
Galing kay multishipwriter86

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Post 2x16. Not wrote by me, wrote by Buttercup12490 Higit pa

Chapter 1: Downfall
Chapter 2: Building
Chapter 3: In The Stars
Chapter 4: Beyond Death
Chapter 5: Recovery
Chapter 6: Exploration
Chapter 7: Knowledge
Chapter 8: A Message
Chapter 9: Date
Chapter 10: The View
Chapter 11: The New Alliance
Chapter 12: The First Ceremony
Chapter 14: Betrayal
Chapter 15: Ceremony
Chapter 16: The Ocean
Chapter 17: Cancellations
Chapter 18: Breakthrough
Chapter 19: Decisions
Chapter 20: Training
Chapter 21: Voyager
Chapter 22: The Rescue

Chapter 13: The Kelenging

813 32 7
Galing kay multishipwriter86

The night had been festive to say the least. Clarke had hoped to finish early to practice the sword tricks Lexa had taught her before her mom did the surgery for that bleed she had, but that had not been possible. Hundreds of gifts had been made for them, and generals from all over had questions about them visiting their lands as everyone had been waiting for the bounded one to appear, and of course all the leaders were offering their capitals as honeymoon sites for them to go to, AND plus every single member of the Skaikru wanted to talk to Clarke.

Clarke had been surprised at Octavia and Jasper. Octavia was mad at her for the TonDC thing and Jasper was mad about Maya. She didn't think they would both hug her and be genuinely happy to see her. Talking to Raven had been great, the brunette had healed much after Finn and Wick was good for her. She was also glad to know that Bellamy had changed his mind about fighting in the Kelenging and that both her mom and Kane were in a better place about the marriage.

It is very late by the time they reach Lexa's large house where Abby and Petra are waiting for them.

"I know it's late but I'd like to fix that bleed before the Kelenging," Abby says as they arrive. "I don't want anything to agitate it."

"But will I be able to recover well from surgery to fight tomorrow?"

"Rest assured Clarke that no one will challenge you," Lexa says with a grin.

Clarke turns to her. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Lexa says with a shrug. "I might have spread a rumor that if anyone dares challenge you for my affection that I would kill them by noon."

Clarke laughs. "Oh my God! And here I am stressing out..."

"A little pressure is good," Lexa says with a teasing grin dodging a swat to her arm. "Petra is here with salve for our burns, and Abby do what you need to do."

Clarke sighs in relief and gently caresses Lexa's face. "Thank you Lex."

Lexa smiles at the nickname and says, "Petra will tend to your burn before surgery."

Clarke nods and follows Petra into the house. Abby mouthes a 'thank you' to Lexa then follows them inside.

The salve is very soothing, a concoction Petra made during her rotation in the Glass Kingdom, and almost instantly after application the burning sensation goes away.

"Amazing," Abby says. "What is in that?"

"Petra doesn't speak," Lexa says. "But she learned and practiced medicine in all 12 nations. She wrote everything she learned in a book, but it's in Trigedasleng, I'll have it translated for you."

"Oh no that's not necessary..."

"It is, her techniques have saved people on the brink of death and so have yours," Lexa says. "Consider it a part of the alliance."

"What is that you're drinking Clarke?" Abby says as the blonde drinks something from a mug Petra handed.

"It's a medicine to put her to sleep for a few hours for you to do the surgery," Lexa says. "And for her not to feel this salve. It will heal the burn quickly and it's quite painful."

"What about you?" Abby says.

"I cannot impair my senses," Lexa says with a small shrug.

"No, Lexa that's not..." Clarke yawns tiredly as she lies back on the bed. "Fair."

Within seconds Clarke is snoring and Abby laughs. "Wow, that's faster than anesthesia."

"Yes, she will feel nothing," Lexa says.

"Okay I get that you can't lose your senses but will you allow me to give you a painkiller? I won't make you sleep or anything, it'll ease the pain."

Lexa eyes her suspiciously.

