
By DivineSucculents

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Megan Pete, who goes by the rap name of Megan Thee Stallion, has experienced a lot of trauma throughout her l... More

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2.2K 106 83
By DivineSucculents

Copyright © by DivineSucculents

Jaeliey's face scrunched up as she watched Megan down her 8th shot of the night.  She has been concerned with her best friend's drinking habits for a while now, but has refrained from saying anything for quite a bit. Every time Jaeliey tried to bring up the taller woman's drinking habits in the past, she would get cut off.  It got so bad to the point where Jaeliey couldn't even get a word in.  Megan would just give Jaeliey a look that said, you better not say shit.   Not wanting an argument to ensue, Jaeliey would shut right on up.  

She hated when she and Megan argued because things would get petty and quite intense.  Being that Jaeliey had a very bubbly personality that was filled with good vibes and chill energy, she tried to avoid arguments as much as possible, not wanting anything to ruin her zen. 

However, Jaeliey was willing to argue tonight because Megan is getting shit-faced before Trey comes over.   Since Jaeliey got sketchy vibes from Trey, she advised Megan not to invite him over.  But of course, Megan ignored her.  Something just wasn't sitting right in Jaeliey's spirit.  Knowing that Megan starts to become even more free-spirited while drunk, Jaeliey has decided that she has to get her to stop drinking and cancel on Trey's weird ass.

"Meg...", Jaeliey hesitantly called, "I think that's enough.  You don't need to get shit-faced before Trey gets here."

"But...I'm not even drunk, just b-buzzed", she hiccuped.  "You know I have a h-high tolerance", Megan pouted with a D'ussé bottle in hand.

This bitch is lying right through her teeth, Jaeliey thought.  I'll play along as long as she puts that bottle down.  "Good. Even more reason for you to stop drinking before you get too drunk.  Trey is about to come over soon, and I don't want you to black out before, or even worse, while he is here."

Megan took two more shots from the bottle, just so that she can say she took ten shots tonight.  None of her friends had ever downed enough shots to make it into the double-digit range, so she was the first to break the record. 

Jaeliey grimaced after watching Megan take two more shots, causing the taller woman to roll her eyes and place the bottle of liquor on the counter.  Taking this opportunity to get Meg to stop consuming alcohol for the rest of the night, Jaeliey quickly snatched the bottle up, placing it onto the barstool next to her.

"You're done for the night", Jaeliey stated in a stern tone.

Megan rolled her eyes to Narnia and back. "No shit."

"Hey!  Don't give me attitude when I'm trying to save you from yourself.  We both know if it wasn't for myself and Kaydee, you'd be in someone's back ally passed the fuck out.  So chill with the attitude."

Megan scoffed and grabbed a water from the fridge.  She took a long, needed gulp from the cold beverage.   "The only thing you are doing right now is cock-blocking.  I can handle my liquor."

Jaeliey let out a bitter chuckle.  You can't be serious.  I've saved this woman from alcohol poisoning more times than I can count.  Kaydee has as well.  She has to be drunk off her ass if she thinks I'm going to let her downplay the selfless actions I took to save her more times than I can count.

"How am I cock-blocking you?  Please, humor me."

"You took away my dranky drank before I got super lit.  You know damn well I'm freaky as hell when I'm on the brown.  Now because of you, I'm going to be fucking Trey like a stiff ass robot."

"That's good for you.  You shouldn't even be fucking on Trey in the first place, considering y'all just met.  You don't know what type of diseases he has."

Megan furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms defensively.   Did Jaeliey think she was some ho, who just lets men hit without a condom?  She was smarter than that, and Jaeliey knew this.  Hopefully, Jaeliey wasn't being shady because Megan would hate to give her friend a quick and elegant read.   "I'm not somebody's dumb ass ho.  I'm obviously going to make Trey wear a condom.  I don't know where himself nor his pee-pee has been."

Letting out a deep sigh before raking her hand through her freshly pressed natural hair, Jaeliey stated, "Sometimes, I don't get you and I've known you for seven years and counting.  Why would you even let Trey have sex with you in the first place if you don't know him from a hole in the wall?  You have never fucked someone you just met.  You have had casual relationships, yes, but never that."

