Ishq junoon

By sanyayaa

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This story based on track where Sanskar 's reality come in front of Swara on mohini attack time.. This story... More

Ishq junoon
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Shot 5
Shot 6
Shot 7
Shot 9
Shot 10

Shot 8

9.5K 588 213
By sanyayaa

Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤

In Hospital!

Sanskar,  Kavita are sitting in front of doctor.

Sanskar : ( concerned) what happened to kavita doctor?

Doctor : She is weak Mr Maheshwari. She just come out from coma and because of that her body is very weak. She needs proper care. I will recommend you to take care of her properly.

Sanskar : ( see Kavita who is looking at him with pale face) I will take care of her.

Kavita has a hidden smirk. Sanskar get up from place. Kavita also get up hold his hand with smirk. Sanskar see his hand and her. Kavita make face like pale and I'll. Sanskar hold her shoulders to support her. Both come out from cabin.

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara is sitting on bed tears are brimmed in her eyes remembering how Sanskar pick Kavita in his arm. His closeness with Kavita piercing her heart. She is feeling pain seeing him close to her.

Swara : ( trying to compose her bleeding heart) Swara! Kavita is I'll and Sanskar just helping her as a friend. Its not a big deal. Don't think too much. ( trying to comfort herself whose heart crying when his flashes coming in her mind with Kavita).

Outside of hospital!

Sanskar open door for kavita help her in sitting in car then himself also sit on driving seat. Sanskar about to drive but Kavita interrupted him.

Kavita : Sanskar! I heard in which temple you and Swara is going is very beautiful temple.

Sanskar : May be. Swara was praising so much about that temple. ( smile).

Kavita : (  fake excitedly) Oh! Wow! That's great. Sanskar I also want to see that temple. Please take me there to visit that temple. Please Sanskar.

Sanskar : ( become shocked listening her) what? What are you saying Kavita? How I can take you there?

Kavita : ( frowned listening him denying) why you can't take me there?

Sanskar : Kavita! That temple is not a ordinary temple. It's specifically for couples and for their relation. I can't take other women except my wife.

Kavita become angry listening him calling her other women but she compose herself.

Kavita : Common Sanskar! That doesn't matter and from since you start believing in all this? You don't believe in all this.

Sanskar : I agree that I don't believe in all this. But I have believe on my wife 's belief and if she have this much belief on that temple then I will go with her only.

Kavita : ( fumes but hide) Sanskar! You can go with her too. But please take me there too. I am very curious to see the beauty of that temple. ( smirk).

Sanskar : Kavita! I told na that I can't. only Swara has right to be with me in that temple except her no one has this right. I will take you in some other temple some other day.

Kavita : But I want to see that temple Sanskar not any other temple. ( now getting angry seeing him denying her).

Sanskar : But only Swara can go with me in that temple except her no one. ( firmly yet polite to make her understand).

Kavita : Sanskar! You said me that whether we are not in relationship now but still we are friends. Is you said that just for name sake?  ( start doing emotional blackmail to convince him).

Sanskar : I didn't said anything for name sake. You are my friend and always will remain but that's doesn't mean I will take you in temple in which me and Swara are  supposed to go. Swara is waiting for me at home so stop this all.

Kavita : ( while trying to use his emotions for her of 5 years ago) There was a time Sanskar. You always fulfilled my all wishes and now you not even fulfilling my small wish. ( crying with fake tears).

Sanskar : ( who is trying to make her understand from long burst) what the hell is this kavita? ( Kavita become scared by his angry voice jump from place) I an trying to make you understand so politely and you are  not ready to understand anything. Stop behaving like a kid because you are not a kid. You are mature lady. Still you are behaving like this.  I can't take you with me because my wife is Swara and only she has right to be with me then why you are not ready to understand what I an trying to say.

Kavita become shocked listening him. She fumes angrily seeing Sanskar shouts on her who never shouted on her. Her hatred for Swara increased more by this.

Kavita : I am sorry Sanskar. ( with sad face).

Sanskar : ( feels bad seeing her sad put palm on her shoulders to comfort her) Don't be sad Kavita. I am sorry for shouting you. But you should understand this. You are very mature then why you are adamant like kid?

Kavita : ( fuming inside but fake) I am sorry Sanskar. You are right. I understood. Only Swara has right to be with you. ( close fist while saying this).

Sanskar : Thank you for understanding my point. ( smile) we will go in some other temple. Now don't be sad and smile. ( Kavita smile at him fake but inside fuming).

Sanskar drive car from there. While Kavita is just fuming while remembering her and Sanskar 's older memories. Then Swara and Sanskar 's closeness flashes in her mind which boils her blood.

Kavita : ( in mind) Today because of you my Sanskar shouts on me. No Swara! I can't bear this. Sanskar was mine, his mine and always remain mine. Soon I will remove you from his life then me and Sanskar will become one. ( smirking).

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara who is sitting on bed while holding tears in her eyes. She is waiting for Sanskar but there is no sight of his arrive. Her hope is breaking. her eyes filled with tears. She close eyes tears escape from her eyes.

She open eyes feeling something in her heart. She become shocked seeing Sanskar sitting in front of her while forwarding hand toward her. Swara notice her tears on his hand. Sanskar took her tears on his palm.

Sanskar : ( see her put palm on her right  cheek) I am sorry for making you wait.  ( softly wipe her tears).

Swara smile happily seeing him in front of her.

Swara : ( smile) It's okay Sanskar.  you came that's enough for me.

Sanskar : ( smile seeing her understanding) There is still one hour left for worship. Shall we go for temple?

Swara nod yes while smiling. Sanskar stand up forward hand toward her gently. Swara put palm on his hand and get up with smile. Both go from room.

But someone is burning in jealousy seeing them together. The person revealed Kavita who fuming in jealousy seeing this.

