save me

By discodeaky7

4K 277 296

john has been battling with self-hate and body issues for years, and when his thoughts cause him to stop eati... More



281 20 43
By discodeaky7

a/n: woah ten chapters already??

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

the next couple of hours passed by in a blur.

i recall leaving a note for brian and rog to let them know what hospital we had gone to. a short ride in the ambulance, and then we were inside the hospital. i remember being told to sit in the waiting room while they took a look at john's wound.

it's been two hours since then, and i had no idea what was happening to my boyfriend. no one would tell me anything, pretending like they didn't know. for fuck's sake, it's been two hours, they have to know. so why couldn't they just bloody tell me? i just wanted to know if he'd be okay.

i tapped my fingers on my thigh nervously, my eyesight growing blurry as i stared at the plain white door of the room they had taken john to. were they not telling me anything about his condition because...because they didn't want me causing a scene? because he was...

no. they would've told me if it was something major. right? or would they? at this point i wasn't so sure, i wasn't getting any information out of the nurses that walked in and out of the room.

suddenly, a creak interrupted the silence of the hallway, indicating that someone was coming out. sure enough, a second later the white door was opening to reveal yet another nurse. i jumped up from my seat, startling the poor woman but i didn't care. i had to know what was happening.

''uh, excuse me?'' i called out, hoping that this was one of the nurses that spoke english.

''yes?'' she answered in an exhausted tone. to be honest, i didn't blame her, it was the middle of the night after all.

''uh, how is he?'' i asked, gesturing to the door that had been closed once more.

''i'm sorry sir, but i can't share that information,'' she said sternly, but with a hint of sympathy in her voice.

''please! will he be okay?! i need to know, he's my bo- best friend.''

''are you his immediate family?'' she questioned, narrowing her eyes at me.

''n-no but-''

''then i can't tell you. i apologize, but these are the rules.'' she turned around and quickly walked away. 

i stood there, dumbfounded. so that's why i wasn't being told anything. but good god, if i didn't know what was happening soon i'd go insane.

i walked back to my seat, plopping down on it and tilting my head up to look at the white ceiling. to be honest, this hospital needed a new interior decorator. everything was white and it was honestly giving me a headache. 


my head snapped back forward when i heard someone call my name. i looked around, trying to fins the source of the voice. surely it wasn't just my imagination, was it? my eyes landed on the front door, where i found two familiar figures walking towards me.

''bri! rog!'' i exclaimed, jumping up to envelop both of them in a group hug. ''i'm so glad you're here, john's hurt and- and they're not telling me anything and at this point, i'm on the verge of marching in there and seeing how deaky's doing myself.''

''woah fred, calm down,'' brian said after pulling away from the rather tight embrace. 

''what even happened? why's john in hospital?'' roger inquired while leading us both to take a seat.

i sat down and took a deep breath before starting to speak. 

''i don't even know, guys. i came home to find deaky with this long cut on his leg, i- i have no idea how it got there,'' i murmured.

''will he, will he be alright?'' roger whispered, his eyes wide.

''that's the thing! i don't bloody know, rog!'' i almost shouted, before continuing in a voice that was barely audible. ''they won't tell me 'cause i'm not...immediate f-family. but maybe they're just not telling me because...because...'' 

''no! freddie don't you dare think like that. he'll be fine. i'm, i'm sure of it,'' brian said, probably trying to sounds reassuring. it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than me, though.

''but how do you know that, bri?'' roger piped up. 

''i just...he's strong, he'll be okay, he, he has to be,'' brian stammered out.

i buried my head in my hands, praying to whatever god or any kind of justice under the sky existed that john would come out of this alive.

i watched in silence as another nurse exited the room, shutting the door tightly behind her. i couldn't help but get my hopes up for any kind of news from her. deep down i knew she wouldn't say anything, but i had to give it a try, for john. 

''ma'am?'' i called out, scrambling out of my seat and towards the woman. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

a/n: just a little filler before the main action ✌

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