By Atheena112218

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At fifteen, I was deeply in love to Adam. And he was 17. Call us crazy but that year of our life we planne... More

Chapter I
The song
Hold me while you Wait
this is not an update
"I won't give up"


11 0 0
By Atheena112218

School activities are lined up we have our Senior and Junior night and then the student night.
JS PROM getting busy makes me happy and refresh.
Everyone was gathering and waiting for this night, the school is almost done in a week then off to college.
I was wearing my favorite mermaid white dress, I'm not even excited I just want to end this night and get over these people around me, I always get some stares from my school mate and I know it's because of the thing about me and Jane. She even tells some lies around the school and I never gave her any reaction or satisfaction that I am indeed affected by what she did.
She was even proud that she gets what I've been trying to hide. Neil and Eden were always disagreeing with people who spreading things about me.
I'm gonna miss these two idiots, sometimes Eden will tell me if I only gave him the chance he can be the best boyfriend I'd rather be with forever but I and Neil will just laugh about his attempt. Sometimes I'm thinking of what if, I choose to try learning to love him instead of waiting for the storm to calm between me and Adam.
Well, we can't choose who to love and can't even move on easily. Because no matter how we try to forget people we love dearly, the more we can't even survive the day without them interrupting our mind

The theme of the party was elegant everyone is dress elegant but not too much. Neil and Eden were wearing a tux which is navy blue and gray for Neil. In fairness, they look more ravishing than ever.
"Well, I'd rather be your partner than Eden, because I prepared too much for this night. And since this will be our second to our last party as high schooler. I'm gonna miss your annoying face." Neil holds my hands playfully and it feels awkward but happy, others might think we are an item, but we both know better.
"Stop it, she's my partner go find yours because I've been courting her but never got a yes but at least always got this change idiot." Eden burst out to Neil snatching my hands and I laugh about their bickering.
"Stop it, idiots! You two stay with me tonight so that no one can't ravish you two, I don't share." I joke to them and Neil sneaks his hands again to mine. but Eden gave him a death glare because he sits next to Neil which makes him more irritated.
"Well, you don't have to ask because I don't any interesting human being tonight." Eden answer and It made me think no one got his interest ever until now, I don't think it's because of me, maybe because he's not just really interested.
"Whatever as if you got yourself interested to anyone until now?" teasing him and other students who shared their table on us are listening and also smiling.
Which I don't mind, they can gossip whatever since school is about to end anyway.
"Is it my choice? You never gave your fuckin attention to me and now you have the nerve to ask me?" he answered half-joking and I get his point I burst out laughing
"Seriously, Eden, you have to stop it, let it go I mean, She's good, your good, I'm good. Every one of us, as long as she's happy then let her. Don't act like a kid now." Neild defended me and I just rub his hands showing that I appreciate it.
"Because she's madly foolishly waiting to that bastard." He hissed to my glare
"remind something I don't know idiot." I playfully throw to him my small purse and catch it, but never return it, he knows the best.
"Shut it, it's too late and grows up, let's just enjoy this remaining month tsk!" Neil hissed but his sad tone was evident.
"I can't imagine how to survived the day without you two." I grimace to them instead.
"And so am I" Eden retorted back. And we all laugh about it tsk.
As the party was going, some are dancing with their partner and some are just standing to laugh with their partner and keep talking random jokes.
Until the Emcees's voice get everyone's attention
"Now, before we end the night and get party, let's announce the Darling of the crowd and Man of an hour students!" the emcee shout out and everyone's got crowded and waiting for the announcement.
"Congratulations! OLIVI HOUGH and Neil Lane of senior high!" and I was not expecting it because I never dream about it, I'll just add drama about my stress. But Eden was arguing about it.
"Seriously, I put so much effort for this night and choose my friend Neil over me?" Eden retort which gains the attention of the Emcee and just burst out laughing about his drama, acting like 5 years old.
"Not but Eden, last year you got yours" the emcee answer him and wink on me and Neil. We just slapped him on his back for making a big deal about it.
"You can wear my crown idiot!" I was smiling at him for disagreeing about the night. And hearing another student also commenting, it should be someone or specifically Jane because she put so much effort about tonight but I just look at her table with her friends and smirk "Bitch" I mouthed to her and gave me the death glare she can make ever tsk!
Everyone on the front of the stage took a picture with me and Neil and we continue to make fun of Eden making him stand between us, while just laughing about his reason why he should be the winner. And it's crazy I promise.
Everyone was dancing now to the blasting music around the hall and I didn't even realize someone was standing behind my back. Until I turn around because it is those who know him are staring at me.
"Hi hon, I'm sorry I'm late." I was stunned to Adam who's standing in front of me and kissed me on my cheek as I roam my eyes to find Jane who's glaring at me. And focus on what just Adam did.

My heartbeat so fast just by seeing him, everything disappears, claustrophobic and butterflies from my stomach are real! I refused to remember him this past few weeks. But dang! I miss him!
"We're screwed" I retorted enough for him to hear. My heart was beating fast! My cousin and even my brother are around the party and this will get to them. Damn Adam! What's your plan.!
"I don't care! Let them think," and he held my hands "Eden, and Neil can I talk to her for a while?" Adam asks permission for my bodyguard for the first time. In a friendly manner.
"No, you have your chance and you screwed it bastard!" Eden answered right away instead, and so damn. Let's not make a scene idiot.

