By -_OutLaw-Rising_-

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Despair Fetish. Best Guy/Girl. I love Chihiro Chihiro Fujisaki X Male Reader More

Hope's Peak High
Will and Hope
Miss Fortune
Riches and Rights
The Devil in the Church
King of the Mountain
Masks and Faces
How Far They Fall
Pool Party
Breaking Bonds
The Inner Warrior
Branching Out
The Fallen Angel
Fading Away
Not Alone
Help Recieved
Other Friends
Safe Words
Dynasty and Anxiety
Remember His Name
Knights and Kings
Tempting Chance
The Queen of the Castle
Below the Surface
Breaking Through
The Mistress
Titles and Roles
The Finest
The Ultimate Despair
Lost and Found
Bare the Truth
The Plague of Despair
The Dance of Despair
Expanding Minds

A Promise

962 35 7
By -_OutLaw-Rising_-

Naegi didn't get too much sleep that night. Kiri hadn't returned, and the stress and worry was getting to him.

He knew to try and not worry. That Kiri would be back with him very soon as she found the others. As soon as (YN) was back..

As morning came, Naegi rose from his bed and was surprised to hear a body discovery announcement...

As he grabbed his jacket, he rushed through the hall and towards where he was instructed to go...

The Gym.

Byakuya: Oh be silent and observe for yourself.

As he nodded, he saw a body.. it was covered in what looked to be a Body bag. There was blood stains all over it as several wounds were tattered all over the body...

Naegi: W-Who..
Celestia: We don't know. Everyone is here.
Aoi: Wait, where is Kyoko?
Naegi: S..She is sick..
Hagakure: Weird. Maybe she ate some bad food or something?
Byakuya: Regardless, we must start our investigation.

With that, Byakuya began the investigation. The corpse was riddled with all sorts of wounds... several punctures, several bullet wounds, countless cuts and evidence of gun fire and blunt trauma...

It looked like (YN)'s condition when he was getting his punishment.. but it wasn't him. That was established when Naegi noticed how feminine the body was. Not to mention how it was 5'9" to (YN)'s 6'1" in height.

Celestia: Why, would you look at this..

Celestia pulled out a protruding blade within the body. It was a large bleeding knife...

Kyoko Kirigiri's knife...

Celestia: I don't believe a knife like this has ever been in the kitchen. Where could this have been taken from?
Sho: Seriously?! That's a Combat knife! Mama wants it!
Byakuya: No! I urge you to keep that far away from her!
Celestia: I never intended to give it to her. You may rest easy.
Hagakure: Man.. Who had that?
Byakuya: We all had weapons ever since the first day. Do none of you recall Naegi's blade from the first case?
Chihiro: I had a hand gun...
Celestia: I was given a dagger of sorts.
Byakyua: Much like Naegi, I was given a sword.
Hagakure: Nunchucks!
Kiyotaka: I was given a hammer!

While everyone listed what they had, Naegi couldn't help but just stare at the knife... and the body...

It was just as tall as her... certainly it even seemed to have the same..measurements from looking at it.. but... what if this was..

Is it possible that the body was Kiri..?

Naegi reached for the top of the body bag and was shocked to see that the body began to burst into flames..

What little view he got was a pale face with dark hair under what looked to be a wig.. He only managed to gather that much before Chihiro backed him away from the flames.

Naegi: KIRI!

As Hagakure and Chihiro held him back, he desperately tried to get back to the corpse as it burned. Slowly, it began to grow less and less like who ever it was supposed to be.

Byakuya: Naegi, You fool! Someone get some water, Now!
Kiyotaka: Sir Yes Sir!

As the ultimate hall monitor dashed off to get something to take out the flames, Celestia watched the fire burn away the evidence that may have been left. Byakyua forced Toko to attempted to take the fire out by using the body bag, but with little to no success.

As Kiyotaka took out the fire with a fire extinguisher, Byakuya turned towards Naegi and slapped him across the face, much like Aoi had done to him.

Byakuya: Why would you do something so Irrational, Makoto?! Now we hardly have anything to go off of!
Celestia: Actually, I still have the blade.

The Heir turned towards the Ultimate Gambler as she walked towards them with the knife. She handed the blade to Byakuya, who analyzed it.

Byakuya:... Naegi. Was this Kyoko Kirigiri's weapon?
Celestia: What gave you that idea, My dear?
Byakuya: I'm not your dear, snake. With the way Young Naegi stared at it and his desperation to see the body. That, and I can't name anyone else who has a body type similar to Kyoko Kirigiri's.
Celestia: Ah. I see.
Chihiro: Wait.. then who k-killed her?
Byakuya: I couldn't be sure. As far as I'm concerned, we're all possible suspects.
Hagakure: What? I didn't have no reason to kill her!
Byakuya: No one did. She only stayed around Naegi's friendship brigade. To make matters even more difficult, she never stayed too far from Naegi's sight or side.
Naegi: K-Kiri...

With Chihiro and Hagakure letting him go, the young Lucky Student crawled to the body and stared at it.. it was too burned and damaged to even recognize who it was...

