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By 1-800holywaterbitchh

99.1K 2.4K 1K

"Nothing can change the way I feel about you, do you not get this?" I raised my voice and the tears were star... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chpater 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Important Read

Chapter 21.

1.9K 50 45
By 1-800holywaterbitchh

I slid Ron and Harry's presents under the tree and checked my clock.

It was almost time to get them up anyway.

I adjusted the small card on Ron's present Hermione had put on there for him but the string broke and it fell off the present. I frowned and picked the card up placing it in one of my small pockets on my pajama shorts. I guess I'll hand the card to him instead.

I lifted myself off my folded knees and trotted up the stairs to their dormitory. I pushed the door open silently and tip toed to Harry's bed, he was sleeping on his back with his arm hanging off the right side of the bed.

I climbed onto him and sat on his waist, his eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me before doing a long stretch.

"Wow, Ron? Did you shave your legs for me? I think you lost a little bit of weight too." Harry said jokingly as he ran his hands up and down my legs, then leaning over to reach for his glasses. He blinked a few times and returned his gaze to me. "Oh?" A smile grew on his face as he pulled my waist closer to him, I giggled as I almost tumbled off the bed from his quick movements.

"I can't believe you're that blind." I stated at his Ron joke. Harry pulled me down to his chest and I laid down on top of him with my head below his chin. "I've put your glasses on. It's inhuman how blind you actually are." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his scent, one of my favorite things about him is that he always smells so good, but he says the same thing about me.

"Happy Christmas, Lucy." He said into my hair as he kissed the top of my head, my stomach fluttered at his words and touch making me lean up and smile at him. His black hair was messy from his deep slumber and he had light bags under his eyes. He's beautiful.

I cupped his face with my hands and kissed his lips, savoring as much of him as I could. I climbed off of him and turned on a few lamps in the room. I made my way to Ron's bed and threw his comforter back making him jolt in fear as he awoke.

"It's Christmas!" I shouted turning away from Ron and heading towards the door, he rubbed his face and groaned as he watched the time. "I'll be in the common room. Hurry up and get down here!" I said glancing at Harry one last time and smirking, his eyes remained gentle and he climbed out of bed.

I stood in front of the tree and watched the tree lights till they came downstairs.

Harry's POV

"I can't believe you bought her a cat." Ron said shaking his head at me as I held the kitten in my hands, she was so small that she fit into my palm.

"Me either." I said honestly as I passed the white big blue eyed Persian cat to him, "When her and I went into town we passed that pet shop, she's been eyeing this cat for a long time now." I said as I searched my suitcase for the tiny collar I bought along with the tiny animal. I found the pink collar with a small diamond heart on the front and wrapped it around the kittens neck, she meowed in Ron's arms as I pulled her away from him.

"It sounds like this cat may like me more than you or your girlfriend. Maybe you should gift me the cat." Ron said sarcastically as he grabbed the brown box off my bed and pointed to the small purple bed inside, I did as he instructed and gently placed the kitty inside the box. She looked up at us with her gigantic eyes that were too big for her head, that she'll eventually grow into, and meowed.

"Don't worry. Only a few minutes inside this box, Tiny Kitty." I said as I rubbed her chin, she began purring and closed her eyes. I had Ron close the lid and I grabbed the red bow off my bed and attached it to the top. "There. Done." I said examining the box, I was never to great with presents, I also have never really had anyone to gift with presents. This is all so new.

"If she doesn't put out after this, then time to leave your girlfriend, mate." Ron said as he threw on the ugly sweater his mom sent for Christmas.

"I'm not doing this to shag her." I said as I rummaged through my suitcase to throw on a sweater, I have no idea how Lucy is still wearing a tank top and shorts to bed in December.

"Mate, you are so whipped. You know that, right?" He said in disbelief, I frowned and adjusted my hoodie on my neck.

"I am not. She's also not my girlfriend." I said sharply. It's true, she wasn't. The box next to me meowed, drawing both of our attentions to the box again. Ron raised a brow and laughed.

"Really? There's a cat in that box. That you're about to gift to a girl. She's your girlfriend." Ron said shaking his head, I bit my lip as I stared at the box. Does she think that we're dating? When I'm not around, does she talk about us like we're exclusive? Biggest question of all, if she was, is that what I want?

The long term favor I asked of her, that I haven't asked yet, was sort of along the lines of dating. I haven't said anything yet because I wasn't sure if she was looking for something like that, or if I was. I stood next to the box remembering the night she fell asleep in here reading that old brown book, I think what she wanted to say was she loved me but wasn't going to tell me because she didn't want to me to run, is that what she wanted to say? Could it be?