A silence feel upon Megan's kitchen as she gathered her drunken thoughts.  She didn't know how to respond to Jaeliey.  Sex used to be something Megan viewed more seriously in the past, but now things were different.  For instance, she's famous now, so she can have anyone she wants at the drop of a dime, she drinks more, which makes her more horny, and one can't forget that she lost her dad, mom, and grandma, leaving her with barely any immediate family left on this Earth.  Plus, on top of all of that, Megan was scared of dying with regrets, so she vowed to live her life to the fullest.   Life is too short, and she's witnessed that saying first-hand. 

Hence, in Megan's buzzed mind, having sex with Trey was a no brainer.  He was one of the finest men in the entertainment industry and she was very horny due to all the alcohol she consumed, so why not let him fuck?   She has the opportunity to say she had sex with Trey Songz before she leaves this Earth, so why not take it?  Everything just made sense in Megan's mind.

"Mind you, he's Trey 'panty droppa' Songz, so he's more than likely not going to have a condom on him anyways.  I'm sure most women he has been with let him hit raw just because of who he is", Jaeliey added in hopes to convince Megan to cancel on Trey.

"Jaeliey, I don't know what you're not understanding.  Trey Songz is fine as hell.  That's why I'm going to let him fuck.  I don't see how that's a hard concept to grasp", Meg snipped with quite the attitude.  

"And, if he doesn't have a condom, I'll tell him to pull out, simple", the taller woman shrugged, lying straight through her teeth.  Being the stubborn person she is, Megan didn't want to admit Jaeliey's right in regard to Trey more than likely not having a condom.  As a result, she tried to play it off like she would still have sex with Trey regardless, even though she knew damn well that was a bold-faced lie. 

Jaeliey's eyes widened.  She couldn't believe what she was hearing.  Thee mutha fuckin' hot girl Stallion was going to run the risk of letting some lil R&B singer trap her?  She thought she'd never see the day.   Megan's completely off her rocker.  Why did Kaydee have to leave me alone with this?   I swear I'm an ingredient sitting in a big ass bowl of recipe for disaster.

"But didn't you just say you wouldn't—", Jaeliey began, but was interrupted. 


"See, what you NOT going to do is—"

"Respectfully, I'm going to need you to shut the fuck up.  I made my decision.  So stop trying to convince me to cancel on Trey.  I'm going to ride him like a stallion and that's on Mary had a little lamb.  Got it?"

Jaeliey shook her head with a look of utter disgust on her face.  "Fuck you Meg, for real.  I always try to save you from bad situations, but your hard-headed ass never listens!  If this goes wrong, I'll save your ungrateful ass once again.  But after this, we really need to have a talk about your behavior when you're sober because one thing about me and two things for sure, I will not be treated and spoken to any ole kind of way.  Keep on messing around and you'll find yourself alone in this cold ass world, Megan.  I mean that."

"Yeah, whatever", Megan scoffed and went on her phone.

Not wanting to raise her blood pressure, Jaeliey just took the bottle of D'usse she confiscated from Megan and went in the living room, that has no wall between it and the kitchen.  Sitting on the couch, the now frustrated woman turned on the 80 inch TV and began watching Spongebob, completely ignoring Megan's presence.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.  Megan quickly locked her phone and ran over to Jaeliey.

"How do I look?", Megan asked as if she and Jaeliey just didn't have a tiff earlier.

Jaeliey glanced at Megan, scoffed and continued watching the TV. It's not like Megan needed her opinion anyways, she was wearing a basic outfit: black tight spandex shorts, a cropped black zip up hoodie that exposed her belly button piercing, and fuzzy pink UGG slides.

"Wowww. You really not talking to me, huh?"

"Talk to me when you're sober", was all Jaeliey said as she continued watching the world's favorite yellow sponge on the TV screen.

Scoffing, Megan went to open the door, revealing a grinning Trey.

"Wassup Meg", he flashed her a charming smile.