As tears began to fall from Naegi's eyes, a pair of arms wrapped around Naegi, pulling him into a hug.

Chihiro: I-I'm sorry..for your loss...
Naegi: s..s-she promised...

While Naegi chocked on his own tears, Aoi placed a hand on his shoulder and wiped a few tears from her own eyes.

Byakuya: It's a damn shame.
Celestia: We can't allow ourselves to waste time mourning what we lost. That time will come after the trial.

As Naegi's tears ran down his face, the gym grew silent. Who ever wasn't investigating, was helping Naegi cope with this loss.

First his best friend... Now the one who made this hell doable...


Most of the students were silent as they made their way to the court room. Celestia and Byakuya didn't uncover enough information for anything to be too reliable. No matter the story, it didn't seem right...

Monokuma: Alright ladies and gents! Let the trial commence!
Byakuya: I advise that we start off with the assumption that Kyoko Kirigiri was the victim. It would be the only explanation as to why she is suddenly missing.
Hagakure: Yeah! That's gotta be it! You don't just disappear from nothing like that.
Celestia: With a similar body type and Dear Naegi's horrified reaction, that assumption appears to hold true. Now, I would like to ask Naegi a few questions. After all, you spend the most time with Kyoko. I'm sure you would know something useful. For instance, do you recognize the knife that was found in the body?
Naegi:... i-it was Kiri's..
Byakuya: Her own knife was used to end her life?
Chihiro: M-Maybe it was a suicide..?
Celestia: There are far to many other injuries that would show that it isn't a suicide. The knife wasn't the only weapon that was used after all. Has she ever shown any signs of depression or self harm?
Naegi: None... Not any that I would know..
Chihiro: M-Maybe she gave herself all of the injuries..?
Kiyotaka: But how would she have access to a gun?
Aoi: Wait... Chihiro.. didn't you say you were given a gun..?
Chihiro: U-Uh..
Byakuya: I recall that you did.
Celestia: Poor Chihiro. You should have kept your mouth shut..
Chihiro: I-I didn't do a-anything..!
Byakuya: Many people had access to his room. It's reasonable to believe the gun was stolen. Besides, there were many more weapons, and no real motive to team up.
Monokuma: Don't any of you remember? In a team, only the one who felt the damage is the blackened!
Celestia: Hmm. I suppose you're right.
Aoi: Then is it possible that she.. stole the gun..?
Byakuya: Indeed. With her knife, Chihiro's gun, and the potential to grab any sort of a blunt object. A suicide would make sense.
Aoi: Why would she do it though..? We weren't fighting, we were never even having any issues with each other.. right?
Celestia: I would say as much..
Naegi: doesn't... it seem off..?

Everyone turned towards Naegi as his head raised, his eyes burned with a deep determination.

Naegi: There was no blood stains. No messes. And the body was rigged to burn so we wouldn't know everything!
Byakuya: Very good point. Well done Naegi.
Celestia: Quite the detail we glossed over.
Aoi: That's right! How are we supposed to do this trial when we don't even know the whole story?
Naegi: Monokuma, You're trying to pull a fast one on us! Trying to get us all killed!
Monokuma: Wha?! No I ain't! The victim is clearly Kyoko Kirigiri!
Celestia: How are we supposed to know that, exactly? There is no rule stating that you can't lie to us.
Monokuma: I'm telling ya!
Celestia: You seriously don't expect me to believe that, do you?

Monokuma tensed up and glared at everyone, his red eye glowing in anger as he grumbled.

Monokuma: There was a corpse! For a bunch of future leaders, you're all really slow! Shut up and solve the case!
Naegi: That's where You're WRONG!
Monokuma: Quiet Kid! Solve the darn case! Have you ever considered that it's possible that the killer rigged it so no one could solve it?!
Byakuya: I would actually call that into question.
Monokuma: HUH?!

As Byakuya readjusted his glasses, he looked to Naegi with a determined fire in his eyes that burned just as bright as the Ahoge boy's own.

Byakuya: Have you noticed something different when I measured the body? Take a look at your digital notebook and compare Kyoko Kirigiri's height to the 5'9" I gotten.

Naegi did as he was told and checked the digital note book...

Naegi: Kiri is 5'6"! The heights don't add up Monokuma!
Monokuma: That's a MINOR detail! Are you sure you measured right?!
Naegi: I doubt it. I HARDLY doubt that he measured wrong! Because you know who else is 5'9"? JUNKO ENOSHIMA!
Byakuya: Tell Them Naegi.
Monokuma: What?! The Fashionista already had died!
Naegi: But there were several punctures and wounds that seriously make me doubt that it was a new victim!
Sho: Hell Yeah! Those big bad babies had to have been caused by something BIG and HARD! Like a Spear!
Aoi: Right! None of us have access to spears! They're all used to enforce the rules!
Naegi: and do I have to mention that all of the other wounds that the body had just so happen to be from methods you may use to enforce the rules? Cutting, Impaling, shooting, it all adds up! You're just using Junko Enoshima's body to frame someone!
Monokuma: WOAH!

