Three-Way Love (On Hiatus)

By StateOfKpop

4.7K 149 30

When Beam returns and with a boyfriend named Forth, Kit is forced to confront some unresolved feelings for hi... More

1. Friends
2. Sleepover
Special: The Story Of New Zealand
Special: The Story Of New Zealand
Thank You + Announcement

3. Movie

830 26 2
By StateOfKpop

The next morning, Kit cracked open his eyes to the sound of his alarm.

He sighed, feeling unusually tired. Today was going to be rough, that he could already tell.

Kit let himself lay in his bed for a few more minutes before pushing himself upright.

He dragged himself over to the bathroom, taking a quick shower to wake himself up.

Kit put on his uniform, checking his appearance in the mirror to make sure he looked neat before exiting his room.

In the living room, Forth and Beam were still sleeping, curled around each other tightly.

Kit immediately got to work on waking them up, knowing how deep of a sleeper Beam was.

"Beam, Forth wake up! We don't want to be late!" He urged, pulling the blanket off them.

Beam groaned, shifting his position. "Five more minutes Kit."

"No! Come on, we should eat some breakfast before going to school." Kit urged, grabbing his friend by the edge of his pants and pulling.

Beam opened one eye to look at him, stating, " Your gonna pull my pants off like this. Do you really want to see my underwear?"

Kit flushed at his teasing, immediately backing away. "Just go get ready!" He snapped impatiently.

"Yes sir." Beam replied, but still took his own time getting up.

Kit glanced over at Forth, who was still sleeping away. "What about him?" He asked.

"Forth?" Beam let out a short laugh. "He'll wake up when he wants to. Let me go shower first."

Beam left the apartment, leaving Kit with his slumbering boyfriend. Taking the opportunity, Kit crouched down next to Forth, poking him to see whether he would react.

Nothing. Not even a winch.

"Are you a rock or something?" Kit muttered. Hmmn, looking at the elder like this, he couldn't help but observe his facial features.

Actually, just going by his face, Forth could be mistaken for being delicate with his high sweeping cheekbones, gentle sloping nose and wide eyes.

Forth. Delicate. Those two words did not go well together.

Kit giggled, getting distracted by his own thoughts. Too distracted perhaps, because he didn't notice the arm coming for him until he found himself pinned under it.

"Oi! Forth!" He hissed, attempting to push his arm off. "This isn't funny!"

Forth didn't open his eyes, but a tiny smile appeared on his lips even as punches rained down on his arm.

"Let go of me!" Kit repeated in vain. Forth only snuggled closer to him, making the boy turn red.

Damn, did he not have any sense of shame?!

"Yeah Forth, let go of Kit." The boy startled at Beam's voice, blurting out frantically, "This isn't what it looks like!"

Beam raised an eyebrow, "I know exactly what this looks like. Now quit playing around Forth!" He ordered, sending a kick to his boyfriend's butt.

Forth finally reacted, letting out a moan of pain. "That hurt Beam. Why did you have to hit me that hard?"

"Then stop teasing Kit and go get ready!"

"Fine, fine. I was just having a bit of fun. You can't blame me when he reacts so cutely." Kit was too stumped to react much when Forth pinched his cheek.


Kit opened his mouth, struggling for words as he stared wide-eyed at Beam.

Beam suddenly smiled. "Close your mouth. You look like your about to catch a fly. And don't worry about Forth, that's just his personality."

His personality? If Kit's boyfriend was that flirty with everybody, he would be damn worried. Not that he had a boyfriend of course.

Kit sighed. "If you say so." It was better not to think about it too much or he would begin to think that it actually meant something.

Soon enough, Forth was ready and three of them left.

It hadn't been long since university started, but now that Kit thought about it, he had driven the couple and himself to school everyday since.

"Hey, when are you two getting a car?" Kit asked when they had to stop at a red light.

"Why? Your already getting annoyed with us?" Beam retorted.

Kit shrugged. "Just curious." It really wasn't that big of a deal. They had the same destination, so having them tag along was more useful than not, especially since they kept him awake and alert for classes. He just wondered when it would stop.

Honestly, thinking of having to drive alone made Kit kind of reluctant.

"Not so soon, first we need to get our Thai driving license."

Kit nodded. He still had some time then.

After parking the car, they went to the cafeteria where they were meeting the others for breakfast.

"Hey." Pha greeted as they approached. Yo gave them a polite smile while Ming greeted them excitedly.


Kit rolled his eyes. God, he hated that nickname. Why Ming insisted on calling him that, he would never understand.

Forth went to order their food since the others had already went ahead and done that.

In the meanwhile, Kit stole some of the food from Phana's plate, daftly avoiding the fork aimed at his hand.

"So, why are you not hanging out with me and Beam later?" Pha asked, making Kit choke on the sausage he was eating.

He glanced over to Beam, but the boy wasn't even paying attention as he played on his phone. "Beam didn't tell you? I'm watching a movie later with Forth."

"What movie?"

"Just... a movie. Why are you asking so much?" Kit snapped, unwilling to answer.

Somehow saying he was going to watch a romance film with Forth felt... Odd.

It's almost like a date. The little voice in the back of Kit's mind whispered.

Fortunately, his strange thoughts were cut off by the return of Forth with their food that Kit happily dug into.

Afterwards, they all separated to head to class.

"I'll call you later." Forth reminded Kit as he walked off with Ming to their department.

So as soon as classes for the day ended, Kit took out his phone. No call yet. Maybe Forth was still in class.

