Stranger Things Season 3

By ChristmasLightThings

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AN ALTERNATIVE ST STORY- Jam-pack full of fun, bright and colourful events but remains dark, thrilling and cr... More

What you need to know before returning to Hawkins...
Chapter One: El's First Summer
Chapter Two: Independence Day
Chapter Three: Back to School
Chapter Four: Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Chapter Five: The Surprise
Chapter Six: The Dark Room
Chapter Seven: The Dance and the Demodog
Chapter Eight: Camp Sunshine Lake
Chapter Nine: The Traitor
Chapter Ten: The Storm


548 6 9
By ChristmasLightThings

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me by reading my alternative take on season 3 of Stranger Things, I really hope you enjoyed it!

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Prologue/CH 1

1. The new bad men who are aware of Kali's powers and kidnapped her were goons from the new lab, they dress in white lab coats and wear biohazard masks on them and are tasked by their boss to do stuff like kidnap people with powers or capable of powers.

2. The strange green thing in the pool that Jonathan took a photo of with his camera was a small 'strange plant' it originally came from the Upside Down. Similar to one of the third season's Hawkins Post articles referring to all the summer gossip- 'There were leaks in the pool's filtration system. The leak caused a rapid buildup of bacteria and algae(one of the Upside Down particles likely from s2)'.

CH 2

1. It's a long story how Will got his powers, It isn't until my STS3 where Will learns he has his own and he struggles to understand how they work? Later he learns from the Mind Flayer, what his powers contain.

2. No Karen didn't get to meet Eleven in my STS3.

3. Ethan is the one who opened the small gate in the Sewers in Hawkins in the Summer that Hopper naturally missed. Ethan was chased and stuck in the Upside Down. He can also likely teleport as another power- that's likely how he ended up in the Upside Down in the first place.

CH 3

1. Ethan is a mystery alright, he is very suspicious and mischevious at first. He is introduced as a new kid starting high school with the others and seems normal but you can't help but shake this feeling that something is 'strange' with this new kid, he's too big in the story to not be? Ethan is suspicious from the get-go when he meets Eleven, he seems to have a particular interest in her and why could that be? Does he like her genuinely or is he a spy sent from likely Dr. Aaron to bring her back? What about his new budding friendship with Will Byers, Will has been through a lot and Ethan could've been trying to get info out of him for someone else? We can't trust him yet, because we don't know him yet? Everything Ethan said could be a lie? Because if there is one thing Stranger Things succeeds at is surprising us with the unexpected- so is Ethan a friend or foe?

2. Not at first, but only Troy realises later on that Jane/Eleven is the same girl who hurt him.

3. Yes.

CH 5

1. No, it's not. They have a short break up but eventually Mileven got back together.

CH 6

1. The lab goons killed Becky just as she was trying to ring up the cops, she was too late and Terry is likely behind their doing.

2. In my STS3 you learn of 2 more subjects-007 (Ethan) and 010 (Ten).

CH 8

1. The octopus thing in the lake at the Camp is actually a monster from the Upside Down- the Aboleth. A fearsome brutal sea beast that was responsible for water turning gross and toxic.

2. No Billy is not possessed. He is acting like a 'zombie', the Mind Flayer tricked Billy to consume a tiny bit of 'pink Stuff' in a glass of 🥃 to make him a red herring for everyone else as they thought he was behind all the trouble, but he wasn't.

EXTRA: The Mind Flayer had been spying on them for a whole year, while trapped in the Upside Down, so is aware of the Aboleth creature from the kids playing D&D. I do think STRANGER THINGS IS THE NEW HARRY POTTER WHICH IS WHY- My STS3 is massively influenced by Harry Potter, the Aboleth was very much inspired by the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

||BACK TO THE 80's|| ⚡️
Yes the modern day era helped influence me, but obviously writing a story set in the 80's, I had to get out of my comfort zone and explore a decade that I didn't even grow up in and it was fascinating and really does show how amazing the Duffer's are at creating Stranger Things, it is our little gem of the 80's in our time which I think is 'RAD! 'A range of 1980 films helped inspired me to remain true to the magic and authenticity in Stranger Things, such as Stephen King's Carrie (not only does Eleven have physic powers but now Will Byers does and he is very sinister in Chapter 10, it's bloody terrifying), IT (The Sewers, blood in the sink, innocent little kid killed by inter dimensional monster on street, Jack Dylan Grazer in the film version is casted). Then you have more classics like-Flash Gordon (Robin's last name- GORDON) Jaws, The Breakfast Club, Friday the 13th (infact all the films displayed out the front on Mileven's cute movie date in Chapter 2 are all the most referenced 80's films in my STS3) and many more. My 3 favorite 80's films would have to be-Back to the Future, Stand By Me and Footloose. I'm a sucker for musicals and half of the songs in this story are from classic 80's musicals, but I also like a comedy.

