Coffee: a Hitman Story (Scree...

By jgblodgett26

752 197 545

While scouting his latest mark in a small town coffee shop, a hitman engages in four seemingly random convers... More

Title/Intro to COFFEE
Scene 1: The Hitman, The Mark and The Student
Scene 2: The Vixen
Development Key Art: Paul, April & Sky
Development Key Art: Leanne (The Vixen)
Development Key Art: Ernie (The Hustler)
Scene 4: The Retiree & The Mrs.
Development Key Art: Mr. Sullivan (The Retiree)
Scene 5: Nigel
Development Key Art: Nigel
Scene 6: Final Decision

Scene 3: The Hustler

71 16 133
By jgblodgett26

SKY (O.S.):  Do you like her?

Paul looks to his right to see Sky peeking over a little half-wall divider, her curious eyes probing his thoughts. She smirks with the attitude of a pre-teen.

Paul turns his head back and brings his coffee to his lips.

PAUL:  That's an imposing question.

SKY:  You're avoiding the question.

Paul rolls his eyes and does not answer the question. He shifts a little in his seat.

SKY:  Aren't you married?

Paul sets his coffee down and pulls his book up to read it.

PAUL:  Again, a personal question.

SKY:  That's what the ring is for, isn't it? Why else would you be wearing it?

There is a long silence. Paul can feel her eyes burning a hole in the side of his head. He slowly looks over.

Sky is still smirking at him, awaiting her answer.

PAUL:  Yes, I am married. Any more questions?

SKY:  How long have you been married?

PAUL:  Are you taking a survey?

SKY:  You're avoiding the question again.

APRIL (O.S.):  (harsh whisper)  Sky!

We pan over to see April standing at the edge of the divider with her hands on her hips.

APRIL (CONT'D):  I told you not to bother this man.

Paul lowers his head and smiles, relieved. Sky chuckles smugly and walks back to her table.

April watches her as though she is fastening her in her seat with a stern look then turns her attention to Paul.

APRIL:  I am so sorry... (whips her head to Sky)  again.

She looks back to Paul.

Paul raises his hand to wave it off.

PAUL:  No worries. (sarcastically)  She's quite lovely.

Paul looks at Sky, who is slouched in her seat shooting him some attitude, she flips him off.

APRIL (O.S.):  Can I get you some more coffee?

Paul smiles and turns his attention to April.

PAUL:  Not right now, thanks.

April smiles politely and walks off the scene.

After a moment Paul places a hat on his head from the seat next to him, stands up and heads for the exit.

April is now cleaning up a table and smiles at him.

APRIL:  Have a nice day, Paul.

PAUL:  Oh, I'm just stepping outside for a moment. Keep my table for me?

APRIL:  Of course.

Paul watches April as she removes an unused straw from the table and skillfully flips it through her fingers before placing it in her apron.

Sky notices him watching and shoots him an interested smile.

Paul nods and tips his hat at Sky as he walks out the door.


Paul walks a few feet away from the entrance and stops. He takes a metal cigarillo case out of his pocket and opens it. He takes out one mini cigar and smells it. He returns the case to his pocket and retrieves a lighter.

He lights the mini cigar and holds it to his mouth, savoring the taste, then exhales the smoke. A text alert interrupts his inhalation. He retrieves his phone and reads the text.


THE MRS.:  "Are you coming home?"

Paul types a response on the screen.

PAUL:  "I'm still working. I'll text you when I know."


Paul places his phone back in his inside coat pocket and holds his hand there as a young, streetwise male suddenly runs into the scene, out of breath.

ERNIE(25), dressed in baggy clothes. He has a perpetually cheerful face.

Paul slowly removes his hand from his coat and gets back to his smoke.

ERNIE:  My man, did you see a kid run this way?

PAUL:  No. But I haven't been here long.

ERNIE: (shakes head)  That little rascal.

PAUL:  Was it Spanky or Buckwheat?

ERNIE:  Who?

PAUL:  Never mind. Guess that was before your time. (takes a drag)  Why were you chasing a kid, anyway?

ERNIE:  Well, I was playing three card monte with him. And I won fair and square, but he took the twenty bucks he owed me and ran.

PAUL:  Why were you gambling with a kid? And a con game at that?

