Stray Kids Imagines

By Felixthecat0325

268K 4.6K 792

A book where my imagination runs wild~ Best # Ranks: #leefelix - 8 #kpopimagines - 3 #minho - 151 #chan - 98 ... More

Felix - School and Breakdowns
Jisung - Insecurities
Hyunjin - Baking Session
Seungmin - Sick
Chan - Age Difference
Chan - Age Difference pt. 2
Jeongin - Tests, Stress and Guilt
Minho - Stargazing
Changbin - Kissing in the rain
Jisung - Couple Pictures
Changbin - Feelings and Misunderstandings
Hyunjin - Appearance
Chan - Restless Nights
Felix - Hanahaki Disease
Seungmin - Part Time Job
Minho - Childish
Jisung - Prank
Jeongin - First Kiss
Changbin - Confession
Jeongin - White Day
Changbin - Addicted
A/n: OMG
Hyunjin - Tickets
Chan - Anime
Felix - Lost
Jisung - Sweet Dreams
Minho - Water War
Chan - Time Capsule
Seungmin - Invisible
Seungmin - Invisible (Part 2/3)
Seungmin - Invisible (Part 3/3)
Felix - I Love You
Jeongin - Summer Waves
Hyunjin - Welcoming Arms
Jisung - Ex
Stray Kids - Celebration
Changbin - Tattoo
Minho - Childish pt. 2
Felix - Cramps
Chan - 찬이의 "방" 🐺
Jeongin - Thunder & Lightning
Appreciation post~♡
Jisung - Drunk
Changbin - Love Alarm
Minho - Bathtub
Seungmin - Dog
Hyunjin - Mask
*Hyunjin - Drawing
*Changbin - Manager
*Jeongin - Makeup Wipe
*Hyunjin - Homework
Jisung - Message
Jisung - Message #2
Jisung - Message #3

*Felix - Windowsill

3.2K 60 14
By Felixthecat0325


Requested by: YusraAngel

I ended up changing it a little, but I hope you still like it~


You were tired of always being ignored. You felt like air, always around, but unnoticeable. There was never appreciation for you even though you knew that you were needed. But it sure as hell didn't feel like it, every time Felix would come home tired from practice, never saying a word to you but going straight to bed without looking at you. Never talking back when you try to start up a conversation. The only words you ever heard from him recently had been "I'm tired, can we talk tomorrow?". But he would always say the same thing the next day, and the day after, and the day after that again and you felt sad. You felt like he could walk out of your life any moment, as he didn't seem to care about you one bit. Your thoughts swallowed you up from the inside out and you felt the need to test him.

The next day he had left early to film something "Pops in Seoul" related, meaning the other members might be free. Since he always stayed for lots of hours when he filmed you waited until it became a more reasonable time to call Changbin. You wanted to catch up with him a little as the two of you had a lot of similarities and always had gotten along really well. The fact that this also normally used to make Felix jealous was one of the reasons you wanted to hang out with him as well. It was about 9 am when you decided it was okay to call him. "Hey y/n, what's up?" He said. "Nothing special, but I have nothing to do today and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out if you're not busy?" You said with a hopeful voice. "Yeah sure! Want to go to the amusement park? I haven't been there in ages!" He exclaimed. "Sure! I'll meet you at the front entrance in 30?" "Deal!" He said and you hung up to get dressed.

It didn't take you long as you were just dressing casually. You made some quick breakfast and put the leftovers in the fridge. You put on your shoes and got a post it note. On the note you wrote "I am going to the amusement park with Changbin. I don't know when I'll get home. There's leftovers from my breakfast if you want it. - y/n". You put the note on the fridge and left to take the bus. About 15 minutes later you arrived and you spotted Changbin right away. His style just stood out from everyone else's. "Hi!" He said as he went in for a hug. as you hugged back you said "It feels as if I haven't seen you in years." You laughed as you pulled away. "Last time we saw each other was July wasn't it?" He asked. "Yeah it's been a while. It's so inconvenient that we're both busy people." You said with a big sigh. "Well then we should enjoy this day to the fullest!" He said and grabbed your hand, dragging you inside the amusement park.