Megan took in his appearance while biting her lip. He was clad in a plain Black t-shirt that showed off his toned arms. Fitted black sweatpants that stopped at his upper shin sagged off his waist, and he wore white socks that were pulled up high so that the rest of his exposed leg was covered. To top off his outfit, he had low Jordan 11 Concord's on his feet and VVS diamonds dripping down his neck.

"Hey Trey", the shorter woman giggled and held the door open wider, "You can come in."

"I'm sure this won't be the only time I'm coming inside something tonight", Trey suggested before a devilish smirk appeared across his face.

Megan began coughing profusely, meanwhileTrey just walked inside, not even bothering to check on her.

After a couple of seconds, Megan regained her composure. She had to let Trey know this wasn't that kind of party. "Uh uh. I don't know what you think this is Trey, but the only thing you will be cumming inside tonight is a condom, if you're lucky. I'm not trying to be somebody's baby-mama, I'm too cute for that."

Unbeknownst to Megan, Jaeliey smiled in approval from the couch. Okay so she isn't dumb, she thought. Based off our conversation earlier, I was really starting to think all the alcohol she drinks was making her loose brain cells.

"Aye chill out Meg. It was just a joke. You look sexy tonight, though", he said, eyes roaming over her cleavage. "Where's my hug?"

"Interesting...I would have never pegged you as one of those wHeRE's mY hUg ass niggas", Jaeliey quipped, making her presence known.

"And who is that?", Trey pointed at Jaeliey, "I thought it was going to be just us tonight, baby."

Megan didn't know if it was the drink talking, but something about Trey Songz calling her "baby" sent chills down her spine. As if in a trance, Megan wrapped her arms around Trey's neck, causing him to immediately wrap his arms around her waist. She gave him a seductive look before saying, "It is. Jaeliey is my best friend, who is going to stay down here, while we work our magic upstairs.". Megan suggestively wiggled her eyebrows for added effect.

Trey's lust-filled eyes met Megan's as he looked down at her. His hands slid lower down her body, cupping her ass. "I like the sound of that."

Jaeliey loudly fake-gagged. "Can you two not fuck downstairs please? I'm trying to watch Spongebob. Thanks."

Megan rolled her eyes and grabbed Trey's hand, leading him upstairs. It felt rough in hers, which made her face frown up. How could he come all this way without putting lotion on his hands? More importantly, how does he think he's going to fuck, but got ashy hands? Where they do that at?  The thought of Trey's ashy hands giving Megan an Indian burn started to turn her off.

To make matters worse, Trey shouted to Jaeliey before entering Megan's master bedroom, "You might as well turn the TV off Jaela because once I'm in your friend, you not gonna be able to hear shit. The neighbors finna know my name, nooo capppp."

Yeah, Megan was completely dry now. There was nothing she hated more than a cocky ass man. She believes being with her, whether sexually or romantically, is a privilege that she gets to bestow upon people. Hence, men shouldn't just assume they can have her all because of her hot-girl persona. She likes for men to actually put in work to be with her, not just assume they can have her all because of her rap persona and a couple of risqué instagram photos. Being cocky is the one-way ticket to turning Megan completely off.

"I can tell you took your time with this one Megan! He has a such a way with words! My name is Jaeliey by the way, shitface!", Jaeliey sarcastically yelled from downstairs.

Now feeling completely embarrassed about who she decided to bring home tonight, Megan grabbed Trey by his t-shirt and dragged him into her bedroom. She roughly shoved him before letting him go.

"Really Trey? Was that necessary?", she asked with crossed arms and frowned.

"Baby chill. I was just stating the truth. It's not my fault your friend has a giant stick up her ass. Anyone else would've laughed."

"No they wouldn't have", Megan deadpanned.

"My homies would've."

"Your homies are a bunch of nobodies who can't get pussy to save their lives, so of course they would find it funny", she sassed.

Trey walked behind Megan and began massaging her shoulders. "You seem tense, ma. When's the last time you took a vacation?"

Megan's eyes fluttered closed as she tilted her neck to the side. As much as she hated to admit this, Trey could give one hell of a massage, even though he's very cocky and rude. She honestly didn't expect Trey to be like this, but then again, she was quite intoxicated, so her judgement was off.

