One Piece: Reencounter (Vario...

ShadowFox051 tarafından

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One Piece has been one of (Y/n)'s favorite anime and manga series of all time, ever since she was a kid. One... Daha Fazla

2: The Bakeneko Model Cat-Cat Fruit, Grandpa Garp, & Little Brother Luffy

1: Isekai--Romance Dawn

931 36 8
ShadowFox051 tarafından

**Reader Key**

(Y/n)- Your name

(L/n)- Last name

(h/l)- hair length

(h/c)- hair color

(h/t)- hair type

(s/t)- skin tone

(e/c)- eye color

(D/n)- Dad's name

(M/n)- Mom's name


*(Y/n)'s P.O.V.*

'Today's already so tiring... This is why I don't like Mondays.' I thought to myself as I stretched my arms, holding back the urge to yawn.

I was supposed to wake up early this morning to attend my English class, which lasts all the way to noon. I was nearly late, though, since I accidentally forgot to set my alarm clock last night. Needless to say, when I finally managed to wake up and saw the time I nearly had a heart attack.

The struggles of a college student are endless and brutal.

Well, at least I had anime and manga to distract me from the stress and help me unwind. 

That positive thought reminded me of the recently released One Piece chapter I read last night. Thinking of the events carefully inked onto the digital pages made the hype I felt at the time to return, causing me to smile as I began to skip happily away from campus.

Anyone who might be looking at me probably thinks I'm weird. While they're not completely wrong, it's not like I care about their opinions of me. Either they like me or they don't--no skin off my nose.

Now that I was thinking about it, for as far back as I can clearly remember I've been the black sheep in the crowd; Ever since elementary school, if I recall correctly. Even in high school, I was considered the weirdo. Probably because of my open obsession with anime and manga. I sometimes carried an anime character plushie around, read manga whenever I could get away with it, and even wore cosplay during holidays (mostly Halloween).

A lot of people avoided me, some people gave me strange looks, and a few even teased me but I brushed it all off. Even though my open obsessions attracted those bad things, they also attracted like-minded people. I made several friends throughout the years who I loved unconditionally, but after we all graduated high school we all kinda went our separate ways.

Sure, we kept in contact via text or social media but... it wasn't a daily, or even a weekly, thing. We all just... got caught up in our own lives. Of course, that thought made me sad and while I didn't like to admit it I was getting lonely. Outside of my parents, whom I visited a lot due to how close they lived to my college, and my friends who contacted me once in a while I didn't really have anyone to talk to or hang out with.

I quickly slapped my cheeks with my hands.

'No! No negative thoughts! Even if I don't have any friends right now, that doesn't mean I won't have any in the future!' I thought reassuringly, 'Just stay positive! Happiness will always find you, you just have to hang in there and wait for it!'

With that, I tried to distract myself with various happy thoughts as I made my way back to my tiny apartment just off campus.


*In (Y/n)'s Apartment*

I just finished cleaning my dishes from lunch and shuffled back into the living room, lazily flopping onto the lumpy sofa.

"Ugh... I'm boooooooooored..." I moaned softly into the sofa cushion.

My accounting class didn't start until later this evening, so I was stuck here for the time being. I didn't have any homework to do, at least no homework that was due within the next week or so. Even though I loved to cook, I wasn't hungry anymore and there was no one else to cook for. I didn't feel like watching anything at the moment. I could start embroidering something, but it would take forever to even decide what design I wanted to stitch.

"Hm, what to do, what to do..." I hummed, absentmindedly kicking my legs into the lumpy couch underneath.

A sudden thought came to my mind.

"Maybe reading One Piece will pass the time."

But... I was already caught up with the manga and there wouldn't be a new chapter for a while.

"...Maybe I could reread the manga..." I hummed before a bright smile tugged at my lips, "Yeah! That's a great idea! It's been a while since I read the start of the series. Maybe if I go through it again, I'll spot something that I didn't before."

I jumped off of the couch and rushed to my bedroom, quickly moving to my bookshelf. I plucked the first volume of One Piece from the shelf and cradled it in my arms as a loving mother would an infant.

