A different point of view

By Wolf_night_lover

18 0 2

Maybe the story of little red ridding hood it not all it seems. Every story has at least two points of views... More

Chapter two
Chapter Three

New view of things

10 0 2
By Wolf_night_lover

The wolf was loney, and had wished he had a friend or two. Noone wanted to be friends with a big scary wolf. He didn't like to hurt people, but it was in his nater. The wolf would try to make friends but because of his looks, and his personality. He was not proud of it but the wolf was not the best with being with talking and being around people. It's like his personality was trying to keep him from having friends. Even his name seemed to be laughing at him, Chigau. It is the Japaneses word for different, could it be for how different he was from the other animals in the woods or how he is a talking wolf. Chigau had been looking for a good place to stay. He had chosen woods that were that was near a little village. There was a little girl that were a red hood, for some reason Chigau felt like this little girl was like his own cub. Her father was not in the picture, his own parents left him at the age of six. People of the village seemed to avoid her all the time. Chigau wondered why people would do that. The little girl seemed sweet and nice. He had chosen to be a guardian angel to the girl.

The little girl had pitch black hair, and stormy gray eyes. She also had a bright red cloak that had a hood she always would wear. Her name was Aka, which was kinda funny since that word means red in Japan. The nickname everyone calls her is Red, because of her cloak her granny gave her. She was close with her granny, when she was younger. Then granny moved into the woods next to their village, because people kept calling her a witch and saying that she should die. Red had always hated that village, people never really liked her. She was different where people were afraid of the woods, Red had always wanted to go there. Even before granny moved into it. On her way to school one day she heard something in the woods, she had wanted to go in them but her mother had told her not to. Red was six at the time and wanted to make her mom happy.

One day while Chigau walked around the woods, in the shadows so no animals would run. While laying on a branch of a tree he looked down as the little girl in red walks on a path. 'Why is she in the woods, it is not safe' he thought. Today was a full moon, the only time of the year he couldn't keep his instincts to hunt or even kill. He jumped down and hid so she could not see him. Chigau just watch her then saw she had a basket in her hand, her hood up. After that he looked up at the sky 'Maybe I can stay good until I can get her out of the woods' he thought as he looked at her. He followed her for a while. 'Well she is still young, she looks 10, if I show myself to her, and she gets scared then is can be put up as just a hyperactive imagination' he thought. Chigau looks at her and walks a little ahead so she didn't know he had been following her. Once she passed the tree he was on "Well hello little girl," he says as he jumped in front of her. "Hello Mr.Wolf," she says a little uneasy about him, Chigau could tell this. He walks to keep up with the little girl "What is in the basket," he asks as he looks at her. Little red walks not once looking at the wolf "Stuff for granny she...," Chigau looks at the girl as she has stopped and is not looking at the basket. Red takes a breath and walks aging, Chigau follows behind now. "Granny is not feeling well I am bringing her goodies," she says slowly, as if trying not to cry. Chigau walks faster to stay with her just walking. He looks at her " Then why walk through the woods?" Red casly says "Granny lives here." Chigau has heard the other animals about a little old woman that would feed the animals. She even had meat for the ones who only eat meat. He also remembers where she lives. "Why would she do that, it is dangers in here," Chigau says looking up at the sky. 'I need to get away from her the moon is already starting to mess with me' he thought now looking at Red. Red shrugged "I don't know," she looks around "Granny doesn't care I guess. The people of the town also don't like her too. They call her a witch-," she cut herself off. Chigau now looks at her "What?" he asks keeping pace with her. " Nothing mother told me not to talk to strangers anyway. I should have told you that already," Red says walking faster. The wolf looks at her 'What if they are right and her granny is a witch' he thinks. "Hey little Red," he says in a monotone voice "I know a shortcut to your Granny," he finishes. Red looks up as she stops "Why should I trust you?" Chigau smiles and laughs " You have been talking to me for how long. Plus don't you want to get to Granny's before night fall?" The little girl looks around, Chigau dosen't know what she is thinking. She looks uneasy at him "I guess a shortcut would not hurt," she says looking at the sky. The wolf hates that he has to lie to the girl, but he did also just want to protac her. So he gave her a path that is a little longer than the one she was on. Red then smiles and says thanks to him. He then runs down the real shortcut.