"It'll make you sleepy only, I promise it's safe," Abby says. "Take it as my token of trust."

"After Clarke's surgery," Lexa says.

Abby nods and gets her materials. Lexa says something to Petra in Trigedasleng and Petra nods.

"She'll stay to assist."


About an hour into the surgery Abby notices the signs of distress on Lexa. The pain the younger woman was feeling must have been great but Abby could do nothing because she was wrist-deep in her daughter's belly pinching a minuscule bleed in her intestine.

Three hours later Clarke was all stitched up and Lexa was covered in sweat from her pain. She didn't protest or complain when Abby guided her to lay beside Clarke and injected the pain killer into her arm.

Now an hour after the injection, Lexa's body finally relaxes and she's falling asleep.

"If you want to go that's fine," Abby says to Petra. "I'll stay here."

Lexa yawns and says, "she doesn't speak Eng..."

"No I'll stay."

Lexa's head snaps towards Petra in surprise.

"She's my Heda," Petra says never breaking eye contact with Lexa. "She let my son be remembered with honor instead of betrayal like everyone else in that war. She kept his promise to him even though I was the traitor and I was the one who deserved death."

Abby just watches in awe as the old healer caresses Lexa's head gently like a mother and Lexa's eyes fill with emotion. Maybe it's the pain killers, or maybe Lexa never had a mother and this woman is the closest thing she has.

"Y-you betrayed me," Lexa says softly closing her eyes with a pain that Abby knows is not her wound because her pain killers are very effective.

"I know, I'm sorry Heda, I'm sorry," Petra says. "And these past seven years you tried to treat me with indifference and punish me for what I did but instead you've showed me mercy and kindness."

"That's because she can't be any other way."

Everyone's attention focuses to Clarke who watching them with droopy eyes.

"The worse things she's ever done for the sake of her people she does with a heavy heart because she feels for them," Clarke says. She turns to Abby and says, "leaving us at the mountain was also like ripping out her heart. I understand that now, and I didn't before. I just felt angry."

"Don't tell anyone that though," Lexa says. "They cannot think me weak."

Clarke scoffs but Abby speaks before her daughter can respond. "That's exactly what makes you strong Lexa. You can go against your emotions to do what is necessary to keep your people alive and bring them peace. Even Clarke could do that too and so can Bellamy because they pulled that lever even though they knew the consequences. I would've never been able to take that deal or pull that lever and we would've all been dead. I said before that my daughter is too young to lead but in a few months she has been a better leader and person than I could ever dream of being."

"Ah mom," Clarke says gripping her hand.

"And you Lexa, I went from hating you yesterday to appreciating you today," Abby says. "You are the opposite of everything I thought a Grounder would be, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I support your relationship with my daughter."


The morning brings a lot of excitement to Polis. Whatever things Petra makes them drink has both women up and about as if the night before there had been no invasive surgery and the smell of burnt flesh. Lexa dresses in her golden armor and loads up on daggers and swords. Clarke is in armor too, but hers is white gold. Indra loads her up with weapons that make Abby feel a bit queasy and Bellamy doesn't stop talking about aiming for jugular veins because Grounders are big and strong and fast so she needs to fight smart.

They arrive at the town square where there is a large circle painted on the ground and all the citizens are sitting on wooden bleachers all around the circle.

Clarke spots her people sitting all on one bleachers holding up large posters that said "Clexa."

Clarke can't help but snort her laughter. "Clarke?" Lexa says as they walk arm-in-arm to the two thrones in front of the circle.


"What's a Clexa?"

Clarke laughs aloud. "My people are stupid don't pay attention to them. Basically they combined our names together because we're a couple we've become one."

Lexa grins and says, "that's actually really clever. What do you call Lincoln and Octavia? They are also a couple."


Lexa makes a face. "I like ours better."

Clarke laughs loudly as they arrive to the thrones and the crowd goes wild. They sit together as Kane and Indra step to the center of the circle.