Kavita : ( in mind) Today because of you. My Sanskar shouted on me and now you are enjoying with him. But this happiness is only for sometime because I will not let you remain happy with Sanskar. He is mine and I will get him at any cost.

She go from there furiously.

In front of a big temple!

SwaSan reach at temple but shocked seeing many couples are stepping on stairs. They become more shocked seeing mens are picking their women in their arms and stepping stairs.

( I don't know about rituals of temple because i don't visit temple. so just added which I saw in movies or serials so bear). 

Sanskar : ( asked from a men) Bhaisab! What they all are doing? And why?

Men : This is ritual of this temple. Every couple enter in this temple while husband picking his wife.

Sanskar become amused listening this. He see couples. Husbands are picking their wives are stepping on stairs.

Swara become worried listening this while remembering Sanskar 's health who just become recover and now this stunt making her worried about his health.

Swara : ( worried) Sanskar! You don't need to do this. We should go back. ( hold his hand to go back).

But feels grip on wrist turn find Sanskar who holding her wrist looking at her intensely. He come toward her pick her in his arm make Swara shocked.

Swara : ( shocked yet worried) Sanskar what are you doing?

Sanskar : ( casually) fulfilling ritual.

Swara : ( worried) Sanskar! You don't need to do this. You just recover from your fever. how you will manage? There are many steps of this stairs.

Sanskar : You think I am incapable for this?

Swara : No! But I don't want anything while troubling you .

Sanskar : But I want. ( while looking at her deeply) we came here for worshiping for our relation and we will do this for sure. ( smile).

Swara become surprised listening him. Sanskar start stepping stairs taking her in his arm. Swara come in sense try to stop him but he eye her to keep quiet. Swara make pout put finger on her lips. Sanskar chuckles at her stepping stairs.

Sanskar 's forehead formed sweat because of direct sun light. Swara seeing him worriedly take her saree paluu wipe his forehead  with love. Sanskar smile at her seeing her care for him. Sanskar stepping stairs sweating because of hot weather. Swara cover his head with her saree 's pallu to save him for sun light.

Sanskar : what are you doing Swara?

Swara : You will not feel hot. ( while palming his cheeks).

Sanskar chuckles but admire seeing her efforts of saving him from hot. He feeling good seeing her care for her which showing her love for him. Swara looking at him concerned.

Sanskar stepping stairs. Now sun light is not disturbing him much because of Swara 's palllu on his head. Sanskar smile seeing her efforts got successful.

Then see Swara whose forehead is sweating.

Sanskar : ( think something) Swara! Take out handkerchief from my pocket.

Swara : why?

Sanskar : Do as I am saying. Take out handkerchief from my pocket.

Swara : ( feeling shy while doing) But Sanskar! How I can?

Sanskar : Then who will do? You are mine wife. I need handkerchief then only you will take out from my pocket . ( while shrugging shoulders).

Swara : ( feeling shy) I can't.

Sanskar : Swara! I can't take myself that's why saying to you so take out. What's the problem?  ( confused).

Swara : No! ( feeling shy to touch him).

Sanskar : ( see her being confused  then realize she is blushing smirk teasingly) Okay don't do. I will take someone else help. ( see a couple who are going with them) Excuse me mam!

Swara : ( become shocked listening him more shocked seeing him calling a women immediately) No! I will do. ( possessively).

Sanskar chuckles winning. Swara slid hand inside his pocket feeling shy and sensation in heart when her hands are touching him. Same with Sanskar. He shivered a bit by her touch. He is feeling sensation in heart.

Swara immediately take out handkerchief from his pocket sigh in relief. Sanskar also sigh in relief who was feeling ticklish in heart.

Swara : ( while forwarding handkerchief) Now what you wanna do with it?

Sanskar : Cover your head with it.

Swara : what?

Sanskar : ( concerned) You also must feeling hot so cover your head with it .

Swara feels good seeing his concern for her. She smile happily. She cover her head with it. Sanskar smile at her.

They are near on reaching then suddenly Sanskar put his feet on a stone which make him hiss in pain. Sanskar close eyes in pain. But he strongly gripping Swara carefully preventing her from falling.

Swara : ( become worried) what happened Sanskar? Why you hissed? Do you got hurt anywhere?

Sanskar who is sort of numb with sudden pain in feet come in sense hearing Swara. He see her worried compose himself.

Sanskar : ( fake chuckles) I am tired in  picking you. How much you eat Swara? I think you should join gym.

Swara : ( make pout) hawww! You means I am fat.

Sanskar : ( trying to laugh) Of course. You have any doubt?

Swara : Sanskar!!  ( Sanskar chuckles but inside feeling pain) I will see you at home.

Sanskar chuckles more while hiding his pain. He compose himself both reach at temple. Sanskar complete stairs . Swara become happy seeing this immediately hug him happily make him surprised.

Swara : ( happily) Sanskar at last we did! We won Sanskar! We won. ( happily jumping in his arm).

Sanskar : ( chuckles seeing her excitement ) Swara! We were not in race that we won.

Swara : whatever! But we came. We completed our task. we are a great team. ( smiling happily).

Sanskar : (teasingly) Oh madam! Why you are taking credit. We completed this task because of me only. I picked you.

Swara : Yes ( happily hug him again).

Sanskar : ( surprised) arey wahh! Today you didn't argued with me.

Swara : Because I am very happy . I am proud of you. ( pat his shoulders make him chuckles).

Sanskar take her inside of temple make her stand on her feet. Both stand in front of Durga Maa 's idol while joining hand with close eyes.

Swara : ( smile with close eyes  in mind) Durga Maa! I just want to always shower your blessings on me and Sanskar 's relation and always protect it from all evils and Thank you so much for sending him in my life. Now I can't even think about my life without him. Always bound us together.

