The Lost Treasure

By LightningMcQueen6

355 55 95

Ibrahim and his friends have always dreamed of having an adventure. But what will they do when they find them... More

The Beginning
The Forest
The Shack
A little hide and seek
The run
Under the cover of darkness
Deciphering the paper
Off to the market
Setting the plan in motion
Hiding in plain sight

The spies

40 2 11
By LightningMcQueen6

Ben's point of view:

I was extremely annoyed by the whole ordeal

  Like, where the hell was this dude? "Gosh Ronan" I thought to myself, "if there's one thing you've got a talent for, it's for being a major idiot"

  I sighed in exasperation and was pretty much ready to give up. Wherever Ronan had gone following this man, it really was somewhere odd. "Where could they have gone?" I asked myself, leaning against the wall of a nicely styled café.

  I looked down at my hands and exhaled softly, trying to think. If there had been a man which Ronan had seen, which I was assuming and betting on, he'd have followed him to where he'd have gone obviously. But if I were an evil man seeking something, then where would I hide? And why would I be in a market?

  And the answer hit me like a slap to the face. Of course! He was here to meet someone, that had to be it! But now the question was, where were they?

I kept my back leaned against the wall, trying my hardest to think of where they might be.


Ronan's point of view:

  Whoever this guy was waiting for, he was such a terrible time. I mean, god! Ever heard of punctuality? Whatever, this mysterious joker was taking forever, and it was infuriating.

  But just seeing this mysterious man and the man who attacked us sit at a table far away wasn't going to do us any good. I had to get closer and listen in on their conversation.

But how..

  Suddenly I heard a loud crash on the lower level and I rushed down the wooden stairs to see what was going on. And there on the floor was the body of a waiter, with all the contents which he was carrying splattered across the floor.

  I got to him as a pair of workers there picked him up by his arms and I went to them, "What happened" I asked concerned.

  "Fainted" the person on the right replied, "Now we haven't gotten a waiter and we're badly messed up. It's always the worst that happens in the times when they shouldn't happen. Now who's going to serve the customers food? We've got no employees to spare."

  At that reply a light bulb clicked on above my head. This was a crazy move, just might work.

  "I can take up his spot for you if you'd like. I'll even work for this guy's working hours without demanding pay. Is that okay?" I suggested, hoping that I got the desired response.

  The two employees looked at each other, and one nodded, saying "It could work, and we'd really very greatly appreciate it, but are you sure? I mean, no pay? And for Zayn's whole shift? You sure you can handle it kid?"

  I nodded to reassure them, and then minutes later I found myself dressed in the waiter's outfit. It was rather stylish, but not too stand out. I had to wear a black shirt with a cool logo and a slogan promoting the café on it, with dress trousers and formal shoes, which sounds like an odd combo but it honestly did work out quite nicely. I was also very lucky that the clothes were a perfect fit for me, or otherwise I would have been in a slight fix.

  "Here kid, we need you to deliver the order to table 6, and after you are done with that just hang around for a while on the lower level to see if anyone needs anything, and if no one does, go to the upper level and ask everyone for their orders, if there are people up there. Got it?" explained the man who seemed to be running the place.

  "Yes sir, got it" I said politely, before getting the tray full of dishes and walking out the door. I felt like a real hero for some reason at that moment. I was a real loyal and trustworthy employee. Although, I did make sure to sneak a chip out of the plate when no one was looking.

  I delivered the dishes to a family who was seated there, at table 6, and I got a lot of "thanks" from them, to which I replied a little awkwardly, "No problem sirs, and miss"

  After I said that I made sure to get away from them as fast as I could to save myself the embarrassment of saying such a silly thing, and I was certain the dad eyed me with a grin. I did make sure not to look at him though, and pretended to be involved with the other customers.

  Things were a breeze from then onwards, and I could say that the job I had taken up was pretty chill. All I had to do was go around and ask people if they needed something and usually they'd say no or ask for water.

  And I was getting water for one customer when I caught sight of a person entering the café. And man..he didn't even make an effort to blend in.

  Quite a few heads turned in his direction as he walked in silently within his black trench coat and boots, and made his way up the stairs.

This had to be my guy, there was no question.

And I decided now was a good time to make my way upstairs.

