Spiders Mark [discontinued]

Von luna_renn

4.6K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... Mehr

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events


35 1 0
Von luna_renn

Jade was still in his own home sitting with Pyrrha as she wanted to spend time with him.

Jade: I'm serious, I don't think this whole maiden deal is gonna be good.

Pyrrha: no matter how many times you say it, I'm not gonna give up... Ozpin said it himself, I want to protect people, kinda like you.

He blushed slightly.

Jade: well...! I, uh. Um. Fine!

Pyrrha: good.

Penny: Hello, Jade's wife!

Jade: she not my wife yet!

Pyrrha: then hurry it up. I'll say after the festival.

Jade glared at Penny and she shurrged.

Jade: did you tell her...!

Penny shakes her head.

Instinctively, Jade switched to the news channel to see if anything was happening.

Pyrrha: You're hurt.

Jade: I can just steal one of Lily's suits if I need too.

Pyrrha just rolled her eyes.

Pyrrha: I've never heard of a hero who actively steals.

Jade: hey, I used to kill villains! Why do you think there's only like... maybe ten! I'm not above stealing.

He crossed his arms.

Penny: he was never caught for the murder!

Pyrrha: Jade...

Jade: ah...

Pyrrha: you don't do that anymore...? ...Right?

Jade: I don't. That was way back, I was like fourteen. well, Three years ago. I've been stopped and all the stealing was a joke. Lily makes and gives me way to much money too be stealing from people.

Pyrrha: good. Also, can we stop watching the news?

Jade forgot he even turned it on.

Jade: of course. I mean, yeah!

He quickly and awkwardly hands her the remote. She slightly laughed at his awkwardness.

Penny got real close to his ear and whispered "destruction of property."

Jade: okay... we don't need to talk about that!

He breaks things anytime he goes to fight crime.

They hear a knock at the door and Jade instantly tries to stand but was put down by both Penny and Pyrrha.

Penny: relax Jade! I will super murder whoever it is!

Jade: don't do that...

Penny runs over and opened the door to reveal Ironwood and Winter.

Ironwood: my god... you really did make another...

Jade: what do you take me as? I'm a GENUIS, SIR!

Ironwood: I really should expect more out of Lily's little brother... but that's not what I'm here for.

Jade: then what are you here for?

Ironwood: I want to know your side of the story.

Jade looked away.

Jade: ....well. She attacked me after the match was finished. Simple. I don't know why she did it, but she did...

Ironwood: she is your family. So, I was able to pull a few strings. She's not locked up in my ship, she's in a dorm room with a guarded door. her family is allowed in the room and only her family.

Pyrrha: her team isn't allowed in?

Ironwood: no.

Jade: aight Ironwood. Didn't even see you there Winter!

Winter: you looked me in the eyes the moment I stepped in here.

He looks away.

Winter: everything you do aggravates me.

Jade: love you too.

Winter: I'm finding it hard to see how Weiss loved you.

Jade: because I have talents.

Winter: I'd like to see those talents. If there even is any.

Penny: this sounds like sexual frustration!

Jade: I was not!

Winter: to do it with this idiot!

Winter looks away.

Ironwood: I'll be going now...

Ironwood robotically turns around and walked out the house.

Pyrrha: who taught 2.0 these things?

Jade shrugs.

Penny: I learned! From.... watching! And reading!

Jade: damn it! She's been on Wattpad!

Pyrrha: well then. I'm surprised no one has came to visit you in all this mess.

Jade: yeah, that's weird... guess they just don't care.

He said this obviously faking it but 2.0 thought he was serious.

Penny: don't say that! I'm sure they all love you with all their heart! They just know you can take a lot of damage!

Jade looked to the window and seen a little white bird wave to him.

Jade: hey... can I get a few minutes to myself.

Pyrrha: hm? Are you feeling okay?

Jade: yeah. Just... feeling a bit... enclosed?

Pyrrha: ah. Alright. Penny come with me. Don't even know why Winter is still here.

Winter: was checking up on a friend! I'll be going now, anyway!

She marched out the door. Pyrrha gets up and took Penny with her out the house.

After a few seconds of silence then Summer falls and landed next to Jade on the couch.

Summer: I'm sure she didn't mean it.

Jade: she still messed me up. I'm not mad though.

Summer: how's the healing so far?

Jade: fine. I wish I could walk but everyone's saying no. I'm perfectly fine. I can walk.

Summer: please don't try...

Jade: ...wasn't even planning on it!

He tried to sound confident in his words but she seen right through him.

Summer: yes you were. I may not have been around to raise you, but I've watched you for most of your life. Well, after you became Spider-Man.

Jade: ah, that means you seen me all edgy, huh?

