Of Birds, Rich Boys & Superpo...

By cherryousama

241K 8K 7.6K

Dick Grayson, older brother to three insufferable younger brothers (who he loves very much) and Gotham City's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 3

15.8K 517 222
By cherryousama

♔ ♔ ♔

"Remember, boys," Bruce reminded for the fourth time that day. "Do not lower the Manor's defense and security systems under any circumstances, unless absolutely necessary."

"Yes, Bruce, we got it the first time you told us." Jason rolled his eyes exasperatedly.

Bruce continued as if Jason hadn't said anything. "And when the team arrives, make sure to verify their identities. We have shapeshifters like Clayface to think about."

"We know, Bruce!"

"Also, make sure the team doesn't find out who you are."

"Yes, yes, Bruce, we know! Now, don't you have somewhere else you need to be?" Dick huffed in slight irritation.

Bruce pulled the cowl over his face. "Yes. One more thing. Alfred has been informed of the situation, but I told him not to return here yet. Frankly, he deserves the break and he should go visit his family like he originally intended. Also, if the team asks, Bruce Wayne is on a business trip to Alaska and won't be back until next week because of some problems that arose with the developments of Wayne Enterprises's R & D department. He is also currently unaware of this situation. You are to tell the team that he remains uncontactable, however Batman is working on getting in touch with him in case he returns to Gotham in the middle of this mess."

Dick nodded. "And what will you really be doing?"

"Tracking the Joker."


Tim looked up from his spot in front of the Batcomputer. "Better get going, B. Our satellites are detecting the bioship entering Gotham. We'd better get ready."

"See ya soon, Old Man!" Jason called out before heading out of the Batcave. Tim stood up from the chair, gave Bruce a small wave and followed Jason out of the Batcave, coffee mug in his hand.

"Good luck, Father."

"Be careful, B."

Bruce nodded wordlessly and stepped into the Batmobile. Gunning the engines, he cast one last look back at his two remaining sons. He hoped this would turn out okay. Taking his eyes off his boys, he buckled himself in, and with a loud roar, the Batmobile finally zoomed out of the waterfall entrance of the Batcave, leaving the two boys alone with the chittering bats.

"Come on, Dami. We don't want to be late." Dick put his arm around his little brother.

"Unhand me, Grayson," Damian scowled, though Dick noticed he didn't try to shake his arm off his shoulder. He smiled as they both headed up the elevator back into the Manor to get ready for their visitors/protectors.

♔ ♔ ♔

"Hope those boys aren't snobbish brats like rich kids normally are," Artemis commented from her seat in the bioship. The bioship was in camouflage mode, flying over Gotham City's gloomy buildings and abandoned warehouses at a fast pace. Wally was eating a sandwich he got from god-knows-where, munching and gobbling it up at a speed that would make the Flash jea—oh wait. Conner was staring out the window in fascination (or at least, Artemis thought it was fascination, it was pretty hard to tell with the clone) at Gotham's bleak and dismal landscape. M'gann was seated in the driver's seat, her face slightly scrunched up in concentration, controlling and monitoring the bioship's route. Kaldur was reading through the additional information provided by Batman that they may need concerning the Wayne boys and the villains of Gotham.

"Nah, I don't think they are," Wally said around a mouthful of his sandwich.

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "And why's that, Baywatch?"

Wally swallowed the food in his mouth before replying. "They weren't born into the rich society life like most of the other snobby socialites. They all went through a lot of tragedy before being taken in by Bruce Wayne. They're different from those rich snobby socialites, I just know it."

Artemis was actually pretty shocked at Wally's insight. Turns out Kid Idiot wasn't such an idiot after all, when he chose not to be.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough," Artemis conceded.

There was a moment of silence before M'gann said, "ETA 5 minutes."