The principal fell back on his throne as Naegi stared at it with a fiercely determined look on his face. A new found Hope had risen within him.

As Monokuma struggled back up, he grumbled and growled as he crossed his arms.

Monokuma: Alright, Alright. Except where does the "Kyoko Kirigiri is missing" part come in? Where did she go?!
Aoi: How would He know?! He was just as surprised as the rest of us!
Monokuma: Nyeheheheh~ You really believe that? Hey, Ahoge boy, should I tell them? Or will You?
Naegi: I.. I don't know what you're talking about..!
Monokuma: Then how about I just say it? Ahem, Ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm afraid to say it but... Your dear friend Makoto Naegi has been LYING to you!
Monokuma: Kyoko Kirigiri has my treasure, and He knew! If he just spilt the beans and told all of you, and if he ratted out Kyoko, This trial wouldn't have ever happened!
Byakuya: Wait.. Your plan was to set up an impossible trail so we would ALL fail?!
Monokuma: You're darn right! And You almost fell for it!
Kiyotaka: You two have been keeping secrets like THAT from us?! Whatever happened to trust?! I can NOT ALLOW THIS!

While Monokuma laughed and giggled, Naegi's hands gripped his own podium as everyone stared at him with shock...

Hagakure: Yo, Togami. Did you know about this?
Byakuya: I was never trusted with such information. Neither did I ever press for it because I believed I knew everything they did. Unfortunately, I was mistaken.
Naegi: You guys.. Wait-
Toko: Y-You... You were gonna get us killed..! Just because you wanted to be some pervert!
Naegi: You have it all wrong! All of you-
Aoi: Naegi would never-
Byakuya: What else are you hiding from us?
Naegi: I...


Monokuma: These!

With that, Monokuma reached into his back pocket and pulled out... Our digital notebooks and Chihiro's laptop...

Monokuma: On top of risking your lives for the sake of his girlfriend, Him and His friendship group found out plenty of other things! Things that probably could have helped you all if you were just trusted enough!
Kiyotaka: Is... Is that True?
Monokuma: Of course it is! Here's some proof!

With that, Monokuma opened Chihiro's laptop to reveal... Data.. code.

Hagakure: You seriously think we can understand that?
Monokuma: In short, This little brat managed to hack into my system and turn off several cameras! Even the ones in Naegi, Kyoko, and even his own dorm room!
Toko: T-That... That means he could have done the same for all of us..!
Monokuma: Mhm! But he was instructed not too. You know why? Because they were afraid I would notice! Here's a little lesson, kid. You can't hack into MY systems without ME knowing!

Though Chihiro was being outed with Naegi, he didn't seem to show much fear... Surprisingly enough, he glared at Monokuma with a look of hatred... not of fear.

Almost as though he has done something Monokuma didn't catch onto...

Monokuma: Thank goodness I noticed when I did! I mean, You all might have escaped! Well... If they trusted you all enough to share I suppose. Anyways, I'll leave you all to deal with the traitors however you please! Nyeheheh!

After crushing the digital notebooks, Monokuma escaped back into his Throne...

He destroyed their one link to Kyoko Kirigiri... to (YN)...

Naegi took to shielding Chihiro from everyone as they all stared the two of them...

Toko: Y-You... You lied to u-us.. All of us!
Naegi: Only because if everyone knew, Monokuma would find out!
Hagakure: I... I am seriously trying to wrap my head around this...
Kiyotaka: You knew that Kirigiri had the treasure, but you said Nothing?!
Naegi: Because Monokuma would find out!
Toko: H-He would have us All killed for her..! I see it in his eyes..!
Naegi: No! Please, Listen to me!
Byakuya: Kicking and screaming won't get anyone anywhere. As unfortunate as it is... we haven't made any progress. Toko. Run and get me a-
Toko: NO!

As she reached up and tugged at her own hair, Byakuya stared in shock as Toko began to have a mental breakdown.

Toko: N-No..! You'll just betray me! Cast me aside for own benefit..!
Byakuya: Fukawa, Cease your nonsense! I would have done so long before if I had the intention!
Toko: L-Liar... Liars! All of you!

As Sho jumped onto her podium and attempted to attack Naegi and Chihiro, she was suddenly stopped as a small fist punched her, causing her to stumble back into Aoi as she was held back. Chihiro, though he landed a jab, winced and held himself as he got cut at the chest.

Aoi: NO! He have a reason, can't you see?!
Celestia: Though it explains his actions, it hardly justifies anything he kept from us. I suppose I was correct for saying what I said earlier.

As Celestia raised a hand to her mouth, she spoke softly, silently whispering amongst all of the chaos...

The kingdom that (YN), in her eyes, once ruled so peacefully... had now fallen apart. Tattered and broken into bits and pieces...

Celestia: (YN) made a mistake entrusting them to his kingdom...

She smiled to herself as her clawed finger grazed her cheek, keeping an eye on Naegi as he helped Chihiro to the best of his ability. She knew what she was going to do...

After all, when is the best time to step in and rule a kingdom?...
When the king isn't there to defend it...

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