Our Maknae | 1

By disasian

179K 6K 2K

In 2006, a six to seven year old named Y/N L/N moves to Seoul, South Korea carrying nothing but her parents'... More

1. solo things
2. group work
3. why you always lying
4. you're back
5. before the comeback
6. awkward
7. happy birthday
8. feel special
9. vlive
10. no peace and no quiet
11. peace and quiet
12. privacy
13. a hot mess
14. schedules
15. rest
16. scared
17. an act
18. trouble
20. last days

19. dare

5.2K 222 37
By disasian


The last fansign to attend. These past weeks felt like they've flown by before I could even blink. It felt too sudden. In a few Mom days, I'd be flying all across the world to go to the one place where the word Twice didn't follow me like a shadow. Of course that would still happen nonetheless but where my dad lived, it's possible I'd be noticed less. Besides, I don't think the people who I'd walk by in the street would care to give me a second look. Plus to be extra careful, I'll use the infamous Clark Kent disguise. I promise it works.

"Since this is our last fansign, we should do something special for the fans." Nayeon commented. We, minus Mina---bless her soul for taking the rest needed--- were thinking of ways we could make today's fansign memorable since it was the last for both the fans and I.

"We should wear something special like a dress or suit!" Sana commented and a few laugh while others whined. It was agreed between the entire group that some clothes, despite how loud fans would scream when they'd see us in them, were too much work to put on and take off plus having to perform in them was just the cherry on top that we didn't need. Lucky for us, it was just a fansign that we'd wear such thing to.

"Okay, let's decide this by playing rock paper scissors!" Jihyo announced and we all sat in a circle, putting our fists out.

"Whoever loses will have to wear it!" Jeongyeon exclaimed.

"Rock paper scissors!" We said together and then next thing I know, I had lost. It was their scissors against my paper.

All of them had paper.

Are you kidding me.

"You planned this didn't you!" I yelled, standing up from the floor as they all clapped, laughing in unison.

"I'm gonna kill all of you!" I said, pushing Chaeyoung away since she had laughed the hardest. It was known among the company that I was the type to prefer comfortable clothing over formal clothing. It all started when I accidentally ripped one of the first dresses I wore during our first award shows because I was the only one who wasn't used to tight fitting clothing yet.

"Get dressed you guys!" Yongjin saved everyone from me killing all of them and everybody burst out into more laughter.

"Get dressed Y/N!" Nayeon exclaimed as the others walked to their respective rooms.

I walked inside my room with Momo and Jeongyeon and the three of us started grabbing our clothes for the fansign. Of course, I had to wear something different so I decided to wear the navy blue coloured suit I had laying around.

By the time I had put on the pants and started buttoning the white long sleeved shirt, Jeongyeon and Momo were already done.

"And even until now you still need someone to help you." Momo smiled, approaching me and took the top half of the buttons and did them herself.

"That's a lie." I told her and she glanced up at me while she did the buttons.

"Look, they're very small buttons." I argued and she smiled, shaking her head as she looked back down.

"There." Momo patted my chest as she finished doing the rest of the buttons and I lifted up the collar. Jeongyeon had walked over to me, holding the tie that I was about grab and she hung it around my neck.

"You'll be fine." Jeongyeon assured me as she tied the tie for me and I looked at her.

"I'm not nervous." I replied, furrowing her brows.

"I never said you were." Jeongyeon raised a brow, looking at me and I chuckled in disbelief. "Sometimes I wonder just how your future girlfriend will be."

"What do you mean by that." I asked.

"What I mean is, you better start acting your age or else your future girlfriend will turn into a mother earlier than they need to be." She explained.

"You have nothing to worry about if you're worried about me going to Canada. I'll keep my dad's place as tidy as possible and I'll also take care of myself." I assured her and she nodded, humming in response.

"I'll be the verdict of that when you get home." She said and she patted down the tie, making it look neat. Then I grabbed the last piece of the suit—the blazer— and wore it.

There. I had worn the suit and when we all walked out together, we saw the girls by the front door, putting their shoes on.

"Tada!" Momo grabbed their attention and everybody looked up from the floor and looked over at me.

"Wow." Chaeyoung was the first to say anything since the others were too busy looking me up and down.

3rd Person

While it was quite the sight to see Y/N in a suit, no matter how simple it looked, they all look stunned at how truly gorgeous she was from head to toe. Of course she always was 24/7, but it's a rare occurrence to see her in formal clothing out of her 'own will' so to see her like this made it feel like that Christmas had arrived early. Because of this rare occurrence, the members took their sweet time, savouring every second of this moment.

Y/N visibly looked confused but she wasn't completely oblivious. She saw the way Sana, Nayeon and Momo looked at her and was slightly surprised when she saw Dahyun looking at her the same way.

"So!" Jeongyeon clapped her hands together, snapping the rest of the girls out of their train of thoughts and they all looked over at her in unison.

"Get your shoes, we can't run late." She shooed Momo and Y/N over to the door as one of the managers knocked on the door, asking if they were all ready.



