Queen She Is

By MaddyisRoll

205K 8K 966

//Sequal to Human She Was\\ ~ "I don't bow down to anyone. Especially when they are a human scum" I could onl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Im Sorry

Chapter Nine

10.2K 447 51
By MaddyisRoll

"You know heat at least makes you smell like you weren't dragged through a dumpster"

Wait I know that voice. I turned seeing James, with Damien right behind him. I squealed happily getting up and hugging him. He laughed hugging me back.

"Great to see you back on your feet James" he nodded then was pulled away by Damien who held a jealous look on his face.

"That's enough embracing" he grumbled. James eyes flashed a little bit as he smelled the air then shook his head.

James laughed nervously as he was pushed away from me.

"Awe is someone jealous" I cooed. Damien grumbled under his breathe letting James go.

"No..." his arms crossed. I giggled knowing he was, finding it somewhat amusing. I went back to the bed, sitting down.

James followed after me sitting down in front of me.

"How has everything been since I've been there?" He sighed, laying down. I laid down next to him earning a growl from Damien but hey, what do I care?

"Tough. Tati still is wrapping her mind around you being a human and all...I've been trying to convince her that you are still our best friend" I frowned.

"It's going to take some time, trust me. Half of my original pack still isn't fond of me being human and I've lived there my whole life" he shrugged.

"Well...everyone has there story when it comes to humans. We all are pretty much terrified" he shivered at the thought.

What can make humans so bad?

"I don't get it. Clearly the werewolves are the far more superior race when it comes to strength. How come humans are the greater threat?"

"They've learned to tame us. There once was a werewolf ring, where humans would auction us off to serve humans. It's a secret, only those who know werewolves actually exist, know about it.."

"How come I was never told about it?" I raised a brow, having no idea this even existed.  I shifted my position laying on my side to look at him.

"Probably to not give you any ideas. I'm telling you this because I trust you my Queen" I smiled lightly.

"Hey we talked about that. I'm Claire"

"Right, Claire" he smiled as well, chuckling. "Just...give her time...she Uh, she was born in a ring. Her mother was pregnant when she was taken"

Oh. I frowned at that thinking about how hard it must've been. He is right though. Everyone has their story with humans, there has got to be a way to fix everything. For both sides...

"I'm sorry to hear that...there must be a way, to fix all of  this?"

"There isn't. Some wounds, turn to scars they don't heal. They just last forever and we either have to deal with them or take care of it. The werewolves are choosing to deal with it, there is nothing we can do"

"Have you even tried?" His head turned to me again.

"Why do you think we took you?" That hit me.

I could hear Damien growling. James only rolled his eyes

"Well I guess that is true..." then the burning started to heat up my body. I winced, James eyes flickering a bit. He got up quickly, chuckling.

"Ah I see, is it time for another quickie?" James teased.

I gasped my cheeks turning red as Damien's face went red. James laughed looking at both of our faces as Damien stared at me. He then quickly ran to the bed locking himself in the chain and putting a pillow on his lap.

I held back a laugh seeing the panic in his eyes. James laughed even more holding his stomach.

"My King I never knew you can get flustered and.. 'excited'."

"S-Shut up. Begone James" Damien stuttered out. Awe, he's so cute. "And you quit staring at me like that your going to drool" he looked at me.

I immediately shut my gaped mouth, snapping out of my daze.

"I was not...I was not drooling!"

"You both just...need to get laid. Your old married couple vibe is getting old" James winked, walking to the door. "I'll probably see you again after the heat Claire. Have fun" he teased again.

"James!" I yelled at him as he shut the door. Successfully escaping my wrath.

There was an awkward silence that came over us. He looked away from me, staring up at the ceiling. I was staring at my hands, my thumbs twiddling.

"So uh...thank you for letting James in"

"No problem. I threatened him with his life is he attempted anything on you anyways" he said so calmly.

Sometimes I forget that he has no sense of humor and he always resorts to such violence all the time.

"Listen...I changed my mind about, letting you out..." I raised a brow. "I'll let you see your dad, your real family. But we are going heavily guarded is that understood?"

My eyes lightened up and I smiled brightly as well. I hugged him kissing his cheek. He turned even more red, clutching the pillow.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He nodded quickly then cleared his throat.

He took a minute to talk again as I felt a headache come on.

"Maybe I'll just slaughter them all. I'll make you watch" he switched just like that.

"Oh Noah. You won't do that"

"What makes you so sure little human?" I smirked.

"I know somewhere deep down in that little, rock of coal for a heart you care. Because sometimes that lump of coal starts to thaw, I notice it. Your threats are meaningless"

"You think you got me all figured out don't you- I highly doubt tha-" I cut him off by kissing him.

He stopped immediately, freezing up. His eyes wide. I leaned into it, kissing him deeply. He groaned shutting his eyes to respond to me. His unbound hand, cupping my face.

Eventually we both pulled away to get some air. I panted lightly as well as Noah.

"What the fuck.." he blinked making his hand go away from caressing my face.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm a very observant person. Don't think I don't pay attention to you either. Now give me back Liam I want to cuddle" I laid down, hiding a smile to see him frozen on the spot.

Eventually the headache cams and he laid back with me.

"I think you have officially broke Noah...I thought you said you didn't love him"

"I don't...but even though he threatens me, I can try to" he hummed wrapping an arm around me.


If you didn't get my message. Updates will be once a week until my chapters are all caught up! I'm sorry about this but I'm trying to write as much as I can.

Love you guys 💕

Toodles, Maddy G

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