My heart and stomach dropped at the thought of her possibly saying those words, or me saying those to her. I am scared, sort of, of that insane possibility. I can't figure out why I feel this way though. Are those three words expected of me soon? Would she be mad if they didn't leave my mouth? Of course she would. That was a stupid question.

"Harry?" Ron interrupted my thoughts, I looked up at him, he was standing at the doorway.

"Yeah. Coming." I emptied my mind of my indecisiveness and tried to fill it with the joy of Christmas, and just her. I carefully grabbed the box and the Tiny Kitty meowed again making me smile. She'll love this. I hope. I've been hiding this cat for two days, she better love it with the amount of litter my wardrobe as gathered from hiding her. The cat has also earned the name "Tiny Kitty", and whatever Lucy names her today she will still be Tiny Kitty.

Once we entered the common room I saw Lucy standing in front of the tree watching the lights spark on different sides, she had her arms folded and was leaning her weight on one hip, her tank top strap was falling off one shoulder exposing a red bra strap, new bra?

She turned her head to face me, her gorgeous smile appeared as she looked down at the box I was holding as I approached her.

"Who's this for?" She asked sweetly, I raised my brow and held onto the box.

"My secret lover that you don't know about." I said shrugging, her face became a jealous one and she reached out for the box. I laughed and handed it to her. "I'm joking. No secret lover." I defended, she furrowed her brows at me then returned her gaze to the box, she played with the red bow and pulled it off.

"Your presents are under the tree..." She said as her attention remained on my box, I looked under the tree. Presents? As in more than one?


The box spoke. Lucy's hands stopped and she looked up at me with wide eyes.

"No. You didn't." She said in shock as she started ripping the lid off. Once the lid was off Tiny Kitty sat up and meowed at Lucy, her bright blue eyes watching her. Tiny Kitty began crawling out of the box and fell into Lucy's lap. Lucy didn't move as she watched the cat with the same large eyes she had seconds ago.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried, she doesn't like the present.

"I'm more than okay! Oh my God! Harry!" She shrieked and picked Tiny Kitty up into the air, she meowed at her new mother and her purrs filled our ears and her collar jingled.

"So you like Tiny Kitty?" I asked not realizing I said her name, Lucy looked at me with the same large brown eyes and a small smile.

"Tiny Kitty?" She giggled, I shrugged and laughed with her.

"I've had her in my wardrobe for two days, she needed a name for the time being."

"Two days?" Lucy said looking back at the small white Persian cat, she held her close to her chest and grabbed one of Tiny Kitties paws to point at me. "Tell him that Tiny Kitty belongs in no ones wardrobe, bad man, bad man, right? Tiny Kitty?" She said with a baby face and voice pretending to scold me, Tiny Kitty meowed at Lucy as she held her paw. She giggled and sat on the floor, holding her new cat.

"Harry, I'm in love with her. Thank you so much, this is probably the best Christmas present I've ever received." She said with the biggest grin I've ever seen on her face, she planted a million kisses all over Tiny Kitties face. I smiled at her and sat on the floor next to her and leaned under the tree, pulling my presents on my lap.

"My presents seem so lame now." She said frowning while looking at my lap, I ignored her and began opening the biggest one first. I pulled it out of the wrapping and it was a giant case of chocolates.

"Lame? Chocolate for the win." I said pulling myself next to her, she was still holding the small cat to her chest and giving her a royal rub down. "I'd love anything from you. Even if it was a thirty year old smelly shoe wrapped up in wrapping." I said as I began to tear the paper off the next present, which was relatively smaller. I heard her let out a small laugh and she smiled as she watched me open the book, it was filled with drawings of me doing random things. There were two pages of Hermione and one of Ron. But the entire book was filled with sketches of me. I looked at her with awe.

"This is what you were doing the whole time?" I asked surprised, she shrugged and bit her lip. I continued to flip through the book, there were a few pages that were ripped out. Probably mess ups. "Lucy, you're getting really good." I said as I ran my fingers over the sketch of me sitting on the sofa behind us, that was the first night she let me touch her. I looked back at Lucy who's cheeks have heated up, she was remembering the same night. My gaze went back to her red bra strap, my head was not wrapped around Christmas anymore or these presents, but her and everything about her.

My heart was skipping beats, I was feeling things that only she can ever make me feel. All I wanted to right now was drag her to the sofa or my bed, or even another bath in the prefects bathroom sounded excellent. I was dying to touch her, hold her and kiss her, I need to. Something about this notebook has just increased my feelings for her even more, this notebook shows she really cares from even the deepest parts of her. It also shows me that I'm on her mind as much as she's on mine.