Sanskar open eyes see Swara who is looking divine while praying with close eyes. She is looking very pure soul that he is not able to avert his gaze from her. He face her looking at her.

Sanskar : ( in mind) I never came before in temple but today because of Swara 's belief I am here. ( while looking at Swara) She is very pure hearted girl. Durga Maa just fulfill whatever she is wishing. ( smile at Swara) This only I want.

Swara open eyes see Sanskar who is standing facing her with joint hand looking at her . Swara become surprised seeing this. She sign him to move toward Durga Maa 's idol. Sanskar come in sense become embarrassed  immediately looks at Durga Maa with close eyes. Swara chuckles seeing this.

Pandit : Beta now you both go to that tree and tie this thread and pray your wish. Durga Maa will fulfill all yours wishes.

SwaSan nod with smile both go from there for religion tree. Both reach at tree. Swara tuck thread and hold it sign Sanskar to hold it. He nod yes and hold. Both start taking round of tree while wrapping thread around tree.

Swara : ( in mind) Durga Maa always joint us with each other like this only. Never let anyone come in us. ( while remembering Kavita her inner fear of loosing Sanskar).

Sanskar is walking behind her while admiring her dedication and purity.

Both completed 7 rounds of tree. Both join hand in front of tree. Swara see some couples. Husband are filling vermilion near tree in their wives 's hairline.

Swara : ( see Sanskar) Sanskar! Can you please Fill this vermilion in my  hairline. ( pointing toward vermilion near tree).

Sanskar nod yes with smile make Swara smile. Sanskar take pinch of vermilion in his hand fill her hairline. Swara close eyes with wide smile on her face. Some vermilion fall on her nose. Sanskar admire her nose which is looking cute with vermilion.

Sanskar : I am sorry by mistakenly its fall on nose.

Swara open eyes touch her nose find vermilion. Sanskar about to wipe it but one lady stop him.

Lady : no beta don't do this. It's a very good sign when vermilion fall on nose and it's holy vermilion. Wipe after sometime but not now. It's call bad sign.

Swara : Sanskar! Don't wipe. ( worried recalling bad sign word).

Sanskar : Okay!  ( with smile make Swara smile) Shall we go?

Swara nod yes both start going. Swara see something which make her eyes widened. She see blood in Sanskar 's feet. she become shocked and worried seeing this.

Swara : ( worriedly) Sanskar! Blood! How this happened?  ( while pointing toward his feet).

Sanskar : ( see his feet then Swara close eyes of being caught) Swara! i am fine just small wound. You don't worry. ( to make her calm who is getting worried).

Swara : small wound?  ( angry) You call this small wound. See how much blood is  coming. You sit. ( make him sit on a step).

Sanskar : ( try to calm her) I am fine Swara.

Swara : you shut up! ( angry yet crying) Show me your feet.

Swara hold his feet but Sanskar back off his feet.

Sanskar : what are you doing Swara? You can't touch my feet.

Swara : ( frowned) Why?

Sanskar : Because you are a women and women 's position is like God who give birth a new life. You shouldn't touch my feet.

Swara smile admire his thinking about women.

Swara : ( but again hold his feet) But i am your wife and wife is another part of her husband. So I can do this.

Sanskar smile listening her. She hold his feet put on her lap. She become shocked seeing a deep cut on his feet. Tears formed in her eyes seeing this.

Swara : ( angry while crying) It's so deep and you we're saying it's small wound. How this happened?

Sanskar fumbling not getting words to say.

Swara : ( remembered how he hissed in pain while picking her in his arm) That means you hurt  that time. Why you didn't told me that you hurt? ( crying).

Sanskar : ( intensely) If I would told. You wouldn't let me do the ritual for which we came here for worshiping for our relation.

Swara : Sanskar! For me your well being is important then any ritual. ( crying seeing his wound). 

Sanskar become surprised listening her. He adore her.

Swara crying seeing his wound. She hold her saree 's pallu about to wipe it but Sanskar hold her hand.

Sanskar : what are you doing? Its your expensive designer saree.

Swara : Are you serious Sanskar? Here blood is coming from your wound and I care for my saree?

Sanskar become amused listening her.

Sanskar : I mean you tie handkerchief. Where it is?

Swara : Sanskar! Do you think me this much mad? If I would have handkerchief then I would tied but I lost that.

Sanskar : what? 

Swara : Yes! Sorry. ( puppy face).

Sanskar : ( in mind) what kind of wife I got. Sometime give her bra instead of handkerchief and sometime lost my handkerchief.

He come in sense by torn sound find Swara torn her saree 's pallu tied on his feet carefully. Sanskar admiring her with smile on face.  Swara tying it while crying. She is looking cute while crying. Her eyes showing how much she loves Sanskar. Sanskar admiring her whole heartily.

After tying. Swara still crying.

Sanskar : bas bas! How much you will cry? Do you want to bring tsunami here?  ( teasingly to cheer her).

Swara : ( crying cutely hit his arm) shut up!

Sanskar chuckles at her frowned and cry face who is looking extreme cute. He pinch her cheeks unable to control to admire her. Swara make faces with cry face.

Sanskar : Swara! Now stop crying. If you will cry like this then what all will think? They will think I am making you cry. ( teasingly).

Swara wipe her tears seeing all are seeing them only. Sanskar chuckles. Swara hit his arm hidden from anyone notice.

Sanskar : I am sorry Swara and I am fine. I am not feeling pain.

Swara : sachi. You are fine?

Sanskar : ( smile) muchii.  ( make Swara smile).

Swara : come let's go. ( she help him in getting up  holding his hand).

Sanskar : ( teasingly) Swara! I brought you here while picking. Now I got wound. Don't you think now you should also pick me and take me downstairs the way I did.

Swara become shocked listening him. She see many stairs then him gulp saliva in nervousness. Sanskar suppressing his laugh seeing her face.