After what happened last 4th of July, and how some armed people managed to track her down, knowing the Government they probably would have a spy undercover in the town, Hopper couldn't take any chances, that's why he kept on telling El to not use her powers.

I feel like you've already seen half the teenagers be in a high school setting before in the past 2 seasons, so it is nice to have them in a different environment for a change this time.


All the blood throughout the story that Will came across was a foreshadow to his later transformation as a Demogorgon.

I'm not sure if this is true or not but in my version; Demodogs or Demogorgon's at first eat normal food but then they crave meat instead. Will is hinted by the Mind Flayer to be a 'Prince' which is known for 'Prince of Demons aka a Demogorgon'. So the 'Traitor' who pushed Eleven off the Radio Tower at the Camp was indeed Larry possessed by the Mind Flayer hoping to kill her, but it failed which the malicious monster found strange?

Unlike the third season, in my version the small piece of the Mind Flayer that fled Will could only habitat in things connected to the Upside Down, which resulted in the unconscious Demodog. Until my STS3 when the Demodog died by drowning(which the Mind Flayer didn't care about anymore if the others knew about the monster through Dustin, since the Mind Flayer was always planning on drowning it anyway.) The small piece of the Mind Flayer then went back to the big Mind Flayer via the gate at the Camp. The Big Mind Flayer then returned and orchestrated all the Upside Down shenanigans at the Camp while the Aboleth infected the water, the Mind Flayer truly thought HE had won this time.

I got a lot of inspiration for my STS3 from these 3 video games if you couldn't tell (Life is Strange, Until Dawn and Firewatch) It shares a lot of similarities with Until Dawn since both characters get trapped and can't leave the spooky location. There are so many references of 'Life is Strange' throughout my story, the big ones are Will discovering he has his own powers and struggles to use them which results in a lot of chaos, the characters share a lot of similar traits, lol Ethan legit said: "Life is strange..." Lastly, Firewatch is Similar to my STS3 by the new character Larry having a lonely and messy life looking after the Camp. I really wanted a Camp to be a big element in the third season, I just felt like that's where they had to go, picturing the kids in that type of environment. The Camp was purely included to create that horror feel again in 'Stranger Things'. The Demogorgon is supposed to have powers similar to Eleven.

Robin and Steve Harrington in my story become 'cops in training' which means they are learning and training to become like real cops with Hopper as their boss. They both bring something to the Hawkins P.D, Robin is super intelligent and being only 18 she knows a lot about how the profession works and desperately wants to become a police officer because it's her dream. Steve on the other hand has no experience with cops, except almost getting arrested by them, he does however know about the Upside Down and can help Hopper with his fighting skills. Robin didn't want to be a part of her family's work Business, that's why she wanted to do what she wanted aka be a cop. Robin suits her name for more than one reason. 1. She grew up associated with Batman, hint the 'Robin' and 'Gordon' as in Jim Gordon. 2. A Robin is a type of bird who is colourful, like her personality and swoops in to save others.

-Will's creepy 'blood nightmare' was likely just another hallucination.

-When Max came across Will who was corrupt and unaware to her he was incredibly dangerous, this is a sad moment because Max has had enough with the 3 other boys (Mike, Lucas and Ethan) so she's relieved to finally see her other sweet friend, Will, but he acts anything but kind.

- I also think it is funny how Mike pulls another 'bitchin' Eleven from s2 when Ethan offers to shake Mike's hand for forgiveness, Mike rudely just walks past completely ignoring him. I don't know I just felt like after watching S2 I always assumed S3 would be about the kids entering Highschool, just like how I thought at the end of S1 Will was going to turn into a monster in s2, both of these ideas didn't turn out to be true...maybe so that's why I made them happen in my story. Bruce was sent as an undercover Russian spy to figure out the strange things that have happened for the past 2 years in Hawkins. He was made to be shady so people didn't suspect him as being a Russian. The whole corruption process- The 'Pink Stuff' as Will called it, did not make him corrupt, it only made him act like a mindless zombie addicted to eating more. The Aboleth is actually the one who is responsible for corrupting. Will acts evil in the final chapter because of the Aboleth NOT the Pink Stuff.

