Path To Realization (Fighter'...

By TheFeveredBookaholic

3.6M 127K 168K


Prologue - Asher
Chapter 1 - Aria
Chapter 2 - Asher
Chapter 3 - Asher
Chapter 4 - Aria
Chapter 5 - Asher
Chapter 6 - Aria
Chapter 7 - Asher
Chapter 8 - Aria
Chapter 9 - Asher
Chapter 10 - Aria
Chapter 11 - Asher
Chapter 12 - Aria
Chapter 13 - Asher
Chapter 14 - Aria
Chapter 15 - Asher
Chapter 16 - Aria
Chapter 18 - Asher
Chapter 19 - Aria
Chapter 20 - Asher
Chapter 21 - Asher
Chapter 22 - Aria
Chapter 23 - Asher
Chapter 24 - Aria
Chapter 25 - Asher
Chapter 26 - Aria
Chapter 27 - Asher
Chapter 28 - Aria
Chapter 29 - Aria
Chapter 30 - Asher
Chapter 31 - Aria
Chapter 32 - Asher
Chapter 33 - Aria
Chapter 34 - Asher
Chapter 35 - Asher
Epilogue - Aria
Author's Note
BOOK 5 Cover and Title
BOOK 5 Synopsis
BOOK 5 Teasers
BOOK 5 Bonus Teasers

Chapter 17 - Aria

85.8K 2.9K 4.7K
By TheFeveredBookaholic


"Aria Macy Hunter."

Applause breaks out as I make my way across the stage, shaking hands with my fellow teachers one by one. Through the noise of clapping comes two rambunctious voices that make me shake my head in defeat.

"That's my fucking sister!"

"Fuck yeah, Princess!"

It's obvious which one came from my brother and which one came from Ash. I peek over at the crowd while I walk toward Principal Rowland to receive my diploma, snickering at the image of Nate and Asher standing on their chairs and waving their graduation caps at me. The P.E. teacher gestures a wild hand for them to sit down and shakes his fist at them, probably for cussing. I can't stop laughing for the life of me. My two, idiot boys.

I take my diploma and shake Principal Rowland's hand, turning to the crowd of seniors and putting my arms up in victory. Cheers and whistles greet me back and several people call out my name. I wave a general hand in their direction and descend the stairs, heading back to my seat to watch the rest of the ceremony. Nate is called up next and I'm on my feet instantly, jumping up and down. I have to snicker at the collective raise in female cheers and roll my eyes. Disgusting but I'm used to it by now.

"Give us some moves, Hunt!" Roger Hill, another senior, yells out to Nate from his seat. Ever since the charity event we held at school last year for ALS and the performance Nate put on, everyone in school has been obsessed with his ability to dance. I have to admit, my twin brother can fucking move.

The teachers on stage are shaking their heads at the request but are interrupted by the loud music that suddenly starts playing. More hoots and whistles of approval ring out as Nate mischievously discards his graduation cap into the crowd and falls into a familiar routine. He prefers breakdancing and so he moves in perfect synchronization to the beat of the song, free-styling wild moves across the stage while the seniors cheer him on. I shake my head through my laughter, cupping my hands around my mouth as I shout words of encouragement. He parts his gown and reveals that he's not wearing a shirt underneath, showing off the abs and hard pecs he developed from boxing and thrusting his hips provocatively, encouraging loud female cheers and other obscenities I'd rather not address. I smack a hand over my face at the stripper-like moves he puts on. He's having way too much fun with this and it was obviously planned if he's been walking around half-naked under his gown the whole time. Freaking dumbass.

"Okay, that's enough. Settle down." Principal Rowland booms into his microphone. Someone cuts the music off and Nate bows dramatically, red in the face from his performance and his fit of laughter. He closes up his gown and winks at the group of girls that boo him in response and claps Principal Rowland on the shoulder. The two shake hands as Nate receives his diploma and Principal Rowland smiles reluctantly at the dazzling grin Nate offers him. That was the thing about Nate. Every fucking person in the universe loved him and his unapologetic swagger.

"I'm definitely going to fuck Nate at the after party today. He's so sexy." I hear a girl behind me whisper and her friends break out into giggles.