Sanskar : Say Swara! I also picked you. Now I have wound so now your turn to pick me in your arm. ( teasingly).

Swara gulp saliva with the thought.

Sanskar : What happened Swara? Why you are not speaking anything? Are you scared?

Swara : No! I am not scared. I will pick you. What do you think?  I can't. I am very strong. You know from childhood I am  used to pick weights.

Sanskar : ( in mind mimic) weight!! She wouldn't even pick a tray of tea talking about weight.

Sanskar : Really Swara? Okay so pick me.

Swara nod yes while gulping saliva. She try to pick him with all her strength but unable. She is unable to even shift him from the place.

Swara try 3, 4 times but unable stop doing breathing heavily because of being tired.

Sanskar : (innocently) what happened Swara?

Swara : Actually I didn't had my breakfast well. So I am feeling weakness. ( make excuse).

Sanskar : Don't lie. I saw you had 3 paarantha,  1milk and 1 chocolate.

Swara : chi chi Sanskar! You count my food.

Sanskar : Swara! When you will sit beside me that time I saw.

Swara : Sanskar! On breakfast you eat or stare me? ( raising eyebrows).

Sanskar : ( in flow) stare you.

Swara become shocked listening his reply. Sanskar also realized what he spoke in flow become embarrassed looks at other side then think something shouts holding his leg.

Sanskar : ahh! I am feeling pain Swara. Take me home.

Swara : ( come in sense listening his scream become worried hold his shoulders) Sorry Sorry!  Come let's go.

Swara help him in stepping stairs holding his shoulders. Sanskar sigh in relief seeing her diverted from what he spoke in flow.

After sometime!

In Maheshwari house!

SwaSan come in home. Sujata /Parineeta / Uttara are having tea see SwaSan become shocked seeing Swara helping Sanskar holding his shoulders. They trio come toward them.

Sujata : ( concerned) Sanskar! What happened beta?

Sanskar : Nothing Mom. I am fine.

Swara : ( teary eyes) He is not fine mom. He got hurt in his feet.

Sujata : what? How?

Swara: All because of me.

All looks at her being confused.

Sanskar : Mom actually there was ritual in temple that husband needs to pick their wives in their arm. I also picked her.

Swara : ( while glaring him) Even with his wounded feet.

Sanskar : Swara! I am fine.

Swara : all happened because of me and my idea of going that temple.

Sujata : ( smile seeing her love for Sanskar happy seeing God send someone for Sanskar) Swara beta! You don't blame yourself. You are not at fault and this all shows how strong your relation is that it don't fall in front of any obstacle. Tum dono ka rishta Kisi bhi rukawat aur musibbaat ke aage rukta nahi hai balki himmat se dat kar uska saamna karta hai. I am happy seeing rhe the strength of your relation. My pray to God is that he always shower his blessings on you both.

Parineeta : Yes Swara! Chachi ji saying correct. It's a sign of your strong relation.

SwaSan smile hearing them.

Sujata : Now go and take rest. ( SwaSan nod yes) and I will not say you to take care of Sanskar because I know you will. ( caress Swara 's face).

Sanskar smile listening this admire Swara. Swara nod yes with smile. Both go from there. Swara helping Sanskar holding his shoulders.

Sanskar : Swara I can walk.

Swara : shh!!! ( show him finger on lips,  Sanskar nod yes while Doing action of  zipping his mouth,  Swara chuckled).

They both go from there for their room. Kavita seen this fumes in jealousy.

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara make Sanskar sit on bed. She immediately go toward table hold first aid box come toward Sanskar who is already looking at her lovingly. She sit in front of him hold his feet uncover pallu from his feet put ointment on his feet. Sanskar hissed in pain when ointment put on his feet.

Swara : I am sorry ( blow air on his feet tears brimmed in her eyes she putting ointment slowly slowly).

Sanskar forget his pain seeing her teary eyes which showing deep love for him. He looking at her all lost in her. She completed his dressing looks at him.

Swara : are you still feeling?  ( asked with concern putting palm on his hand).

Sanskar : ( come in sense) I am fine now.  ( while seeing her tears) Please don't cry. 

Swara become amazed while sensing sadness in his voice. She wipe her tears for him. Sanskar give her smile. Swara smile back.

Swara : I am coming. ( Sanskar nod yes).

Swara go from room while Sanskar remembering her care toward him.

After sometime!

Swara come with milk in hand come on door about to enter but become shocked seeing sight. Kavita is hugging Sanskar tightly. This pained her heart seeing her husband in someone else arm. Her eyes become watery seeing Sanskar close with kavita.

Kavita : ( smirking while seeing Swara in mirror to Sanskar while crying) I can't bear a single scratch on you Sanskar.

Sanskar : ( broke hug) I am fine Kavita. You don't worry.

Swara looking at them. Kavita holding Sanskar 's hand.

Kavita : Thank God you are fine Sanskar. ( crying fake).

Sanskar : Kavita! Don't stress yourself. I am fine. You are not well. You shouldn't take stress. ( concerned).

Swara feels pinch in heart seeing his concern for Kavita. She is looking at other side unable to see their closeness.

Sanskar : ( his gaze shift to Swara who is standing on door looking at other side) Swara! Why you are standing there? Come.

Swara come in sense listening him. She hide her tears nod yes with smile come inside.

Kavita : ( angrily shouts) Swara! How you can do this?

Swara : ( confused) what I did Kavita?

Kavita : How you can allow Sanskar to pick you in his arm that for long stairs even with his wounded feet. How you can do this just for fulfilling your wish. How you can be so selfish? ( angrily inside jealous).

This bring tears in Swara 's eyes already she was feeling guilty thinking because of her Sanskar got hurt and now her words making  her more feel guilty.

Sanskar : Kavita!! In which tone you are talking to Swara?

