1: Isekai--Romance Dawn

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**Reader Key**

(Y/n)- Your name

(L/n)- Last name

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(h/c)- hair color

(h/t)- hair type

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(e/c)- eye color

(D/n)- Dad's name

(M/n)- Mom's name


*(Y/n)'s P.O.V.*

'Today's already so tiring... This is why I don't like Mondays.' I thought to myself as I stretched my arms, holding back the urge to yawn.

I was supposed to wake up early this morning to attend my English class, which lasts all the way to noon. I was nearly late, though, since I accidentally forgot to set my alarm clock last night. Needless to say, when I finally managed to wake up and saw the time I nearly had a heart attack.

The struggles of a college student are endless and brutal.

Well, at least I had anime and manga to distract me from the stress and help me unwind. 

That positive thought reminded me of the recently released One Piece chapter I read last night. Thinking of the events carefully inked onto the digital pages made the hype I felt at the time to return, causing me to smile as I began to skip happily away from campus.

Anyone who might be looking at me probably thinks I'm weird. While they're not completely wrong, it's not like I care about their opinions of me. Either they like me or they don't--no skin off my nose.

Now that I was thinking about it, for as far back as I can clearly remember I've been the black sheep in the crowd; Ever since elementary school, if I recall correctly. Even in high school, I was considered the weirdo. Probably because of my open obsession with anime and manga. I sometimes carried an anime character plushie around, read manga whenever I could get away with it, and even wore cosplay during holidays (mostly Halloween).

A lot of people avoided me, some people gave me strange looks, and a few even teased me but I brushed it all off. Even though my open obsessions attracted those bad things, they also attracted like-minded people. I made several friends throughout the years who I loved unconditionally, but after we all graduated high school we all kinda went our separate ways.

Sure, we kept in contact via text or social media but... it wasn't a daily, or even a weekly, thing. We all just... got caught up in our own lives. Of course, that thought made me sad and while I didn't like to admit it I was getting lonely. Outside of my parents, whom I visited a lot due to how close they lived to my college, and my friends who contacted me once in a while I didn't really have anyone to talk to or hang out with.

I quickly slapped my cheeks with my hands.

'No! No negative thoughts! Even if I don't have any friends right now, that doesn't mean I won't have any in the future!' I thought reassuringly, 'Just stay positive! Happiness will always find you, you just have to hang in there and wait for it!'

With that, I tried to distract myself with various happy thoughts as I made my way back to my tiny apartment just off campus.

One Piece: Reencounter (Various! One Piece X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now