ERNIE:  Hey, it was educational. I was teaching him a valuable lesson about life.

PAUL:  Sounds like he schooled you. Maybe you'll know better next time.

ERNIE:  Yeah, I'll know never to trust anyone not old enough to drink.

He notices Paul's mini cigar.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  That's a fancy-looking cigarette. Can I bum one from you?

PAUL:  It's a cigarillo.

ERNIE:  I'm flexible. Can I have one, please?

PAUL:  That depends. Are you going to try and pull a con on me?

Ernie chuckles and gives Paul a "can you believe this guy?" look.

ERNIE:  No, I ain't like that. Look, if you don't wanna give me one you can just say so. I won't be offended.

Paul sighs and takes the case out. He hands Ernie a mini cigar. Ernie sticks it in his mouth.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  You got a light?

Paul takes his lighter out and lights the cigar. Ernie takes a deep breath and then starts coughing.

PAUL:  Don't inhale. It's not a cigarette.

Ernie spits on the ground and grimaces.

ERNIE:  Damn, that's nasty. Don't you have any strawberry flavored ones or something?

Paul is visibly amused.

PAUL:  I didn't buy it at a gas station. These are premium. So try not to waste it, huh.

ERNIE:  Oh well, a smoke's a smoke.

Ernie puts it to his mouth and takes another puff. They smoke in silence for a while before Ernie breaks in.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  So, what's your name?

PAUL: (hesitates slightly)  Paul.

ERNIE:  I'm Ernie.

Paul leaves his smoke in his mouth and extends his hand. Ernie shakes it.

PAUL:  You from around here?

ERNIE:  Lived here my whole life. And it's boring as hell.


April is cutting up some vegetables behind the counter as she watches Paul and Ernie chatting outside.

SKY (O.S.):  He was watching you, you know.

April snaps out of it.

APRIL:  What?

SKY:  On his way out, and earlier. He's watching you.

April looks over at Paul, she smiles lightly.

APRIL: (softly to herself)  Really?

Sky notices the smile and rolls her eyes.

SKY:  You have got to be kidding me.

April's smile fades and turns to annoyance as she goes back to loudly chopping the vegetables.


Ernie takes a drag.

ERNIE:  You live here?

PAUL:  No, but I tend to go out of my way for a good cup of dirt.

Ernie's face contorts with confusion.

ERNIE:  Dirt?

Paul smiles.

PAUL:  Dirt. Mud. (he sighs)  A cup of coffee.

ERNIE:  Huh. Never heard those names before. (beat)  I like 'em!

Paul looks amused. He takes a drag of his cigarillo.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Now that you mention it, I think I seen you in that coffee shop a couple weeks ago. Had a book stuck in your face.

Paul gives him a playfully suspicious look.

PAUL:  You've been watching me?

ERNIE:  Not like that. I watch everyone. (beat)  You see, you like to read books, I like to read people. It's a hobby of mine.

Paul smiles as though he's heard this before.

PAUL:  How does that work exactly?

Ernie looks excited that someone is taking an interest in his "talent".

ERNIE:  Like this: I can look at a stranger and tell you a whole bunch of stuff about them just from how they look and how they walk. What they do for a living, if they're seeing someone, that kinda shit. It's a talent.

Paul lowers his head for a moment and smiles to himself before reengaging.

PAUL:  You study body language.

ERNIE:  Guess you could say that. See, I have an idea that the way people act in public is like they're playing characters. You can read it just like you're watching a movie or something.

PAUL:  Sounds like Goffman's dramatic performance theory.

ERNIE:  Don't know who that is. Was he a smart guy?

PAUL:  You could say that. He thought that life has a front stage and a back stage, and we act differently depending on where we are and what role society expects us to play. (beat)  His theory has been applied in all kinds of things, from psychological therapy to... interrogations.

ERNIE:  This guy was like a scientist?

PAUL:  A sociologist, an observer... (light-hearted mocking)  Like yourself.

ERNIE:  Cool. Then I'll take it as a compliment.

Ernie takes a drag and a moment, waiting for the invitation.

PAUL:  So are you going to show me what you got?

Ernie gets excited.

ERNIE: (grins)  All right. Check this out, my friend.