I scrunch my nose in disgust and ignore them entirely. The downside to having a popular manwhore twin was constantly having to hear about his sex life which was way too active these days. I'm no virgin, thanks to my ex Dean Tory, but I hardly get around like Nate and Asher. Those two rule this school and everyone knows it. They're complete opposites but make one hell of a duo, Nate with his outgoing and flirtatious tendencies and Asher with his quiet but alluring demeanour. Nate is a total sweetheart and Asher is a cocky asshole and girls go equally insane for them both.

I wish I could say I'm finally home-free from these idiots but all three of us are going to Boston University. It was a total coincidence that we'd all applied and been accepted there and we later officially decided we'd keep the gang together. After convocation we're going to hit up an after party that a senior is hosting for all future Boston University freshman from different schools so we have a chance to meet new people.

More names are called out as the ceremony continues but I hardly pay attention, waiting for the only person other than my brother that I actually care about in this place. I know where he is in the alphabetical list of all the seniors so I'm on my feet before Principal Rowland even says anything.

"Asher Choi Pryce."

"Yes!" I jump up and down, cheering through my cupped mouth. I put my arms are in the air and wave them wildly. "You did it, Ashes!"

Asher walks across the stage with his usual straight and uncaring face. Despite the big moment, his mouth is turned down in an always-there-scowl and he seems entirely bored of the entire thing. He formally shakes all of the teachers' hands and takes his diploma, glancing at the crowd. His eyes flick back and forth over all of the heads of our fellow classmates until they land on me, finding me.

And then he grins.

A rare, unfiltered, and wide smile that reveals his teeth and even the deep-seated dimple on his left cheek. His eyes crinkle at the corners just a moment before he winks at me, his mouth expanding wider than it's ever been. An almost comical hush falls over the seniors as everyone gapes at him and what has to be the first time they've ever seen Asher truly smile and drop his guard.

And he did it for me. To me. In a room full of people where he could have smiled at anyone at all. Just me.

The moment doesn't last more than a few seconds but it seems to stretch out infinitely as I grin back and blow him a kiss. In my peripheral I can see heads turn back and forth to watch our exchange but I zone them out. They don't understand what we have. No one does. But that's okay because we understand each other and that's all that matters.

"Unbelievable." Lisa chuckles from beside me when we break our stare as Asher descends from the stage.

"What?" I turn to her.

"I always knew you could never stay friends." Her smile is cocky. She's been saying that since her and I met in middle school.

"But we are friends." I remind her, confused.

"Oh, Aria." She slings an arm around my shoulder. "There's nothing friendly about what the two of you have and everyone in this school knows it. You two are so in love with each other."

"What?" Incredulous laughter sputters out of my throat. "Lisa, come on. Of course I love Asher but not like that."

She rolls her eyes with her grin still in place. "So hopeless."

I'm about to ask her what she means by that when I hear the girls from earlier whispering behind me again.

"If you get Nate then I get Asher. Who knew he could smile like that and look even hotter than he already is? I've got to get in his pants tonight."

My fingers curl into my palms and I resist the urge to turn around and tell them to shut up. Don't they do anything else to do besides plan who they're going to get into bed with? It's bad enough hearing pillow talk about my brother but Asher too? Except it's not gross like it is with Nate. It's just...infuriating. It makes me feel irrational because all I can think is that he was mine first. Not in a romantic way or anything. It's just always been like that. Asher has always been mine and I've always been his, haven't we?

"Down, girl." Lisa whispers. I choose to ignore her because she's probably reading the situation wrong the same way she read mine and Asher's friendship. Friendship.

After the ceremony the students, faculty, and parents pour out to the appropriately decorated backfield to exchange goodbye's and take pictures, capturing the last of our memories in high school before we all go on our separate paths. It's not hard to spot my family when there's six of them huddled together, a bunch of young girls staring wide-eyed at the people around them. I chuckle as I approach them. My baby sister, Harmony, was born two years ago and I've been begging my parents to make sure she's the last of us. She brings us up to six siblings now and I'm not sure if we can handle anymore. I'm not sure if Nate can handle any more sisters, overloaded with five of them.