Kavita : Sanskar! I am just saying this because of her you got hurt.

Sanskar : No! I didn't got hurt because of her. Swara was refusing me to pick her but I only adamant and about my wounded feet. I only hide it from her. How you can blame her without knowing anything?  ( angry).

Swara smile through tears seeing him supporting her.

Kavita fumes in anger and jealousy seeing Sanskar 's support for Swara.

Kavita : I am sorry Sanskar.

Sanskar : Not to me. Say sorry to Swara. You talk harsh with her.

Kavita : ( fumes listening this but hide) I am sorry Swara. ( closing fist while stressing every words).

Swara : It's Okay Kavita. ( while looking at other side).

Kavita go from room. Swara sit on bed with sad face.

Sanskar : ( see her sad put palm on her hand) Swara! You don't be sad because of Kavita 's words. She was worried for me that's why just lashed out her anger. I am sorry on her behalf.

Swara : No Sanskar! Why you are saying sorry and I didn't felt bad. ( try to smile for him).

Sanskar : ( to change her mood) By the way what you brought while covering it with clothe? ( seeing her hand she holding something while covering it with clothe).

Swara : ( see her hand) shit! I forgot. This is milk for you. ( covering because of hot glass).

Sanskar : Milk ( become happy) almond milk?

Swara : No!

Sanskar : Then kesar milk?  ( happily).

Swara : No!

Sanskar : Then which milk?  ( confused).

Swara : ( show him milk) Turmeric milk.

Sanskar : ( make faces seeing it) what? Turmeric milk? Yuck. Who have turmeric milk?

Swara : ( chuckles seeing his antics) Sanskar! This turmeric milk is good for your wound. It will recover soon by this. So now without any drama drink it.

Sanskar : No way!  ( make faces) I will not have it at all. It's looking so yucky. How bad it will taste. I will not have it.

Swara : Sanskar! ( Sanskar nod no vigorously looking cute,  Swara admire him) Sanskar!

Sanskar : No! no!  no!

Swara : Sanskar! Stop your acting and drink. Stop behaving like kid. If you didn't drink. I will not let you go office for whole one week. ( with fake anger).

Sanskar become shocked listening her shook head no immediately take glass from her hand start gulping it. Swara looks at him surprisingly then chuckles seeing him gulped whole glass then making disgusting face.

Sanskar : ewww! It was so bad.

Swara : ( chuckle pinch his cheeks) But you are so cute.

Sanskar : ( frowned) I am not cute. How many times I have to say. Can't you call me handsome,  smart,  dashing.

Swara : But I found you cute then what I can do. It's all your mistake stop being so cute. ( pinch his cheeks again with loving smile).

Sanskar : ( frowned) Swara!!

Swara start laughing on his face. Sanskar roll eyes then smile hidden seeing her laughing whole heartily.

Next Morning!

Swara : ( to Sanskar who is combing hair in front of mirror all ready for office) Sanskar! Is going office is very important? ( concerned).

Sanskar : Yes Swara! It's very important.

Swara : Okay! But you have to promise that you will take care of yourself.

Sanskar : ( smile) Okay Mrs Maheshwari. I promise I will take care of myself. Happy.

Swara smile nod yes. She about to turn but her heals slip. She about to fall but Sanskar hold her from waist before she fall. Swara who become worried of being falling become shocked when nothing happen to her. She see Sanskar who holding her waist. Both share a intense eye lock. Both are seeing each other intensely without blinking eyes. They are completely lost in each others eyes.

Sanskar come in sense make Swara stand still their faces are close. Both are seeing each other intensely. Sanskar tuck her hairs strands behind her ears which come on her face disturbing his sight. Swara 's cheeks become heated by his intense touch and gesture. Sanskar lean close to her. Swara 's breath getting uneven by his proximity. She is feeling shy. She smile shyly seeing him coming toward her.

Sanskar 's gaze shift to her pink soft glossy lips. He is feels urge to touch her petal. He trace it with his thumb make her more shy and sensation in her heart.
She close eyes when feeling his gaze on her lips. Sanskar forwarding close more to her all intoxicated.

Their moment disturb by ring. Both come in sense. Sanskar become embarrassed by his act depart himself from her. Swara come in sense blushed at her own act.

Sanskar : I am going office. ( go out from room ).

Swara cover her face shyly.

This seen by Kavita who is peeping  in room from window.

Kavita : ( with evil smirk in mind) Smile as much as you want because from now I will write tears in your fate. I will snatch Sanskar from you. He is mine and he will become mine.

She go from there with smirk.

In afternoon!

Sanskar come from car with bouquet of flowers with smile thinking about Swara.

Sanskar : Swara will be happy seeing this. ( smile) Today I will take you on date Mrs Maheshwari.

He enter house. He directly go in their room.

In SwaSan 's Room!

Sanskar come calling Swara 's name but become confused seeing Swara is not in room.

Sanskar : Where is Swara? She was not downstairs too?

Arey Sanskar!!! 

Sanskar turn see Kavita who come in room.

Kavita : Wow Sanskar! This flowers are so beautiful. For me?

Sanskar  become embarrassed at her words not getting words to say.

Kavita : ( laugh) arey I was joking budhu ( hit his head).

Sanskar smile at her.


Swara is standing with Laksh.

Swara : ( Angry and irritated) Why you called me Laksh?

Laksh : Swara! I called you as friend. Because I can't see my friend with wrong person.

Swara : ( become angry) what do you mean?

Laksh : Swara! Sanskar is not good for you. You didn't saw what he did with his own family. If he can do this much against his family then what you are in front of his family. He can cheat you too.

Swara : ( shouts angrily) Laksh!! Don't you dare to say anything against my husband. I know him more then anyone. Whatever he is doing with you and your so called family is what you all deserve. But my Sanskar will never cheat me.

