while.


Silence immediately descended. There was a reason why everyone, especially Kakashi (with his sensitive ears) was so scared of Iruka. The former Anbu had a deathly set of vocal chords, famed even in the elite ranks.

"Today, we have a new students
joining us! Come on in Naruto!"

Donning a grin so large that it almost covered my face, I ran into the classroom. "HELLO! I AM UZUMAKI NARUTO, THE FUTURE HOKAGE DATTEBAYO!"

Immediately, snorts and laughter filled the previously silent room. Suddenly, I have the urge to dump the whole class into a pond. Damn it, if it wasn't for Itachi, I won't even think about doing this. I glanced at the students in the room. Many clan heads were gathered in this one class, the school must be expecting the most successful graduates here. My eyes flickered to the different heirs. The Akimichi, Nara, Inuzuka, Yamanaka, even a Hyuuga. My eyes lingered a few seconds longer on the Uchiha. Uchiha Sasuke.

"Naruto-kun, you can seat..... Beside Sasuke. " Iruka-nii pulled me out of my stupor. I nodded at him, though I'm not too happy at the arrangement. Well, he might just be trying to help me. Settling down on my seat, I send Naruto a large smile with the white sparkling teeth and everything that Guy-san would be proud of. Sasuke blanched at that display of pure - as Guy would put it - youthfulness.

"Today we will be studying about the history between Suna and Konoha. " The effect on me was immediate, I fell into deep slumber.

I have no idea if I should thank the heaven or earth that Iruka didn't call me out for sleeping, though he did give me a I'll-murder-you-later glare. Like a seasoned shinobi, I expertly ignored him. I'll suffer the consequences later. The day passes my fairly quickly, with a few smacks to the head by the Yamanaka heir and a civilian born with startling pink pair. I couldn't help but think how glitters would complement the pink well. What's a though without action? Thus, on that very afternoon I carried out my successful plan on the poor Haruno girl. She promptly pushed me into a lake not a second later.

Over all, it was an uneventful day.

Third person's POV

Naruto stumbled back to his apartment, hesitated for a moment before breaking into the Hatake's apartment, through the window. Kakashi was minding his own business like any other decent Shinobi until a certain blonde decided to ruin his peace.

"Kakashi-nii! I suffered a whole day of boring history, entertain me please." Naruto's voice was dangerously close to a whine. Kakashi rolled his eyes, he obviously thought the he would have a day to himself but as usual it was not possible.

He took his eyes off Naruto for three seconds. Just three measly seconds.

"Naruto, Stop. No-. THAT IS NOT FOOD. Put it down, yes thank yo- Why are you, damn it! Stop pulling my hair you brat!" The silvered haired man kicked Naruto out of his house, feeling that he's action was complete justified. Served that idiot right.

Naruto however, was undeterred by Kakashi's attempts of keeping him out if his house. Barely two minutes had pass since the Hatake had kicked Naruto out, yet somehow the blonde managed to find his way back in.

"So I guess I'll have to deal with you for the rest of the day."

"Uh-huh, no shit old man. "

"Cut the crap, I'm not even that old."

"Damn right you are, you self denying withered pumpkin. Don't think that I don't know about the Shogi matches you always play with Ji-san in secret. That's just another concrete proof I've got against you."

Kakashi spluttered. How did the brat even found out about those? They put freaking silencing seals in the room.

"Spread that rumour and I'll make sure you can never see the sunlight ever again. "

"Your threats ain't got no shit on me old man. Anko threatens me with a whole year of D-ranks. Catch up."

"You wanna play that way? Prepare yourself. " Immediately, a cook's knife came flying towards Naruto's way. Dodging, the knife imbedded itself into the wall.

"You coated it with chakra." The blonde snarled disbelieveingly. "Fine, bring it on!" A tomato landed right smack in the middle of Kakashi's mask. Soon after Chakra coated vegetables flow across the apartment.

"Care to explain what does 'world destruction and tomatoes', as kindly reported by Shiranui-san mean?"

Sarutobi glared his two best Anbu operatives, that were still covered in splashes of vegetables. Earlier, that evening, a shaken up Genma had came to the Hokage with a report, which was the reason why Naruto and Kakashi was summoned.

"You see, Hokage-sama, Naruto and I were Err.... Engaging in a friendly disagreement...? "

"Which resulted in several destroyed apartments?"

"Ahh, that. That was Naruto's fault."

"What? Excuse you asshole, you were the one who threw that freaking knife at me incase you've forgotten."

"And you threw a rotten tomato at me." Kakashi threw Naruto his pissiest glare in his pissy glare arsenal.

"That's cause you started it! Plus a tomato was a whole lot more harmless than a chakra coated knife don't you think so?" Naruto protested.