My dad notices me first and immediately opens his arms. I grin and run into them, winding my own arms around his torso as his huge figure swallows me up into a bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you, baby girl." He kisses the top of my head and I smile into his chest.

"Thanks, Daddy." I pull away to kiss his cheek and move over to Mom, who hands a sleeping Harmony to Dad.

"My sweet girl." She hugs me tightly and rocks the two of us. I'm a little bit taller than her but I still feel like a little girl all over again in her arms. Even after six kids she's a tiny thing with rocking curves that I hope to have when I'm her age. "I couldn't be more proud."

"Thanks, Mama." I kiss her forehead.

My little sisters all grin at me when I crouch down. "Give me hugs!"

They giggle and crash into me from all sides, almost knocking me over in the process.

"Congratulations." Lexie, the eldest of the bunch, grins at me.

"Thank you, honey." I smile.

"You won!" Mia exclaims excitedly. I stifle a laugh at her observation. I guess that's one way to describe graduating.

Eleanor smiles but doesn't say anything. She's only five but she doesn't talk as much as other kids her age. I'm not worried, though. She communicates a lot with her eyes, constantly observing and watching and learning.

"Hey!" Nate's deep voice booms and we all turn to him. He saunters over to our huddle with a smirk. "Big bro needs some love, too."

My sisters immediately abandon me and run into his arms in a fit of giggles when he crouches down, inviting them. The three girls seemingly disappear behind his biceps that swallow them whole and he laughs in amusement, grinning down at them. His sisters absolutely adore him and the feeling is mutual. Nate's even more protective of them than Dad sometimes.

"You won, too!" Mia squeals and squishes his cheeks together.

"I know, right?" He answers seriously. "I'm awesome."

Lexie, ever the mature one, shakes her head. "You should explain to her what graduation is, you know?"

"Aw, come on, kiddo. Lighten up." He rubs his knuckles across her hair and Lexie bursts into laughter, her argument completely lost on her.

Eleanor tugs on Nate's gown with wide eyes and he looks at her, features melting. He has a soft spot for Elle particularly and is fiercely protective of her. Sometimes people question or say things about why she barely talks and Nate doesn't waste any time putting them in their place. He has a thing for the shy ones.

"You okay, babe?" He asks her, ruffling her hair. Elle nods and stares up at her brother with moon-y eyes and Nate bends his head to peck her on the lips.

The girls close enough to watch this little show literally sigh and melt into each other, gawking at how good my brother is with his girls. This is getting so old. I constantly give him shit for all the attention he pulls in but Nate often tells me he has to deal with guys constantly making locker room talk about me so I guess our torture is evened out.

"The little ones are here!" Lisa squeals when she joins us and starts cooing over my sisters. She pauses to whisper to me out of the corner of her mouth, "Dude, your dad is like, really hot."

"Their mom is really hot." Roger argues, going as far as to blatantly check her out.

Nate and I exchange looks of horror, gagging simultaneously. Our parents had us really young and have retained their youthful looks so I can understand where they're coming from but still. Gross.

"Aria! Nate!"

We turn our heads and wave back at Asher's parents who have joined ours.

"Come on, babies." I tell my little sisters as I lead them away. I wave to Roger and Lisa. "We'll come say bye in a bit."

Darren and Abigail greet us with hugs and congratulations while Asher does the same with our parents. Then he crashes into Nate with enough force that their hug would look painful if they weren't both huge dudes that could take punches with grace.

"We fucking did it, brother!" Nate laughs, clapping Asher's back.

"Did you doubt we would?" He pulls away with a smirk and, before I can blink, lifts me up and starts spinning me around. I would be embarrassed of how loud I screeched if I wasn't too busy fearing for my life, my arms practically squeezing his neck in an attempt hold on.

"Asher Pryce! You put me down!" I smack his head.

He stops so suddenly that I yelp again and he chucked whole-heartedly. He loosens my grip until I slide down his body and come toe-to-toe with him. I tip my head back to glare at him. "Not necessary, dude."

"Absolutely necessary." He counters and kisses my cheek. It lasts much longer than it usually does and I roll my eyes when I notice both of our parents watching us with raised brows.