  And not two minutes later, I was up there, walking nervously up to the two men, whom I could tell were immersed in a secretive conversation as neither of their voices reached my ears.

  I kept my head lowered partially and hoped for the love of god that the uniform fooled the men, though I chided myself for not thinking of this earlier.

  "Good evening gentlemen" I greeted politely, making an effort to talk with an accent so I couldn't be identified by my voice, "How are ya'll doing today?"

  "Very well, thanks" replied the man in the trench coat, not even glancing up at me, as the other man did the same thing.

"That's lovely, now what would you like to order?" I inquired, getting my pen out.

  "Just a coffee and iced tea" the man answered in his clear, but somehow unsettling voice, "That'll be all"

"Okay sir, your order will be here in 5 minutes" I said, before walking back downstairs.

  Walking down the stairs I tried my absolute hardest not to giggle at how my plan had just worked for the moment. Now I could get close to them and maybe, just maybe grab some useful information.

Things couldn't get any better, but then I walked straight in to Ben of all people.

Of all the people! It had to be this guy.

  We locked eyes and suddenly Ben said in a voice a little too loud for my liking, "Ronan? Is that you?"

"Shush!" I silenced him, slapping him instinctively. "I'm in the middle of something!"

"Ouch!" he remarked, putting his hand on his cheek, "What was that for?"

  "Can you not talk so loud!" I said, before brushing past him and whispering, "They're upstairs, go"

  And before he could ask me what I meant, I had swung open the doors to the kitchen, and briskly walked in with them closing behind me.

I hoped Ben understood what I said.


Ben's point of view:

  Had I been watching this whole scene on TV at home, I would have laughed at how silly this all was. And it was! But seeing as I was actually there while this happened, and was a part of it, I didn't find it funny. What the heck was Ronan doing in a waiter's outfit in a café? And he slapped me!

I was going to get him back for that.

But I was no idiot, I was going to go upstairs to see what was up.

  I ascended the flight of stairs, and nearly got the living daylights scared out of me when I saw the very man who had chased us sitting at the table not too far from me.

  Luckily it seemed that they were too engrossed in their conversation to actually notice me, but I was at a disadvantage. How was I to even get close to them? I couldn't possibly do it because I'd be spotted, and even if they didn't recognize me, it'd still be very suspicious for me to pick the one table behind them when there were at least a dozen or more!

I didn't really have a choice so I went back downstairs, where Ronan had gotten the drinks ready.

"What are you doing here Ben?" he asked, "Find out anything?"

"No" I shook my head, "I couldn't get close to them"

  Ronan sighed, "And this is why you should never let someone else do a legend's job. Go back to your dad and tell him I'll be a while, so he can do some more shopping, and make sure to stay with him. I won't be too long, just an hour more."

"Fine" I replied, "Good luck"


Ronan's point of view:

So it was up to the legendary me to get the job done, figures.

  I didn't mind though, and to be honest it was really exciting yet extremely nerve wracking at the same time.

I got the drinks ready and made my way upstairs to the two men.

  They seemed to be very engrossed in their conversation, so engrossed that they didn't notice that they were within earshot of me.

  "But i can't get those kids taken hostage, that'll raise too many questions!" the man who had previously attacked us whispered.

  "Just make sure they don't interfere anymore. If word gets out about the treasure, we'll be in a major fix" the other man replied, not taking his eyes off the other man.

"Excuse me sirs, here's your order" I said in an accent, walking towards them, "Enjoy your drinks"

"Thanks" they both mumbled, handing me the cash.

I nodded, noticing how I had startled them both, and almost giggled. I was a true legend indeed.

But then something happened.

"Hey wait a minute kid, I think I know you" said the big burly man.

  And like that I dashed down the stairs and ran in to the kitchen. Panting, I snatched my clothes off the counter top and I locked myself in the changing room.

  Not a minute later I burst out and told everyone I had to catch a ride, and sprinted out the back door, hoping I'd find Ben and his dad before it was too late.

  And as I kept running on, I couldn't help but think of what I had just overheard. These criminals were after treasure! Treasure!

  They didn't want anyone in their way though, but oh how unfortunate it was for them to have come across us. We for sure as heck wouldn't stop interfering.

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