Issues โ†  Damon Salvatore [2]

By -missmischief

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5.2K 233 29
By -missmischief

you haven't even seen my bad side yet

ECHO GILBERT woke up when the light from the window shined down her face, making her scrunch up her face, and roll over, burying her head in Damon's chest. She smiled and moved herself closer to him as he tightened his hold on her. One of his arms were wrapped around her waist, and the other was splayed across his toned stomach.

She rose her hand and started running her fingers across his abs, smiling widely as she did so.

"If you keep doing that, I'm never letting you leave this room," Damon spoke in his morning voice which sent tingles throughout her body.

She giggled and quickly got on top of him. She grabbed his wrists and placed his hands above his head, grinning down at his beautiful face. "Who says I even want to leave this very comfy bed?"

"Oh, it's all about the bed, huh?" He asked, smiling up at her, his eyes twinkling. When she only nodded and giggled at his question, he quickly switched their positions, and he was on top of her, her hands above her head. He simply just stared into her eyes which were shining due to the sun beaming down on her through the window. "You're beautiful," he breathed out after a beat.

She blushed deeply at his words before leaning her head upwards. "Show me how beautiful you really think I am."

She laughed loudly as he bent down and started nibbling on her neck, and tickling her.

AFTER telling the morning with Damon, Echo found herself at the Gilbert home. The twins, along with Bonnie, was sitting on the bed, and Caroline was out in the hall. The Bennett was doing a spell, an they were testing it out.

"You slept with Damon?!" Elena exclaimed which made the Winchester nod, a smile coming to her face. "Finally!" She exclaimed before bouncing excitedly, "That means Caroline owes me twenty bucks!"

"No!" Caroline whined on the other side of the door, before walking inside the bedroom. "Here." She handed the older brunette the money.

"You guys betted on me?" Echo asked in surprise, frowning.

"Yes," both girls stated in sync. Elena then said, "I bet her that something would happen after the ball. Something, meaning a kiss or a confession, not sex, though!" She laughed out loud, and then waved the cash in her sister's face. "You just made me twenty bucks!"

Bonnie interrupted them and said, "This is a tricky spell."

The trio turned to the witch, getting over their laughing. "When Esther did it, she kept the sage burning. There was a lot more smoke," Elena explained to Bonnie hoping that might help.

With a sigh, Bonnie said, "All right, try it again." She burned the sage and shook it through the air. The three girls looked at Caroline hinting for her to leave, annoyed huffing out air she backed up closing the door behind her. "Speaking of Esther, you should know she came to see me and Abby this morning," Bonnie said dropping a bomb on the girls.

Elena's eyes widened. "And, all this timeC you let us go on about Damon and Echo."

"I don't want you to worry," Bonnie told them.

"Well, what did she want?"

"She wanted to introduce herself," Bonnie explained, "Abby and I helped bring her back. She's channeling our entire ancestral bloodline for power. I think she thought she was being polite."

"Yeah because the woman who created all vampires is so polite," Echo retorted, rolling her eyes.

Elena asked hopefully, "Okay, well, is there a way to stop her from channeling you?" Echo turned to her sister, proud of her speaking up about how she feels about this whole thing.

Bonnie was confused. "Even if there was, why would I want that?"

"I just keep thinking... Before the sun and the moon ritual, Elijah found a way to keep me alive," she started to explain, "And now I'm in the exact same position, and I'm just gonna let him die? It just doesn't feel right."

Opening her bedroom door again, Caroline said, "Okay, first of all, this privacy spell is totally not working. Second, Elena, you are not doing this. Esther is doing this."

"There's no time to chane your mind, Elena. He'll be dead by the end of the night," Bonnie stated with no compassion for the Mikaelsons.

Both Echo and Elena, in unison, asked, "What?"

"It's a full moon. Esther needs to harness the energy of a celestial event. She asked me and Abby to join her," Bonnie explained.

Echo knitted her eyebrows together before scoffing. "Let me ask you something, is everything that Klaus did suddenly going to be undone after you kill all the Mikaelsons?" She shook her head. "Klaus I get, hell I want to see him, and him alone dead, but it's not going to change a damn thing, Stefan's still not gonna have his humanity and Jenna will still be dead when Klaus dies!"

Echo then stood up from the bed. "All my life, I have been fighting a never ending battle. Fighting violence with violence will get no where, and I'm so tired of fighting," she admitted. "If we do this, if you do this, you'll be no better than Klaus himself."