The manga was obviously old as the the pages had yellowed over time, but was also well-loved as the pages were worn and slightly loose in their binding within the paper cover that was slightly warped and bent at the corners.

It was one of the first manga volumes I had ever bought (or, rather, begged my mother to buy for me) around the time I started middle school. Looking at the book in my hands brought a smile to my face as the pleasant memories popped into my mind.

I picked up a bookmark and went back to the living room with my manga in hand, plopping back down onto the sofa. Gingerly handling the manga in my hands I gently opened it up and began to read, carefully analyzing each line of dialogue and every wonderfully inked scene.

I had only gotten to the second chapter when I heard my cell phone vibrating on the glass surface of the coffee table in front of the couch. I quickly placed my bookmark into the manga and set it down before picking up my phone.

Recognizing the caller I.D., I immediately accepted the call and held the device to my ear.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Hi, sweetheart~! How are you doing?" I heard my mom's voice call from the other side of the line.

"I'm doing okay. How are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm just fine, dear... It's just... um..."

My brow furrowed at hearing the hesitation in her voice.

"Mom, is everything alright?"

"Y-yes! Yes, I'm fine! I just... I'm sorry to ask, but I need you to do me a favor--if you can."

"Of course! I'm not really busy right now. So, what do you need?"

"You see, your father left an important file on the kitchen table this morning and called asking if I could bring it to him. I was just about to leave but I got a call from the bridal shop. One of our bridezilla clients just barged in demanding to have her dress altered for her wedding tomorrow. They're short-staffed right now, so they called me asking if I could come in right away. She's the daughter of a very influential businessman, so there's a lot of money in this and our reputation is riding on her being satisfied with our work. So, I was wondering if you could swing by the house, pick up your father's file, and take it to him for me?" She explained.

I took a few moments to think about it. My accounting class started at 6:30. Checking the time, it was a few minutes past two o'clock. My dad worked at a government  research laboratory in the downtown area of the city. To get there and back quickly, I'd have to take the light rail. The light rail leaves the local station at around three o'clock, so if I hurry I should be able to stop by my parents' house and still make it to the station to catch the light rail. It'll take about an hour to get to the downtown area. The lab is just a few blocks away from the downtown station. It'll take an hour for the light rail to come back and another hour for it to bring me back here. So, it'll be around 6 by the time I get back and if I run from the station I should be able to get back to campus just in time for class.

"Yeah, I'll do it." I said with a nod, though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure! Now, go! Save your business from the evil bridezilla, Miss Head Seamstress!"

I heard her sigh with relief followed closely by a chuckle at my words.

"Thank you so much, dear! I appreciate your help, and I'm sure your father will too!"

My mom then asked, "You still have your set of the house keys, don't you?"

"Yep. I know where you hide the spares too, so I'll be fine. Now, go! Hurry!"

"Alright, (Y/n)! I'm going now! Be safe! I love you!"

"I love you too, Mom! Be safe!" I replied just before I heard the click of my mom hanging up.

"I'd better hurry, or I'll miss the light rail!" I said to myself as I jumped off the couch and rushed to gather everything I would need for the evening class.

I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and before I left I decided to grab my One Piece manga, carefully slipping it into my bag. If I got bored of watching the scenery, I could always just read it while I wait for the light rail to arrive or while I wait to get to my stop.

I snatched my keys and rushed out of my apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me before I sprinted off to get to my parents' house as fast as humanly possible.


*Downtown (C/n)*

I stepped off of the light rail and onto the station platform among the crowd of people. I gently pushed my way through the crowd, muttering "excuse me" and "sorry" as I did so, in order to cross the street. From here, Dad's laboratory was only a couple blocks away so it shouldn't take too long to get there as long as I didn't have to wait too long at the crosswalks.

Luckily, aside from the many people at the light rail station, there weren't too many people around. I didn't hate crowds, but I didn't like them either. It really just depended on my mood at the moment. Right now, I was very glad there weren't that many people since I wanted to drop off that file as soon as possible so I could hurry back. I really didn't want to have to explain to my accounting professor why I was late, partly because I didn't want to explain the whole story and partly because the guy was a bit of a self-absorbed jerk.