A heavy arm wrapped around his shoulder suddenly, causing Kit to roll his eyes and give Pha a little shove away.

"Where's Beam?" He asked upon realising that he wasn't with them.

"Oh, Professor Auntie wanted to speak with him about something."

Kit nodded his head, already getting distracted as he looked down at his phone once again.

"Wow... You must really be in deep."

"What?" Kit questioned, wondering whether he heard Pha correctly. What in deep?

"Nothing." Pha refused to say anymore, looking away from him suspiciously.

Kit was about to press him for an actual answer when his phone rang.

"Hey, I just got out of class." Forth said.

"Kay, I'll go over there now."

Shooting one last look at Pha, Kit made his way towards where he had parked his car.

Forth was already waiting for him by the side of the road, waving to him once he recognised the vehicle.

"Sorry, did I make you wait long?" Forth asked, getting into the passenger seat. "The professor wanted us to complete the worksheet before leaving. If I hadn't struggled so much you wouldn't have had to wait."

Kit glanced over, noting the small pout that Forth had as he looked out the window. "Why did you struggle?"

"I'm not as good as reading and writing Thai as I am at speaking the language. I can do it, it just takes me longer. Plus I encounter difficult words that I haven't had to use before studying here." Forth explained, sighing deeply.

That really did sound like a problem.

"Have you asked Beam for help?"

"Well... I want to, and I have in the past, but as a medical student he's going to be busier than me. I can't keep depending on him. Since I made the decision to come here, I have to learn how to fend for myself." 

Kit couldn't help but feel sympathy for Forth. Here he was in a foreign country with no family and with a foreign language to boot.

The only person he had to depend on here was Beam, but Kit got the feeling that Forth didn't want to disturb his boyfriend as much as possible.

While Kit didn't really agree with that, he could understand, because he was also guilty of doing such things to avoid worrying his loved ones.

Forth... made him wonder actually.

If he was ever in his situation, could he ever go so far as move to another country to follow his love?

Kit didn't think so.

Love was fickle in his opinion, something that could come and go at any moment, without even someone noticing.

Love was something you could only believe you had. There was no such guarantee and that... scared Kit much more than he would ever want to admit.

He was a coward, and Forth wasn't. That was a good thing.

Deep in his heart, Kit couldn't help feeling grateful that Beam had ended up with such a person instead.

"Hey Kit."

He startled out of his thoughts, turning at the sound of Forth's voice.

"How did you find the movie?" Forth asked.

"Oh... It was good. I enjoyed it." Kit answered.

He had been somewhat distracted at the start of the movie until about ten minutes in when he finally started to pay attention.

Kit found himself more invested than he thought he would be, especially in the leads and their relationship. At times though he couldn't help but get annoyed with the female lead and how oblivious she was. After such a long time, how could she have not noticed her friend's feelings?

But the most annoying part... was how he could relate to her and her fears.

Friendship was better than nothing after all. 

"Right? It was a good movie." Forth stated happily, finishing his drink.

And on the topic of food, "It's about dinnertime. Let's eat here." Kit suggested. 

"Okay. But first can we walk around? I actually have something to buy." Forth admitted.

"Buy what?" He asked curiously.

To Kit's surprise, Forth actually blushed a little, coming across as somewhat embarrassed. "It's actually going to be Beam and mine's first year anniversary soon. I wanna get a present for him."

Ah, it was going to be their anniversary soon. "Then... You want me to help?" Kit asked hesitantly.

Forth nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking you could help me, seeing as you know Beam so well after all."

Kit made a face, "But I'm not any good at getting presents..."

Buying stuff for others, even for himself actually, was one of those things Kit has always struggled with.

He chalked it up to the fact that he tended to over-think and thus convinced himself that he could never get the perfect present.

"But with two heads, it should be easier than doing it alone. Come on, I'm sure you can help." Forth was giving them pleading eyes, even grabbing his hand and swinging it back and forth.

Shia, this is really bad! "Fine, fine, fine!" Kit gave in reluctantly, pulling his hand away with a rapidly reddening face. "I'll do my best to help but don't expect too much!"

Forth grinned largely, startling Kit when he suddenly swung an arm around him, forcing him to walk.

"Where should we look first? What do you think he'll like? A bracelet? Or maybe..."

Forth was clearly excited, a brilliant smile emerging on his face, the likes of only which he only ever got to see from Pha.

Was love really that great? Kit couldn't help but wonder...

"How did you two end up together?"

Immediately he slammed a hand over his mouth in shock, not having meant to blurt that out.

Damn, that was personal Kit! Why would you be curious about that?! Stupid!

"How did we end up together?" Oddly, Forth didn't sound offended, instead there was only fondness in his tone.

"Well... That's a bit of a story. Would you want to listen?"

Kit glanced over hesitantly, curiosity gripping him as he finally nodded his head.

"Okay, so it started from when Beam first came to New Zealand..."


This chapter took a bit longer to write out but I'm finally satisfied with it.

Next chapter will be special: The story of New Zealand! Time to find out how Forth and Beam get together!

I really hope it'll interest you because I love backstories. Plus I'm also thinking of coming up with something for Mingphayo here so tell me if that'll be something your interested in.

Other than that, I'm also plotting out other stories I wanna write soon.

I'm actually working on my own original BL story and that universe just keeps growing and growing!

And also, I'm thinking of writing a story that mashes together 3willbefree and Darkbluekiss, but that's something still in the works because I'm thinking of a plot, and I wonder whether anyone would even be interested. Would any of you be interested in this?

That's all I have and hopefully I can write the next chapter quickly!

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