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By 1-800holywaterbitchh

99.2K 2.4K 1K

"Nothing can change the way I feel about you, do you not get this?" I raised my voice and the tears were star... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chpater 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Important Read

Chapter 28.

1.7K 47 33
By 1-800holywaterbitchh

Harry's POV

"She's finally somewhat stable... she's lost a lot of blood." I heard Madam Pomfrey whisper through the door, "I don't know what did this, or who, but she is beat up pretty badly. Her parents should be contacted immediately, and possibly law enforcement." Her voice echoed through the room, I don't know why they put me outside the room. You can hear everything in this castle. They lowered their voices and I could no longer make out what was being said, so I slid down on the floor against the wall waiting. A wait I couldn't do much longer.

I should have been there. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't say anything about a break. We would have been together.

I pressed my fingers to my temples and put my head between my knees, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I closed my eyes and brought my head back up smashing it on the back of the stone wall, I growled and rubbed the back of my head. I pulled my hand away quickly, glancing at the blood still covered all over them. I stared at my hands that were covered in her blood, there was so much, when you look at a person you never think that they are holding that much blood in them.

"Potter?" Professor McGonagall's touch to my shoulder caused me to jump, she frowned and looked at my hands. "Come, lets clean you up. Yes?" She asked slowly rising and holding her hand out, I shook my head refusing to take it and getting up from the ground.

"I'm sorry, there's too much..." I said looking back down at my hands, she put her hand under my chin and raised my eyes.

"I know." She said opening the large doors to the infirmary and directing me to the sink, she turned the faucet on and helped me scrub my hands. Normally I would insist I do this myself, but as we arrived to the sink I realized I hadn't moved an inch. I was frozen as I watched the blood run down the drain in the swirly circles it does. Professor McGonagall removed all of the blood, even from underneath my fingernails. She made sure there was no trace of Lucy. Once she was done she grabbed a towel and dried my hands off and sent me behind a curtain, there were pajamas sitting on a stool.

"It's not a shower, but I know you want to see her. I didn't want you to do that in those." She pushed her glasses up from the bridge of her nose, I nodded and closed the curtain. As I began removing my clothing my shirt was almost glued to my chest from her blood drying up, I threw my head back to look at the ceiling and not the bloody clothing or my body that was probably covered in her.

I pulled the blue striped pajamas over my body and opened the curtain back up, holding the bloody clothes in my left hand. I handed them to Professor McGonagall without breaking eye contact, the swiftly pulled them away from my grasp and dropped them into a bin. She then turned to me and put both of her hands on my shoulders.

"You did well Harry, you know that don't you?" She asked staring at me intensely with her blue almost grey eyes, I watched her with confusion.

"What did I do?" I asked in shock. I did nothing. If I had done something it would have been knowing where she was and knowing something was wrong immediately, not two days later. If I did well, Lucy wouldn't be sitting in the infirmary at all.

"You found her for a start, you and Hermione took matters into your own hands and found her. While you shouldn't have entered the forest..." She scolded lowly and squeezed my shoulders harder, "If you hadn't entered... I'm afraid she might not have made it. She was hypothermic and didn't have much time left, but because of you, she's alive. Your body warmth kept her alive, Harry. You saved her life." She smiled lightly showing her small wrinkles around her lips, I bit my lip and sighed looking down at my fingers I was fiddling with.

"This wouldn't have happened if I had just been with her like I normally am..." My voice croaked and I shook my head with disapproval. Professor McGonagall wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a long hug, her body was warmer than mine, or Lucy's. Once she pulled away she placed her hands on my cheeks.

"When you go over to the bed, Harry, I need you to know that she doesn't look..." She lost her words and nodded towards the bed, I nodded letting her know I knew what she meant.

I can only hope she looks somewhat like my Lucy, but I know that thought is hoping for too much.

"I'm ready... to see her." I said following her over to the bed. The sight was far worse than I had imagined it would be.

She was sitting up slightly in the bed with a load of pillows behind her head, wrapped around almost her entire head was a white bandage wrap, and her left eye was swollen shut. The bruises on her face were significantly worse than they were earlier, the bruises have turned much darker and the cuts had become smaller since they've been cleaned, one small cut under her cheekbone was stitched. Wrapping around her her ribs were visible, evidently showing she had broken a few, the wrapping wrapped around her breasts covering her up.

I shut my eyes tightly as my body tensed up. Oh, God. I don't know if I can see her like this.

