Hatred and Love

By nadiaelectra

46.1K 1.2K 838

Slenderman x Female Reader For centuries Slenderman has been at war with a hunter that has lived as long as h... More

Chapter 1
New merchandise
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
special 1
mini Spendy protect 1
finally almost
its not funny

Chapter 2

4K 119 98
By nadiaelectra

Y/n pov

He talks! He’s actually talking to me and I couldn’t believe it! 

“You know who I am?” Slenderman questions, his body language wary as I feel his ‘gaze’ intently on me.

“Of course I know who you are! I have read so many books about you and this is my favorite one. It’s most descriptive and shows how you survive. It needs some updating since I wasn’t aware you spoke but everything else is right!” I beam proudly as I hold our my favorite book to him. “Would it be alright if I asked you to sign it for me?”

I offer him my favorite pen to sign with, tilting my head to the side when his head moves around and he mentions something about smelling blood. 

“H-Hey! My medicine is in that shake!” I cry when Slenderman drinks my shake, my body suddenly being wracked with coughs.

Shoot, I should have drank the shake as soon as papa brought it to me! I sink to the floor as I’m unable to stop coughing, my small amount of breath causing my head and stomach to hurt as I grow dizzy, blood coming up with my harsh coughing. 

“P-Please. Papa is going to be so mad,” I gasp, hoping maybe he could somehow tell what medicine I needed and give it to me.

He seemed so much nicer than what the books read but I could also be very wrong. He might just leave me here to die....  

Slender’s Pov 

I down the woman’s shake to be sure it was my kind’s blood that I was smelling, confused when she speaks about or as if it were a medicine for her..... Wait, of course! Her father had been around for centuries and always smelled human but no human could live for centuries as he has. He would drain our blood to nearly the point of death and then ensure we stayed healthy enough to produce more. This human was smarter than I thought. Who knew the blood of my family could keep humans alone for centuries. 

I’m so lost in thought I don’t notice the distress the human is in until a hard thud calls my attention to her passed out form on the floor. I quickly lift her form into my arms and move her to the sofa in the library, noticing the other humans were returning from their false hunting.

“Damn, damn, damn! What do I do?” I question myself as I stare at the passed out human. 

I could leave right now and fulfill my goal of hurting her father.....and yet I couldn’t bring myself to do so. She looked to be in so much pain and I had no desire to leave her here suffering. She needed my blood to survive, so my blood she would get. I look around the room for a sharp object, grabbing her fallen dagger and using it to slice one of my veins, forcing her to swallow my blood. Once I’m sure she’s swallowed at least two mouthfuls I drop the dagger and teleport back to my forest, my injured wrist already healed. Hopefully that was enough blood to last until the next time we met.....Wait, did I want there to be a next time? 

No, no, there couldn’t be a next time again. I return home to wash the blood from my wrist and ensure Jeff was safe and sound, relaxing in my office when I’m assured he is uninjured. There couldn’t be a next time and yet I wanted to sleep on it and consider more tomorrow.....


2nd Pov

Shortly after Slenderman leaves the humans rush into their hide out, tired and frustrated that the whole thing had been a farce. Word is sent out to Y/N’s father when she’s found passed out with a bloody dagger at her side, but no injuries visible. Her father rushes to the library to check on his daughter, relieved to find no visible harm done. She must have passed out after managing to thwart her attacker.  

“Y/N....,Y/N, Y/N? Please wake up. Wake up!” Bed father cries as he shakes her a bit. 

Much do his relief she slowly opens her eyes, coughing a bit to clear the stuff in her throat before turning to her father with a tired smile.  

“Hi papa, when did you get here? Did you meet my new friend?" She asks sleepily, holding her favorite book closer to her chest as she starts to nod off again. She felt so heavy and exhausted.... 

As Y/N dozes off again he looks around the library more closely, noticing a small trail of blood droplets leading from where he had left his daughter worn her book to the couch she was now laying on. 

“She must have put up quite a fight.. my poor baby," He mumbles softly, picking her up and taking her to her room so her doctor can make sure she is alright. Once he has her tucked into bed he carefully moves the book from Y/N’s arms, a frown coming to his lips to the small piece of paper that falls from the blood. 

“Tonight was just a test, tomorrow you will lose everything  for your crimes against my kind,” signed: You Know Who.(please stop writing Harry Potter references,  it becoming to much. Also never saw Harry Potter movies before,  thank you and sorry)

He becomes enraged as he takes the note and storms from the room in his anger. How on the world did Slenderman know about this place? How was he even able to enter!? There were no possible windows for him to see through in order to gain entrance so how did he do it?! 

“Tch, you think this is gonna scare me?” Her father growls as he crumples the note in his fist. “I am willing to kill you of you come hurt my daughter you here! There are plenty me of your kind I am capable of catching!”   

Slender’s pov

I had so many questions and yet so little answers.

“A human....I saved a human....with my blood. I willingly harmed myself in order to ensure she drank my blood!” The thought made him angry and yer slightly giddy at the same time as a blush comes to his cheeks. “Why? Why did I save a human? And my enemies daughter no less!” 

I’m snapped from my thoughts when there’s suddenly a lot of commotion in the mansion; Jeff was fighting with Ben for control of the television after all he had been through, his brothers were once again arguing attack strategies in order to kill the organization hunting our blood, and various other arguments getting on my nerves. As anger grows over my mind at not even interacting with the humans the thought of me not doing what I do best it also made me feel rather sad. The idea of ending a beautifully innocent life like Y/N’s......No! What I’m the world am I thinking?! I’m a killer! That’s what I’ll always be and I should have just stayed on task and ended this stupid war with the humans.....but.... I just couldn’t take her life! 

Those few moments I spent with her, made me feel so relaxed. No worry, no anger, just a calm and quiet mind, at least not until she had fallen ill. Clearly it was what kept them alive for this long. Them and the humans. As she fell asleep I heard a small bit of her thoughts telling me she had no more medicine. If we stayed in hiding them all the humans would just die from from the lack of blood. But I didn’t want her to die.

What in the world do I do? 

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