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July 2nd 1985

Columbus, Ohio...

The night is a black canopy of darkness full of stars twinkling in the sky. A light summer breeze rustles the leaves off the oak trees and crickets chirp in the lush grass by the bubbling river. However, besides the sound of tranquil nature, above on a long and narrow city bridge the only noise that can be heard is sirens...police sirens. Driving in a getaway van, Kali Prasad and her remaining gang; Axel, Funshine and Dottie are being pursued by the police once again. Dottie, who is known to have crazy and curly hair like the famous 80's icon- Cyndi Lauper, is wearing a green zig-zag shirt and purple shorts. She gets up from the backseat, trying to keep herself steady from falling over in the bumpy vehicle and then finally manages to clutch the top of the driver's seat, yelling at him to keep going!

"Go! Go! Move it Axel! Faster they're gaining on us!"

Her panic begins to overwhelm inside the vehicle, she keeps thinking the same thing, We are going to get caught! After all, ever since they fled from Chicago, the gang went back to their original mission which was to continue hunting down the people from their pasts who had mistreated them. Eventually, that lead to Columbus where things started to go wrong, including having 'accidentally' left their other member Mick behind and also now being labelled - Wanted Criminals as all the flyers throughout the city illustrate.

"Shit, we're going to get caught!" Axel panics barely able to steer the wheel properly as his palms begin to sweat! "K, now would be the perfect time to do something! We're almost out of gas! Hurry up or else we're all going to go to jail!" Dottie yells in a distraught tone, this time to their leader- Kali; a young woman wearing a grey singlet over black jeans with raven coloured hair and purple highlight streaks, whom is in the passenger seat starting to feel tired of Dottie's constant screaming and panicking! "Dot! Stop panicking! Ok, we'll be fine. We just need to find a good place to do it." Kali, unlike the others, is blessed with having special psychic abilities that allow her to create mental illusions whenever she wants to. Approaching an intersection, Kali begins to close her eyelids and use her gift to create an imaginary car crash to deceive and halt the cops. The figmental cars one by one start spinning out of control on the road, skidding tires and emitting a loud screeeeech! The police soon stop after noticing that those mix of dark blue and black cars are colliding into one another and even smashing into lamp posts! After the crash, all of the officers are flabbergasted with what the hell just happened?! They are completely confused of how the getaway vehicle got away? A Columbus police officer scans around and then radios another officer, "Yeah Tony, there's been a problem, I... uh ...don't think you would believe me if I told you but... they got away, yeah they vanished?"

The gang all laugh and cheer over not getting caught and then Kali tells them, "Ok, now we just need to find an escape route, in case they decide to come after us again." A deep male voice is heard, it is Funshine who is wearing- a large black shirt and red vest, dark blue shorts along with a black cap on his head. He states while pointing at a map, "Uh guys, there's a gas station not far from here, it should be on the next left." Funshine was correct, as the road sign soon confirmed. "There! Take a left hon!" She says this to Axel, whom had been discovered to now be her boyfriend, well the first boyfriend she has ever had. The tall blond man stops for one second to look into his lover's dark brown eyes, smiles and then looks back onto the road to make the final turn to their destination. They pull into a secluded convenience store on the outskirts of the city and manage to evade the police for now.

In the colours red, green, white and orange, the words 7-Eleven light up. Kali grabs her usual white and black mask, telling Axel at the same time to stay behind in the vehicle and to signal them if any trouble comes. She kisses him and then instructs accomplices- Funshine and Dottie in a much ruder and harsher tone to go fill up the vehicle with gas while she goes to get the supplies! Kali enters the quiet store wearing her mask to conceal her identity. The store clerk behind the counter, wearing a small name tag on his uniform in bold black letters-RICKY, only looks confused and asks her, "What's with the mask?" Kali then summons her powers and uses them to illude creepy critters such as spiders to chase after the clerk which she succeeds and he flees the store, "Ahhhhh!" Kali removes her mask, wipes the blood dripping from her nostril and continues to rob for more supplies before helping herself to a strawberry slushie drink. Outside, Dottie begins to question Kali as she takes out a packet of gum and puts it in her mouth?

"You know, I'm starting to question our allegiance with Kali Fun? I mean ever since that 'girl' in the previous year..."

"Jane." Funshine replies taking a deep breath before starting to fill up the van.

"Right her, abandoned us, and then we just went back to doing the same thing, you know killing bad people, and then Kali didn't do anything about it to save Mick when she got arrested.. I just.. I don't know? I feel like you and me don't really need to work with her anymore since all she cares about is Axel and treats us like garbage."

Inside the vehicle, Axel soon notices in his rearview mirror that a car seems to be pulling up to where they are, he looks closer and then sees the illuminant, flashing red and blue lights on top! He repeatedly beeps the wheel to signal that they have to go now! Axel puts on his dark blue jacket and gets out to go and warn Kali! Dottie and Funshine are trying to fill up the vehicle as quickly as they can, but they soon stop after encountering and stepping out of the 'police car', a strange tall man in a white lab coat wearing a creepy biohazard mask, and then many more men appear behind him dressed the same, hopping out of similar cars? The first man steps closer and asks in a muffled voice, "Where is the girl?"

Dottie and Funshine begin to attack! He grabs a heavy propane cylinder tank, knocking out some of the 'mysterious men' and Dottie spits out her gum and tries to do karate, but they aren't strong enough because all of a sudden- *BANG!* *BANG!*

While all this terror is happening, inside the store Kali and Axel are collecting the last of the supplies when they are alerted by the loud gunshots coming from outside and are frightened to go out there, aware whoever is out there is equipped with guns! One of the Bad men tosses a smoke bomb into the store, hoping to scare whoever is in there to come out! Kali being the only one with a 'weapon' on her decides to go out there and Axel agrees to stay hidden inside one of the storerooms for safety, before she leaves, they share one more kiss. Kali then runs through the smoke haze and is outside. She is upset to see the two of her friends there dead! Instead of crying, she furiously channels her anger and uses her powers on the 'Bad men' for revenge by creating out of her hands- fire illusions to attack them! However, one of the 'Bad men' just says noticing that the flames couldn't be real because there was no heat, "It's a trick, the girl's power is to make illusions." Kali shocked with another nose bleed and feeling too drained then tries to escape by running, but before that can happen one of the men shoot a tranquilliser dart in her back and she starts to feel dizzy and collapses, causing the illusions to fade! She then gets carried and taken away to their car, incapacitated and they drive off! Axel comes back out and is horrified to see that his friends are lying on the dirty ground not moving, he looks around and calls out for Kali but she doesn't answer, "Kali! Kali! KALI!!" He then collects the supplies, finishes up with the gas, goes back to the vehicle to turn the keys and drives away in the 'dead of the night'. The Man in front driving the imposter police car takes his mask off revealing to be just a man with a scruffy beard, but then he hints something about bringing her back to 'The Boss?' Kali tries to stay awake but soon closes her eyes...

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