Everyone quiets down as Indra raises an arm. "Welcome to the Kelenging, this is when the betrothed will fight for their love before their ceremonies tonight."

"The first round will be for anyone who believes that this marriage should not take place," Kane says. "This is not for their affections but because you oppose this union. This fight will be until one of the fighters gets knocked out of the circle."

"Or death, whichever one comes first," Indra says. "We take volunteers now."

The entire square is silent until a hand raises up and Clarke groans when she sees that it is Bellamy. "Damn it that stubborn idiot!" Clarke says noticing that Lincoln shakes his head and Octavia looks at Bellamy disbelievingly.

Bellamy stands and says, "I'm sorry Clarke, she has to prove you're worthy to her, it's my duty as your brother and friend."

"Bellamy I already told you," Clarke says.

"But she hasn't."

Lexa stands from her throne, green eyes fierce like a tiger as she steps towards the circle. She glances back at Clarke and says, "he means much to you Clarke, I will spare his life."

That statement said a million things to Clarke. After the whole talk about jealousy they had, Clarke knows this is hard for Lexa because for some reason Bellamy is a threat to her. It's a good thing she didn't tell Lexa about the dropship days when her friends would tease them and call them Bellarke.

Bellamy steps forward with a sword Indra hands him and meets Lexa in the middle.

Lexa takes her sword out and lowers into a deep stance as the audience starts the rumble with excitement.

Bellamy strikes first, swinging his sword hard right at Lexa's head. Lexa dodges it easily and swings her own sword at his side. He jumps out of the way barely in time and holds his sword firm to meet Lexa's that hits his with a loud twang.

The crowd is hooting and hollering loudly, everyone is shouting 'Heda' and the clanging of swords grow louder.

Bellamy is sweating bullets. Lexa's sword cut him in several places and the only thing Lexa has a scratch on her arm from where he had managed to slash her. She also looks pristine, not a drip of sweat on her body.

Bellamy backs away in surprise realizing that the Commander was going easy on him. At any other time she would have killed him instantly, but he realizes she's sparing him for Clarke. She loves Clarke.

A foot to the chest brings him out of his daze and sends him hurtling to the ground. He gets on his hands and knees coughing as the wind had gotten kicked out of him. Lexa is standing beside him with her sword and Bellamy knows this is the moment of truth, she could kill him now without any resistance, but instead Lexa crouches down beside him and says, "is this proof enough?"

Bellamy laughs wryly as Lexa places a hand on his arm and shoves him hard sending him flying out of the circle.

The square erupts with cheers and Lexa offers a hand to Bellamy. He takes it and stands with a painful groan. They shake hands firmly and Lexa can see the acceptance in the young man's eyes.

"Heda has defended her marriage!" Indra says as everyone quiets down. "Any other challengers?"

When there is silence, Kane steps forward and says, "the next round will be for the affection of one of the betrothed. These are fights to the death."

"Round 2 is for the Skaiprisa," Indra says. "They are to fight Heda Lexa. And if they win they marry Skaiprisa tonight. Volunteers?"

A young man raises his hand. Lexa cocks an eyebrow at him. He's a young warrior, very attractive. She glances at Clarke who looks surprised.

"Do you know him?"

"Not really, he talked to me once in TonDC to ask me to patrol with him," Clarke says. "I didn't know he was interested in me like that."

Lexa growls deeply. "That's a courting ritual Clarke. You ask people to patrol with you and when you're off alone you don't actually do any patrolling."

Clarke's face flushes red. "What? Oh my God!"

"Fear not I'll take care of him," Lexa says standing up.

"Be careful please," Clarke cries.

Lexa steps into the circle as the young man approaches. "I am Charles," he says. "I attempted to court Skaiprisa before and she rejected me."

"And now you will die," Lexa says pulling out her sword.

Charles only shows fear for a brief second before pulling out his sword. Clarke did not expect someone to actually challenge Lexa to the death. She can see the Grounders all around looking at Charles viciously and muttering, "Natrona," which Clarke knows to mean 'Traitor.'