Once he reaches the little house he walks in. "Red is that you?" a sweet little old lady says. "Um no, I am a somewhat friend of Red," he says hiding in the shadows. The little old lady looks around "You can stop hiding, Chigau," the wolf stays where he is, "How do you know my name?" he asks. She then gets up and walks to him " I think you know, why do you think animals only come here two times?" Chigau nears his eyes at her "You seem to move fine for being sick." She laughs "I just need Red here so she can be like me." Chigau sighs as he starts to laugh " She is a sweet girl, not like you," he says moving from his hiding place. The little old lady just shakes her head "Oh please, you don't know my granddaughter then. Since she is already showing that she is," she stops and looks at the clock "She is different than the other kids." Chigau gets angered at this, he doesn't know if it is because of the full moon or just because he too is different, but he is mad. Without him knowing he had already gone after her. Now that she was gone Chigau know that Red would be here soon. He looks around to find a way out but the full moon made his mind all fuzzy. Chigau, who now was under the full moon dress up like granny and lays down on the bed. After awhile he hears the door open "Granny are you here?" Chigau in a sweet voice says " In here Red." He hopes that she will not know that it is him. Red then walks in and looks at him " Oh Granny what big ears you have," she says looking at him. He had to think of something " All the better to hear you with." Red was not buying it at all, she knew it was not not granny " Yeah well what big eyes you have," she just wants, for one the wolf to say it is him, and two know where her granny is. Chigau rolls his eyes " All the better to see you with," he was getting annoyed with it. Red sighs and says " What big teeth you have," she is sure she has him now. The wolf had enough, the full moon was still in the sky, but slowly going down. Chigau didn't know how late it has gotten, when the sun comes up he will be fine again. "Yes well all the better to eat the goodies you brought with you, with," he says, " Why don't you come here and sit next to your granny and give her some of your baked goods?" Red slowly walks next to the bed, and crosses her arms "Your not my granny," she says. Chigau sighs "What do you mean child?" Red rolls her eyes " My granny is not covered in fur," she says. Chigau is finley done with this with the moon is still going down, and fuzzy in his mind so he jumps up and chases the little red hooded girl who is running. As soon as she steps outside she has to cover her eyes, the sun is up. Chigau steps out and the fuzzies of the full moon is gone, and realizes what happened. He looks to see the little girl running in the woods, then stops 'Um her granny is not going to be out there.' He then walks back in the house into the bedroom and looks at the closet. "Ok witch full moon is over I am fine, make sure Red is safe. She just ran into the woods," he says looking in the driash he believes she is. She walks out of the closet and make herself visubl aging "How did you know?" Chigau sighs "Smell, full moon dulls the senses," he stays in a monotone voice "Still don't like you, but your granddaughter needs someone," he starts to leave when he stops. "Why do you even care wolf?" Granny asks. Chigau sighs and keeps his monotone voice "She is a little girl who is different, and the other people didn't like her," he says opening the door to leave. Granny walks over to look for Red " Is that why you become her guardian angel? Cause she is like you, different?" she says. The wolf stays quiet and sniffs the air "She is that way," she says walking the other way. Granny looks at him lost "You can find her faster than me?" Chigau sighs "Follow me, she will run when she sees me." They walk to where Red is, a medo in the woods playing with a wolf pup. "Look at my granddaughter, playing with a wolf pup sooo cute," Granny says looking at her. Chigau rises an eyebrow "Aren't you worried she is going to get hurt?" he asks. Granny smiles "Nope, we Hoods have an animal that speaks to us. For me it is a lion, Red's mom a cat, and little Aka is the wolf." Chigau looks at granny "Aka? That is her name, you know that means red in Japan?" he says. Granny laughs "Yeah, that is why I made her the red hood," she says looking at Red as she pets the wolf's head. Chigau says "Why did you make her that hood. When I choses the woods and saw her she had the hood." The little old woman looks at him "Like you said, she is different and people don't really like her, I need to keep her safe. Since my daughter will not leave that village," she says. The wolf looks over to Red as she looks up at them and waves, Granny waves back. Chigau looks at the old woman " You know she know we were here?" he asks shook. Granny shakes her head " Yes, now I need to talk to little Aka," she says walking to her. The wolf starts to walk away the stops "Hey, stop using the animals here for your witchy things, ok?" he says. Granny nods, and goes over to Red. Chigau walks back in the woods. He had planned to never talk to Red again, little did he know this was just the beginning.

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