I liked him better when he wasn't talking, Megan thought. He's one of those 'nice to look at, but shut the fuck up when you around me' type of niggas. She decided to ignore him and just enjoy her free massage.

Not even two minutes later, Megan felt rough, wet kisses being planted on her neck that made her eyes snap open. She immediately jumped out of Trey's arms and turned around.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Trey offered Megan another one of his charming smiles. "Giving you a massage, what else?"

"Nah Trey, I'm not talking about that. I'm cool with getting a free massage. What I'm talking about is why did I feel your rather dry lips on my neck?", Megan inquired with a raised brow.

"Shiddd, it's called foreplay shorty", he reached his hands into his pants and visibly stoked himself. "I gotta get myself up, so I can wreck your walls. It looks like you need some dick anyways, because you tense as hell. If yo friend wasn't so stuck up, I'd let her join too. Anybody can catch this dick."

At this point, I am completely dried up. I'm deadass, it would burn like hell if anything tried to enter me right now. I have never been this turned off in my life and that's saying something because imma freak bitch. Mind you, he is giving very much walking STD, so it's a wrap for me. Let me figure out a way to get this man outta my house.

"Maybe we should watch a movie first. Nothing turns me on more than watching a movie before fucking", Megan lied.

Trey tilted his head to the side while studying Megan with narrowed eyes. Clearly not buying what Megan was selling he said, "Nah, I think kissin' on yo body would turn you on better."

Harshly gulping, Megan raked her mind for more lies to tell Trey. "Trey I'm sorry, but I'm on my period. I shouldn't have called you over here tonight. We can't even do nun'", she pouted, feigning sadness.

"It's cool", he smiled brightly, "We can just watch a movie then."

"Aight, but then you gotta bounce playa', I have a shoot tomorrow morning", Megan lied once again.

Trey offered a victorious smirk before plopping on Megan's King-sized bed with his arms behind his head. "That's fine with me. Let's watch Friday."

Not even caring what they watched, as long as Trey left her vicinity after the movie, Megan simply nodded. She used her Fire Stick TV remote to go on youtube and purchase the movie. Sitting as far away from Trey as possible, she pressed the play button on the remote.

After watching more than half of the movie mostly in silence, besides Trey's occasional obnoxious laughter, Megan noticed that he had moved closer to her. They were now sitting side-by-side in the bed, which would probably be any other woman's dream, but not Megan's. She honestly wanted him to leave.

Trey stroked the shorter woman's upper thigh repeatedly. With each stroke, he made sure to get closer and closer to her private area. After his last stroke, his ashy hands grazed her clothed vagina, causing the woman to jump and visibly stiffen.

"Trey", she said lowly, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing", he stated with a mischievous smirk, continuing to rub her. Not even the slightest bit turned on, Megan shoved his hand away.

"Nigga! Stop touching me! Didn't I just tell you I'm on my period?! We are not fucking tonight so keep your hands off me."

In one swift motion, Trey got on top of her, tightly pinning her arms above her head.

"I'm tired of you playing with me lil girl. Stop being stuck up and give me some pussy, we both know that's why I came here", he growled.

"You're a real pussy nigga", she spat, as she struggled to get her arms free. "You are literal scum of the Earth."

(A/N: Trigger Warning, attempted r@pe!)

"You're gonna regret you said that", Trey smirked and pulled both his pants and boxers down with one hand, causing his hard dick to spring free.

A look of utter shock quickly followed by horror flashed across Megan's face. Her eyes grew as wide as saucers, and her pupils were dilated. She laid under Trey as stiff as a board. All of a sudden, her body felt numb. It was as though she was simply a spectator of the moment, and no longer had control of her body. For the first time in her life, Megan felt lifeless.

Using Megan's fearful state to his advantage, Trey roughly pulled Megan's spandex shorts and thong down to her ankles, revealing her freshly shaved center.

The swift motion knocked Megan out of her daze. Now realizing she was completely naked under a man she didn't want to be on top of her, let alone touch her, she screamed at the top of her lungs, "JAELIEY HELP ME!!! PLEASE JAELIEY, COME UPSTAIRS, HE'S TRYING TO RAPE ME!"