She shook her head as she looked between them. "Kol might be annoying and Rebekah might be whiny, but did they ever really do anything to us? The answer is no. The only one who has repeatedly done something to us is Klaus." She pursed her lips. "If you go through with this fine, but I want no part of this. Our hands have just as much blood as theirs, I probably have more on mine than theirs, but I don't see you trying to kill me."

"I'm with Echo on this!" Elena exclaimed before following after her sister.

The brunettes were walking down the stairs when there was a knock on the door. Echo walked up to it opening it wide with Elijah outside.

"Elijah," she said just as her sister walked up behind her both of them instant becoming weary of the situation.

He looked between them. "I don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany me. I want to show you something."

Not afraid of him at all, Echo nodded and grabbed her coat as Elena did the same.

ELIJAH parked his car and he, Echo and Elena get out and walked around as they walked the original said, "Forgot how much I missed this land."

"I can't even imagine what it must have been like a thousand years ago," Elena said, wondering curiously.

Elijah went on to tell her, "You know, your school was built over an Indian village. Where I saw my first werewolf. The town square was where the natives would gather to worship. Matter of fact, near that, there was a field where wild horses use to graze."

"That sounds... beautiful."

Leading them towards a pile of giant stones he said, "Come."

"Do you know this place, too?"

Elijah walked a little further as the twins stayed, "I do." Bending down he said, "Below us is a cavern I use to play in as a boy. Connects to a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. Perhaps it's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the savagery of the full moon. My mother said there must be a balance."

Echo gripped Elena's hand, and said, "Elijah, we should probably go home."

From his spot on the ground, Elijah said, "I admire you Echo, and you too, Elena. You both remind me of qualities I valued long before my mother turned us. Echo, you're loyal no matter what it cost your conscious. Elena, it's not in your nature to be deceitful and yet when I asked about your meeting with my mother the other night, you lied to my face."

Elena tightened her hold on Echo before saying the truth, "We were told that whatever was going to be in that coffin was going to kill Klaus. When we found out that it was your mother....We didn't know what to think."

"Since her return she says she only wants this family whole again," Elijah responded.

"When she asked to see me, I — I thought that maybe she could help. That she would find a way to kill Klaus. It's not just Klaus that she wants to kill."

"She wants to kill us all, doesn't she?" Elijah asked already knowing the answer, "She wants to undo the evil she created."

"I just found out this morning," Echo stated, "I voiced my opinion on the matter, and Elena agrees. We wish there was something we could do to help. Esther is strong and has everything she needs."

Elijah clenched his jaw. "You know, one thing I've learned on my time on this careful what you wish for."

The twins looked at him confused before Elijah broke a hole into the Earth, grabbing Elena, and Echo before jumping down the hole with them. After getting off the ground the twins were alone in the cavern, Elena reached into her pocket trying to get a signal on her cell phone.

Looking on the ground, seeing a flash light Maya sarcastically said, "Well at least he was decent enough to leave us a damn light."

The twins got up walking around in the underground tunnels, trying to find a way out. They were about to walk towards a way she thought would get them out when Rebekah appeared, blocking their escape asking them, "Going somewhere?"

Echo quickly pulled Elena behind her. "What are you doing here?"

"Not much." Rebekah shrugged. "Unless you two try to run. In which case, I get to kill you both." Rebekah started recording the twins on her cell phone, "Alright, loves, now look into the camera."

"What are you doing?" Elena asked her gripping onto her sisters hand for dear life.

Amused with herself, Rebekah said, "Shooting a picture to inspire your boyfriends. Why don't you tell them how delightful it is being stuck in a hole with your biggest fan?"

Elena narrowed her eyes. "I guess you think I had this coming, huh? After what I did to you?" She shook her head and continued, "This isn't my fault. I wanted to get rid of Klaus. At one point, so did you. I didn't know that your mom was planning on killing all of you."

"Do you think I want to spend what could be the last few hours of my life having idle chit-chat with a girl who literally stabbed me in the back," Rebekah wondered, "Of course not. But for some reason, everybody seems to want to bend over backwards to save your lives, which is incredibly annoying, but makes you two the perfect hostages. So, why don't you sit down and shut up before I ruin everything by ripping your head off."

"Why are you so whiny?" Echo retorted in anger. "I liked you, but now, you're always making it all about yourself. Get over yourself. You and Katherine — both jealous of Elena who actually happens to make her life worth living."

Rebekah hissed in anger and launched at Echo who then brought out her dagger and stabbed the Original in the stomach.

Leaving the dagger in, Echo and Elena made a run for it.

The two of them were running throughout the tunnels, trying to escape as Rebekah's voice shouted, "You can't hide!"