So if you guys want you can ship- #7/11 (El and Ethan). For me, one of my favourite things to watch in Stranger Things is Will's relationship with the Upside Down every season, it's so thrilling. Basically, Billy in my STS3, he caused trouble more than anything but eventually started to change as he became a better stepbrother to Max in the end when she kindly invited him, after everything they had been through to go on their Camp as a supervisor, Billy appreciated the offer and went but sadly didn't return, Billy kind of grew on me too, I made him show a nice side to him in the end before he died, it was good for Max to know Billy always cared about her even though he didn't show it a lot. Troy manipulated Ethan to cause trouble because Troy was scared he would end up hurt like his other friends. Troy didn't care about Ethan, he saw him as just as annoying as the other kids but he pretended to be the boy's 'friend' when he was left out even though he never meant it.

Lol, I find it so funny when you rewatch the first season and Will tells Mike 'it was a seven', and now that Ethan is 007, Mike definitely doesn't like him and I love Mike and Ethan's relationship in this story it's so hysterical because Finn and Jack are best friends in real life and in this they are portrayed as rivals. I think Noah Schnapp is one of the most talented actors out there and I really believed Will Byers definitely deserved this darker storyline for him, he is now a 'Stranger Thing'. So you now know in my version the Mind Flayer wanted Will in S2 for a bigger motive than just accessing our world through him. This continued straight to my STS3 where you learn why Will was always the 'chosen one'.

The Mind Flayer in my version targets those who have powers because they can do more damage than just normal humans, however like what it did with Billy and Larry at the Camp, it uses humans as red herrings or as help to get what it really wants- Power.

What the Mind Flayer did to Will in the cave is what HE originally wanted and planned on doing in S1 to him in my version- regarding finding and feeding Will some of the Pink Stuff to nourish him, but that obviously did not happen, which is why it happened in this story instead....


: Covered in the colour vermillion- A massive sea creature like a serpent/snake/eel thing with long tendril tentacles as arms, sharp teeth, brutal and incredibly dangerous. From the Upside Down, based on another D&D monster, disadvantaged when it comes to land however, is able to corrupt anything if victims get its water in their mouth or the Aboleth breathes green mist on them. Psionic abilities or corruption causes the target to act very ruthless and malicious like the sea beast. The monster also corrupts water systems to try to kill land creatures and leaves behind a trail of water to get around easier.

The Mind Flayer manages to get Billy, Troy and Will under its influence via the pink-stuff an addictive substance, turning victims into mindless zombies.

When the Demodog died in the lake, Dustin was brought back to normal and could've left Hawkins anytime he wanted to, since the voices in his head were no longer there.

The Mind Flayer never knew of Eleven before she closed the gate, the Mind Flayer was likely trying to drag her into the Upside Down to become its puppet too, but El was much stronger and she managed to seal the Mind Flayer inside there, which made the massive monster want to get revenge on her. The red thundering storm in the Upside Down is the Mind Flayer's anger, by being trapped it fuelled the storm making it dangerous when possessing someone causing 'death possession' (possessing someone before completely killing them). After being trapped and enraged in the Upside Down for a year, the monster became stronger and deadlier, because IT would kill them if it went inside their body soon after possessing them as this is what happened to Larry Glover. So the Mind Flayer needed another way to get Will under the monster's control- not through possession, but corruption.

Robin Gordon is my O.C fictional character debuted in my Stranger Things Season 3 Wattpad Story. Steve's new love interest she's very unique and not your typical 80's gal. She is a city girl from New York City who had high-class successful business parents who pressured their daughter to do excellent in school like them, she has a gift for being super intelligent. She also has a younger brother 'Nathan' who she loves deeply. She also had a rebellious and stoner ex- 'Chris' who influenced her to also be rebellious, she eventually broke up with him. She is just amazing. Maya Hawke has the most gorgeous smile. Robin loves coffee so I creatively thought if she likes it so much then she has to have some connection to a cop. I love the idea of a young 18 year old passionate about her dreams regardless of her age or anything. She is super intelligent because she studied to be little miss perfect her whole life, however, she always wanted to do something more meaningful. She wanted to help others and become a cop ever since her and her little brother were influenced by 'Batman'; that's where her dream began. She's very quirky and fun-loving. I adore her so much!!! Robin Gordon is my inspiration and my everything she is a legit angel, she is my favourite fictional female character ever! She is a strong, kind, sassy and independent young woman.♡

Similar to the comic book that explains what Will experienced in the Upside Down for the first time- STRANGER THINGS: THE OTHER SIDE- In the other dimension, he ran from his shed, found Barbara's broken glasses on the ground so he thought he wasn't alone... He even saw Nancy and more than anything wanted to run into her arms, but the Demogorgon was onto him, he couldn't move without putting himself and Nancy in danger so he then went to hide at Castle Byers where he was caught.