Ernie scans the crowd on the street beyond our view. His eyes settle on an off-screen pedestrian.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Okay, see that lady coming towards us? The one that's being taken for a walk by her dog?

Paul nods.

ERNIE:  I've never met her before but I can tell you right now that she just got out of a long-term relationship. She's living alone and she gets scared at night so she bought that big ass dog to feel safe.

PAUL:  Perhaps. Or maybe she's just walking a dog for a friend. No real way to tell for sure unless we ask her.

ERNIE:  Good idea.

Ernie stubs out the mini cigar and slips it into his pocket.

PAUL:  You know that won't keep the taste.

ERNIE:  Fine with me. Be right back.

Ernie steps out of frame.

Paul shakes his head as he takes another drag. He watches Ernie. We hear barking from off-screen.

ERNIE (O.S.):  Ma'am, is this your dog?

Barking barking. The woman replies but we can't hear her over the noise.

ERNIE (O.S.) (CONT'D):  He's beautiful. May I pet him?

We hear some excited yaps.

ERNIE (O.S.) (CONT'D):  Paul! You wanna get in on this action?

Paul shakes his head and waves him off.

ERNIE (O.S.) (CONT'D):  I bet he thinks he's the man of the house, huh?

Paul looks amused. The woman says something inaudible.

ERNIE (O.S.) (CONT'D):  Oh really? Well, I'll let you go. Thanks for letting me pet your dog.

We hear more excited barking off-screen as Ernie walks back into frame. He looks pleased with himself.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Did you hear that?

PAUL:  Mostly barking, to be honest.

ERNIE:  Well, I nailed it. She just got the dog and she's living alone. Do I have a talent or what?

PAUL:  Could have just been luck.

ERNIE:  Okay, you're tough to impress. Let me try another one.

Ernie scans the crowd again.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Let's see. Musclehead... nope. Tiny old lady... not that one.

Ernie is lost in thought for a moment before his face lights up.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Why don't I read you?

PAUL: (reluctant)  Oh, I don't think so.

ERNIE:  What are you afraid of? Ain't nothing to worry about. Unless you're a superhero or a serial killer or something.

PAUL:  Now that you mention it...

Ernie looks at him seriously for a moment and then laughs and raises his index finger.

ERNIE:  Nice try, but you ain't the dark, brooding type. I can tell.

Paul smiles to himself.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  So how about we make it a little more interesting? I bet I can tell you something about you you've never told anyone else. If I win, you pay me fifty bucks.

PAUL:  And if I win?

ERNIE:  You get to keep your fifty.

PAUL:  Gee, you drive a hard bargain.

ERNIE:  One of my many talents. So you up for this?

PAUL:  Not really.

ERNIE:  Come on. It'll be fun.

Paul casts him a look.

PAUL: (reluctantly)  Okay, I'll bite.

Ernie claps his hands together.

ERNIE:  Excellent!

Ernie shakes his arms, loosening up his body. He closes his eyes and rubs his temples. Takes a deep breath.

PAUL:  What are you doing?

ERNIE:  Getting in the zone. (beat) Okay, let's do it.

PAUL:  Ready when you are.

Ernie looks at Paul's clothes.

ERNIE:  First thing, you're dressed real sharp. Sharper than most people in this neighborhood. So I'm guessing you're a... banker?

Paul's face contorts.

ERNIE:  No. Okay. I got it. You're a lawyer.

PAUL:  Wrong again.

Ernie thinks hard.

ERNIE:  But you are good at getting the truth from people. Applying Goldman's theory and shit.

PAUL:  Goffman.

ERNIE:  You knew what I meant. And you're clearly an educated man. I'd say, a professor?

PAUL:  Lucky guess. But that was a long time ago.

ERNIE:  No guessing about it. And once a teacher always a teacher. (beat) Besides, I would have said professor first but you seem like too nice of a guy. All the professors I knew were assholes.

PAUL:  You went to college?

ERNIE:  Briefly. (beat) Okay, now I'm gonna tell you your life story.

PAUL:  This should be good.

ERNIE:  So, you're a casino kid. Your father was a dealer and your mother was a show girl. You grew up surrounded by smokers, which is why you love cigars so much. But you hate gambling and you swore you'd make something better of your life.