Sitting in the backstage area, I scrolled through the long lists of YouTube videos, talking about my current situation and theorizing why I haven't been seen in other type or promotions outside of music shows.

TWICE's Y/N L/N: A Fall From Grace

Okay, I understand when people make a video explaining my whole 'scandal' slash 'controversy' but did they have to make it look like I went to prison? People do love the drama. I won't lie though, I love it too.

I turned my phone off for a bit and leaned my head against the wall. That lack of sleep was starting to catch up to me and I started to close my eyes. I felt my head falling forwards but I pulled my head up quickly. This went on three more times until someone had woken me up.

"Y/N!" Jihyo called me and I flinched at how loud she was.

"Yeah?" I turned my head around and she gestured for me to join the others near the stage. I pulled myself off the seat, taking a large sip of the coffee. Then I approached the group, ready to walk out and I tapped my foot on the ground.

Jeongyeon had overheard the tapping from my foot and I felt her wrap her arms around one of my arms, hugging me close to her. I placed my hand over hers to signal her that I had acknowledged her attempt in making me feel better. She rubbed my arm and I stretched my head back, rolling my head in a circle so that there was less tension around my neck.

"You okay?" Jeongyeon asked, stepping behind me and started to massage me.

"Yeah..." My voice got quiet as I felt her fingers and slightly groaned at how good her massages felt. I closed my eyes, and let my head drop. Being there made me realize just how badly needed a massage was during these times.

"Okay, let's go." Jihyo told us and we all started walking forward after her command. The faces of the crowd got more visible when we walked out and the cheers they let out were clear to the ear. I faced towards the fans and they let out hollers when they saw me in the suit. Of course I was standing in the middle so it only made me stand out more.

"One, two, three." Jihyo said into the mic.

"One in a million, hello we are Twice!" We said to the crowd, doing the hand gestures along with it before bowing. They cheered us on and as we pulled ourselves up, I stuck myself to Jihyo, hoping to feel less embarrassed.

"Yah! Why are you shy!" Jihyo called me out and I ducked my head behind her. The fans cheered once again when they saw me and some of the members laughed at how I acted.

"Because look at what I'm wearing!" I exclaimed, putting my face towards the mic so that my words could be picked up. The cheers got louder this time and I smiled widely, shoving my face into Jihyo's side.

"Once! Doesn't Y/N look so charming?" I heard Sana as I continued to hide.

"Yes!" The fans screamed in response and I finally pulled myself away from Jihyo and grabbed the mic from her hands.

"Agh why did I have to lose!" I whined, leaning my head on Jihyo. I glanced up at her to see that she was smiling proudly at me.

"What do you mean, you won the bet! You get to look good for all our fans!" Nayeon argued and I looked towards her direction.

"That's because you all planned it!" I argued back. Eventually, we had to get onto the fansign and after Jihyo's small talk, we all walked behind the long tables and took our seats. Once again I sat next to Tzuyu, though this time, Dahyun had sat beside me too.

We were at the far side from where the fans were coming in so we had some time to ourselves before we had to interact with fans. Tzuyu was posing for cameras while on the other hand, I was sipping water. I turned my head to the right and saw Dahyun staring at me.

"What is it?" I grinned, seeing the dazed look in her eyes, as if she had zoned out by staring at me.

"Nothing." She shook her head, and I leaned back on the chair, setting my water aside. "That tie looks so nice though." She reached for my tie. I decided to grab onto the bottom of the seat and the back of the chair before pulling her close to me.

She immediately got flustered at the action and held in her laugh as she planted her forehead on my shoulder. I chuckled, watching her shoulders bounce up and down from the fact she was trying to hold her laughter in as she gripped onto my tie.

"I find it hard to believe that you thought of nothing while you were watching me." I muttered, slightly tilting my head downwards so my lips rested beside her ear. She lets go of my tie and she placed her hand on top of my thigh.

I noticed her pick her head back up and I slowly leaned back as she rested her chin on the end of my shoulder.

"There's not enough words to describe what I thought of so I guess I'll just have to show you then." She looked at me with eyes that could pull anyone in from miles away. I gulped, noticing that even in front of how many people, she had the courage to say something like this to me.

But as I looked up from her eyes, I noticed Chaeyoung glancing over at us. Her brows raised before looking away. I cleared my throat and plastered on a sweet smile as I pulled myself away from Dahyun.

"What's wrong?" Dahyun looked confused for a second as to why I pulled away.

"There's a fan coming." I pointed my lips towards the man who was just finishing his conversation with Chaeyoung and she nodded, putting her chair back in its original spot.

"You're seriously flirting with her here?" I heard Tzuyu speak under her breath as she played with her marker.

"Fanservice, that's all." I shrugged, glancing over at her.

"Really? Because you're the one to start flirting in public?" Tzuyu said and I chuckled at her sentence. She was right, majority of the time, it was the others who'd make the move and not me.

"And what's wrong with that?" I asked her.

"You might make some people jealous." She shrugged and she looked back at me. I held in my smile before nodding in response.

"Okay, okay I apologize for that." I replied.

"Good." She shrugged and continued with her interactions with the fans. I took in a breath and waited for the fan in front of Dahyun to come to me.

