Wonderwall: A One Direction F...

By arcticzarrys

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Liam Payne was ruined. All of his friendships were ruined. His relationship with his family was ruined. His c... More

Wonderwall: A One Direction Fan Fiction Lirry Stayne
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

1.4K 17 0
By arcticzarrys


Chapter 6

I didn’t like surprises.

It’s not like I didn’t like gifts or to have nice things done for me, I just hated the anticipation that it all caused. Anticipation led to disappointment.

As I walked with Harry down the uneven pavements of Liverpool, it felt like my stomach was swelling.

Do you ever get that feeling of ‘I don’t know what’s going on, but I wish I did.’? That’s exactly what I was experiencing currently. Everything seemed to me as part of Harry’s plan. I jumped when we passed an alley, or shivered when he seemed to lead me towards all the buildings we never entered.

But now, Harry was stopped.

Now, Harry was not only stopped, but Harry was stopped in front of a big field.

And nothing felt right.

He grabbed my hand and started to lead me through the twisting grass, a large smirk growing on his face. I slightly felt like slapping that cheeky smile off his face, but I didn’t, of course.

Yes, I was expecting to be nervous. Yes, I was expecting to be surprised. But no, I never expected this.

“Niall?’ I gasped at the short blonde man on the grass, lost in his thoughts. Though, as soon as he heard my voice, he shot up like a cannonball. “Li.” Niall breathed, running towards me and throwing his arms around me.

Harry’s hand had now left mine, and Niall was now whispering, “You’re clean. You’re clean.” Repeatedly in my ear. I hugged him back as I felt his hot tears run onto my shoulder.

Niall had been my best friend since I was 12, but he split when I got involved with drugs.

Part of me was immensely glad to be back with Niall, like it used to be. But the other half of me was filled with rage. Niall had been so un-loyal to me. I probably would have gotten sober faster if he had bothered to help.

I wanted to push Niall off. I wanted to yell at Harry and go my own way. I wanted to go cry in a corner somewhere and drown my sorrow in donuts. But those were all the things I wanted to do.

This is what I needed to do.

I clung to Niall for dear life, smiling. “Yeah… I’m clean.” I whispered back soothingly before pulling away slowly. “How have you been?” Niall questioned, smiling sadly.

“Not good.” I said truthfully. Niall nodded, glimpsing towards Harry before returning his attention to me. “Yeah… Your friend told me you haven’t been doing so great. I’m sorry… I really am Liam.” Niall said somberly as he looked up from the ground and towards me.

He looked me straight in the eyes now. “And I’m sorry for leaving you.” He said boldly, walking a bit closer to me. “I still thought about you every day.” He admitted quietly. I nodded, smiling slightly.

“I thought about you a lot too Ni.”

Niall seemed to cheer up a bit after I spoke those words, as if he had come here to have something proved. To have it proved that I still needed him.

And I’d like to say I didn’t. I’d like to say my life is just as good without Niall as it is with him. But he and I both know that’s not true.

“Well, I’m sorry Li, but I have to go. I uh, got me self a girlfriend now.” He said with a thick Irish accent, smiling slightly at the thought of his supposed girlfriend.

“That’s amazing,” I said smiling, “Whats her name?”

“Demi.” He said simply, smiling up at me. I nodded, and began to walk towards Harry. “Go get her tiger.” I said, winking at Niall. “And stay in touch, okay?” I begged, handing Niall a slip of paper with my number on it before leaving him to go and get his precious Demi.

Harry smiled as I stood next to him, making me smile. “I’m sorry…” He said nervously. “I didn’t know if you would want to see him or not. I just remembered you mentioning a Niall, and you always seemed so happy when you talked about him.” He said shamefully.

“No, don’t be sorry. I’m really, really glad that I’m back in contact with him. But, can I ask one question?”

“Sure, shoot.” Harry encouraged as he smiled at me.

“How did you find him?” I asked.

“When I went to go get us coffee, I remembered your description of him, and when I saw Niall there, I thought that had to be him. So I went out on a limb and asked if his name was Niall, and he said yes. Then I asked if he used to have a friend named Liam Payne, and he said yes. So I told him the situation and he was eager to talk to you again.” Harry explained, smiling at me.

I nodded, “Wow, my description must have been pretty damn good than!” I exclaimed, making Harry laugh. “Yeah, it really was. He looks just like I pictured him. Maybe a bit more handsome.” He said fondly, winking at me.

“Okay, rule number one; No hitting on my friends. Rule number two; no hitting on my straight friends that are in relationships!” I joked, punching Harry in the arm. He chuckled and shook his head, smiling at me. “Don’t worry. I’d much rather hit on you.” Harry flirted, making me blush.

Yeah, sure. I considered Harry my boyfriend. But it didn’t seem like either of us were taking it as seriously as we needed to be.

This is why I didn’t know if I was allowed to do this. But for once in my life, I didn’t care.

I attached my lips to Harry’s once again, with a slight force. He kissed back instantly, making me feel proud. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to pull away, being pulled straight back into the kiss by Harry.

Soon enough, we each pulled back, Harry smiling like an idiot.

“Now Harold, I’ve asked you this once before, and I don’t think you responded truthfully. Will you or won’t you be my boyfriend?” I asked, smirking slightly.

“Yes. With all my heart, yes. Now stop talking so fancy and kiss me you ditz.” Harry said before pulling me in for another kiss.

Hello lovelies! How are you all this fine evening? Well, I’m super sorry it took so long to publish. I just wasn’t feeling very Wonderwall moody. If that makes sense… I don’t know, I feel like if I’m not in the mood to write this book, I don’t know how to write the characters, and I don’t want that to happen. Because some books start out amazing and turn out shit because the authors start writing the characters and scenery different.

I seriously want your guys’ honest opinions on this chapter, and even this whole book! I have the best fucking plan ever for this book. And sorry guys, but it’s going to be pretty sad for a while. :(

I know, I know! You guys don’t want sad, you want fluff! Please don’t murder me!

Well, since it took so god damn long to update, I’m going to try to update twice for you guys. So I guess I’ll be writing Chapter 7 now! (Can you believe there are already almost 10 chapters?)

I’ll see you guys later! Bye loves! :) Xx -Cali

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