"Both of you, shut-up." At the command, both Anbu operatives immediately stopped their banter, straightened their backs and face the Hokage.

Sarutobi let out a long suffering sigh. "You two can do D-ranks for a month and reflect on your actions. Now, shoo. I've got a whole lot of paper work to complete due to a certain someone. Don't cause anymore trouble or I'll leave you with Ibiki." Kakashi and Naruto withered under their Hokage's glare. After a meek "Yes sir", they shunshined off to Naruto's apartment, since Kakashi's was destroyed. It's a wonder how much destruction chakra coated food can cause.

Earlier reprimendation forgotten, the duo squeezed on the sofa together. With practiced ease, they settled into a comfortable position despite how small the sofa was.

"How was the Academy?" The silence was broken by Kakashi's teasing tone.

"Horrible." The blonde deadpanned. Kakashi raised an amused eyebrow.

"Are you talking about the Academy or the facade that you've put on. By the way, you look stylish with the orange jumper."

"I guess it's more of the facade that is horrible. And I'll kindly ignore that comment." Naruto suppress the urge to put a kunai into Kakashi's skull and dump him out of his house through the window. Of course, that would be very unprofessional, especially after th warning from the Hokage. Well, one can dream.

Kakashi chuckled at the murderous glare Naruto shot him. Perhaps the blonde did inherit some Err... less than desirable traits from, as Naruto dubbed, Anko-neechan.

"By the way, are you perhaps infactuated with the young Uchiha?"

Naruto chucked a kunai at the other man and proceeded to throw him out of the five story apartment. He'll live, hopefully.


There was green. Alot of green. Too much actually. Why, you ask. Naruto wants to know why too. The blonde prodigy was on his Anbu patrol when he was assaulted by alot of green, much more then usual.

"Greetings, my YOUTHFUL student! I'm glad to see that your YOUTHFULNESS shines so BRIGHTLY on this beautiful morning!"

Naruto, if he was not so used to Guy's pathetic shouts, would have flinched. Instead, he asked in the protocol monotone voice all operatives adopted. " Yes Guy-san, what do you want with the youthful old me?"

"Guy-sensei! Who is this YOUTHFUL gentleman?" Ah. That was the reason why there were more green than usual. A disturbing genin, clad in a green jumper similar to Guy was standing next to the said Jounin. Next to the two green monstrosities stood a female and a Hyuga.

'This must be Guy-san's Genin team then.' Naruto concluded. 'The poor kids...'

"Lee! Ten-Ten! Neji! This is Fox, Anbu Captain. And he, is gonna be training all of you in the SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH!" Guy exclaimed, while a sunset blossomed behind him.

"I, did not agree to this." Naruto gritted out.

"Guy-sensei, are you sure this is fine? Will we be troubling err... F-fox-san? " Ten-Ten hesitated, not sure of the appropriate term to address the Anbu Captain.

"Of course you won't be troubling him! Right? Right?" Guy laid his hands on the blonde's shoulders, donning a hopeful look.

Damn it, damn him, damn everything in this damned world. First, the Anbu Captain, skilled at assassinations, was assigned to protect the last Uchiha by going undercover as an academy student. Now, his old Sensei is asking him to teach Genin, who are have yet to see the darker parts of this particular profession.

"Fine.... I'll do it. "

The world, is ending.

Naruto could see the suprise in Guy's eyes before it was carefully hidden away, replaced by a youthful shine.


"Get to the point. What do you want me to teach them?"

"Bukijutsu. I heard from my youthful rival Kakashi that you are a master at weapons! Ten-Ten here, aims to be a weapon mistress. And I want Neji and Lee to be at least proficient in weaponary! Don't worry, all of my students are the epitome of YOUTH!" He assured Naruto. But, this was exactly what Naruto was worried about. Three Guys in a team was a horrifying thought. Thank Jashin for the Hyuga and Ten-Ten. The youthfulness aside, Naruto sweared to kill Kakashi when he gets to chance. Of course It was the idiotic silvered haired old man who got him this troublesome mess.

"I'll meet your team at 1530 tomorrow at training ground 4." The blonde sighed.

Neji's eyes widened, "Single digit training grounds are restricted to Anbu personals. "

Lee immediately grew nervous. "Is it really f-fine to use it? "

"No one uses that particular training ground anyways. I'll inform the Anbu guards so don't worry. " Naruto assured. It was entertaining to see the fear and reverence Genin have towards Anbu. If only they knew how Anbu operatives really act behind closed doors. Off duty, they operatives become gossipy and whiny brats. How amusing.



"LEE! "


"LEE! "


By the time the green jumpsuit duo finished their waterworks party, Naruto was long gone. The blonde needed to ask a certain man for the help he'll need in order to deal with the Genin, especially Guy's disturbing protege.

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