On Angel Wings

By joonmonjagi

628 5 9

Amra is a demon, or rather a demon cruelly encased in a human body until she fulfills the deed her back-stabb... More

A Decision Must Be Made
My Lover, The Voice

On Angel Wings <3 Blind

444 2 4
By joonmonjagi


“No, I refuse to become human. I was created demon and demon I shall stay. If you have a problem with that, well, you know what? You can all fuck off and crawl your worthless asses down to Hell.” Red eyes glared at me from the Black Abyss. “Too late, we’ve already been there. It’s your turn now,” a scratchy voice hissed from the darkness.

I hissed at them, my talons growing long. “We prepare to offer you a deal. Become a human and be dragged to Hell. We will then drag you back out. Once you are out, you will hunt down and kill an angel, after which we will turn you back into a demon. Refuse this offer and your life will be at stake.”

I laughed. “And what makes you think I’d agree to such a thing?” The sound of heels clicking floated into my ears and I turned to see my best friend---or ex-best friend now---, Caroline, wearing a maniacal smile. “The fact that we’re not giving you a choice and because we need you, we, or rather I, won’t be killing you…yet.” In less than a second she appeared before me and grasped my arm. “Now, go kill me an angel.”

The field I awoke in was lush and green. The air was cool like spring. I groaned and felt my head. It pulsed painfully with vibrations. I sat up and looked around. I wasn’t in the Black Abyss anymore. I wasn’t even in Hell…or Heaven, for that matter. Oh Lord. I was in the In-between, what I called that little space between Heaven and Hell and the smidge of the Black Abyss that existed right on the borders of the two planes. I was in what everyone called “Earth”. Standing up, I examined myself and was disgusted.

My hair wasn’t silky anymore; it was just…managed. My skin was alabaster instead of the smooth tan it used to be and I didn’t have a single curve on my body. My clothes hung off slightly from the lack of cleavage that was now gone. I was one of the things I feared the most: bony. Thank God I wasn’t born human. I would have killed myself by now.

I looked around at where I was. I wonder if I retained any of my powers. I tried to conjure up a fireball in my hand. It worked, but only for a while. It hovered in my hand, flickering a moment or two before finally extinguishing for good. Grumbling, I asked a question in my mind. Where am I? The answer came almost instantaneous. A small town in Ohio.

I saw the edge of a road and headed towards it. So, are there any angels here? There is one. He travels with two known as the Winchester boys. Dean and Sam Winchester? Damn, I’ve wanted to meet them for a while. Maybe they can help me out with this so-called ‘deal’ the Council of the Black Abyss has pulled on me. The road was a long stretch of pavement. Do you know where they are here, Mankia?

Mankia was my guide, in a way. He was the voice in my head, almost like a conscience that didn’t really care whether you did good or bad. He gave answers and instruction when I needed them. I knew I couldn’t live without him. They are coming up the road, as we speak. In the distance, roaring down the road, was what looked to be a Chevy Impala, though I couldn’t quite place the date of its make.

I stepped out onto the road. Mankia, do you know if it’s still possible for me to conjure something up? It is. You just have to want it bad enough. The Council of the Black Abyss let you keep your powers. They only switched your body to something similar to what it might have looked like had you been born human. So, technically I’m still demon, just with a more ‘human’ body.

I stepped out on the road, conjuring up a blind person’s cane and dark glasses. In my other hand, I conjured a bag filled with clothes and accessories. As the Impala approached, I bumped the cane around as if I were having a hard time finding my way around. The Chevy pulled up beside me and a man stuck his head outside the window. I turned, pretending I’d just heard them pull up.

“Excuse me miss, do you need a ride?” I slightly smiled. This was just too easy. Did they always go around helping ‘helpless’ women like this? “Oh, yes. Thank you.” Ugh, even my voice was repulsive. It was…how could I put this…screechy, but soft? Once again, I say, Thank GOD I was not born human. I would so have been suicidal. “Hop in. I pretended to feel around for the door handle. “Castiel, help her in.” Strong hands took my cane and helped me into the car. “Thank you. I really don’t mean to be a bother. If you could, please, just…drop me off at the nearest hotel.” Damn, I had no idea I was this good of an actor. I should do this more often.

“That’s alright, you can stay with us,” a tall guy in the passenger seat offered. The driver looked over slightly glaring. Guess he wasn’t so much of a saint after all. “Really? I don’t want to be a burden.” The tall one chuckled. “You won’t. So, what’s your name?” “Amra. Amra Lindsay Bales. And may I ask who the three of you are?” “How’d you know there was three of us?” I giggled and answered, “When you’re blind, the rest of your senses heighten.” My answer seemed to satisfy him because he told me their names. “I’m Dean, this is Sam, and the one beside you is Castiel.” I nodded to Dean and Sam and recognition. I looked up to Castiel for the first time since I had gotten into the car and was amazed. He was radiant. Just the sight of him made me almost gasp for breath.

He was an angel. I could tell. “Thank you for helping me into the car, Castiel. If I may, can I feel your face? So that I can know when you’re there?” He stoically mumbled a ‘yes’ and I reached up to grope his face. His skin was smooth and he had a stub of a beard coming in. His jaw was strong. I felt along the contours of his lips. They were soft. When I reached beyond his nose and towards his eyes, I told him to close them. “I don’t want to poke you.” I took a moment to trace across them slowly. “You have very pretty eyes. So beautiful.” The car stopped in front of a hotel and Dean glanced back. “How can you tell?”

A small smile graced my lips and I slipped off my glasses. “I guess I’m found out, huh? You see; I’m not really blind.”

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