"Look, I don't have to explain myself to you Eden but, thanks for taking care of my girl but that's just it, she's mine," Adam said, which pissed him more, Neil grabs his coat when he was about to grab Adam and I use myself as a shield to Adam. Which was about to taunt him more.
"Eden, enough and will you stop Adam? Why did you come anyway?" I ask instead to divert their heating exchange.
"I want to talk to you about us and fixed it." He told me while giving a glance to Jane. Now that Jane cannot use our relationship to use him.
"fine let's go to your car." I walk first getting out but he even put his hands to my shoulder as if protecting me from bumping into anyone since I'm wearing a mermaid dress and heels. Were receiving stare from people who know us.
I'm freaking out loud.

I choose to sit at the back of the hood of his sports car and he does the same.

"Let your family and mine to know about us, screw them. We don't care about their issues. Heck, I don't know what's their issue but I don't want this to be over or a secret forever." He looks at me straight into my eyes and waiting for my reaction.
I was thinking of what to say, am I ready to face my Uncles rat and my families humiliating words? Just because I hang out to their unfavorite people? I know they will make me feel disappointed but I don't care anymore. Let's do this.
"If that's what you want, but one chance, if you screw it up. I'm leaving without a trace trust me." I threaten him.
"I will and I will accept it. Just tell me what to do if your families will give you a hard time about us." I nod at him and hi hug me tight, I do the same. It's been a month. It feels home just by hugging him. 
"I LOVE YOU OLIVIA." He whispers continuing to hug me.
"I know and I love you more than you can imagine." I smile to him, screw everyone.
At the end of the night, I bid goodbyes to Neil and Eden who's sending glare to Adam and just nuzzle to my shoulder irritating Eden more and I even give him a small pinch on his hands.
Adam sent me home but before we can stop from our house gate, my brother and grandparents are sitting at the terrace looking down from their post, Uncle Alex was standing at the gate waiting for me.
As I get out of Adam's car, he also gets out and approached my Uncle and we wait for any reaction but instead.
"Get inside young girl and you Adam. Go, home man. I warn you about my niece and you but it seems like I'm not clear about my point." He said in a serious and scariest tone.
"look, we didn't act more than what you think dude, and I'm serious about us, I hope you can side on us for this," Adam told my uncle and gave me a hard stare while keep combing his hair. Look stress enough
"I don't give a damn but my Grandfather is not going to like this, trust me and I'm telling you, she might get into trouble." Looking at me, as if saying be prepared for the worst.
I didn't react because I expect the worst from this.
"Adam, just go home," I told him and get myself inside our house but before I can enter my room.
"Get your ass here! young lady." I heard my grandfather scream inside the house and enough for me to hear. I walk straight to our terrace which facing the road and you can see Adam's house can be the spot from this corner of our house.
"What did you do this time Olivia?" my grandfather was asking me in a serious tone. Dangerous is evident he never even look at me while facing Adam's house.
"Look, Dad, I never do something for you to disown me, but I and Adam are not included to whatever you and his parents have in the past," I answered carefully not to endanger myself.
I know I have to stand up for us, from now on. I can't just wait and wait when we can tell them about us, or eventually, they will know and it will be more complicated, it's now or never guess.
"how long you've been hiding things from your family Olivia?" he asked me venomously
"It's been a year, but I never did something too wrong, we just have this understanding and we barely talk in the same room, you of all people know that," I explain
"Alex and Andrew, leave us alone." He dismissed my uncle and brother "Sit down, let me enlighten you."
My grandfather took his seat and I did from the chair opposite him.
"Isn't obvious that this family has been avoiding to get entangled to them?" my grandfather asked me.
"I know but whatever happens, it's all in the past although I don't have any idea what happens in the past. Adam is different from his parents" I defended him
"Your father was not accidentally drowned in the lake, he saved his best friend but what happens is after saving him, he never get back for your father to be saved. He let him died there. and That was Adam's Uncle, You were just 2 years old at that time, you never get to experience having a father because of that family. Someone saw his uncle, he let your father died instead."

"I don't understand! Adam is not his uncle!" maybe I'm selfish for not thinking maybe because I never got the chance to have a father and got used to it. 

 He was challenging me to deny his word while explaining things to me and I was heartbroken by hearing what my grandfather's reason to hate them.

I grew up almost no one to depend on, I and my brother are not close we choose to be strangers inside the house sometimes, because we have a mother who's barely at home and fatherless. Of course, grandparents are there but they have a lot of things going on. We never messed up ever since I was a kid because I feel like I can't add more if I ever did. I never ask, I never complain. No parents at any school parent meeting. Just our grandparents and uncle to attend to.
Now hearing the truth and real reason was heartbreaking.

"What if, it's just an accident Dad? It's been a decade. Why didn't you did something for them to pay back then?" I ask in anger and enough for him to hear.

"Because they paid us and even if I sue him, we can't get back your father, so the whole family chooses to forget what they did and ever since then, we avoided them, they are just a reminder of your father's accident." He explains their reason and added. "I don't want you to hate them, you can move on from this truth and avoided them from now on. You know your grandmother never like violence and I hope you wouldn't start anything right now." He ended our conversation and dismissed me.

As I was lying on my bed. I received a message from Adam asking me if I'm ok and if they did something to me. I texted him back I'm fine and bid goodnight to him.
It hurts to know how my father died and to add it all, how I grew up without a father. And the reason for them was his uncle. I hated him but not Adam. He's not the one to blame for that. He has to know what my family's reason about us not being together.

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