"Are you trying to eat my skin off?" I grumble. The kiss is just obnoxious at this point and he finally pulls away with a loud smack. For a second there I wasn't sure he'd ever let go.

"We did it, Princess." He grins mischievously. "We managed to go four entire years without killing each other."

I laugh at his entirely accurate observation. "Let's face it — that's the real accomplishment of today."

He raises his palm up and I high-five it with a wink.

"Pictures!" Abigail exclaims excitedly and holds up her camera. "You three, huddle up."

I stand between Nate and Asher, my arms winding around their torsos while they each sling an arm over my shoulder. I'm a tall girl and I rarely feel small but these two, with their huge builds and well over six feet heights, almost make me feel like a pixie.

"Smile!" Abigail says behind her camera.

The three of us grin wide (even Asher, I checked) and the flash goes off to capture this moment that I wouldn't forget anyways. Abigail takes a couple of more and makes us do poses that I gladly agree to while the boys make a fuss and act like they're too cool for it but end up doing anyways. Nate and Asher take a few together, purposely flexing and acting like total douchebags as usual. I take a few with Nate while Mom cries over how fast her babies are growing and Dad isn't doing so hot either considering the sheen in his eyes. Asher pushes Nate away to get his pictures with me and I laugh when Nate rolls his eyes, stalking away and claiming he has a fandom of girls to attend to.

Asher hikes me up in a piggy-back, holding the underside of my knees with my legs and arms wrapped tightly around him, and we cheekily grin at the camera. We stay in that same position for another picture but this time I turn his head so I can kiss his cheek. I do another one where I lick his dimple and he bursts out laughing, a rare and hearty laugh that even his parents look surprised to be hearing. Do I feel obnoxiously arrogant that I made him do that? Hell yeah, I am. He is my best friend after all.

We finally call it quits on the photoshoot and I ditch the boys to say my personal goodbyes to everyone I know. There's hugging and some crying as the seniors part ways, dwelling on our time together and how it so quickly reached its end. I'm waving to Lisa and making my way back to my parents when I bump into someone from behind.

"I'm so sor — oh. Hey, Dean." I say in surprise.

"Hey." He smiles a little awkwardly but it's also genuine. "Can't believe we're finally out of this place, huh?"

I nod in agreement. "Time really flew by but it was fun."

"It was, wasn't it?" He winks and I laugh at his implication. He's totally talking about the fact that we lost our virginities to each other last year.

There's no bad blood between Dean and I. When we started senior year, he immediately knew he'd be moving to Canada to pursue college hockey on a scholarship and hopefully be scouted by the NHL. We were initially torn about what would happen to our relationship if we were in completely different countries but eventually decided to mutually break up. We wouldn't work long distance and we knew it. I wasn't even that sad about the break up and I think it's because we didn't love each other. We definitely shared intimate moments and that's always going to mean something but the emotional connection just wasn't strong enough. I haven't dated anyone since, sticking to casual sex my senior year because hey, a girl has needs too, and Dean now has a girlfriend who will be joining him in Canada. I'm honestly happy for him.

"You excited for some college hockey?" I ask.

The way his face lights up says it all. His white teeth are a stark contrast against his dark skin. "I'm so ready to kick ass. I have a full-ride from my scholarship for all four years so I won't have to worry about juggling long working hours and school either. I can dedicate all my free time to practice."

"You're going to do big things." I promise him, squeezing his arm.

"Thank you, Aria. What're you going to be studying again?"

"I decided on majoring in finance. I'm not passionate about it but I'm good with numbers at least. I'm not sure I've found something I love the way you love hockey but I'm sure I'll figure it out."

"No doubt you will." He holds his arms out for a hug that I return. It's familiar and friendly. "You take care of yourself, okay? Keep shining."

"Thank you, Dean." I squeeze him tight before letting go, waving my goodbye and getting back to my parents.

"Ready to go?" Mom asks and I nod.

"Come on, son!" Dad's voice booms across the field and over to Nate who's still surrounded by his little harem of giggling airheads. Dad shakes his head. "I can't believe my son is such a slut."

"Baby, I hate to break it to you but you were even worse than him." Mom reminds him.

"What? No, I wasn't."

