Home Away From Home; Vmin


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Fresh air and a change of scenery would do this city boy some good considering all his life he's never left t... More



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Third Person

It was 9:30 pm and both of them were lounging around Taehyung's room with nothing to do. A groan escaped his Louth as he sat up and glanced at the older across the room who had one leg on a chair while the rest of his body was splayed out across the floor. A Marvelous idea popped into his headed as he grabbed the pillow that was originally resting under his head. He took aim and whipped it across the room.

Jimin sat up like his pants had caught on fire and shot a glare at the male on the other side of the room. This male laughed and tried to make his body smaller when the older had started to come over in quick long strides, ready to pounce.

Baekhyun walked by his brothers door and heard grunting. Squeaks and a creaking bed. His eyes widened as he heard a loud grunt, the bed squeak and a male's voice go "Taehyung!" He was not about to let this happen. No way in hell was this happening in his innocent little brothers room. He opened the door and yelled out a very loud Hey! Both boys looked at the man at the door with great curiosity because what the fuck was he doing and what the fuck did he think they were doing. They were obviously reading comic books and kicking each other trying to get the other to fall.

Well they thought it was quite obvious but apparently it was not obvious at all. Baekhyun just slowly closed the door and speed walked away from the room with his face burning a bright red from embarrassment.

Jimin and Taehyung sat there for a minute watching the door, wondering if the older was gonna come back. Once a minute had passed the younger kicked Jimin's shin without warning. The older yelped and rolled over to the other and hit his chest while saying fuck you. However the fuck you came out in a higher pitch then usual causing the other to cover his mouth in surprise and laugh. It was almost as though he had kicked him in the balls but it was actually the shin. Or did he accidentally kick his balls. Taehyung did not know he just knew he kicked something and it was funny as fuck.

After he recovered Jimin got up and sat on the younger's stomach saying he was going to tickle him if he didn't apologize.

"How about no, Park."

"How about yes, Kim." The blonde said while moving his hands closer trying to threaten the other into apologizing. This tactic wasn't working though because the raven haired male showed no ounce of fear on his face, heck he even gestured for the oncoming attack to show it was approved. His hands lunged down to tickle but never met the cushiony fabric of clothes and flesh. He was flat on his stomach with the younger sitting on his back holding his hands in place behind him. Jimin let out a gasp as he was not expecting to end up in such a position without even noticing it was happening.

Taehyung slowly leaned down till his mouth was next to the elders ear and whispered "I thought you were stronger then this, Park." Rage fueled through him as he heard this, how could he insult him in such a way. He tried to flip out and get the younger but the second he moved pain shot through his arm and he soon realized there was no way he would be getting out of this without a broken arm.

They stayed there like that for who knows how long. Taehyung's breathing slow and even against the others ear. Jimin was slightly panicking on the inside, his gay surfacing the longer that the boy stayed there like that.

Slowly but surely Taehyung let go of his hold on the other and got off of the bed stretching his back out and yawning. Jimin didn't do anything but watch how the mans hair fell perfectly in place without even trying. How defined his jaw line was an- and his gay was raging. He sighed as he rolled over and thought of other things that could help his gay go back down. Taehyung laughed as he watched the other try and sort himself out while laying there splayed our on the bed.

He jumped on top of him causing the others body to curl up in response to the surprise. Then he giggled and tried to push the other off, hand accidentally brushing against the youngers biceps. "Bro, since when did you have such thick arms. How much do you workout." Taehyung stayed silent and rolled the other way muttering something under his breath that Jimin couldn't hear because of all the noises in the house. Those noises being Baekhyun and his friends yelling something about Sehun watching prom too much and the other protesting saying he barely watched it.

Taehyung zoned out and drifted off to a peaceful sleep not paying any mind to the male still sitting right there in the room. This male took it as an opportunity to observe the sleeping boy. He sat there looking at his features till there was a loud crash from downstairs causing him and the boy to flinch. He was not about to let this young man wake up from such a peaceful state of mind and left to go downstairs to see what the fuck those idiots were doing that caused noises so loud to go throughout the house.  Plus Shin was most likely also sleeping and he loved her dearly and didn't want her to wake up and not have a good nights sleep. With this mission in his head he reached the bottom step and turned to the living room to find the idiots all playing twister. The loud noise being Sehun falling over and crashing into a table.

"You guys know some people like Taehyung and Shin are trying to sleep right?" Jimin asked in a low voice as he sat down on one of the couches. They all nodded in agreement that they were being too loud and put the game away then joined the blonde on the couch and started to talk. After a minute or two the conversation shifted to Jimin and it was an awkward one. The topic being him and Taehyung and how their 'relationship' was at the moment. He froze and didn't know what to say because there was no relationship. So he said just that.

"There is no relationship. We're just friends."