The air was thick with anticipation. They were all excited and very nervous at the same time. Not to mention the fact that there was no Nightwing to help calm their nerves with his playful quips, word-play and levelheadedness. Artemis remembered the time the Reds had attacked them. She had been on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She and Nightwing had been up against two indestructible robots with power over the elements and all of their superpowered friends had been captured and taken out by the robots. Clearly, the odds were stacked high against their favour. And yet, Nightwing had stayed calm and kept a cool head. She remembered snapping at him for trying to lighten the mood and demanding why he was so calm, and she remembered his expression on his face, solemn for once, as he told her five words that would stick with her forever: get traught or get dead. It meant either stay calm and keep a cool head, or panic and allow the feeling to control your decisions that may jeopardize others' lives and your own. She knew that in their line of work, one fatal mistake was all it took for everything to end. They didn't get second chances. She knew that in dire situations like those, she didn't have the luxury to panic and get scared. That was why she was going to try her damn hardest to stay levelheaded and cool during this mission, because she knew that lives hung in the balance, not only her own, and this mission may be the toughest and most dangerous mission she would ever be on, and she didn't want to fail.

Artemis gritted her teeth in determination and took deep, calming breaths to help settle her nerves.

"ETA one minute."

Kaldur ordered everyone to get ready. They all collected their bags and belongings, made sure all their weapons were all accounted for and rechecked their supplies.

"We're here."

Artemis looked out the windows and her eyes grew wide. "Woah."

Sprawled below the floating bioship was a gigantic stately manor. The giant building towered over its beautiful, well-kept flowerbeds and fruit trees in the enormous gardens, and huge impenetrable walls and gates spanned the entire perimeter of the estate. A set of wrought iron double gates stood proudly at the entrance, shut tight.

M'gann landed the bioship on a nearby hill, still in camouflage mode. The team all exited the bioship, still staring openmouthed in awe at the spectacular estate in front of them. Only Wally seemed unperturbed, as though he had seen it a couple times before. Artemis made a mental note to ask him about it.

They approached the closed high double gates and stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Maybe I could fly in?" M'gann suggested, hovering above the ground.

"Go ahead," Artemis told her.

M'gann flew up towards the gates. Just as she was about to pass above them, however, an arc of electricity suddenly shot out and struck her, sending shocks of white-hot electricity coursing through her body. At that moment, an electric force field became visible to them, surrounding the entirety of Wayne Manor in an enclosed, electrified bubble. M'gann let out a strangled scream of shock and pain, her agonized shriek piercing the still silence broken only by the crackling hum of electricity, before immediately falling limp to the ground in a smoking heap. The electric force field once again became invisible to the eye.

Conner and Wally rushed forward to their fallen teammate, Wally immediately checking her over. Kaldur stepped forward, concern in his usually stoic face, while Artemis hurriedly went to M'gann's side.

"She's ok," Wally finally proclaimed, causing Artemis to sigh in relief.

"What the hell was that? How are we supposed to go in?" Artemis yelled in frustration and bewilderment.

"My guess is, that was one of the Manor's defense systems," Kaldur spoke up.

"You're right," a new voice suddenly piped up. The team looked around wildly to find its source before realizing that it came from the intercom beside the double gates. "I hope your friend isn't too badly hurt, but I'm afraid it's necessary."

"Who are you?" Artemis asked the mystery voice.

"Before I tell you, I presume you're the Young Justice team sent to protect the Waynes? I need to make sure it's really you first before letting you in. Is that okay?"

Artemis opened her mouth to say some sort of snarky retort but Kaldur beat her to it. "Of course, we will answer any questions you have for us that will help in determining our identities."

"Thank you. So, um, Nightwing gave me a question that he said only a select few, including the team, know the answer to. Umm, okay so, during the Failsafe mission, who was the first one to...go?" The voice sounded slightly confused, like it didn't really know what exactly it was talking about. Artemis figured the guy wouldn't be privy to the information behind the question that was asked, though it didn't stop the spark of anger she felt at Nightwing for using that question.

"Me," she growled, just as the others said, "Artemis," simultaneously.

"Okay, so you are the Young Justice team. We're really sorry for the inconvenience but it is necessary. I'll open the gates now."

There was a crackling from the intercom, then a soft buzz as the gates were buzzed open from the inside. They swung open with a soft creak and the team began walking into Wayne Manor's grounds.

"Oh yeah, I'm Timothy Drake, Bruce's third son. Welcome to Wayne Manor."

The gates swung shut, sealing up the estate once more.

♔ ♔ ♔

Review please! I'll update soon :)

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