"Maybe not in high school but definitely when we met in college so you can't really blame him. He gets it from you."

Dad frowns. "Well, shit."

"Nathaniel!" I sing-song loudly and he whips his gaze to mine, glaring. I stick my middle finger at him. "Let's go, douchebag! You'll see your little friends at the after party!"

The girls he's with toss me sour faces when I call them "little friends" and I smile right back, batting my eyelashes.

"She gets her attitude from you." Dad mumbles and watches me with amusement.

"Sure does." Mom smirks.

Nate jogs over to us and we finally get going. We drive home so he and I can get ready and grab something to eat before we head out of the house again. Asher joins us and the three of us drive to the party just in time, arriving when it's in full-swing.

We walk through the crowded mansion of drunk teens, red solo cups in every hand and rambunctious laughter that can be heard over the blaring music. There's a game of beer pong happening, dark and secluded corners where couples make out, and a makeshift dance floor that was probably a guest room at one point.

"I'll grab us drinks." I tell the boys, raising my voice as loud as it can go so they can hear me. They barely acknowledge me, already making their way further into the house.

I find my way to the kitchen and grab some cups. There's a line for the keg and I go to the back to wait for my turn. While I'm waiting I hear someone call my name and turn around. I recognize her from math class but don't know her name. She's usually completely to herself but she must've had a few drinks because she has no problem slinging an arm around me and getting in my face.

"Aria! You look so pretty." She widens her eyes for emphasis.

"Thank you." I hold back my laughter. "So do you."

"Where's your hot boyfriend?" She looks around the kitchen and I feel my brows come together.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Yeah, you do. Asher."

"Oh." I'm used to people assuming that we're together so I give her the same monotone speech I've repeated a billion times by now. "He's not my boyfriend but we are best friends and super tight. People get it confused all the time."

"Nu-uh." She bursts out laughing and practically falls over me. I grab her elbow and straighten her up. Jesus, how much has she had to drink? "Everyone in our school knows he loooves you."

Way too much to drink, I decide. "He really doesn't."

"Yes, he does." She boops my nose and I blink. "My boyfriend has heard him threaten other guys that talk about you in the locker room. He says that whenever a guy is interested in you, Asher tells them to back off or he'll break them. He usually gets in a good punch too."

"What?" I demand. I know I haven't dated anyone this year but...was it because Asher has been warding off other dudes? And if he is, then why?

"Yup." She nods solemnly. "He also stares at you a lot in class when he thinks you're not looking. He watches you like there's nothing else he'd rather do. I wish my boyfriend could be that romantic." She frowns and appears to think about it. "When's the last time we even went on a date?"

She continues muttering about her relationship but I've completely spaced out. Is what she saying true? I mean I know he's always been protective of me and has a tendency to beat up the guys I'm involved with but I thought it was a brotherly love or something. I also know he stares at me a lot but I'd convinced myself he does it on purpose to piss me off. I've somehow always convinced myself that Asher's actions were solely platonic. What if...what if they aren't? Is it really possible that he has feelings for me and if he does...shit. Do I have feelings for him too? I've never actively thought about it. In my mind, considering him as anything above a friend was absolutely forbidden so I avoided the thought like a plague. Now that I'm finally allowing myself to entertain the idea for just a seems weird but it also makes sense. I mean, Asher? My partner in crime? Would it really be so bad if we stopped being platonic? I don't feel grossed out when I think about it. If anything it's kind of thrilling.

Damn, that's bizarre. What the hell is happening to me?

"I need to go." I mumble and ditch the line.

I can't make sense of what I'm feeling right now. I almost feel robbed, like I had something amazing in front of me and didn't even realize it until I was gone. I'd never allowed myself to think of Asher as anything other than my best friend so I never noticed the changes in our relationship either. Now that I'm reflecting on the past couple of years, there have been a lot of changes I overlooked. The lingering stares when I got more dressed up than usual, the heat in his eyes if I wore something revealing, the soft smile on his face when I was there to cheer him up, the way he'd drop everything to be there for me like it was the most important thing in the world, waking up some mornings to find him in bed with me and making fun of his erection that I'd convinced myself was just his hormones acting up.