They all looked at one another with this look in their eyes. Jimin didn't know this look but he knew that they were conversing without actually saying a single word. Sehun was the first to speak, "Well, you might want to hurry up because Chen seems to of taken a huge liking to Taehyung. Like he just keeps talking about him, he's acting like a teenage boy with a crush on the footballs cheerleader captain but the cheerleader took one look at him and his popularity and sashayed away saying he didn't look pretty enough, BUT LOOK AT HIM NOW. LOOK AT HIM NOW BITCH, SEE HOW PRETTY HE IS." He was now standing after all that but sat down after noticing everyone looking at him and put his head down out of embarrassment. His friend right next to him rubbed his back to reassure him everything was going to be okay.

In this time Jimin looked around and noticed that Chen wasn't here. Strange because he thought he was always around. He shrugged it off and continued to listen to them all speak about relationships and such. He was focusing on the thoughts drifting through his head however. The thoughts were divided and attacking each other to try and leave just one. This didn't seem to easy though because he was conflicted, what was conflicting he didn't know.

He groaned out loud causing everyone to send a cautious glance his way. His cheeks flared when he realized he had just done that out loud and probably made everyone think they were boring him to death. He didn't want to seem rude to the 8 people and sent a quiet apology to no one in general and then said he was fine when they looked a bit worried for him. They knew that was a lie though, he seemed anything except for fine. So they decided to help him. Bakehyun's words sent shivers down Jimin's spine. "Makeover time!"

Jimin jumped up and ran. There was no way in hell that was happening. Upon seeing him running they chased after the male who went right out the door and was running down the road to who knows where, they followed but Baekhyun ran to his truck and hopped in starting the engine and slowing down when he reached his friends. They all jumped into the truck bed and readied themselves on the sides to nab the blonde.

When Jimin heard the truck getting closer he ran so damn fast his legs were going faster then his body and he almost fell over. With it approaching closer he darted to the side where the field was and went into the bush knowing that there was no way Baekhyun would drive his truck into his grandmothers corn field. Because she obviously still needed it so she could make a profit. And he was right because he heard a curse and people jumping out of the truck bed. He had no idea how he was going to get out of this with 8 people chasing after him. It was frightening and since he could only see a foot in front of himself he had no idea if they had caught up and were in front of him, behind him or to the sides. They could jump out at any moment and it was possible that they caught up because he's been running for longer then them and should be fatigued by now.

He was running by the side of the house and heard a faint chuckle from above. He looked up and saw Taehyung leaning out his window laughing at him. He whisper yelled how long he's been watching for and answered with 'a while.' Jimin looked around and noticed a grate type thing leading up to the youngers window. He looked behind him and then back at the raven head and asked where they were. "Still looking in the field Park. Only Sehun is close to you but he's also in the field." That's all the assurance he needed before he started climbing up at an unbelievable speed. Taehyung backed up to let the other in through the window. He fell through the window and laid on the floor for a moment before he heard a voice that wasn't Taehyung's.

"Good job Jimin." He looked up and saw Chen sitting cross legged on the youngers chair playing on his phone.

Jealousy seethed through Jimin's body as he saw the other in this exact room. He got up and dusted himself off then sat down on Taehyung's bed. The second he did the young man jumped on the bed causing him to bounce up a bit that's it though. The younger then crawled over to Jimin and started shoving him on the back softly asking why he was being chased. He didn't want to reveal the reason why so he just shrugged hoping to change the subject to something other then something so embarrassing.

He wasn't in the clear though because Sehun just busted through the door to look out Taehyung's window to see if he could spot the blonde. But turns out this is where the blonde was. A wide grin spread across his face as he called downstairs to someone that he found him. He approached and grabbed Jimin as Baekhyun came in and dragged him away. While closing the door Sehun said sorry and dragged Chen with him not wanting them to end up together in that short amount of time because anything can happen in just a few seconds, like his phone blowing up.

The second they got downstairs they all went to the truck bringing Jimin and Chen with them.

They dropped Chen off at home and drove to Sehun's to do Jimin's makeover.

They couldn't wait. To make the blonde look so fucking fabulous that Taehyung would fall so hard for him he'll need to go to the hospital for a month, not really though Baekhyun added because he didn't want to hospitalize his little brother for some guy. Not even the guy who liked his brother. Sehuns house was biggish even though he lived all alone. They already had an idea in his head as to what they wanted him to look like. They'd make him undeniably sexy and hot. Well sexier and hotter then he already was because his sexiness and hotness wasn't working on the male he was going for. 'Going for' Jimin denied that part, that he was not trying to go for Taehyung that he just wanted to be good friends, nothing more nothing less.

They laughed out loud at this because it had to be a lie, they didn't believe him not bit as they backed him up into a corner on a chair.

Jimin was not prepared for what was to come. Not at all.

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