A minute later, he arrived and I smiled, greeting him and he greeted back. I take the album from his hands and flipped over to my pages.

"Was there a bet?" He asked, gesturing to my suit and I grabbed my sharpie, taking the cap off.

"It was simple Rock Paper Scissors, but they planned it so I could lose and wear this." I explained and he gave me a small laugh at how ridiculous the situation sounded despite happening anyway.

"Well you look amazing in the suit." He commented and I thanked him. I asked for his name and once he gave it to me, I wrote it down on the page before I started to write a small note.

"What do you think about SuperM?" He asked and I glanced up at him. Now, the question would've seemed fine for any other idol considering that SuperM was currently making headlines and it only made sense to ask. But for me, all I could think about was the one time I talked about the SM idol in that vlive and I think it's about time to explain my reasons why I choose not to date someone from SM.

"Do you think it'll be fine if I date someone from your company?" I glanced over at Jonghyun. We were sitting at SM's café inside their building and were eating a cup of ice cream together. He started laughing at my question and I furrowed my brows, looking at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Do not date someone from this company, please. It'll make your life so much easier." He chuckled in disbelief as he placed another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Why?" I sat up from my seat and he started listing me reasons as to why it's better to leave SM idols alone when it came to dating. From hectic schedules that will leave noticeable gaps in the relationships to crazy fans that would wish you on your deathbed if the relationship were to ever come out, it seemed that dating someone there would put a weight on your ankle too heavy to walk with especially when you're also an idol yourself.

"Oh, and, there'll be a lot of times where you'll get jealous if you're the jealous type. Just keep in the back of your head that they've probably already dated two other people in the company." He said and I coughed a bit. All of a sudden it hit for me. Being the biggest standing company in the industry also meant wonders for rumours and gossip to circulate. Already having dated just one person from the company would already put a target on you, either good or bad. And that person you dated might have already had a past relationship with the next person you're planning to date. It'd be like being part of the Glee Cast during season 1 and 2.

Plus it's SM. You don't wanna get tangled in their mess if you ever came across it.

"What about YG?" I moved on and he looked at me.

"That's a 50/50, anyways, I heard that the company don't even Ikon talk to BlackPink." He revealed and my mouth opened from shock.

"They're cool, I mean they have great idols in it. But I do feel bad for Lucas and Mark." I said, sipping on my water and he let out a laugh.

Okay, I lied. But I do feel bad for their significant others if they were dating right now and aren't able to juggle everything well. But I hold hope for them.

"Anyways, what do you think about SuperM?" I asked them and they went on to talk about how they felt. It was nice to know what our fans liked and didn't like when it came to other groups. But what interested me more is when people had talked good about other artists who I know personally, especially when that artist had wronged me one way or another.


After we had talked to all our fans, the part of the fansign which I dreaded the most had come. The part where the managers would give me albums to sign all by hand separately. Now, I loved doing such things for the fans but was it worth all this handwriting? Apparently so. So, I sat there, just humming along to the music being played through the speakers while I signed the cover of an album and set it aside before going to sign the next one.

"Yo." I heard Chaeyoung and I paused from my signing and looked up at her.

"Hey." I smiled at her as she took Dahyun's chair and sat down on it.

"If you were to guess when you'll come back, when do you think you'll come back?" She asks.

"Probably during Christmas?" I furrowed my brows and she chuckled.

"That's too short of a break for you."

"Okay then... maybe before March." I said and she nodded. Then, she held my arm with both of her hands and she leaned the side of her head onto me, facing the crowd.

"I'm gonna miss you." She let out a small sigh and I did too. I focused back on the albums and continued signing them.

"I'm gonna miss you more."

"You should wear suits more often." She started rubbing the fabric of my blazer and I glanced over at her.

"Yeah?" I asked and she confirmed it with a nod.

"Makes you look more mature." She commented.

"Then I'll make sure to add in a few more suits to the closet." I chuckled, turning back to the albums.

"I know that you and Jennie went out and how you had to reject her when she confessed to you, Rosé told me." She revealed and I paused for a moment after I finished signing an album. Then I handed the album to Tzuyu as she signed it as well. "I told the other girls about this by the way." She added.

"Wait, why?"

"Because they had their suspicions that Jennie liked you for a while now, especially Nayeon." She grabbed my hand and she interlocked our fingers together. "I'm sorry you had to reject her."

"It's fine, her and I will stay as friends and that'll be the end of it." I told her and she looked at me.

"So even though our dating ban is gone, you still back out of a relationship." She commented and I stayed silent at her comment. "I advise that you think about the whole situation while you're away, because I want you to be happy and I don't think you're having fun anymore."

"So what, do I have to choose someone?"

"I'm not saying that, I just want you to think everything over because there's a possibility that someone might start showing just how tiring this situation is with you." She then gently pushed my cheek with her palm, turning my head and I see Nayeon.

Nayeon noticed me looking over at her direction and waved at me. I then forced a smile, waving back.

"Your mom didn't lie when she said you were a tough one to handle." She chuckled and I sighed.

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