I like to assume that the egg Hopper found in the Upside Down back in S1 was actually the Aboleth's egg that hadn't hatched yet and this monster causes the water fiasco. The slug Will coughed up at the end of S1 and what Barb had coming out of her mouth was originally implanted inside them from the vine tendrils in the Upside Down- controlled by the first Demogorgon! As soon as he vomited up that slug thing (likely Dart), Will hallucinated the Upside Down which I take to mean is him already with his strange mysterious abilities.

Corruption is different to possession- you can't remember being corrupt. Nothing happens or appears physically so it's difficult to tell, the only thing that is evident is the behaviour- it's erratic and ruthless, you act brainwashed with things you would normally like, you still remember your memories but instead only do things to satisfy the Mind Flayer.

So the Upside Down in my version works by- the part of the Mind Flayer that left Will at the end of S2 fled to the unconscious Demodog in the Byers freezer which was soon transported to Dustin's house. Until Ethan trapped in the Upside Down accidentally opened a gate in the Hawkins Sewers, did the Demodog come back to life and attacked Dustin and the Mind Flayer then used Dustin to revive the Demodog so it could be strong enough to cross into another portal. The Aboleth was tasked over the summer to poison the water in Hawkins until El closed up the leaks for good in the Sewers, however, a small puddle of the water was still there and eventually, some rats drank from it and they were corrupt and tasked to drown in the pool making them create a new teleportation portal thing that would lead to the Camp. The Demodog then jumped through and soon drowned in the process allowing the Mind Flayer to return at the Camp and possessed Larry and eventually killed him and pretended to be him in his body.

- The Demodog was weak which is why the Mind Flayer commanded Dustin to revive it, (Dustin over time with his arm wound slowly infecting him became obedient, even if he didn't want to, his head also throbbed because the Demodog was getting stronger.) The gate in the Sewers is still open. The Upside Down couldn't grow through the gate anyway because it doesn't like water, only the Aboleth. The Aboleth could no longer infect the water system because Eleven fixed the leaks from the pipes in the Sewers in the Summer. Which meant the Mind Flayer only had Hopper and the Demodog/ Dustin to control. At the Camp Sunshine Lake- The Upside Down infected the other side, the new gate portal was in the water, but the plants grew on the land and were stopped by a block in the tunnels, likely a puddle. (All the characters who went over to the other side of the Camp went through the tunnels.)Also, Ethan was curious of Will's drawing of the Mind Flayer as he thought it looked similar to what chased him in the Upside Down. When Ethan was chased by the Mind Flayer in the Upside Down he ran and hid in the Sewers and managed to create a gate to escape before the Mind Flayer could catch him.

- In S2 I like to see it as Dart sensed Will when he found him, but Will was too scared to go closer so he ran away. Also the second the Mind Flayer got close to Will, HE sensed the kid had Demogorgon abilities which is why Will was kept as a hostage throughout S2(The Mind Flayer hijacked Will's body, but overtook him every now and then) so the Mind Flayer could selfishly unleash his powers but struggled. There were two people in one body and Will was dormant for most of the time. (Will's powers didn't really get triggered properly until he met El in my STS3).

- Will being savage in this story was meant to be terrifying. I don't blame Max for leaving Hawkins. But what is important to remember is that Will has no memory of what happened when he was corrupt (dragged in the lake), however, when he was, he was the darkest version of himself.

Troy and Billy were not corrupt, they were just zombies controlled through the 'pink stuff'. Will is also a zombie briefly but the Aboleth transformed Will into a corrupt monster. Billy and Troy were just temporary commanded to cause trouble, whereas the Mind Flayer wanted to make Will last longer because he knows the kid can be much more dangerous with the influence of the Upside Down. Billy and Troy didn't consume as much as Will did.

- Will thinks he has a crush on his best friend Mike Wheeler.