Clarke gulps in fear at the thought of the next round where people could challenge her. If Charles is willing to be a traitor and fight Lexa head on, couldn't someone risk being murdered by noon to challenge her?

A clang brings her back and she sees Lexa dodge a swipe of the sword to her arm. Swords clang again and they push hard against each other.

Charles swipes Lexa's feet and she hits the floor with a thud. Clarke gasps as he turns his sword and tries to impale her abdomen.

Lexa rolls out of the way and the sword impales the dirt with a loud thud. Lexa kicks his hip from the ground and sends him to the ground.

She stands quickly and swings his sword at him but he is fast and dodges it with a backwards somersault that puts him on his feet again.

"Son of a bitch," Clarke whimpers nervously. Kane is beside her then grabbing her forearm in support.

Charles is disarmed but with one kick Lexa's sword is flying out of her hand. Lexa blocks a punch to the face and delivers a hard blow to his. Everyone hears the deafening crack of his nose breaking and he stumbles back blood dripping down his face.

Cheers erupt all around as Lexa moves forward and gives him a round house kick to the jaw that sends him flying to the ground.

Lexa approaches his fallen body reaching for the dagger on her belt when Charles moves suddenly swiping at Lexa with a dagger.

"Lexa!" Clarke cries as he slashes deep into Lexa's thigh.

The audience grows loud with worry as Lexa falls to the ground and Charles straddles her hips ready to plunge the knife into Lexa's heart.

Lexa catches his wrist on the way down and the strength battle begins. Both their arms tremble with effort as Charles pushes the dagger closer to Lexa's chest and she pushes him away.

The square is bustling with worry and fear and Clarke feels like her heart is about to explode. She can't lose Lexa. She can't have yet another love die for her.

"Lexa please!" Clarke screams.

With a loud cry Lexa twists Charles wrist, snapping it with a crack and sending the young man into a fit of painful howl. Lexa bucks her hips to throw Charles off of him, then grabbing his own dagger she plunges it deep into Charles' stomach. He croaks in pain and the square becomes deadly quiet.

Lexa pushes him to lie on the ground, plunging the knife in deeper. "Yu gonplei ste odon," Lexa says pushing the knife all the way in until Charles grunts and his eyes remain open in death.

She removes the bloody dagger and the square erupts in cheers. Lexa doesn't revel in the cheers like previous times. Instead she closes Charles' eyes and says to him in Trigedasleng, "you would've been an amazing warrior."

She leaves the bloody knife beside him and limps back to her throne picking up her sword along the way. Petra is there with some salve and bands as a few guards pick up Charles' body and take him away.

Clarke grips Lexa's neck the moment she returns and pulls her into a fierce kiss. Lexa grunts and grips Clarke's hips with intensity, still humming with adrenaline from the fight.

The roar of the crowd is deafening and when Clarke breaks the kiss Lexa actually moans creating a heat in the pit of Clarke's stomach that makes her tremble.

"Thank God you're okay," Clarke says moving to help Lexa sit.

Petra lifts up Lexa's pant leg and Clarke gasps at the gash, it's deep and probably very painful. She applied the salve gently as some women with towels started wiping the blood and sweat off Lexa's face and arms.

"This is the final round of the Kelenging," Kane says quieting the audience down. "This is to win the affections of Commander Lexa in a fight to the death against Clarke Griffin of the Sky People."

"We take challengers now," Indra says.

The square is quiet again. Clarke sees the fear running through all the citizens and the look Lexa gives them as if daring them to even try.

"No challengers?" Indra repeats.


Clarke lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes her body.

"I will."

Clarke tenses up. No. No! It can't be. Lexa assured her!

She looks at Lexa who looks so angry she's sure her nails and breaking the skin of her palm from how tight her fists are. Clarke looks at the challenger.

She gasps in surprise as standing in the middle of the circle, sword drawn is Tristan.

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