"So... you like your presents?" She gulped as she placed Tiny Kitty in her lap, she was falling asleep from Lucy's chin rub.

"Of course." I pulled her between my legs and she laid back on my stomach, I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

I need her now.

In this moment I wish Ron would just disappear, usually Hermione was here to pull him away. Unfortunately, not right now.

"Oh! This is for you. From Hermione." Lucy wiggled between my legs pulling out a card from her right hip pocket of her shorts and handed it to Ron, she pointed to a gift and explained that it was from Hermione too. He bent under the tree and pulled his present out, when he opened it he tried to hide his excitement but failed.

"This is that thing I was telling you about, Harry!" He shouted at us about the toy in his hands, Lucy giggled and cuddled deeper into my hold. I wrapped my arms around her body and inhaled the smell of her hair. She always smells like flowers. I moved my lips from her head to her neck, and started fiddling with her bra strap.

"I can't stop with this. It's red." I said biting the strap and letting it go so it snapped her shoulder, she jumped and sat up from my hold.

"Ow." She tried fighting a smile as she rubbed her shoulder. I yanked her back and nuzzled my nose behind her ear. "Oh..." She whispered, I watched her toes curl from my lips behind her ear.

"I can never get enough of you..." I said gently biting her neck, she let go of Tiny Kitty and she meowed from the floor watching us.

"So I'm just gonna go..." Ron pointed to the door uncomfortably, "probably go eat breakfast. See who else is in the castle." He got up from the floor and brought his present and card with him, leaving us alone in the room. I smiled and grabbed her waist, carrying her up the stairs.

"What about Tiny Kitty!" She shrieked with laughter, I made it to the room and dropped her on the bed. She shut her legs and pressed her back against the back of my headboard.

"I'm going to get Tiny Kitty." I groaned as I made my way down the stairs again, her giggles faded away as I made it to the sofa. Tiny Kitty was hiding underneath the paper wrappings, I reached down and lifted the wrapping. Tiny kitties eyes were black from excitement as she pounced onto my foot.

"Gotcha." I grabbed her quickly before she pounced again and went upstairs, I placed the kitten at the bottom of the bed and crawled between Lucy's legs. Closing my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her back and relaxed my head right below her belly button.

"Thank you for Tiny Kitty." She said running her hands through my hair, making my eyes roll back into my head like they always do when she does this. "What's a good name for her?" Lucy asked while laughing, I breathed into her skin from her raised tank top.

"Tiny Kitty."

"What a unique name, Harry." She said sarcastically.

"I don't really care for picking names for Tiny Kitty right now..." I said leaving kisses below her belly button, she inhaled a breath sharply and threw her head back smacking it on the headboard.

"Ow..." She said rubbing it as I continued kissing up her stomach.

"Want me to stop?" I teased, she opened her eyes and stared at me.

"Don't even think about it." She said sternly, I lifted her tank top exposing her bright red laced bra. I stopped and examined it, running my fingers over the lace and then kissing between her breasts. I still had every intention of having my way with her, right here and right now.

"I'm really liking the new taste in undergarments." I smirked playfully, Lucy bit her lip and shook her head in an innocent way.

"The bottoms might match if you want to look..." She teased. I kissed down her stomach again and fiddled with the strings of her shorts, pulling them down and seeing her lacey red bottoms to match the top.

"Like them?" She flirted and sat up laughing. I was in a daze with her matching bra and underwear, and the notebook, whatever Lucy wants to do, we'll do.

"Merry Christmas, Harry." She sat up on her knees and pulled my sweater underneath her, I was taken back by her actions as she pressed me into the bed and climbed on top of me, she kissed my lips then pulled back to take my sweater off.

"What are you doing?" I smiled while my head was stuck inside the sweater, she pulled harder and threw it to the floor. She placed her hips back on me and pulled her tank top over her head and held it in her hands, she looked at me through her lashes and then leaned forward.

"Good thing Ron left, huh? Close your eyes." She said as she started wrapping the tank top around my eyes.

"Are you blindfolding me?" I said shocked, she giggled and I felt her kiss my neck.


"Freaky." I smirked, she ran her fingers down my chest and played with the strings of my pants.

"Just reassuring you... you're going to enjoy this. This is your third Christmas present." She whispered beneath my ear and pulled my pants down.

Oh, yes I was.

Authors note:

It's been awhile since the pots been stirred, don't think everything in paradise is perfect...

Yikes!! Xoxo ;)

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