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the government research laboratories. I tilted my head back and noted how huge the building was. It was most likely the tallest building in the city. Each window was tinted and reflective, like a one-way mirror. The stone that the tower was formed of was nearly pitch black, making it seem a lot more ominous and intimidating than it actually was.

Gulping, I grabbed the strap of my messenger bag and held it closer to me as I lowered my head and marched to the front doors of the building.

I pulled open one of the doors and stepped into the lobby area to be met not with the sight of a receptionist, but of a security checkpoint; armed security guards, big capsule-like metal detectors, and conveyor belts to further analyze your belongings.

The security guards were already looking at me. Or, rather, they were glaring at me.

'D-did I do something wrong? Or are these guys just that serious all the time...?' I wondered as I cautiously approached them.

"Name, ID, and business, Ma'am." Muscle-Head One demanded, glancing down at a clipboard in his hand.

I bristled slightly at the way he addressed me and pouted, '"Ma'am"? He says that like I'm an old lady or something! I don't look that old, do I?'

"Um, my name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm Professor (D/n) (L/n)'s daughter. I'm here to drop off an important file he left at home." I explained, trying to remain kind and polite to the security guard.

"Right. I thought his wife was supposed to drop it off." Muscle-Head One pointed out, glaring at me from behind his black sunglasses.

"My mom had an emergency to deal with, so she asked me to come deliver the file instead."

The guard paused, the heavy silence it caused making me incredibly uncomfortable. It didn't help that I couldn't even see where he was looking because of his glasses.

"Alright. Just show me your ID and you can go ahead." He said, holding out his hand expectantly.

I quickly fished my license from my bag and handed it to the large man. After cross-referencing my ID photo with my own features along with the name on the card he gave it back to me and gestured for me to step forward to begin the rest of the security check procedures.

I had to remove my shoes and place my bag and any metal items I had into a bin that was run through an x-ray machine via conveyor belt. I stepped into the metal detector and remained still as it scanned me. After a few moments, I was allowed to step through to the other side where I was able to put my shoes back on and gather my belongings.

"Uh, I hate to be a bother, but where would my dad's lab be? I haven't really been here in a long time." I asked, looking back to the guards at the security check.

The guards just stared at me for several seconds, causing me feel uncomfortable and really making me regret speaking to them again.

"Take the elevator down to Floor B6. It's laboratory 5." The second guard finally spoke up.

I nodded before hastily turning to head for the elevators, wanting to get as far away from the creepy guards as possible.

I quickly jumped into an elevator and made my way down to the Below 6th Floor. When the doors opened and I stepped out, I almost thought I had entered a hospital.

The ceiling, floors, and walls were all featureless and white. The large hallway I stepped into was pretty sizable, which only made it feel more empty than it already was. The complete lack of windows was also pretty unnerving, but not unusual for a basement floor.

At least there weren't many doors so I won't get lost.

I slowly walked down the hall, reading the numbers labeled on the swinging metal laboratory doors until I reached the double-doors that had a large "5" painted on them.

"I think this is it..." I mumbled as I stepped forward through the doors into the laboratory.

Unlike in the hallway, the laboratory was very dimly lit. I could just barely make out the silhouettes of the objects in the room. A few desks, some cabinets, and some bookshelves--nothing too special. But then, I spotted the four towering objects near the very back of the room.

They looked a lot like... Tesla coils? The four tower-like objects surrounded a large circular metal panel that was hooked up to many wires and cables that trailed all across the floor in a tangled mess. It made me wonder how anybody could actually get across the room without tripping... Could anyone get across the room without tripping?

Regardless, it didn't look like anyone was here at the moment.

"Did they have a dinner break or something?" I hummed.

'I don't have time to stick around for long; The light rail will be back at the station soon.' I thought as I bit my lip, 'Maybe I should just leave the file here? I could just leave it on one of the desks or something...'