He took you on multiple rollercoasters where you constantly ended up grabbing his hand out of pure fear of dying. You also took some less scary rides like the ferris wheel, and a simple water ride. A couple of hours had passed and you both agreed that it was time to eat something. You sat down at a pizza place and ordered a big pizza to share. Changbin had noticed that you had been a bit off throughout the day but hadn't dared to mention it until now. "Y/n are you okay? Cause you don't seem like yourself." You looked up at him dropping your little act. "Well to be honest I feel unneeded in this world. Like I didn't feel useless enough at work, but on top of that Felix doesn't talk to me. He totally ignores me and never wants to talk and I don't know why." You started tearing up and Changbin came over to sit beside you. He enveloped you in a hug as he stroked your back. "Shh, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong." He said before pulling away.

You looked up at him feeling hopeless. "I just don't know what to do." You said as a simple tear slipped form your eyes. Changbin locked eyes with you as he dried away the tear. You didn't realise, but he was slowly inching closer and closer to your face. You only realised how close he was when he closed his eyes, pursing his lips a little. You lifted your hands to push him away, but wasn't able to as someone beat you to it. Felix had dragged him away from you and he was fuming. He grabbed you out of your seat and made you stand behind him. "Changbin I don't know what you're thinking but I'm her boyfriend and you better stay away from her!" Felix almost screamed at him. Changbin came back to his senses and started apologising. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me! Y/n! Felix! I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to hear it." Felix said harshly as he dragged you out and brought you home. He dragged you to the couch and pushed you down onto it harshly. "Are you trying to cheat on me?" "No! He was the one who leaned in!" You yelled back. "I didn't see you trying to stop it!" He angrily screamed back. "Well I was going to but you did it before I was able to!" You said standing up from the couch, standing face to face with him. "I don't believe you." He said calmer but in a harsh tone. "You're such an asshole! I should've dated Changbin instead!" You said out of anger and spite. The next thing he did, was punching you in the gut. You felt the pain spread throughout your body, but you had to quickly collect yourself. Ignoring the pain as best as you could you ran to your room and locked the door, as you fell to the floor in pain.

You curled up on the floor clenching your stomach waiting for the pain to disappear as tears formed in your eyes. You decided the second the pain went away you were packing up your necessities and leaving out the window. You were going to call Changbin when you realised that your phone wasn't in your pocket. You realised it must've fallen out earlier and stood up to start packing your things. You found a bag and packed down a pair of pyjamas as Felix started knocking on the door "Y/n! I am so sorry, let me in so we can talk please?" He asked pleadingly. You didn't dare to face him off again, afraid to be punched once again. You didn't answer him and just continued to pack up your stuff. "Please." He said once again. He sounded completely broken, which made you feel even worse as you hated hurting him, but once again you didn't answer.

You zipped up your bag and went to open up your window. You put your right feet on the windowsill and was about to jump onto it, as you heard some weird sounds from the door. You turned to look at what was happening and a second later the door opened, revealing a stressed out Felix. He had literally unlocked your door without a key somehow and you totally froze. When he saw your position and stance and realised what you were about to do he quickly went over to you and grabbed your waist, making you flinch once again as he pulled you away from the window. He started crying at the thought of you leaving him by jumping out the window and the warm tears went down your back, neck and shoulder as he had placed his head in the crook of your neck.

"I've been a terrible boyfriend and I know. I never meant to hurt you emotionally and that punch is the worst thing I've ever done. I would never do that to even my worst enemy, and yet I did it to the person I love the most in this world. I know it doesn't count for anything and that it won't change what I did, but I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart." He said his voice cracking a few times. You didn't feel totally safe in his embrace and warmth like you had before and it was weird. You knew deep inside you still loved him, and he clearly regretted his actions and decided to give him a chance even though you'd maybe regret it later. "I'll give you another chance ok? Just don't do that again. Cause if you do I'll leave you right away." "Thank you! I love you so much!" he said kissing the back of your head 1000 times. "You can let me go now you know?" You said. "I am never letting go of you ever again, so you should get used to it. Now let's cuddle!"

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