Laksh : Swara! You are so innocent. Sanskar 's ex girlfriend came. You think he will accept you whole heartily? No! He will leave you and will accept Kavita because he love her. That's why for him only Kavita matters then anything. 

Swara : No! My husband is not like this. He accepted me over Kavita because for him I am matters.

Laksh : Swara you are living in illusion. Sanskar still love Kavita and you yourself know this. He may be accepted because you are his wife but inside he love Kavita and only want her.

Swara remembered Sanskar 's concern for Kavita with tears in her eyes. Laksh smirked.


Sanskar : will Swara like this flowers​? ( nervously).

Kavita : Of course Sanskar. Your choices are always best. How she will not like? why you are nervous like teenager boy?

Sanskar : ( with little blush) Because I am giving flowers first time.

Kavita : ( fumes seeing him blushing with Swara 's name but hide) arey Sanskar! You are blushing.  ( laugh).

Sanskar : kavi! Don't laugh on me. I am already nervous. Don't know she will like or not? I don't even know her favorite flowers and how I give to her?

Kavita : Sanskar! You are still like earlier. In study,  in business you are absolutely perfect but in romance completely budhuu.  ( Sanskar make faces) Well I can help you in this.

Sanskar :  How?

Kavita : Just practice on me. ( with hidden smirk).

Sanskar : Nice idea.  Okay.  ( show flowers to Kavita) This is for Swara.

Kavita : You will give flowers like this?

Sanskar : Then?

Kavita : Bend on your knees and then give me flowers romantically. I mean practice the way you will give to Swara. So you don't do any mistake.


Laksh : and If you still thinking I am not saying truth then see there. ( show her window) what your so called husband is doing with his ex?

Swara see window become shocked seeing Sanskar sitting in front of Kavita bending on his knees forwarding flowers to her. Her heart pain seeing this. Kavita take flowers from his hand with hidden smirk. She show him her hand. Sanskar lightly peck on her hand.

Tears brimmed in Swara 's eyes seeing this sight. Her heart bleed when Sanskar hug Kavita. Kavita hug him more tightly with smirk. Swara 's eyes become teary.


Sanskar : Thank you Kavi. Now I am confident for  giving this flowers to Swara but where she is?

Kavita : I saw her going outside.

Sanskar : Outside?  ( confused).

Kavita : Swara is there Sanskar. ( while pointing toward Swara).

Sanskar follow her gaze find Swara with Laksh. He become shocked seeing her with Laksh. He become furious seeing this. He become more furious seeing when Laksh put palm on her shoulders who is looking down. His heart burning in jealousy seeing this.

Kavita : arey what she is doing with Laksh? Laksh is your enemy then being your wife what she is doing with Laksh?

Sanskar is looking at them with furious look. He close his fist tightly seeing this. His heart burning and bleeding seeing his wife with his enemy.

Then just then Swara and Laksh 's previous moments across in his mind which boils his blood more. He is feeling pain in heart. He immediately turn his face close the window unable to see them together.

Kavita : what happened Sanskar? Please don't be angry on Swara. May be she would have some work but that's strange what wrong she would have with your enemy. ( smirk) If I would be your wife. I wouldn't even look at your enemy and she!!


Swara jerk his hand run from there for their room in tears.

Sanskar : Kavita go! I don't want to talk to anyone.

Kavita : Okay!  ( with smirk go from room).

She act as falling. Sanskar hold her shoulders to save her. In meantime Swara open door see them close. Her heart bleed seeing Sanskar close to Kavita. Kavita stand up with smirk.

Kavita : I think I should go. ( give flowers to Sanskar back go from there).

Sanskar see Swara remembered how she was standing with Laksh and his hand on her shoulders is piercing his heart.

Sanskar : Where you were?

Swara : ( in mind) No Swara! If I will tell Sanskar about my meeting with Laksh. He will become angry. (To Sanskar) I was with mom.

Sanskar close his fist tightly seeing her lying.

Swara : and what kavita was doing here?

Sanskar : She came to meet me.

Swara : Oh! And this flowers?

Sanskar : I brought for you. ( while forwarding it).

Swara : ( tears brimmed in her eyes in mind) How you can lie Sanskar? I saw you we're giving this to Kavita and now saying you brought for me. 

Sanskar : You liked?

Swara : Yes thank you. ( take bouquet from him).

Sanskar : I have some work. I am going. ( go from there who had plan of going with Swara on date).

Swara throw flowers on bed thinking Sanskar brought it for Kavita. Sanskar who is seeing this from door become more hurt and angry. He go from there angrily. Swara burst in tears.

At Night!

Sanskar laying on bed but his mind is only occupied with all recent incidents. He see something near Swara 's pillow which make him confused. He see its a picture. He take out become shocked seeing it's Swara and Laksh 's engagement pic. His heart bleed with the thought Swara hide this pic under her pillow.

Sanskar : Is Swara still have soft corner for Laksh?  ( his heart burning in jealousy and pain).

Swara come out from washroom changed in T-shirt and top as usual. But her face is gloomy with all incident of Sanskar and Kavita closeness. Sanskar immediately hide pic under her pillow again when he hear unbolted sound.

Swara lay down on bed switch off light. Both acting as sleeping but sleep far from their eyes. Both heart are in pain. Sanskar unable to carry this more get up see Swara is sleeping who actually acting. He go from room for composing his heart. Swara immediately get up seeing him going. She see time which is 12:00.

Swara : At this much late where Sanskar went?


Sanskar who is passing through corridor in thoughts listen crying voice. He find its coming from Kavita 's room. He become worried enter in room see Kavita crying in nightmare. He remembered previous also she use to get nightmare as many times she told him that her mother torture her so much that She get nightmare. He go near her try to awake her.

Kavita who acting open eyes with jerk immediately hug Sanskar.