"I'm going to leave you alone with her, you have my permission to stay here with her tonight if you'd like. No climbing into the bed with her though, she shouldn't be moved." Professor McGonagall rubbed my back and exited the room. I pulled a chair up to my sleeping Lucy and rested my elbows on the edge of the bed, watching her breath unevenly. Her broken ribs were making it desperately hard for her. I studied her for a few minutes, taking in that this was actually happening and gently reached for her small pale hand, intertwining our fingers. She was still somewhat cold. I let out a whimper and pressed my lips to hand.
Please come back. Wake up. I need you.
After savoring the little contact I had with her, I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep while holding her hand.

I'm going to find out who did this to her. When I do, I'm going to kill them.

Six days after finding Lucy

After finding Lucy on Friday, Hermione and I were granted passes to stay in the infirmary all day with Lucy for Monday and Tuesday. She still hadn't woken up, and they attached an IV to her arm to keep her hydrated and were debating on attaching a feeding tube to her as well.

After discovering that no one knew when she would actually wake up, we were sent back to our daily classes Wednesday. Once classes were done I would make my way straight to the infirmary hoping she would be awake, but each time I opened the door and looked at her bed, her eyes were still shut. She has slowly been getting better, the bruises have finally begun to fade, but still very visible. Her ribs were broken, but that was going to take six weeks or more to completely heal. The gash on the back of her head has been stitched up, they've removed the wrapping on her head and had given her a sponge bath yesterday and managed to wash her hair, if there was any chance of her waking up they didn't want her to feel her hair which was covered in dark blood. Her left eye was still swollen, and I don't know if she'd be able to see if she opened her eyes today, that's if she does open them today.

As we were dismissed from class I headed to the infirmary like I always do and opened the door. Around Lucy's bed and on her table were numerous presents and flowers that have been gifted from the students and the faculty. Once she was found, the word spread like wildfire and she's had quite a few visits everyday from students, mostly the Gryffindor house. A small amount of fear has spread throughout the school as well, from what I've heard.

"Who could have done this?", "Why would someone do this to her?", "A girl nearly died from whoever attacked her, who could such a thing be done at Hogwarts?"

The list goes on and on, her attack has been the topic of the week. All of the questions everyone has been asking are the same questions I have as well. Who did it? And why?
The only person that can answer these questions are Lucy. I'm not sure when she'll be awake, or if she will ever wake. That's what scares me the most. I need her more than anything, she must wake. I have to find out who did this to her. I have to, and more than anything. I need to hold her in my arms again, I need her to look up at me with her gorgeous smile as she tucks her hair behind her ears. I miss everything about her.

As I walked through the infirmary I sat in my chair that has been placed by her bed and held her hand, the little color she has has been returned to her body and her lips were turning back to the pink they should be. She was finally beginning to look healthy. I smiled to myself at the thought of her coming back to life, and pictured for the day she opens her eyes, and when she does, I'll be right here holding her hand. When she turns to me I'll kiss her passionately, but gently because she is so fragile... Then I'll tell her I'm so sorry for pulling away, and I'll never leave her side again. If in the end... she does want Cedric, I'll still be here, waiting for her, waiting for the day he breaks her heart, because he will, intentional or not, he will and when he does I will be here ready to swoop her off of her feet and into my arms. I want her. I need her and nothing can change my mindset right now.

We are meant to be.

The large doors creaked as they were being opened and a lady with brown hair and a deep blue coat that reached down to her ankles walked in, the sound of her boot heels clicking as she made her way to Lucy and I.
She stopped in front of the bed and played with her small handbag in her hands watching Lucy and I both, keeping quiet. I studied her as I have never seen her before, could this be family?
Her brown hair was curled down her back and her shoulders, the right side behind her ears pinned with a black rosed clip. She had a light amount of makeup applied around her eyes, they were wide and large like Lucy's, but hers were black while Lucy's were light brown. The more I examined the woman's face, she had high cheekbones and a buttoned nose like Lucy. Her features suiting her well. She was beautiful like Lucy.

"Hi, your name is?" She turned to me smiling kindly. My heart dropped as I saw she had the exact same smile as Lucy, my absolute favorite thing about Lucy, the resemblance between the two was impeccable.

"Harry. M - My name is Harry." I stuttered as I reached out to shake her hand, she smiled wider showing her white teeth and exposing her cheek dimples, happily accepting my shake.

