Well This Is Clique Now Isn't...

By misfitsgoonsgroup

6.7K 171 27


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Three

423 9 6
By misfitsgoonsgroup

You start to tell Jess what's going on but before you could even comprehend literally anything, the drunk bastard gets punched and knocked onto the concrete ground. "Ouch." You say as you think back on the many rings on mystery dude's fist, you look up and smile at him. "Thanks, dude." You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly and look down at the ground, only to remember that Jess is still on the line with her parents.

"Everything is fine now, Jess." She continues to speak as quickly as her mouth let's her, you sigh and keep reassuring her. She soon calms down and tells her parents all is good in the hood, but then she starts asking about what happened and who it was. You tell her every detail and you even throw in that the dude that saved you was the dude from earlier, she responds in possibly the worst way ever, "Well now you have to have sex with him, you owe him your life." You could hear the shit eating grin that was placed on her lips. You just roll your eyes and hang up after I quick, "Fuck off."

You look up again and see that the dude was still there but now he was on the phone, he hangs up and points to the passed out crackhead and simply says, "I called the cops on his stupid ass." A chuckle leaves your lips, "He really is a stupid ass… he's also stinky." You crunch up your nose and giggle, he surprisingly joins in on your short lived laughter. You hold out your hand, "You probably already know, but my name is (Y/N)." He looks down and grabs your hand, shaking it, "I'm John." You smile and shake his hand back swiftly, but also with a certain sternness. You had to assert dominance somehow and shaking hands is the first step. His hand shaking skills need some practice though, he is definitely your bitch now and no one can change that fact.

It was very awkward waiting for the cops to pop up and whisk away the creep, there was total silence and you had no idea how to break it. When the whisking away of the drunkard had happened you tried going back inside after a very odd and embarrassing way of trying to say bye to John. He sighed and looked at you, "You still don't believe me about last night, do you?" You turn around confused, you didn't bring it up so why talk about it? "It's not that I don't necessarily believe you, it's just that I find it hard to believe that some dude that was at a frat house party would, y'know, respect women." He cocks his eyebrows and thinks about what to say. "I was only at that party because my friends were hosting it." You smirk, "Exactly! The only people who hang out with frat douchebags are guys who are just as bad as the douchebags." John sighs once again, "I don't think you understand who's frat house you were at, those guys are super sweet and would never take advantage of a girl."

You shake your head, he almost definitely doesn't know who's house that was. The Misfits were the worst guys on campus, they were all dickheads and do drugs like its an Olympic sport. He rolls his eyes, "Its whatever, I just thought you'd be cool to hang out with but I guess I'd be accused of fucking you anytime we drank together." He huffs out a notably large breath and brushes passed you, headed straight for his group of friends. You huff out a much smaller breath, that was far less notable, and notify your drunk "friends" that you wanted to go back to the dorms. They whined but followed anyways, knowing that they'd be stranded if they didn't. The car ride back was short but also annoying, these hoes were yelling lyrics to old Ke$ha songs, incorrectly too. You rolled your eyes and sighed as the headache started to form.

When you arrive at your door you open it, enter the room, close it, and lock it. What an exciting and fun night, you sigh and roll your eyes. Without changing or even thinking about changing, you flop onto your bed and almost instantly fall asleep, but not before exclaiming a loud, "WACK!" Into your pillow. 

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