Kavita : (crying) Sanskar! Save me. My mother will kill me.

Sanskar : ( caress her back to calm her) Relax kavita! I am here. Nothing will happen.

Kavita : ( crying) I am feeling scared.

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara who feeling restless by each seconds. She get up from bed to see Sanskar. She going through corridor see Sanskar in Kavita 's room become shocked seeing He and Kavita are hugging. Lights are off so she just can see them hugging. This bleed her heart seeing her husband in his ex 's arm at this late.

Sanskar : ( while caressing her back) I am here Kavita. You don't worry.

Kavita : You always will na.

Sanskar : Yes. ( to calm her).

Swara 's eyes become teary listening this. Kavita smirking seeing Swara outside. She put palm on Sanskar 's broad arms caress it hug him make such faces like Sanskar kissing her neck.  She is caressing his back in seductive way making Swara 's heart bleed.

Swara : ( shouts in tears unable to bear more) Sanskar!!

Sanskar become shocked hearing her voice broke hug seeing her outside looking at them. Kavita act like covering her neck and shoulders. Swara run from there crying. Sanskar become shocked and worried seeing her like this run behind her.

Kavita : ( laugh evilly) What you thought Swara? You will snatch my Sanskar from me. No! Sanskar is mine only.

In SwaSan 's Room!

Sanskar : ( while entering in room) Swara the way you are thinking it's nothing like that. I will make you understand.

Swara : ( shouts) what Sanskar? What you will make me understand? That what you were doing at this late in other women 's room?

Sanskar : ( become shocked by her reaction) Swara! You are taking me wrong. I was passing from Kavita 's room and she was fearing because of nightmare. So I was just comforting her.

Swara : ( mockingly in pain) and for that she needs only your arms right?

Sanskar : ( shouts angrily) Swara!!! ( close fist tightly compose his anger) Swara! I was helping her as as a friend.

Swara : ( laugh painfully) Friend!!! But Sanskar! Why your this friendship doesn't look friendship?  Why I feel that you care for Kavita is not friendship. It's love. You still love Kavita .

Sanskar : Swara!! ( shouts)

Swara : Don't shout Sanskar! I also can shout. What wrong I said. Your concern is for her more then me. It's all shows that you still love her. You still love Kavita.

Sanskar : ( burst) Yes! I still have feelings for her. I still feel for her. ( tears escape from Swara 's eyes listening his words) I  loved her from 5 years. How I can forget her so easily. I need time dammit. ( shouts) why the hell you are not ready to understand.

Swara : ( teary eyes) I can give you my whole life in your wait Sanskar but I can't bear my husband in someone else 's arm all time. I can't bear. My heart pains Sanskar. ( shouts) No wife can bear her husband giving preference to his ex then his wife.

Sanskar  : Swara! I said na that i was helping Kavita. There is nothing the way you are taking then Why you are making this a big issue? ( hurt seeing her reacting like this).

Swara : Big issue so for you it's nothing. My husband leaving me alone going in his ex 's room is not a big issue for you. My husband was so close to his ex and it was not a big issue. Mr Sanskar Maheshwari I am not this much great who can bear her husband with other women happily specially that women for whom my husband have feelings. ( crying while shouting).

Sanskar : ( try to make her understand) Swara! Let me make you understand you.

Swara : ( shouts) what you will make me understand? I don't want to understand anything. ( come toward him with teary eyes)  You yourself accepted me and this marriage. I didn't forced you to accept me then why you are confused about what you actually want? Me or Kavita or you want both of us?

Sanskar : Swaraaa ( shouts angrily while pinning her to wall) Now you are crossing your limits.

Swara : limits! Its you not me who is crossing his limits. Sanskar! What I understand when my husband going to his ex girlfriend what I should understand this? But on the same time you come close to me too. This all shows you want both of us. ( shouts while crying).

Sanskar : ( become hell angry listening her) Shut up Swara! Not a word more. I am honestly trying to give chance to our Marriage and you are thinking this about me. Yes I have feelings for Kavita but whatever is in my heart I shows. I don't hide anything like you. Who is hiding everything from me like thief.

Swara : What?

Sanskar : Yes! You also still have soft corner for Laksh and also go to him while hiding from my notice. What I think this all Mrs Maheshwari. ( shouts).

Swara become shocked listening him.

Swara : Sanskar! There is nothing in me and Laksh.

Sanskar : Don't lie Swara. I know you still have soft corner for Laksh .  But I am understanding this. No one can forgot her /his first love. But still I am understanding your feelings then why you can't understand mine.  ( shouts).

Swara : I don't love Laksh. I never loved him. My first and last love is only you. I only love you Sanskar. ( shouts).

Sanskar : ( laugh painfully) Oh! So you don't love Laksh? You never loved him. Do you think me mad? You both we're going to marry and you are saying that you never loved him. Wow!!!  ( clap hand) at least lie logically.

Swara : ( tears brimmed in her eyes) I am not lying. I never loved Laksh.

Sanskar : Then why you agreed to marry him? Your and Laksh 's marriage was love marriage that's why I opposed this right? Because Durga parashad Maheshwari didn't let me marry with my love then I didn't wanted Laksh to marry his love. Now you are saying you never loved him. Wow! Swara!!!  ( side his face).

Swara : I am speaking truth. He only loved me. I never loved him.

Sanskar : Then why you accepted his love proposal?

Swara : Because he was my friend....

Sanskar : (interrupt her) wow Swara! For friendship sake you agreed to marry him. Who do like this for their friend?  ( Swara open mouth to say but he stop her) Enough Swara. I know you loved Laksh and you still have soft corner for Laksh. Everyone can have then why you are not ready to accept?

Swara : Because I don't love him. ( shouts with teary eyes).

