Everything She Never Wanted.

By _lonewriter_01

3.1K 168 18

"Love is just a chemical reaction." That's what she's always lived by, love never existed in her books. Why w... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-One.

17 0 0
By _lonewriter_01

Chapter Thirty-One:

I wasn't expecting this at all.

I shrink in my seat as Kendrick pulls up to the entrance of the town hall. The bright camera flashes continue as they capture the fake smiles of guests who pose in front of them. A couple of people I recognise being famous celebrities and all, and there are others here, politicians and company CEOs.

Kendricks voice pulls at my anxiety as the car in front of us start to disappear from the strip as we get closer and closer to the beginning of the carpet. "Alex, you're not backing out are you?"

I turn my head seeing the slight amusement in Kendricks eyes, he's challenging me, knowing that this way he can pull me out of my own damn anxiety. "Fuck off, I'm doing this."

"Just checking." Kendrick winks and then accelerates forward until it's now our car on display in front of the photographers. Kendrick turns in his seat to talk to me, waving the valet away to wait. "Remember, the paparazzi are only allowed outside the event none of them are going to be inside as it's a private function."

I nod and Kendrick continues helping to ease the ball of nerves that had suddenly appeared in the pit of my stomach. "There will only be invited photographers inside. The McKinley family like to keep their life out of public eyes and have been given a special request not to have their pictures taken, so you don't have to worry about your face being on any media sites."

"Alright." I whisper releasing a strangled breath. "So once I step out of here, don't talk or pose...just keep walking until I meet Isabel."

"Correct." Kendrick grins. The valet taps on the window as a warning and Kendrick turns and nods his head once. "Showtime baby."

The door opens and a stranger in a black and white suit smiles down at me, a strained smile for that matter. I take his hand as he helps me out of the car and into the bright lights of the lit pathway leading to the city hall. Immediately my attention is swallowed by the murmurs of curious observers who watch as I take a deep breath.

"Miss! Look this way." A voice shouts from my left followed by a blinding flash, which brings me back to reality.

I say a quick thank you to the escort and begin my track to the safety of the auction in these ridiculous heels. The flashing never stops and the shutters of the camera continue to build with each step.

"Who's she?"

"Can you give us a smile beautiful."

"Hey! Over here, let me take your picture."

"Who's family do you belong to?"

All their shouts cloud into one as I continue to ignore them with my eyes strained against the bright lights. I clutch my invitation and as fast as I could walk without looking panicked, I dodge all the questions and the cameras making my way to the guarded doors. I show my invitation and the big scary looking man scrolls through his iPad until he stops on my name. He whispers something in his ear piece making the door opens in front of me.

Immediately I'm swarmed into a life of luxury as the bright lights decorate the city hall giving it this type of glow. Everyone seems to know each other as they wait to be escorted to their tables by volunteers, their greetings and hugs and introductions all the while I'm standing here like a loser.

Then my heart stops and a calm washes over me so suddenly, my nerves are starting to evaporate and I literally sigh in relief. An arm snakes around my waist not enough to pull me in, but enough to stop my thoughts and focus on the innocent action.

"I thought you didn't like these things." I tell him. I didn't even have to look up for me to know who this was, just the feel of his arm brought a sense of familiarity through my body.

"I don't." He answers softly. He doesn't say anything else regarding the matter and I don't force him to, but when he leans into me with his lips barely touching my ear, I nearly melt in his arms. "You okay Hastings? You seem a little...tense."

I make an attempt to step away from his touch but he's secured his arm quite nicely around my waist. "I'm nervous."

Well Fuck, that wasn't what I was supposed to say. I would very much like to bang my head against the hard wall right now. Duke retreats back and turns me in his arms, both his hands placed on my shoulders bringing all my attention to him.

Bloody hell he is beautiful. All muscle and all man. He had cut his hair. The sides cut short of a buzz cut as the top is longer falling to the left side of his head. He looks down right sexy in a suit that my confession almost slips from my lips, although what I say instead is. "You smell good."

He laughs and lifts his hand to cup my face into his palm, running his thumb across my cheek gently. "So do you Ms. Hastings."

I lift my hand wrapping my fingers around his before leading his hand away from my skin and back to his side. We're still here in front of people, and I don't know what kind of strings the McKinleys had pulled with the photographers but the guests still have smartphones with cameras. Anything could happen.

"Where's Isabel?" I question looking away from his gaze to search the faces of people that seem to ignore us.

Duke takes a step back allowing space between our heated bodies. "She's back at the table. Mother told me to come and escort you instead, so you don't get held up. If you haven't noticed my little sister is the biggest social butterfly despite having one friend."

"Okay." A small smile graces my lips at the mention of Isabel. "If your mum had requested for you to get me, than I guess that's okay."

"Alex!!" I twist away from Duke trying to focus on the direction of the voice until I see him. His smile is contagious as he makes his way over to us, excusing himself from a conversation politely.

Eli. As much as I hate to admit, I kind of missed seeing him in class. Break is nearly over, meaning he would be back to annoy the shit out of me. He's wearing a suit as well, navy to be exact. Open blazer, no tie and white shirt with a few buttons missing at the top.