Based on SEASON 2:

- ❖The whole Will/Mind Flayer(MF) thing in S2 from Ep 4, so you can understand a bit better based on my version- The Mind Flayer started to slowly function Will's body. The MF forces Will to NOT get in the bath, Will's skin shivers having his body being controlled and then he is forced to say to his mother, "Mom, it's too hot." The MF then speaks through Will, "No. He likes it cold." referring to Will. Will snaps back to his old self confused of what just happened, he didn't understand how he was in his body for one second and then dormant? Will is connected to the MF seeing visions. Will is himself tearfully speaking to Mike in Ep 5. Will succeeds spying on the MF, finding Hopper. He then has a seizure. In Ep 6, Will screams out in pain from the burning. The MF wakes up in his body, death glaring at Bob and Joyce. Will then next time says his full name, but the MF soon creepily pretends to be Will and is aware Mike is Will's friend, through hearing Will say this before, however, the monster doesn't know who Hopper is? Will then as himself warns them that the soldiers hurt the MF and made him angry. Will then feels the pain of the heat because the MF does as they are connected. The MF then formulates a plan to lure the soldiers into a trap, showing Will flashbacks of certain events. Will then hears Mike say his name which brings him back to himself and he tells Mike he knows how to stop the monster. The MF then forces Will to lure the others to a trap on the map and at the same time controls the Demodogs to kill as revenge. Will then cries apologising that he was coerced to lure the soldiers to the trap, per the MF's order, he then warns his mother to leave saying it isn't safe for her. The last two episodes, Will is dormant but can still get emotional and breakthrough, but it is mainly the MF pretending to be him from then on until Will is rescued.

In S2, I saw Will's possession as a gradual process, over time the Mind Flayer could gain more and more control over Will and even speak through him. Basically, I think the reason Will didn't recognise a lot of people in S2 was because the Mind Flayer was pretending to be Will and had no idea who half the people were, BUT this is really important- The Mind Flayer is aware of what a doctor is?

Past season's and Beyond Stranger Things clues/parallels that lead up to my (STS3)........


- Will Byers said a "seven" (foreshadow of Ethan).

- The music 'Kids' plays at a significant time both in S1, S2 and this story.)

- Will did get his X-men 134 comic from Dustin (cries at Castle Byers).

- A Demogorgon .

- Will is able to use a gun in defence.

- James question's which of the kids to tease first by putting his finger to his lips (question's Max's new nickname.)

- El doesn't want Mike to get help (like Ethan doesn't want Will to get help.)

- El rides on the back of Mike's bike/ Max and Lucas (Ethan and Will.)

- The way Mike lashes out to El (is similar to their break up.)

- Steve said 'cops' (foreshadow to him training at the police station.)

- Hopper said "Spelling Bee" referring to Sara (Hopper gives El a Spelling game for Christmas that Sara use to play.)

- The title 'The flea and the acrobat' (The Dance and the Demodog).

- The glass shatters at Bradleys (Billy's car crash.)

- El and Will parallels.

- The egg Hopper saw in the Upside Down (Aboleth egg hatched in 1985.)


- The Zombie Boy note and scaring Will on Halloween night 'watch it zombie boy/trick or treat freak' (Troy and James responsible for it.)

-Nancy's pencil breaks (like Mike's.)

- Hopper bribes a kid with candy (Robin bribes Erica with money.)

- Poor Steve gets his heart broken (Robin Gordon is his new gal.)

- The locks on Hopper's cabin door (same ones he locks to forbid Mike from coming back.)

- Hopper's gross infection coughing up black sludge from the tunnels (continues in my STS3.)

- Erica and pancakes parallel.

- Murray's line, "if you need to reach me again...don't!" (Jancy can't get in contact with him.)

- Dustin and Max say Steve is 'insane' and 'awesome' (Will remarks Steve is crazy).

- Steve hopped into Hopper's police car (Hopper trains Steve in the police car.)

- Mike is rude to a new kid like Max (Ethan, except it's worse because he is a boy.)

- That damn Demodog El knocked out, Max asked: "is it dead?" (lol no.)

- Eleven was rude to Max (Like Mike and Ethan, also ignoring him.) 

- The Mind Flayer choked Joyce ( Will chokes Max when he's corrupt.)

- El sees an unconscious Will parallel.

- Will confides in only Mike.


- Dustin is such a science nerd, he grew up with boys.

- It isn't Stranger Things if something doesn't happen at Joyce Byers house (candles lit throughout.)

- The Highschool theme (obviously.)




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