PAUL:  Are we talking about you or me?

Ernie quickly shakes the remark off.

ERNIE:  Okay. (thinks) You're married.

Paul holds up his hand, revealing the wedding ring.

PAUL:  How in the world did you guess that?

ERNIE:  Hey, I'm not finished. (beat)  You've been married a while and you and your wife arranged a little date at this coffee shop 'cause it's where you first met. She's running late and hasn't answered your texts so you're getting worried. You came outside for a smoke to calm your nerves and here we are.

Paul just stares at him.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Did I get it?

PAUL:  Well you got the "married for a while" part right.

ERNIE:  You're a tough nut to crack. (thinks) Okay, forget the wife. You're here for a job interview. One of those hi-tech jobs where they let you work from home and shit. You suggested the coffee shop as a meeting place but now you're regretting it 'cause you drank like a thousand coffees and you're all jittery and need to take a piss. Am I right?

PAUL:  You're losing me, Ernie.

ERNIE:  Hey, you gotta give the master time to work.

PAUL:  I'll give you until I'm done smoking.

Paul takes another drag of the mini cigar, which is almost at its end.

ERNIE:  Okay, I can do this.

Ernie stares in the window of the coffee house. His face looks blank.

PAUL:  What are you doing now?

ERNIE:  Setting the scene. (beat)  Okay, I got it. You came here 'cause you're trying to reach a decision. It's a big one, and you're delaying it as long as you can.

There is a glimmer of a reaction on Paul's face, as if Ernie has hit close to the truth. Ernie spots it.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  Aha! I'm right, aren't I?

Paul snaps out of it.

PAUL:  And extremely vague. You're like—

ERNIE:  (very serious tone)  But I am right...

Paul looks at Ernie.

Ernie turns away and does not meet his eyes and is clearly not himself. He simply stares into the coffeeshop as he drones on.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  ... and that decision is killing you. Eating away at you. All the while time is tick, tick, ticking away...

Paul is taken aback. He starts to take a small step backwards and reaches his hand slowly toward his inside jacket pocket as Ernie drones on. Paul follows Ernie's gaze and sees that he is honed in on Sky, who sits in the shop folding her origami art, oblivious to the strange scene.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  ... you know if you let the time run out then the decision will be made for you.

Paul is visibly unnerved by the encounter, his hand is almost inside his pocket.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  ... and you wouldn't want that, would you... (turns to look Paul in the eye)  Paul?

Paul takes a sizable step back and is about to pull his hand from his pocket when Ernie starts to shake his head, as though he is coming out of a dream. Paul relaxes a little.

Ernie smiles.

ERNIE:  I'm right, yeah?!

Ernie is back to his spritely self.

Paul takes a moment but recomposes himself and finally answers.

PAUL:  Yeah, kid. (half-heartedly)  I uh... I wouldn't quit my day job though if I was you.

ERNIE:  Well, I ain't a damn mind reader. But am I close enough for the fifty?

Paul considers it for a moment, or stalls because he is still a little shaken, it's hard to say. He shakes it off.

PAUL:  Tell you what. You tell me what I'm going to do next and I'll give you a twenty.

ERNIE:  Easy. You're going to give me twenty bucks and go back inside for another coffee.

Paul puts out his mini cigar in a nearby trash can. He takes a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and hands it to Ernie.

PAUL:  You know I think I learned more about you than you did about me.

Ernie shrugs and pockets the bill.

ERNIE:  Thank you, sir. (beat)  So you decided yet?

PAUL:  What?

Paul is on guard once again but it's clear by the smile on Ernie's face that he is asking as himself, not as... whatever that was. Paul relaxes but keeps a watchful eye on him.

ERNIE:  This thing on your mind? I can see it's eating you up.

Paul takes a moment and speaks in a far off tone.

PAUL:  If I had, I probably wouldn't be here, Ernie.

There is an uncomfortable silence. Ernie looks at his watch.

ERNIE:  Well, I gotta go buy my grandma some groceries. Nice talking with you.

Paul absentmindedly shakes his hand.

PAUL:  The same.

Ernie walks away.

Paul watches him suspiciously as he leaves then goes back inside the coffee shop, leaving the sounds of the street behind him.


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