Summer: no! It was... cool...? I mean! At least the suit was nice!

Jade: well thanks for trying.

Summer suddenly hugs Jade. He hugs back.

Jade: I don't know what this is for but thanks!

They stay like this for a few seconds then separate.

Summer: I've got to go. But I'm always watching you.

Jade: wait, does that mean you seen me with Weiss, and Pyrrha?

Summer blushed in embarrassment.

Summer: I leave at those points! I don't need to see or hear that!

Jade: ah. I see. I love you.

Summer: I love you too.

Jade hears a knock on the door making him turn. But as he looked back the seat next to him was empty.

The person knocks again.

Jade: damn it.

He stands up on his good leg and hobbled over to the door opening it.

Pyrrha: forgot my keys... oh, and Qrow's here.

She walked in with 2.0 following then Qrow appears in front of him.

Qrow: you sure you should be standing, kid?

Jade: I'm using the good leg. But no, I should not be standing.

He jumped and attached both his hands to the ceiling. He creeped his way back to over the couch and dropped. Qrow walked over and sat on another seat.

Qrow: you know, Yang's pretty messed up about the situation. Ruby decking her didn't help either.

Jade: she probably freaked out. I might have accidentally taught her to throw hands before asking questions.

Qrow: you two really are a handful, you know that?

Jade: it runs in the family old man.

Qrow: I'm not old.

Jade: your like...

Qrow: don't guess my age...

Jade stares at Qrow.

Jade: bet.

Qrow: I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay. But I guess you're used to stuff like this, huh?

Jade: yeah, back when I first started, broken bones were a thing almost everyday.

Qrow: that... that isn't okay...

Jade: it's a thing of the past.

He waves it off.

Jade: but yeah.

He leaned forward.

Jade: I'm fine. Wish I could walk but I still can't. I'm sure I could though.

Qrow: don't try.

Jade: I wasn't!

Qrow just gives him a blank stare.

Qrow: don't go messing yourself up even more...

Jade: I'm not! What is up with adults not trust me?

Qrow: I don't know. We just don't.

Jade: well... thanks for the honest answer...

He sighed and looked away.

Qrow: your just a bit young and new.

Jade: I'm also the smartest.

Qrow: okay, that's fair but still.

Jade: what do you mean but still! That ain't fair!

Qrow: well, life isn't fair.

Jade: I'm real confused! Did you come here to check on me! Or annoy the hell out of me!

Qrow puts up his hand and shakes it. Jade just stares at him. A long silence happens.

Qrow: well I'll see you later, kid.

Jade: I'm gonna get married in like a month!

Qrow: okay?

Jade: it's-!

He sighs.

Jade: now I know how Winter feels.... well, thanks for checking on me. But Yang needs it way more. She's the one who the whole entirety of Vale is mad at. And she is super confused on what happened. ...this sounds like Mysterio is at play...

Qrow: well, I'll leave you to think on it. See ya.

They wave to each other and Qrow left.

Jade: no. Mysterio is in prison, and he doesn't have a semblance. He used Atlas tech to fool people....

He just shakes his head.

Jade: I don't know.

He gets arms wrapped around him making him jump slightly.

Jade: you scared me, Pyrrha.

He then realized these aren't arms he knows. They look more like Raven's.

Jade: oh damn it! Why are you here!

He turned to see Raven behind him.

Raven: what? Can't check up on my favorite kid?

Jade: this is illegal in more ways then one.

Raven: we're not related by any type of blood.

Jade: uh, yes we are! Get the hell off me! Your Qrow's sister! And he's my dad so yeah, we do have a connection!

She gets off him and simply sat down next to him on the couch.

Jade: why are you even here?

She looked him in the eyes.

Raven: your my favorite. Ruby is annoying and reminds me of Summer, Yang is... Yang. Then there's you.

He just rolls his eyes.

Jade: what's so special about me?

Raven: your strong, smart, and you can basically beat anyone you want. All I'm saying is that there won't be any problems with the baby.

Jade: you know, Summer told me about this side of you. She said just ignore it, you'll get used to it. But it's a bit creepy when your my aunt.

Raven: eh, it doesn't work on you. Tai would always break out into a blush, so would Summer. Never did it on Qrow, and never will.

Jade just sighs and leaned back.

Jade: I can't even move! That means I can't kick your ass for coming here!

Raven: that just means your trapped. But.

She gets up.

Raven: don't got time to hang. Get well soon.

He could tell that was actually genuine.

Raven: bye, bye, now.

She quickly cut the air with her sword opening a portal. She moved through and Jade sighs on the spot.

Jade: I actually have quiet for once...? Now I know how the villains feel...

End of chapter 11 volume 3


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