"My name is Natalia Matthews, I'm Lucy's mother." She said pulling away from the shake, I watched her as it felt like I was seeing a ghost. The mother? The mother that walked out of her life at such a young age? The mother that Lucy has always felt so conflicted about on the inside? The one that I everyone teacher here seems to know somehow?

What is going on?

"Oh, um, I..." I said watching her as I was at loss for words, she sighed and nodded towards me.

"You know who I am then?" She said still holding a small smile, trying to be kind. I sat back down on the chair and placed my elbows on my knees, nodding with an unsure feeling.

"Yeah, I do..." I said lowly. She sighed and looked at Lucy lying in bed, who was thankfully, sound asleep. I'm not sure how she would handle this if she was awake, nor if she could handle this in her condition.

"I received a letter last night, it was sent days ago... but the owl that arrived with the letter was ancient. He practically looked like he could fall over at anytime." The more I listened to her talk the more I heard a British accent mixed with American, she must have spent a lot of time between each of the two countries.

"We have a few owls here like that." I said unsure on how to respond, or even what to say, I'm quite surprised.

"Do you know what happened to my daughter?" She asked as she reached out for Lucy's foot that was covered with a sock, I shook my head and looked up at Lucy's face.

"No. No one does. I found her in the woods... let's just say she looks better now than she did last week." I said while inhaling deeply.

"She doesn't look good at all." Natalia said as the happiness was wiped clean off her face, "who would do this to her?"

"I don't know. I'll find out as soon as I can, I need her to wake up." I said as I reached for Lucy's hand and held it tightly again, Natalia watched my actions and looked back at me.

"You're Harry Potter, aren't you?" She asked pushing her brows together, I watched her nodding with a confused face.

"I am. Why?" I asked. She sighed and glanced back at Lucy.

"I know I haven been a part of her life in a very long time, but there is a reason for it. I can't explain that reason now, there will be a day when I can."

"Okay." I said nodding. She frowned and generally squeezed her daughter foot.

"I know she's angry at me," Natalia's voice broke and her eyes began to fill with a small bit of water, "but I'm always watching her. She's my daughter, and I love her. I'm always keeping tabs on her. She's so incredibly smart, like her father, she's doing so well in school. I couldn't be more proud. She's found a good group of friends, and from what I'm seeing, people care about her," She gestured to all the presents and flowers around us, I looked at the balloon tied to the bed frame next to Natalia and the red roses next to me, "which means the world to me... I've also learned that she's found someone, who makes her very happy..." She looked at me and smiled gently, showing her deep dimples once again. I watched her still confused, Lucy doesn't speak to her mother. How does she know all this? How will Lucy feel when she finds out that her mother is watching her, but won't speak to her and hasn't showed her face in years.

And for her mother to finally show herself here right now... it took her daughter almost dying for her to come around? What the hell?

"Yeah... thank you." I said silencing the conversation. I know Lucy, she would be very angry to be hearing all of this if she was awake right now.

"No. Thank you. You saved my daughters life, Harry Potter." She nodded at me and adjusted her coat pulling away from the bed, I believe she is about to leave. "If you could, keep this conversation between us? If you feel the need to tell her, I can't stop you. I know she would be very angry with me right now, that's all." She said as she began to walk away.

"Ms. Matthews?" I said rising from my chair, she turned around waiting for my next words, "If you know she is angry, then maybe you should write to her. Or come see her... when she's awake. She wants an explanation, that's all." I defended Lucy, her mother smiled and glanced back at her daughter.

"There is a time for everything, I will tell her eventually, but that time isn't now. Please take good care of my daughter for me, will you, Harry?" She asked waiting for my answer, I scratched the back of my neck and smiled awkwardly at her.

"I will always take care of her. I care about her so much." I said looking back at the girl that is my world, lying in bed, nearly broken. Natalia's footsteps receded from the room and the door opened.

"I know you will, I'm going to find out who did this to my daughter." She said with authority and closed the door behind her. I felt a sense of relief run through my veins as I knew someone else was just as determined as I was to find out what happened. I turned around and went back to my chair holding Lucy's hand. I looked up and her swollen face.

"I need you to come back now, Lucy. It's been too long without you, I miss you." I said bringing my lips near her ears and resting my nose against hers.

"I love you." I whispered quietly, kissing her cheek.

Authors note: I didn't edit this! Sorry! I will later! Another update to come today hopefully! I felt terribly sick last night from my antibiotics so I didn't get to update! Love you guys! ❤️

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