Recovery a Nathan Sykes & The...

By ThePastTW

602K 6.5K 1.8K

when Nathan finds a girl bleeding out in the middle of god dam no where. He and the other boys quickly help h... More

Recovery a Nathan Sykes & The Wanted Fanfiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Sorry about Maggie
Chapter 38 revised
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Life = Obstacles & Opportunities
I am in need of assistance
Recovery 2 - Delirious

Chapter 20

10.2K 99 18
By ThePastTW


Nathans POV

"Ellen! Ellen what's wrong?" I asked, I'd slammed the door in the mans face and was kneeling in front of Ellen. "the...the man..." she whispered. "what about him? Did he hurt you?" I growled. "I swear to god I'll go out there and rip his fucking head off!" I shouted. "no, he didn..didn't hurt me, but,'s my bathroom." she whispered.

"no one can come in but me." she sobbed. "but love...I'm in here." I said, she stopped and looked at me. "I...I didn't even think about it...I...I just let you in...because I just...I just wanted you near me, I didn't think about it." she whispered. "I've never let anyone in a bathroom with me Nathan, never, it's against the rules of...of everything." she stammered.

"oh baby." I sighed and slid down the wall, sitting next to her. "I love that you want me." I said and she looked at me. She trusted me in here, no one else, no one. "I can't believe I let you into my private escape, Nathan you don't even understand how amazing that is." she whispered, I nodded. "I do, it's just like how I let you into my heart." I said, she sighed.

"and Ellen, isn't the bathroom just a little escape? The real escape is the shower." I said, when I said it we both turned and looked at the shower, then back to each other. "no Nathan, no, I..I just can't." she sobbed about to cry. "no no no no no love I wasnt suggesting anything, I just wanted to let you know that you still have somewhere that no one...not even I can go." I said, she nodded.

"ya, I guess so." she said, fuck. It had been a suggestion, I thought she trusted me? Fuck what the hell am I talking about? I just let her get taken by her parents and nearly kill herself! Of course she isn't going to trust you all the way just yet. "Nathan, I don't think you'll ever get into the shower with me...ever." she said, I nodded.

"I know." I admitted. "Nathan, even if the fear goes away, even if we can do everything a normal couple does and I get better, you'll never get in the shower with me, ever." she said, I nodded. "that's ok love, don't even worry about that, just focus on today." I said as I took her hand, she flinched but let me hold it.

"come on, we better go see who that was." I said, she sighed but nodded. I helped her up and opened the door. The man who'd come in was talking to jay and I realized he was the doctor. "I'm sorry if I upset you." he said, Ellen shrugged and squeezed my hand. "come on, lets go home." she said. "you want to go to your house?" I asked astounded. "no Nathan, your house." she said and I smiled. She'd called it home, it gave me hope.

"you cant leave, you're suffering from blood loss and you have four open cuts on your wrist." said the doctor. "ya, I've had a lot worse then that for years and I've had to fucking deal with it myself, I think I can handle this, I don't want to be here." she growled, I raised my eyebrows at her.

She was angry. "no you have to stay here or else y..." he started. "don't even finish that fucking sentence, just shut the fuck up, I'm leaving now and there is no 'or else'" she shouted and walked right out the door.

Jay was gaping at the door ellen had just walked out of and I was giving it the same expression, then we both looked at each other and screamed. "MAX!" and ran into the hall, we saw max and Tom sitting in chairs and walked over. "MAXIMILLIAN ALBERTO GEORGE!" I shouted and he looked at me. "why the fuck would you give Ellen alcohol?" I shouted.

"mate I thought we were over that! It was a week ago." he said. "no, she just yelled at the doctor, does that sound like Ellen to you?" I shouted. "I swear to you mate I didn't give her anything." he said, I growled and shot of down the hall after Ellen. The other boys followed and we got outside just in time to see her get on the bus.

We ran on and saw ellen sitting down on a couch eating a bag of chips. "Ellen have you been drinking?" I asked, she shook her head. "I'm sorry about that, I just got angry at him." she said. "Ellen, you still have that cut on your side right?" asked siva, she nodded. "and is been hurting all the time right?" again she nodded. "and does it hurt now?" he asked, she thought for a moment then shook her head.

"no, I don't hurt anywhere." she said. "yup, I thought so. It's the morphine, she isn't in any pain for the first time in a long while, I think the pain helps contribute to the fear and when that variable is taken out of the equation it downgrades to a much less complex problem which therefor reverses her fear into other emotions which slingshots them because she hasnt felt them in a long time causing her to lash out irrationally." said siva and we all stared slack jawed.

"well fuck, seev mate, did you swallow a dictionary?" asked jay, he laughed. "I used Wikipedia on abuse victim behavior." he said and we all shook our heads. "boys, let me tell you something." said Ellen, we turned and looked at her. "let me tell you something about being kidnapped and abused." she started. "when you're kidnapped and abused daily, there's only one thing you can do to stay alive and sane and that is..." and then she passed out.


I love cliffhangers, they're so torturous, lol, I'll put more up soon, vote comment and fan x

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