My little neko

By militarybb

272K 4.7K 1.5K

Harry Potter comes into an early creature inheritance before his 11th birthday to discover he has a family... More

True Family
Meeting My Mate
Authors note
Authors note 2.0
Troubling Secrets Revealed
Authors note 3.0
Trouble in paradise
Im going to update soon (I hope)
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Princess of Darknes
A princess and her letter
I need help please help
The talk and the sorting
Dumbledore you buttmunch
(Actual Chapter) Going to Far
Quick question
Actual Chapter!

Oh god they are worse than the marauders

6.2K 180 20
By militarybb

By Merlin it has been way too long, I apologize for the slow updates. But seriously why did no one tell me that senior year would be this stressful. Like applying for college alone is enough to send me into an early grave. Anyway on with the story :)

Natalia's pov

I walked down to the dungeons with Hermione, we both decided to sit together in the front row. Eventually everyone was in the class and all that was missing was our Professor, all of a sudden the door slammed open and he came strutting into the class. Typical dramatic Sev. I honestly was not listening to a single word that came out of his mouth, at least that was until Mione elbowed the crap out of me and I caught the tail end of his speech.
"- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." I couldn't help it I burst into a fit of giggles. Oh my Merlin Sev practically made these poor small beans pee themselves. He locked eyes with me and let out a small smile, which further scared the class.
"Mrs. Gaunt please refrain yourself from this insufferable laughter."
"Why Yes Professor I forget that you prefer the screams of youth instead, let me help you," I lightly smacked Herms and she let out a playful scream.
"You two will be the death of me, get out your materials and begin the cure for boils cream." Hermione and I quickly got to work completing the cure perfectly within fifteen minutes, leaving a good hour for us to annoy Sevy. We marched to the front depositing our jar of cream before we sat on his desk.
"So dunderheads huh, why that word like I've seen your library surely you know more words to better express the hatred you hold for the youthful generation." He lightly flared at me while pushing us off his desk.
"Aw man but your desk is comfortable uncle sev why'd you push me off!" Hermione whined and I giggled once more.
"NAT! Giggles scare him remember you got to scream like this!" And with that Herms let out a screech like a banshee.
"Of course how could I forget!" And then I too let out a screech. At this point the entire class was watching in wonder on how two little girls were teasing the most hated and strict Professor and living to tell the tale. I poked his nose next saying a soft,
"Boop!" He rolled his eyes at our antics,
"Mrs. Gaunt, Mrs. Granger I am giving you two seconds to go and sit at your table and read the next chapter in you textbooks. At the same time we grinned and spoke at the same time,
"We already read the whole textbook remember?" Of course Herm just had to continue,
"Yeah for setting the glitter bomb off in your room."
She turned red and muttered some very colorful words under her breath that would make mummy cry in outrage.
"You set a glitter bomb off in my room! Both of you go visit your grandmother I will deal with you later!" Ugggg, we grabbed our stuff and made our way out the room.
"Hey Herms wanna go chill by the lake?"
"Well yeah but won't Uncle Sev know we didn't visit grandma Minnie?"
"Possibly, but she has a class right now anyway and the squid is out." Nodding her head we made our way out to the grounds and to a giant tree in front of the lake. We propped up under the tree and once more began giggling.
"It's just like old times Nat, skipping classes and we are only a day in!" I laughed harder, we used to skip school all the time and hide out at this park in Herms' neighborhood.
"Yeah except this time we have to hide from the entire staff because like death." Eventually we both curled up under the tree and fell asleep.

-time skip-

When I woke back up it was to the sound of quickly approaching feet.
"Herms! Wake up we have to go!" Herms jolted awake and looked off in the distance only to spot my very angry mate on a fast approach. We jumped up and climbed to the top of the tree, I tapped the branches with my wand and they moved to enclose us in a sort of ball in the sky.
"NATALIA SALAZAR GAUNT GET DOWN HERE I KNOW YOU ARE UP THERE! IT IS LUNCH TIME AND YOU NEED TO EAT!" Well then maybe he isn't mad we skipped, my tummy grumbled so I looked to my partner in crime.
"What do you think Herms, we could always just wait him out."
"I don't know Nat, you know you have to eat. And as scary as Uncle Sev is could you imagine what Aunt Poppy would do if she found you skipping meals! I'd never see you because you'd be locked up in the infirmary!"
"Okay okay, we will go down and eat lunch then go to classes, probably will end up in the family quarters by dinner time."
At her nod I tapped my wand once more and we floated down to the ground. Sev grabbed us both by the ear and dragged us to the great hall.
We walked to our tables, me taking a seat next to Tonks and Herms next to a prefect.
"Where have you been Natalia everyone has been looking for you?" I smirked and put my finger to my lips in the universal 'it's a secret' symbol. She laughed and after a few bites of my chicken I turned to her.
"Wanna see if we can copy each other's appearance and such?" She nodded eagerly and we each studied each other for a moment and then we changed. It was like looking in the mirror and it caused a fit of giggles.
"Oooo I have an idea!" I leaned over and began to whisper,
"You in?" Once more she nodded eagerly, and so as no one was looking we each turned into Hogwarts' two most strict professors. I stood up looking the exact copy of Sevy and began to shout,
"SEVERUS SNAPE LEAVE MY LIONS ALONE! 100 POINTS FRIM SLYTHERIN FOR BREATHING!" The students were looking between us and the real Professors at the head table.
Tonks then took out her wand and transfigured a fork into a mirror before holding it up,
"SORRY I JUST WANTED TO SHOW YOU THE REAL PROBLEM!" We couldn't take it anymore we fell to the floor in a heap of giggles. Sevy and Minnie came down and took us out the hall and into Sev's office. We finally changed back, although we were still giggling.
"Minnie one metamporphagus was enough now they are coming up with pranks together and ruining our reputations!" Sevy was complaining but grandma Minnie was smiling and holding back her laughter,
"I believe Sev that your little Neko is going to give you and the marauders a run for your money. Natalia dear, please eat a little more at dinner I think I may have your mum send over your favorite pasta. Off you go girls." We both walked out the office with the image of one shocked Severus Snape in our head.
"So you played pranks on him like that all summer!" Tonks asked.
"Well no, but towards the end yes." As we were walking back towards the common room for break we ran into Alvara and she had a letter from my parents.

Hai princess,
               I'm glad you met your cousin Nymphadora I believe, you should invite her over this weekend. Your father says hello and that he will most definitely get into contact with Lucius right away. I can't believe he dared to enter your mind. We will have to discuss your eyes with Griphook but I have suspicions, but we will discuss them when you visit. I am so proud of your sorting baby! You are perfect no matter what house you were in, but I won't lie I'm glad you are not in Gryffindor. I don't think I could handle it if my baby turned into a rash and foolish lion. We will see you in a few days baby.
                          - with love mummy
"Well I mean I guess it makes since what are the odds of two metamporphs around the same age coming from separate families, it makes more sense that we share the family gene." We both dissolved into giggles.
"Oh we are going to have so much fun." Tonks said and I couldn't help but nod in agreement. Look out Hogwarts, especially you Headmaster.

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