my protective boyfriend

By writingandreading_

115K 658 342


Secret party
Hurting feelings
Christmas Break
6 months
6 months (part2)

Who we are/ date

30.5K 153 58
By writingandreading_

Emily: hey my name is Emily I am 15 years old. I have blond/brown hair and dark blue eyes. I have a loving boyfriend but he's also strict sometimes. I don't like spankings writing lines and those things. I do love cuddling with him it's just the best thing ever. He's so understanding and I can talk to him about pretty much everything. I'm a pretty sweet girl, but you know haha sometimes I'm not in the mood and well I could end up on his lap then.

Brian: Brian he is 17 years old, he has light brown hair and hazel brown eyes. Oh and he is the one that spanks me and takes my phone and stuff. He is the sweetest and most caring boyfriend though, but he can be strict when he needs to.

We have been in a relationship for around 3/4 months now and we're already pretty close!
Just to let y'all know, Emily is without underlining or anything and Brian is with :)

This part is about a date together.

Emily's POV(point of view)
We were at a cute restaurant at the sea talking about how good the food was. Oh Brian I love this restaurant so much how did you find this? Well I have been here since I was little and I love it still! It's my favourite restaurant.

We went home after he paid the bill for us.

A few minutes later we sat in the car. Brian was riding and I was slowly getting annoyed because I wanted the music to be on.

"Briannn put the music on now! I want to listen to music". "Emily I am driving so I can choose if I want music or not" he says calmly.
"But Brian I want to listen to music now!" I said kinda annoyed.

"We aren't gonna put music on right now it's very busy on the road and I need to watch out. I don't want any accidents to happen alright".

"Ughhh okay, but why are you being so annoying! I just want music on that's literally all, it doesn't even need to be loud!"

"Emily?! It's for our own safety  okay now stop it."
"Okay, dickhead" I mumbled.
He ignored it.

10 min later

"We're almost home okay"

"yea cool, can I put music on now then"

"No it's still busy on the road"

"Urgh i freaking hate you!" I said.

"Emily don't talk to me like a 6 year old or your getting spanked like one."

What the fu*k did he just say??!

NAH AH it better not be like that.(I thought)
I kinda freaked out and didn't say anything the rest of the ride back home. It was a awkward and silent ride.

(I live with my dad and I've never known my mother sooo.. but look my dad has been busy since last year with a lot of work and so most of the time I'm alone at home & also i can pretty much do whatever I want. Today my dad would stay over at a friends house, so they could work longer.)

We drove in the garage around 8 o'clock and Brian earlier said he was gonna stay till 11pm.

I stepped of the car and I was confused and also a lil scared. We both went inside but I went straight upstairs to my room, not saying anything at all or making any eye contact with him.

Not even 10 minutes later I heard Brian, "Emily we need to talk, can you come over here? "
Oh god what is he going to do now I thought.
I walked downstairs, again! And saw him sitting on the couch.

I sat on the other side of the couch not wanting to sit close to him at that moment.

He wasn't saying anything for 5 seconds and it felt weird.

"So I called you here because we needed to talk about something." I said slowly.

"Okay" I said with a soft voice.

"Well so time I came to you, you were acting so un respectful to me and so I want to change something in our relationship."

I didn't know exactly what he was going to say, so I just said:"What Brian?"

"Look so Emily, remember in the car I told you I would spank you if you kept acting like a brat?" I said in a calm voice.

"Uhum" (no no no no this can't be like that, I kept thinking)...

There was a short silence between us..

"I thought it was a good idea for the next time you act like a this or have a attitude your getting punished because it's seems like you need it honey.
And with that i mean also that you r gonna get spanked if you don't behave."

"But brian" I said in complete shock.

I came over to where she was sitting and pulled her into my arms and said,
"Babe I know its new for you okay, but it's better that we do something about this alright. And it'll be fine cause i'm there for you."

"oh.."I said with a soft tone while looking down.

"Hey" I said while lifting her chin up so she would look me straight in the eye.

"Look, I love you and so I want the best for you, that's why I'm gonna help you to become even a better person then you already are okay. Everything will be alright.

"Brian..I'm sorry from today, i said stupid things and i don't hate you at all"

"It's alright honey"

"Are you know?" i asked nervously and looking down to the floor.

"Don't worry baby, not today" I chuckled

"Ohw okay" I said blushing.

"Today was a warning but don't try me out okay? Could you go to your room?"
while giving a kiss on my head, "and I will come to you in a few minutes".

"Okay", I went upstairs and layed on my bed. Would he really beat my ass next time?..I thought.

In about 15 minutes he came back and sat next to me rubbing my back as I sat up.

"Emily I didn't want to scare you okay baby. I have made some rules for you so it's clear and easier for you to understand it."

"Okayy.." I said being a little nervous

"Okey these are the rules for now"


- Bedtime during school 9:30(and no phone after that)
- weekend bedtime 11:00 and no phone after that.
- No attitude(after a few warnings you get spanked)
- come to me when I call you the first time (otherwise spanked)
- No swearing/cussing
- No yelling or slamming doors
- If there is something going on, then tell me I will always be there for you!


- Spankings
- Time-outs
- no phone or laptop
- early to bed
- writing lines

These can be changed if need to

- staying up later
- going out for dinner
- To the cinema or watching movies together.
- Shopping
- Doing fun things together!

These can be changed if need to.

"There are many but that's all okay baby?

"okey, but Brian I really don't want spankings" I sort of yelled "I'm not a child anymore! And why not just something else? URHH!"

"Emily I don't have a attitude towards me, I get it that you don't want spankings cause yea they are no fun but it will teach you to do things better okay and you will learn from it."

"Babe, it's just new for me" I sighed.

"It's alright hun, so now we're done with this, what about watching a movie!

"Yasssss that would be soooo much fun!"

We picked out a movie together and for the rest of the night we watched movies and cuddled together. He went home a little later then 11pm and I went to bed after he tucked me into bed.

This is the first chapter of the story and I know it's a bit short but next time it will be longer!
1353 words this time
-xxx kate

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