A Rose Amongst Thorns

By natashacobb

90.7K 5.1K 837

Arthit Rojnapat, a florist, has escaped from an abusive relationship to start his life over again. Now, with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twelve

2.8K 147 56
By natashacobb

A black sedan pulled up in front of a modestly appointed home. The driver exited the car and opened the door for a well-coifed middle-aged woman who was impeccably dressed.

"Madam, I am waiting for you or would you like to me to return at an appointed time?"

"I won't be staying long, Arnault. Please return to retrieve me in exactly 90 minutes. A minute later and I will be very displeased."

"Yes madam." Arnault bowed and returned to the car.

The woman approached the front door of the home and depressed the doorbell. After waiting for a short moment, the door opened.

"Madam Suthiluck." Achara was stunned to see the unexpected visitor.

"Well don't stand there gawking, girl. Let me in." Madam Suthiluck pushed passed Achara and entered the home. "Where is my son?"

Achara looked at her watch and hesitated to answer. Kongpob should have been home by now but has was several hours late. Her calls went to him went unanswered. If she told this to her future mother-in-law, she would not be pleased at all. She feared invoking her wrath.

Madam Suthiluck moved throughout the home inspecting everything as she went. She scowled examining the decorations and winced when wiped the couch with her handkerchief before finally sitting on the couch.

"Was I misunderstood? I asked where my son was."

Achara scurried to sit next to Madam Suthiluck. She nervously fumbled with her hands in her lap, withering under the gaze of her mother-in-law.


"Um is not an answer. Is there something wrong with you? Why aren't you answering me?"

"Well, he was supposed to be home by now, but..."

"So, you don't know where he is. You're not even married yet and you're already incapable of keeping track of my son. Is there a problem between you two? Have you given him a reason to want to stay away from home?"

Achara felt like crying. Madam Suthiluck was a cold woman and had made it clear from the beginning that she didn't feel she was worthy of her son, but since she was already engaged to Kongpob, she settled into the idea, however disappointed she may have been.

"No. That's not it. He has had a lot of extra patients lately, so his work hours have increased."

"Good to know that my son is providing well for you. What about you? Are you planning to remain a housewife or are you going to go ahead and put your degree to good use? What was it you studied again?"

Madam Suthiluck laid her handkerchief on the coffee table and placed her Birkin Bag on it. Achara noted the grimace on her face and she sighed.

"Engineering, ma'am."

"And you're not working right now, because...?"

"Well, I only studied engineering to make my parents happy. I've decided to pursue my passion for art and get a master's degree in Art History."

Madam Suthiluck held her hand to her mouth to stifle her laughter.

"Most artists don't make any money until after they are dead, but never mind me. Other than what is hanging on the walls of my home, I know very little of art." She shrugged. "Anyhow. Are you planning to offer me something to drink or would you prefer I die of thirst?"

"Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry. What would you like ma'am?"

"Don't be sorry Achara, be attentive. I'll have some water. Flat and bottled."

Achara quickly walked to the kitchen and retrieved a bottle from the refrigerator. She took out her phone and sent Kongpob a text message to let him know his mother was waiting for him. She prayed he would see the message and be home soon. She sighed and walked back to the living room.

Kongpob was finishing his notes when he hears a knock at his office door. He looked at his watch and was surprised to see how late it had gotten.

The door opened, Phana peeking his head through.

"You're still here?"

"Yeah. I just noticed the time. I should probably be getting home. Achara must be worried."

"How are things between the two of you? Have they improved?"

"No. I'm waiting for my mother to return from abroad so I can let her know I'm ending things with Achara. After that, I'll talk with Achara."

Phana dropped onto the couch and looked at Kongpob.

"Really? So, you've decided to man up, huh? Why so suddenly?"

"It's not sudden. It's been a long time coming, don't you think? You know I've never wanted to marry Achara. I thought I loved her at one point, but now that I've experienced what love feels like, I'm no longer willing to settle for anything less. I owe Arthit my complete self and I won't make him wait longer than he already has. It's not fair to him."

"And what about Achara? Do you care about what's fair to her? This is going to kill her, you know."

"Weren't you just telling me that she deserved better? Well, I'm going to set her free so she can have better. Being with her is killing both of us."

Their conversation was interrupted by an alert from Kongpob's phone.

"Is Achara wondering where you are?"

"Yes. Apparently, my mother has returned to Thailand."