Before Megan could put up a fight, Trey grabbed her hips and held her down. He then used one hand to deliver a hard slap to Megan's face.  "Shut the fuck up bitch. Yo friend ain't coming to save your ass.  I was gonna take it easy on you, but since you want to lie about periods and shit, imma fuck the dog shit out of you.  I hope you like a rearranged cervix."

Trey lined up with her center, and leaned closer so that the tip could go in. He could feel the heat radiating off Megan's core, which turned him on even more. Staring into Megan's wide, dark-brown orbs, Trey held his member steadily, and inched even closer to finally do what he's been wanting to do since he first laid eyes on Megan.

"You're gonna love this babygirl", Trey said with an evil smirk, prompting a single tear roll down Megan's cheek.

God, please save me, was all Megan thought before she closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate.

(A/N: End of warning.)

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??!", Jaeliey exclaimed, as she busted through Megan's bedroom door with a wooden bat.

Trey's chocolate eyes widened and he immediately sprang to his feet. He quickly pulled up his boxers and pants. "It isn't what it looks like."


"I was not", Trey denied calmly.

"THEN HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT?!", Jaeliey motioned to a now crying Megan.



Not wanting to get his head bashed, Trey quickly ran to the door, in hopes to escape. However, Jaeliey had other plans when she blocked the exit.

"Matter of fact, nope.  You can leave when you block Megan's number and block her on ALL social media platforms.  I better see proof of that shit, too", she demanded.

Trey quickly blocked Megan's number and all her social media platforms.  He then handed Jaeliey his phone so that she can check everything. 

"Man, this is why I don't date Black bitches bruh.  Y'all do way to much.  Next time, imma cop me a mixed breed", Trey boldly stated, falsely assuming that Jaeliey calmed down because she was using her inside voice. 


Jaeliey harshly threw Trey's phone at him, causing it to collide with his torso. 

Trey rubbed his chest, then picked up his phone and shrugged.  "You don't have no proof."

"I may not, but a lie detector test never lies", Jaeliey smirks at a now scared Trey.

"I suggest you leave now before I call the cops on you for attempted rape. You better hope Megan has enough heart to convince me to not leak the story, lil boy.  If not, the tabloids will be receiving this story tomorrow morning", Jaeliey snipped.  "NOW, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE!  AND YOU BETTER NEVER TALK TO MEGAN AGAIN!  IF YOU SO MUCH AS GO WITHIN 6 FEET OF HER, I WILL HAVE JUSTIN SNAP YOUR LIL ASS IN HALF!  GOT IT?!"

With that, Trey quickly nodded and ran out the room faster than the speed of light.  All Jaeliey could hear was the pattering of his feet against the stairs as he ran towards the exit.  Jaeliey let out a sigh of relief when the front door slammed.  

"Uh Megan...", Jaeliey started and looked away from her, "You can put your shorts on."

Megan slowly sat up and put her shorts on as Jaeliey looked away.  She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands to wipe up the tears that were streaming down her face.  Her cry wasn't a loud one.  It wasn't one you would hear at funerals or weddings or even after someone has been severely injured. Instead, it was silent.  It was as though Trey took Megan's voice with him when he left.

Not knowing what to say or do, Megan just laid back on the bed and blankly stared at the ceiling.  She tried to let herself feel all the emotions she had in the moment, but she couldn't.  Her mind and body wouldn't let her.  Quite frankly, she didn't know how to process what she was feeling.  All she knew was she was steadily crying and couldn't put her finger on why.  It could be one reason, or a multitude of reasons; she truly didn't know.  She had gotten so used to stifling her negative emotions with alcohol, that she was no longer familiar with how to process said emotions anymore. 