Elena almost tripped, but Echo helped her stay up, and they continued to run as Rebekah shouted, "Not sure why I'm feeling under the weather. Must be your boys trying to find a loophole. Won't matter, I could chase you down on my worst day."

They ran towards the the entrance of the cave with the Native American drawings. Rebekah grabbed Echo from behind making her push Elena into the cave.

"Boo!" On instinct, Echo head-butted her and jumped into the cave landing in her sisters arm, "You little bitch!" Rebekah tried to enter the cave but couldn't, "What is this?"

Smirking, Echo said, "Sorry. No vampires allowed, bitch."

The original looked at her with hateful eyes while the younger girl held her head up knowing she could never get inside.

ECHO turned on a flashlight and searched for an exit hoping the blonde was far enough away from them to get away.

"Girls! Let's pick it up where we left off," Rebekah said appearing in front of them, holding a canister filled with gasoline. She then threw some on the twins.

"What are you doing?!"

Rebekah poured more gasoline around the rest of the cave ready to burn them, "Thought I'd shake things up a bit."

"Are you insane?!" Elena screamed at Rebekah as Echo pulled her further away from Rebekah.

Smirking, Rebekah answered, "I prefer spontaneous." She threw the canister at them, but they ducked in time and the canister hit the back wall instead. The blonde pulled out matches, "Here's what's gonna happen." She lit the match and throwing it into the cave, starting the fire, "You're gonna come outside." The twins backed up into the corner as she lit another match and throwing it into the cave, starting another fire, "Or you're going to stay in there and burn."

After the moment the fire burned itself out as Rebekah looked at the older girl, "The next match is landing on you and your little sister gets to watch you burn before she does. So, girl, how does it feel to know that these may be your last moments?"

Rebekah recorded them with a phone as Echo answered, "I don't know, you tell me. You're the one whose mother's trying to kill you, both of mine are too dead to care," she retorted. Though, she didn't really know if her father was dead or not — probably not, because no matter what, Winchester's seem to never die.

"You should be very careful what you say to me," Rebekah warned the girl.

Elena smirked as she pointed at her. "You're still wearing her necklace."

Clearly angered, Rebekah asked, "Do you want it? Is that your last request?" She ripped the necklace off and threw it in the cave, "Here. It's all yours."

"She's not doing this because she hates you, Rebekah. She told me that she — she just doesn't have another choice," Elena said.

Not giving a damn about what she said, Rebekah replied to her hatefully, "Spare me your pity, Elena. We're not girlfriends. Want me to prove it? Just say the word." She lit another match.

You're not gonna do it."

Rebekah was curious. "And why is that?"

Echo then spoke up, "Because there's still a chance that you might be alive tomorrow. And if that's the case and you kill us now, you'll have used up all of your revenge. Wasted it and isn't that what you want? Revenge?"

Standing directly in front of her, Elena said, "Because I — I pretended to like you and then I stuck a dagger in your back. I mean, that's why you tried to sleep with Stefan, isn't it? That's why you're tormenting me, because I hurt your feelings."

The match burned out, and Rebekah dropped it. "The tough act doesn't suit you, it's much more Echo's thing."

Echo smirked and tilted her head. "I don't know... I think it suits her just fine." She then said, "I wonder what it says that Stefan wasn't even willing to sleep with you. Even without his emotions, you're still not worth the time."

Rebekah hissed, her vampire face on display. "You're just like Katherine."

Echo tilted her head. "No, because I'm not pathetic. I'm much better."

ELENA and Echo were sitting on the floor waiting to be freed, "You can come out now. Seems your boys took care of the problem."

Standing up, Echo asked, "How did they do that?"

"Damon turned your witch friend's mother into a vampire," Rebekah explained, her eyes landing on Echo, "For you."


"Quite clever, actually. They needed to sever the witch line and, well, you can't be a witch and a vampire. In any case, you're free to go. Oh and, uh, by the way, you were right. I do prefer taking my time watching you suffer. Much more satisfying."

ECHO found her way to Damon's room. He had his back to her as he said, "What? You're mad and disappointed in me, too? Just go ahead and yell at me, too."

Echo tilted her head and walked up to Damon and roughly grabbed his arm, turning him to face her. She then reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, and spoke up, "I know what you did was to save Elena and I, so thank you."

"You're not mad?" He asked, surprised as he tightened his hold on her.

"I am, but, what you did also saved the Mikaelsons which saved mine and Elena's sanity, so thank you," she spoke sincerely, pulled back, and looked him in the eyes. "You're an amazing person Damon, and you have a heart of gold." She leaned upwards and pressed their lips together.

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