How could I have been so blind? To his feelings and my own? Because if I truly think about it, my feelings for him haven't been platonic for a long time. I'd just told myself I was going through phases of realizing I had a stupidly hot, funny, and fierce best friend that would make amazing boyfriend material and that's why I was blurring the lines in my head. But it runs deeper than that. So much deeper.

I go back the room where I last left Nate and Asher. I need to see Ash. I need to talk to him and maybe even consider that we could be something more, as crazy as that sounds. My heart pounds violently with nerves and excitement. This could explode in my face and go embarrassingly wrong or it could go so, so well and I have to find out which of the two it'll be. I have to found out if there's even a slim chance that he feels what I feels. I know this would change everything but I really think it could change for the better. Because the truth is I love him and I always have. Damn, I always have.

My heart goes into overdrive when I finally find Asher off to the side, his back to me. I wipe my sweaty hands on my shorts and force myself to pull in a breath. I have nothing to be nervous about. This is my best friend. I can talk to him about anything, even this.

When I'm done giving myself the silent pep talk, I purposely make my way towards him. It's now or never. isn't. My hopes and steps both come to a screeching halt when a pair of legs come around Asher's torso and lock at his back. A head of blonde pops up over his head as Asher lifts the chick and presses her against the wall. The two of them kiss like animals, ravishing each other's mouths with so much tongue that they've draw the attention of an entire crowd. Hoots and whistles encourage the show they put on, laughter ringing around me.

I'm not laughing. I'm not feeling. I'm breaking.

What was I thinking? Of course he doesn't think of me that way. Of course he only thinks of me as a sister or a friend or whatever. He could care less about me when he has his tongue down this girl's throat, his hand squeezing her tit. I swallow down the bile down my throat. Maybe this is another reason that I subconsciously fought my feelings for so long; because I knew Asher was the only person who could break me like this. Why did I do this to myself?

"Stupid." I whisper to myself. Tears prick the back of my eyes and I spin on my heel, running out of the room. I don't stop until I'm outside in the backyard and sucking in lungfuls of slightly cool summer air. I lean my back against the house and absently watch people jumping in the pool, swimming, laughing, living.

I want to forget the last two minutes of my life ever happened. I want to go back to when I was subconsciously protecting my heart from this kind of pain by remaining ignorant to my feelings. If I never acknowledged them then I wouldn't be feeling this way right now. Asher always hooks up with girls and it's no wonder I've been numb to it all this time. I taught myself how to be.

"Fuck." I close my eyes shut and beg myself to forget.

"Are you okay?"

My eyes blink open at the sound of a deep and concerned voice. There's a guy standing in front of me. He's tall with raven hair, brown eyes that almost look black, and a nice summer tan that compliments him. He's cute as hell.

And just what I need.

"Hey." I make my smile flirtatious. He blinks at my sudden change in demeanour.

" everything cool? You looked like you were going to cry."

"I just don't do well with big crowds. Needed fresh air but I'm fine now." The lie slips off my tongue with ease.

"Are you sure?" The concern on his face is so genuine it warms me up a little bit.

I don't need you, Asher. I'm doing just fine.

"Positive." I widen my grin. "Would you like to grab a drink and dance?"

"I'd love that actually." He rubs the back of his neck. "I have to admit, I noticed you as soon as you got to this party. I definitely didn't think you'd end up talking to me by the end of the night."

His flattery brings back some of my self-confidence that obliterated moments ago.

"Life works in mysterious ways." I joke and he laughs. He has a nice laugh. And a kind smile.

"After you." He gestures a hand toward he house and we both head that way.

"By the way, I'm Aria." I shake his hand as we walk. The smiles he gives me is one I had no idea would change my entire life for good.

"I'm Robbie."



THAT. ENDING. I'm freaking out!

Although this chapter ended on a bad note, it's my favourite one yet. I love seeing the relationship between this tight-knit trio and the absolutely adorable friendship Aria and Asher have.

This chapter has such sweet and swoon-worthy moments. Nate's little strip tease (who caught on to that?), seeing their little sisters when they were younger, all of those Asher and Aria moments. I love the depth these flashbacks add to the story!

Please VOTE, comment and share if you liked this chapter!

Happy Reading :)

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