Sanskar : Oh!  then why you went to meet Laksh downstairs? That too hiding from me? Laksh is mine enemy and being my wife how you can meet him?

Swara : ( become shocked how he came to know) Laksh called me..

Sanskar : and you went and hide too and this picture. ( take out picture from her pillow of her and Laksh) what this pic is doing with you? You don't have anything in your heart for Laksh then why this?

Swara : Sanskar! I don't know about this pic. ( shocked seeing pic) I am saying truth. I never loved him.

Sanskar : Really? Swara! When I was on revenge track. My all eyes were on you and Laksh. I many times saw your romantic moments with him. Is that was just for friendship? ( mock) ahh I remember one moment. One day Laksh came in your room. ( turn Swara abruptly hug her from back while caressing her waist who hell shocked by his act) And he hugged you like this. ( angrily caress her waist) and caress your waist. Remembered?

Swara remembered how Laksh come in room like this and hug her from back and also caress her waist was trying to touch her but she was trying to compose. She was feeling uncomfortable but didn't said thinking he is her would be husband. When she couldn't bear more she jerk him and slap him which angered Laksh very much. She shouts on him saying that she don't like this and never try to do this again. Laksh become angry by this and go from there.

Sanskar just saw closeness of Swara and Laksh and go from there while feeling uncomfortable seeing this .

Swara come in sense when Sanskar pinch her waist while his heart burning in jealousy.

Sanskar : Say dammit! What was that?  ( shouts) and he also peck on your cheeks. Like this ( peck on her cheeks) Is that was also for friendship? You loved Laksh that's why you both we're very close that time and many times I saw you both close.

Swara : ( jerk him) I don't love Laksh Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. I never loved him. I only love you but whom I am saying. You are blaming me for hiding your mistakes. ( shouts).

Sanskar : At least I have dare to accept that I still feel for  Kavita unlike you who hide.

Swara : I don't want to say anything to you. You think whatever you want to think. I don't care. ( shouts).

Sanskar : I also don't want to waste my energy on you. ( shouts too).

Both turn their faces angrily. Both eyes are teary.

This seen by Kavita Who is seeing everything from window smirking seeing SwaSan fighting.

Kavita : ( smirk in mind) Now that day is not far when Sanskar will become mine. I will make him realize that marrying you was his biggest mistake and then he will rectify his mistake by marrying me. ( laugh evilly in mind go from there).


Sanskar go on his side. Swara go on his side both lay down while turning face to other side. Swara 's eyes are teary the sight of Sanskar with Kavita in room is revolving in her mind. She put palm on her mouth crying. She remembered Sanskar 's accusation crying more.

Hai kya yeh jo tere mere darmiyaan hai
Andekhi ansuni koi dastaan hai

Sanskar whose eyes also teary. He remembering Swara and Laksh 's closeness with tight fist. His heart bleeding while remembering it. He also crying remembering Swara 's accusation.

Hai kya yeh jo tere mere darmiyaan hai
Andekhi ansuni koi dastaan hai

SwaSan remembering their all moments together with teary eyes.

Lagne lagi, ab zindagi khaali
Hai meri lagne lagi har saans bhi khaali (lusty lonely)

Sanskar see Swara from corner of his eyes who is facing back tears escape from his eyes. He turn his back.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

Swara see Sanskar from her corner of eyes see Sanskar facing back remembered his closeness with Kavita tears brimmed in her eyes. She put palm on her mouth turn her back.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

Sanskar remembered their all pillow fight while caressing pillow.

Ajnabi se huye kyun pal saare
Yeh nazar se nazar yeh milaate hi nahin

Swara looking at mirror while remembering how Sanskar filled her hairline and make her wear mangalsutra. She touch her mangalsutra then her gaze shift to flowers shut eyes tightly tears escape from her eyes.

Ik gani dehaayi cha gayi hai
Manzilein raaston mein hi gum hone lagi

Both are crying silently on their place.


Sanskar all ready for office waiting for Swara. She come give tea to him without seeing him. She turn to go but he hold her wrist.

Sanskar : Swara! I am sorry for yesterday let's forget everything.

Swara didn't said anything just take out her hand start settling blanket make Sanskar hurt by her ignorance.

Ik gani dehaayi cha gayi hai
Manzilein raaston mein hi gum hone lagi

Ho gayi ansuni har dua ab meri
Reh gayi ankahi bin tere

Sanskar also become angry go from there while tears are in his eyes.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

Swara burst in tears seeing him going.
Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

She sit on floor while remembering Sanskar and their all moments then remembered their fight.

Raah mein roshni ni hai kyun haath choda
Iss taraf shaam ne kyun hai apna muh moda

Swara remembered how one night change everything in between them. She remembered Sanskar in Kavita 's arms.

Yun ke har subah ik bereham si Raat ban gayi

Swara remembered their all moments. She see TV remembered their fight for TV laugh in tears.  she see them fighting on bed with pillow admire it with tears. Suddenly it disappear with Kavita and Sanskar 's moments which make her cry.

Hai kya yeh jo tere mere darmiyaan hai
Andekhi ansuni koi dastaan hai
Lagne lagi, ab zindagi khaali khaali
Lagne lagi har saans bhi khaali
Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere

In Office!

Sanskar remembering everything with tears in eyes.
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara think call Sanskar.

In Sanskar 's office.

Sanskar see call of Swara become happy about to pick them remembered her accusation becomes angry decline call.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara become hurt by this tears formed in her eyes.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

In Sanskar 's office!

Sanskar see his phone call Swara back.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

In SwaSan 's Room!

Swara see her phone ringing. She about to pick then remembered his accusation and closeness with kavita decline call.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere

Both throw phone at other side. Both eyes are teary.

Bin tere, bin tere, bin tere
Koi khalish hai hawayon mein bin tere ..

Screen freeze on their teary eyes.

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With love ❤️


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