Figuring Megan had put her pants on already, Jaeliey turned back around to face Megan.  Jaeliey's heart completely broke at the sight. Lo and behold, a lifeless Megan blankly stared at the ceiling with a tear-stained face, a sight totally different from the happy and free-spirited Megan Jaeliey often saw. Megan hasn't cried since the passing of her mother and grandmother a year back, so seeing Megan in such a vulnerable state was new to Jaeliey.  Jaeliey didn't know what to say in fears of making Megan feel worse.  Hence, Jaeliey figured it would be best to offer some quick comforting words, lock the front door, get her an ice pack for her reddened cheek, and leave Megan alone for a quick moment and just be there for her.  Jaeliey will listen to whatever Megan wants to say, and if Megan doesn't want to talk, Jaeliey decided she would respect that option as well.

"I just want to say that what recently transpired is not your fault and I'm here if you need anything", Jaeliey stated softly.  "I'm going to uh...lock the front door and get you an ice pack.  I'll be back."

To Jaeliey's dismay, Megan didn't say anything.  She continued to lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling.  Letting out a heavy sigh, Jaeliey went downstairs to lock the front door. Seeing that there were no ice packs in the freezer Jaeliey grabbed a bag of frozen spinach to put on Megan's face.

Before coming back upstairs, Jaeliey took a shot from the D'Usse bottle that she confiscated from Megan earlier.  This is going to be a long night, she thought.  

Jaeliey made her way back upstairs to Megan's room and sat on the bed next to her best friend. She handed the spinach to Megan, who just put the bag to her right cheek, not questioning a thing.

"Megan I—"

"If you're going to tell me I told you so, save it.  I already know I fucked up", the taller woman dejectedly stated.

Jaeliey reached down for Megan's hand and comfortingly held it.  "Megan, what happened is NOT your fault.  You couldn't have known that asshole didn't understand the meaning of consent."

"Yeah b-but if I didn't drink then...", Megan paused, tears swelling in her eyes.  Megan sprung up to a sitting position on the bed, startling Jaeliey.  She threw the spinach onto the bed in front of her and hit the bed multiple times in frustration, "...I'm so fucking stupid."

"Not you're not", Jaeliey countered softly.  "You didn't know—"


Immediately following her rant, Megan burst into tears and laid her head on Jaeliey's shoulder.  Jaeliey instinctively wrapped her arms around Megan, consoling her.

"Let it out Meg, let it out."

"I-I'm just s-so tired Jaeliey...", Megan choked out between sobs.  "I'm tired of everything, the fame, the haters laughing at my trauma, Tory and Kelsey's un-loyal dumbasses, the image I have to uphold, the high standards I have to live up to in this industry, the creepy ass men who send me dick pics in my DMs, the women telling me I need to be more modest, the drinking, the drama...I'm just tired of ALL of it."

Jaeliey comfortingly rubbed Megan's arms up and down as she held her, hoping to help calm her down.  "So, what are you saying?"

Megan took a deep, shaky breath and cleared her throat to get rid of its hoarseness.  "I...don't know Jaeliey...Part of me wants to leave the entertainment industry, but I love making music, I just hate everything else that comes along with it.  Maybe I should take a hiatus for a while and just focus on me?  I know that sounds selfish but—"

"Megan that's not selfish at all. Your mental, physical, and spiritual health are of utmost importance. If your "fans" get mad at you for taking a hiatus to better yourself then fuck 'em. I personally think taking the time off will do you good and help enhance your creativity as an artist. Who knows? Maybe even trying some therapy may help as well."

"You...You think I need therapy?", Megan asked in a tone filled with shock.

"I...", Jaeliey trailed and awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. She glanced down at Megan's white sheets to gather her thoughts. Jaeliey definitely did not to want to insult Megan during a time like this.

"I don't think you need it. However, I think getting some therapy would be good for you so that you're given the tools to deal with what you have been facing as an entertainer lately, and help you with your alcohol consumption. You said it yourself that you want to focus on you, and I think the best way to focus on you is to get therapy. As your friend, I want to see you at your best and I really think therapy can get you to that point. I'm not saying everything will be perfect, but it is definitely a step in the right direction."

Jaeliey took in a deep breath and released it as a heavy sigh. She held Megan's hands as her soft doe-like eyes stared into the taller woman's.