When he makes it towards us his arms immediately wrap around my waist lifting me from the floor and sloshing me around in his arms like we're the bestest of friends. "My dress you idiot."

Instead of being insulted he laughs, quite loud for a fact, before placing me back on my feet. Duke's hand wraps around my wrist to steady me in my heels, and almost wish his fingers intertwined with mine but he lets go once I'm stable.

"I didn't believe Duke when he said you'd be here." Eli tells me. "But murder me and take me to heaven, you look like a damn angel Alex."

Duke rolls his eyes and Eli pushes him in a friendly matter his eyes shining with amusement, he pokes his elbow out offering his arm. "We should probably go now m'lady."

"Wow, I get two escorts?" I tease. "Isn't this scandalous."

I pull my arm through Elis and when Duke's eyes stare at me in question, I pull onto his arm hooping my own with his. I raise a brow and tilt my head. Better?

He doesn't say anything, but the grin threatening his lips gives me more of an indication than his words could.

Eli leads us with my arms wrapped around two beautiful men, who walk with me to the table. I know that everyone is now looking at us, because multiple piercing eyes capture my own and then look away at my intimidation. I know we get closer and closer because that familiar girly voice enters, and I spot Isabel immediately talking the table down with enthusiasm and laughs.

The table which I assume I'll be seated at, consists of Duke's whole entire family and Eli's parents. All familiar faces I've seen on multiple occasions except one who stares at me wearily. She possess authority as she sits between both Dr. Allison McKinley and Karen Johnson who are too busy involved in Isabel's conversation to notice her gaze.

Ms. Stower, or else better known as Duke's grandmother is full on analysing me with every swipe of her gaze that hovers over my presence. She's intimidating that's for sure. Well everyone is dressed in elegant ball gowns, Ms. Stower is dressed from head to toe in a creme power suit as if she's off to an important conference. To cut off the creme, she has a silver fur coat just sitting on her shoulders, like the first time I had briefly bumped into her. Ms. Stower's blonde and grey hair is slicked back into a tight bun stretching her skin to smoother the wrinkles on her forehead. Her striking grey eyes and thin lips painted a deep dark red moves as she whispers quietly to Allison.

Allison looks up quickly and with a smile announces my presence. All eyes are now on me as Allison stands from her seat with her mother following right behind her. I remove my arms form Duke and Eli's, as they take a step back hovering behind me like a safety net.

"Hello, Ms. Hastings." Allison says shaking my hand. "I'm so grateful you were able to help me out tonight. This is my mother, Ms. Evangeline Stower."

Ms. Stower tightens her lips with a disappointing look but offer me her hand anyways. "Nice to meet you madam."

"Likewise Ms. Hastings." She nods. "I heard you work as the help on estate building 4."

Allison turns to glare at her mother at the mention of the help, and I reluctantly hide my grimace but just continue to stay stoic in my approach. "Yes ma'am, Dr. Allison approached me about the position."

"Interesting." She hums slightly but still disapprovingly. "Well then, you may take a seat."

She walks away without another glance and I clench my fists tightly at her authoritarian tone. As if I had to gain permission to be in her presence. But in some sick twisted way it's true, every move I make tonight would have to get approved by Ms. Stower and it makes me sick. Allison's eyes hold an unsaid apology before she leaves soon after. Karen and Xander Johnson approach me with positive energy, and Karen's arms elope me into a comforting embrace, much to my awkwardness I hug her back to be friendly.

"It's so good to see you again Alex." Karen give me genuine smile and moves to the side as Xander comes to greet me. "I love exchanging emails with you darling, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't itching for you to turn up."

"Karen, would you calm down." Xander teases. "You're embarrassing the poor girl."

I laugh, an actual laugh. One that wasn't forced or held by a fake smile. "It's good to see you Karen..Xander."

"Well, come and take a seat and we'll be sure to catch up later on this evening." Xander looks at Eli who I forgot was still standing behind with Duke.

Eli gets the hint and pulls out the chair as his parents retreat to their own seats. I thank Eli politely as he goes to the other side of the table to sit next to his parents, while I sit between Isabel who's just as excited to see me as I am to see cake, and Duke who takes a cautious seat as his sister stares at him curiously.

Emerald was sitting across us with her husband who looked thoroughly pleased to be here, his eyes parading across the room admiring all the single women. Emerald is oblivious to her husband and smiles at me, a tight lipped smile just like her grandmother. "Hello Ms. Hastings."

Before I could reply, Isabel squeezes my forearm tightly. "I can't believe you're here."

"Neither am I." I tell her truthfully. "I thought you were supposed to fetch me from the lobby?"

"I was! But my annoying brother insisted, he thinks I talk to much." Isabel replies looking pass me to glare at Duke.

I raise a brow and turn slightly. "Does he now?"

Duke doesn't say a thing and lifts the glass of champagne to his lips pretending to ignore his sisters confession. Isabel taps my arm lightly. "You know my brother right?"