Looking around, I noted that all the desks were lining the wall near the back of the room... just past the... weird machine...

I shuddered, but forced myself to move forward, trying to actually avoid tripping over the wires on the floor as I crossed the room.

I suddenly felt a harsh tug on my foot mid-step as I accidentally tripped on a cable and fell to the wire-infested floor with a squeak. There was a loud clatter as my messenger bag opened up from the sudden harsh fall and its contents spilled out and scattered.

I groaned and pushed myself up to my feet, brushing the potential dust off of my body.

"Great... Way to be a clumsy clod, (Y/n)..." I mumbled to myself as I pouted at the various school supplies and other belongings that now littered the floor.

For the next few minutes, I took the time to fumble around in the dim lighting and gathered my fallen notebooks, pencil case, textbook, and calculator. After also retrieving my father's file from the floor, I noticed that something was still missing: My One Piece manga.

I looked around the floor nearby, squinting  in an effort to spot the book. And when I did spot it, I was none too happy about where it had ended up.

It had flown much farther than the other stuff I dropped. Somehow, it had managed to land a few yards away and nearly directly into the center of the strange and ominous machine in the room.

I couldn't help but sigh to myself, 'Why me? Why here? Why now?'

I really didn't want to be near that machine. Something about it just gave me a really bad vibe, but I didn't know why and I most certainly didn't want to find out.

But... my manga needed me... and I needed it too...

"... No helping it, I guess... Well, here goes nothing." I said to myself as I navigated my way over to the machine, hopping over the wires and cables.

Not feeling completely dumb at the moment, I decided to approach with extreme caution.

I tentatively poked the edge of the panel with the toe of my shoe and when nothing happened experimentally placed my foot down on it.

Still nothing.

Gaining some confidence from this, I stepped up onto the metal panel and moved to the center where my manga sat. I paused for a moment and carefully looked around before bending down to pick it up.

Just as my fingers hooked around the manga, a mechanical drone like an engine roaring to life howled in my ears as the panel I stood on jolted. The sudden movement made me stumble and fall onto the cold metal plating underneath.

The impact knocked the air from my lungs and stunned me for a moment. I only came back to my senses when sudden flashes of white light began sparking in the corners of my vision. Looking around wildly, I noted that the Tesla coils surrounding the metal panel had come to life with white electricity.

The ear-piercing sound of the electricity cracking as the Tesla coils struck each other with bolts of white-hot lightning made me panic, my heart beating so hard and fast I almost thought it was trying to escape my rib cage.

I tried to scramble to my feet, desperate to escape, but I wasn't even able to stand as the panel underneath was shaking so violently I felt like I was at the epicenter of an earthquake.

As electricity bolted past overhead, I was suddenly aware that the white jagged streaks of light were becoming more intense as more of them appeared. Looking around once more, I realized that even if I was able to stand up now there would still be no escape. I was now trapped in a cage of lightning. Then, all at once, the electricity snapped directly at me as quickly and suddenly as vipers striking at their prey. And just like vipers, these bolts of lightning were deadly. Or, at least, they felt deadly.

When the bolts hit me, my whole body felt hot and tingly as if I just jumped into a furnace filled with red-hot needles. I could feel my screams being ripped from my throat, though I couldn't hear it over the roar of the machines and the sharp cracks of electricity. The world around me flashed stark white and then everything was silent as my vision went dark.

*3rd P.O.V.*

Just like that, with a flash of light that flooded the room and expanded far and wide, the young woman who had stepped into the machine was gone. The only thing left behind as evidence of her presence was a book that remained on the circular metal panel right where the girl left it.

However... something about it was different.

On the cover... there was an extra character; a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair that looked glossy and (h/t). Her (s/t) skin glistened in the sun as she grinned at the other characters from the background, clearly enjoying her time with them as her (e/c) eyes sparkled.

Unbeknownst to those who didn't know (Y/n) (L/n), something extraordinary has happened to her that has caused the world she was from and the world she has entered to be altered.

But... exactly how much of those worlds have changed? What and who will be affected? Only time will tell.

Okumaya devam et

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