Chapter Three

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Miss spelling, I know. It is short and I am sorry. Comment please I love to hear what you have to say. I have also changed my writing.

“What!”Aka yells. Chigau flattens his ears on his head, he had heard her granny screams for help. Then she whispered to keep Aka safe, so he grabbed her and ran. It was clear that the message was for Chigau. He first wants Aka other pack what is needed, then take her to a place that he had found three years back.

“Get packing, I will pick up some food,” Chigau says putting his hood up to cover his ears. The wolf has always wear hoodies, for this reason. He hides his tale in his jeans and walks out. ‘ I need to get red out of here’ Chigau thinks as he walks in the store. As he does though the store he notices how some people are watching him. “What the hell you looking at,” Chigau asks one of them. They don't say anything, they just run out of the store. After that the wolf felt uneasy. He rushes and grabs random things and cheeks out. A girl with short black hair and bright blue eyes see Chigau in the store and runs in.

“Chigau!!!!!!!” she yells as her red skirt blows in the wind. The wolf grabs his things and turns around as the 24 year old girl hugs him.  

“Hey Snow, want to meet little Red?” he asks as they walk out of the store. The girl, who’s name is Snow nods her head and follows him. As they both walk Chigau can hear that someone is following them, so he writes directions to Aka’s home on some paper he has, then hugs Snow. As he hugs her he puts the paper in her hand and whispers “Follow this to the dot we are being followed,ok.” The shorter girl nods her head as her goofy smile turns into a serious face. Before she looks at the paper Snow walks away from Chigau, to a park that was close.

While Snow went the way Chigau told her, he goes a different way. Luckily what he had hooped happen did. The people follow him, and not Snow. Chigau knows Snow can handle herself, but he doesn't want to risk it. ‘Time to really fuck with them,’ he thinks as he runs into the woods and gose full wolf.

Aka is still trying to make since of what is going on. ‘ Granny’s been captured?’ she thinks as she packs. She may be lost on what is going on, but she does know that no matter what Chigau will not let anything happen to her. As she finishes packing there is a banging at the door. ‘What the hell?’ Aka thinks as she goes to the door.

“I am a friend of Chigau let me in,” a girl says. Aka opens the door when she hears this. A girl that is a little taller than her with a red bow in her hair wearing a blue and yellow off the shoulders top and red skirt that goes to her mid thigh stands there. “ My name is Snow, Chigau is on his way,” she says walking in. Aka look at her for a while, she is not sure what to think.

“You know Chigau?” Aka asks.

Snow looks at her and smiles “Yes, I met him a few years ago.” She goes and sits on the couch. “ He had walked into a,” she stops for a little bit, “ Part of the woods that many people don’t know about.” Aka doesn't know what to say about that, so she grabs her bags and waits for her old friend.

‘Friend, yeah he is a friend,’ Aka thinks and smiles. About a half an hour later Chigau walks in. “Chigau, tell me where we are going,” Aka says watching as the wolf takes her bags and put the food in his bag. “ Are you going to answer me?!” Aka asks.

“Sorry Red, I just am worried. We need to hurry, they are on their way,” Chigau says grabbing the last few things and walks out holding the door open for the girls. Aka and Snow walk out and follow him. “Aka keep your hood up, Snow mask on,” Chigau says as he pulls his hood up. Aka does as she is told and puts her hood up as Snow puts a red,blue and yellow mask that covers the eyes.

“Chigau why are we covering our faces?” Aka asks looking around. She doesn’t want to tell him, but she has the feeling they are being watched.

“People are looking for us, as long as they don’t see us we are fine,” he says making sure that the girls are fine.

They have walk for hours , when Chigau says it is time to stop.”Aka you should lay down and get some rest today has been crazy for you,” Chigau says as he pushes Aka in her teint.

“Chigau, my granny, she will be ok right?” Aks asks looking up at the teller man. He wants to say yes, say that everything will be ok. Yet he can’t lie to her about this. So he hugs her, and stays there.

“I don’t know, but I do know that you will be ok,” he says as he walks to the bed they have made up. “Lay down, ok,’ He says as Aka looks at him.

“Whatever,” Aka say laying down “ Night Chigau.”

“Night little Red,” Chigau says as he left. Before he fully walks out he looks back at the black hair girl. ‘I will keep her safe you old witch.”

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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