"Yes." I answer. "I'm well aquatinted of who your brother is Isabel, I work for all of you."

She hums. "Oh, yeah right."

Only now do I notice that Allison's husband and Duke's father sitting beside her when Isabel makes it her duty to introduce us properly. "This is my dad, Jerome McKinley."

Jerome McKinley smiles at me warmly and reaches over to shake my hand. I don't see much of him around the estate because of the whole doctors without boarders thing, so this will be the first time I've spoken to him. "Hi Alex! Isabel has told me a lot about you, tells me you work together at Elite."

"Yes!" Isabel answers for me. "She's been a huge help ever since I've started. She works very hard."

"Well that's good to hear." Jerome nods approvingly. "Thank you for taking care of my baby."

I hold in a snort when Isabel face turns into a full on scowl. She mutters something about not being a baby anymore, which brings a smile on to Duke's face while Emerald rolls her eyes.

The lights die down suddenly and the chatter decreases as the live orchestra starts to play an introduction song. The presenter and MC for the night are two very famous news presenters, who smile their perfect teeth as they make their way arm and arm to the center of the stage. Dr. Allison scoffs and turns to frown down the rest of her beverage despite her mother frowning next to her.

"Mother hates her." Duke's gentle voice whispers beside me. "She's made multiple attempts at my father, but of course he only has eyes for one women."

The woman on stage flashes a smile at our table, for obvious reasons, and I stifle my laugh at Jerome who turns to kiss his wife on the cheek in front of her. Smart man.

They continue to introduce themselves welcoming everyone to the charity auction. Going over the program and welcoming the special guests, but all that they're saying passes over deaf ears as I feel a slight soft hand land on my thigh. His fingers treading lightly over the exposed slit of my dress, I move my leg slightly to get his attention but he doesn't budge.

When I turn to glare at him he doesn't stir, only continues to leave his hand there and caresses my skin with his thumb. So I run my hand down my thigh latching onto his fingers to move them away, but he all but captures my hand in his and holds it. I attempt to move my hand but he's slightly stronger than I am and if I wiggle anymore, it will only bring everyone's attention back to us. So I hold still, not attempting to hold his hand back but he seems content about the affection.

"Well that will be all for now, until then enjoy the night and have a lovely evening." The women says. "Dinner will be served shortly."

All of a sudden the servers come out as fast as the presenter had announced, bringing plates of food with laughable portion sizes. Great, I'm getting fed like a hamster.

I swallow my judgement and let go of Duke's hand much to his dismay but he finally releases my own so I can hold a damn fork and knife. Duke doesn't touch his entré and that's when I realise that the plate is literally a whole block of cheese on some slab of meet. He takes lactose intolerant way too seriously unlike other people I know, but lucky for him I'm always prepared. I'm a snacker.

I reach into my clutch and of course find all my guilty pleasures in this small bag. I pull out my gummy bears and two granola bars I had stashed in this huge clutch. I tap Duke who looks at me than at my food I'd manage to hunt from my bag. He chuckles and grabs the two packets of snack size crisps in my hand and continues to open it.

"Thank you." He says before taking a bite. I just nod and continue to eat this sad excuse of a meal, but it is quite tasty.

All three meals were served and to my surprise I came out satisfied with the amount, which also meant I was busting to go to the toilet. The orchestra starts to play a new song, and I quickly rise and excuse myself.

Allison nods with a small smile and I'm basically sprinting to head out to the bathrooms out in the foyer. But when I stumble from around the dark corner, I clumsily hit something...or someone.

Two men to be exact, holding each other against the wall as I had interrupted their make out session. The man I had hit, turns his head from his partner and looks at me annoyed.

"Sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom." I stumble on my words. "Sorry."

But then the man moves back allowing me access to the other mans features, features I know quite well and before I know it the name pours pass my lips with a gasp. "Eli?"

Eli quickly opens his eyes unaware that they were interrupted until I had announced my presence. The man with Eli looks between the both of us and steps back into the shadows allowing more room between us.

Eli's eyes are frantic as he looks at me and then down the empty corridor afraid that I might have brought someone else with me...or Duke.
Then I remember his sneaky absence half way through the second course, leaving his chair empty for anyone to take. He curses silently, swiping a rough hand down his face in shame, before knocking his head back into the wall.

"Maybe I should– yeah I should probably go." The man exits without another word and disappears down the hallway without a backwards glance.

Eli's body drags against the wall as he crouched down with his hands in his hair. Forgetting about needing to go to the bathroom, I crouch down in front of him wrapping my hands around his, tearing them away from ripping out his hair.

"Hey." I whisper soothingly. "It's okay."

Then I feel him lean into me, as his body shakes as wet tears hit my exposed shoulder. I could careless if he were wrinkling my dress, so I wrap my arms around my shoulder bringing him into my embrace. I rub a hand through his hair and straighten his suit jacket a result of his make out session with the man who just left.

"You're okay Eli, I promise." Then he cries harder, silent but the amount of tears that hit my shoulder tells me so.


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