"She's at your house?"

Kongpob nodded and sighed. He knew he had to talk to his mother, but he was hoping it would have a little more time to think of what he would say. His mother had never approved of Achara, but she was more than happy to know that grandchildren would follow soon after the wedding. He gathered his things and resigned himself to his fate.

Kongpob could hear his mother questioning Achara about trivial things when he entered the house. Achara heard the front door open and hurried towards Kongpob and kissed him on the cheek.

"So glad you're here Kong. Your mother is here."

"Yes I am." Madam Suthiluck pushed past Achara and embraced her son. She used her handkerchief to wipe the remnant of Achara's lipstick from his cheek. "Amazing how cheap makeup stains the skin, isn't it?" Achara rolled her eyes and walked back towards the living room.

Kongpob bent and whispered to his mother. "There's no need to be rude to her mother."

Madam Suthiluck gave her son a thin smile and waved her hand dismissively. "I'm not being rude, sweetie. I'm simply looking out for your best interests. Who knows what is in that cheap stuff she wears? If she had a job, she could afford something a little better."


"Oh Kong, dear, calm down. You're so high strung."

"Mother, why are you here?"

"Can't I visit my only son?" She was fussing with her purse looking for her phone.

"Of course, you can. I just wasn't expecting you. If we knew you were coming, we would have had a dinner prepared for you."

"Well, it is what it is. Why don't you make it up to me by taking me to lunch tomorrow? I would love to come by the hospital to see my son the doctor in action." She smiled at Kongpob and hugged him. Making her way to the door, she checked her phone again to make sure Arnault was waiting outside.

"Let me walk you out, mother."

"Thank you, dear."

"By the way, mother, I need to speak with you."

Madam Suthiluck turned to face her son with a worried look on her face.

"Is something wrong, sweetie?"

"No mother. Things are better than they have been in a long time. I just have something to tell you. We can talk tomorrow at lunch."

"Okay, dear. See you then."

"Good night mother. I love you."

"Love you too dear."

Kongpob watched his mother's car disappear in the distance. He sighed and clasped his hands together. He smiled thinking of Arthit and how close he was to them being together.

"Just a little longer Arthit. Just a little longer."

Walking back in the house, he went to the kitchen. Achara was pulling food out of the microwave for Kongpob.

"So, your mother has returned from Thailand. I thought I felt a chill in the air." Achara smirked ad placed the food on the table.

"Achara, I know she's not he nicest woman, but she is still my mother."

"Why do you always defend her? She's so rude to me and you say nothing!" Achara raised her voice, her frustration rising to the surface.

"That's not fair! Have I not defied her time and again where you're concerned? If I cared what my mother thought, we wouldn't be engaged. I am my own man Achara. Do you see my living off my family's money? Am I not a doctor and not a businessman? Why is everything an argument with you?"

Kongpob abruptly stood, pushing his chair back so hard that it flipped backwards hitting the wall. Achara was startled but said nothing as Kongpob retreated upstairs to their bedroom.

Achara angrily threw the dishes in the sink and threw the food in the trash. She stood at the sink staring at the ring on her finger. Tears formed in her eyes, but she was determined not to let them fall. She took some deep breaths and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Kong?" She tentatively entered the dimly lit room. "Are you awake?"

"Yes. I was just correcting some notes before bed."

"I'm sorry Kong. I know you're a good man. Things between us have not been very good lately. We need a reset."

Kongpob sighed. He wasn't sure how to respond. He finally knew what he wanted but seeing Achara looking at him with such hope and love in her eyes broke him inside. He'd already caused he so much pain and he didn't want to hurt her anymore. She crawled into bed next to him snuggled against him.


"Kong, I know we need to talk, but just for tonight, can we just be there for each other? I really need you tonight. Please." She lovingly caressed Kongpob's cheek, a tear escaping her eyes.

Kongpob used his thumb to wipe the tears from her face. She leaned into him, moving closer until their faces were inches apart. She kissed him softly, he lips barely touching his.

"Achara, we...I...I don't..." Kongpob was silenced by another kiss from Achara. This one was more forceful. It was a kiss of desperation, of hope, of loneliness, of love. Kongpob didn't want to hurt Achara and he didn't want to hurt Arthit. His mind was a mess of emotions. He didn't know what to do, but his body seemed to have a mind of its own as Achara started unbuttoning his shirt.

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