"As much as I'd like to think I can help you get through whatever life throws your way and have all the answers, I don't. I can support you as a friend, but I could never help you get through the tough situations, like the shooting, that whether you like to admit it or not, have caused trauma. That is where a trained professional would come in, to fill in the gaps and help you with things that myself, KayDee, Johnathan, and Darren cannot. I can also say that as your friend of seven years, I have watched you developed into a mature, confident, compassionate, intelligent, and lively woman and I am grateful to have watched the transformation. I can also say that as a friend, you have been through hell and back within the last two years and I think you barely talking about the shooting, and the familial deaths is quite concerning. This becomes especially concerning to me, your best friend who wants to see you succeed and be the best version of yourself, when within these past two years, your alcohol consumption has increased tremendously. I love you Meg", Jaeliey smiled and continued, "and I don't want to wake up one day to some bad news because of a stupid ass D'Usse bottle."

Megan offered a small smile and pulled her friend into a hug. Jaeliey's hugs were always so warm and comforting like that of a mother. Even though Megan didn't always show it, she really does appreciate everything Jaeliey does for her. Jaeliey is one of the few people in Megan's life that keeps her sane.

Once both women pulled apart, Megan responded, "I love you too Jaeliey and I think your concerns are 100% valid as a best friend. Truth be told, I haven't been the same since...mama and grandma died. I like to tell myself I'm over it, but I know I'm not...I can't be when I'm receiving all these accolades and living my dreams and they aren't even here to see it..."

A sympathetic expression washed over Jaeliey's face as she put her arm around a saddened Megan. "They may not be here physically, but they're in there", she pointed to the rapper's heart, "and they are also in heaven, looking down at you with big smiles on their faces. You may not see it, believe it, nor think it, but your mom and grandma are very proud of you and cannot wait for you to achieve more of your goals."

A wide smile slowly etched its way onto Megan's face. "Thanks Jaeliey, it means a lot, seriously. So um...I'm also sorry for being such a bitch to you earlier. I really do appreciate all you do for me and I recognize that I need to work on how I treat people, both under and over the influence. This is something I am going to work on in therapy."

Jaeliey returned Megan's smile and began to clap. "And here I thought I would've been dead and gone before you actually apologized to me. You haven't even attended one session yet, and you're ready changing your ways. Look at God."

Megan playfully shoved Jaeliey and chuckled. "Girl, just accept the apology and go. You doin' too much."

"You know I wouldn't be me if I didn't", Jaeliey shrugged. "But I appreciate and accept your apology. Anyways, it's approaching 5 a.m. and ya girl needs to get her beauty sleep so...deuces", Jaeliey threw up the peace sign and began to get up off the bed, but Megan tugged her arm in objection.

"Can you sleep with me please? I...I don't want to be alone tonight", Megan pleaded.

"Of course I will", Jaeliey grinned, "But under one condition."

Megan cocked her brow. "And what is that?"

"That you DO NOT snore. If Spongebob's alarm clock and a megaphone made a baby, it would be you and you would be it."

"Girl fuck you! I don't even snore", she threw a pillow at Jaeliey and flipped her off.

"Mhmmm...Well we'll see if you're saying that tomorrow morning when I just so happen to record a quick video of you snoring and accidentally post it on your instagram."

"You would never."

"Don't fall asleep first and you might be right", Jaeliey suggested with a playful grin on her face.

"But Jaeee-lieyyy", Megan whined and then pouted , "I'm actually tired tonight. I need to go to sleep asap no rocky."

Jaeliey laughed at her friend's childishness. "It was just a joke, I'm not going to record you nor post anything, at least...not tonight. You can go to sleep in peace, I won't bother you. But what I will be doing is taking a much needed shower, so if you're not up by the time I come back in here, then goodnight Meg."

"I probably won't be because I am two seconds away from passing the fuck out. I know once I change, imma be out like a light, so goodnight Jaeliey. I love you."

"I love you too, best."

With that both women smiled at each other before Jaeliey saluted Megan and went to her room to take a shower.

A/N: Definitely a filler/ catalyst type of chapter. Y'all fw this or nah? 👀

What do y'all think of Jaeliey and Meg's friendship?

Do you think Trey should get exposed?

Also, don't forget to comment, vote, and give feedback 😊

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