By fantasysteph

242K 7.4K 1.3K

Within the mist of new villains 'you can never truly change your past' seems to be more true than ever. Yet i... More

♛ 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 ♛
♕ 𝐎𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐃𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 ♕
♛ 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
𝟏.𝟏 ♛
𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ♛
❣ 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟑 ❣


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By fantasysteph

Freya hadn't slept as she felt a dread the whole night so when it was morning she cast a spell with Kol by her side. On the map to track Klaus former sirelings the blood all traveled from various places on the world map to New Orleans.

With the news Kol gathered weapons downstairs with Elijah and Klaus, only to be reminded that there was not going to be a fight inside the household as the deed was under Freyas name. Hayley and Odette were upstairs in the room next to Freyas as they were looking after Hope. 

Freya recites an incantation over the map seeping over a vile of blood. Freya sees the blood keep spreading and not once stopping from passing the circle of herbs. Freya as to busy coming up with a conclusion on her spell making her not hear the wooshing of a vampire entering the room. The woman scratches Freya's neck with her poisoned ring causing Freya to gasp in pain as her neck started to drip blood.

Being able to hear the sudden pattern to multiple footsteps and thumping downstairs Odette looks around the room. She send Hayley to check up on Freya all while Odette takes Hope into her arms slowly standing up.

Hayley vamp speeds behind the vampire and stabs her in the heart making her fall to the ground. Hayley quickly makes her way towards Freya to was trying her best to sit up as she had fallen to the ground.

"What did they do to you?" Hayley asks Freya taking a look at her injured neck that seemed to be the only injury on her

"Poison" the eldest Mikaelson groans in pain

"Let's get you out of here," Hayley says talking Freya and wraps her hand around her waist to hold her up. Another vampire enters the room making the two women look at each other. Hayley lets Freya go and the blonde takes a hold of the door's archway.

Odette walks into the room with Hope resting on her side with her legs down as Hope couldn't wrap her legs around Odette for the big belly. Seeing that Hayley was vamp speeding towards the vampire stranger, Odette moves Hope so she would see where she was going to throw the knife that she took out from her boot.

Odette throws the knife aiming for the vampire and it ends up impaling him in the neck. Blood spills on Hayley who was pinned down on the couch, but having the vampire pinning her down injured Hayley was able to get the upper hand and officially kill the intruder.

"Come on. Let's go" Odette says taking the lead on walking out of the room as she needed to grab Hopes diaper bag before they leave the compound.

The cousins had decided it was best to take cover in the abandoned Kenner apartment. Hayley supports Freya up the stairs while Odette walked behind them with Hope.

"Lie down. Don't move" Hayley instructs Freya as she lets go of the blonde to lay down on the sofa. Hayley catches a glance at herself in the mirror making her stop as what she saw was an image shown in the prophecy. Hayley is interrupted from looking at the blood-stained on her neck and clothes when Odette walks in front of her to place Hope her playpen. 

"The Prophecy is coming true. This is the day Lucien said would come" Freya says as she lays on the sofa trying to get comfortable

"No. There has to be another way out of this" Odette says not believing that this is where it would all end.

Sitting on the coffee table in front of the sofa Hayley bites her wrist and offers it to Freya, "Here, drink. I know it won't cure you but it will help until we get the antidote from Lucien's penthouse"

"Even if I was cured, the power I used to fight Lucien, it's gone. There's nothing that can stop Marcel now" Freya says as she breathes heavy the poison draining her slowly

"I don't believe that nature always creates a loophole," Odette says as she stands behind the couch looking down on the two women

"There might be one thing," Hayley says making Odette look at confused not following her train of thought "Stay here. Watch over each other"

In the end the four girls arrive at Lucien's Penthouse in search of the antidote. While Freya and Hayley quickly start their search, Odette drops Hope's diaper bag on the ground in Lucien's room while also setting up Hope's playpen.

After tearing the bedroom apart Freya gives up as there was no other place to keep looking. Freya stops tearing apart the closet and turns around, "It's not here. I can't find it"

Odette finishes looking behind every painting and drawer she turns to face Freya. "Freya just calm down and think. When you were poisoned before, Nik stole an antidote from Lucien. It has to be here"

"There's no other place to look. If I can't find the cure, I will die" Freya announces making it feel like a punch in the gut because it was the truth. Before anything can be said their moment was interrupted by Klaus shouting out for Freya

The Mikaelson brother burst into the apartment with a badly wounded Kold being held up by Klaus and Elijah. The three quickly make their way out of the bedroom and towards the living room.

Odette starts to play with her necklace seeing the sight of the brothers. Elijah had a bite mark on his arm that could only be from Marcel as it wasn't healing but he didn't want to make any spectacle about it. While Kol had a bite mark on his neck and while slumped on the sofa he groans in pain, "I am going to die,"

While all of the sudden commotion Hope starts crying in the other room. Odette wanted to check on Klaus but her daughter's cry was something she needed to check up. Taking her daughter into her embrace Odette starts to rock her while listening in to the conversation in the other room. 

"You're not going to die" Klaus states but it was no use as Kol didn't trust his words

"Now that sounds familiar. Isn't that what you said to Finn and Cami?" Kol says with loud quick breaths as the bite was making his heart race

"Look, Lucien engineered his venom from the seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to a cure" Klaus brings up only that idea Freya had thought of the minute she saw the bites but she quickly dismissed it

"Oh great, that's the first piece in a puzzle none of us will be alive to solve." Freya says looking up at Klaus as she sat on the floor in front of Kol, "I'm poisoned, Rebekah is hexed, and our brothers are bitten. We need three different cures to three different ailments, each of which could take years to find, and none of us will make it through the day"


Freya gathered up her energy to take care of Kol who kept sweating as he laid on the couch panting.

"You know, maybe it's fair that you and I pay for what was done to Davina," Kol says as Freya pats him with a cold washcloth

"No, Davina didn't want revenge, okay?" Freya states with a shake of her head as she was also sweating but not as much as her brother

"Just put me out of my misery! At least put me to bloody sleep!" Kol shouts which gives Freya an idea to form a plan that just might save them all

All while in the other room Klaus walks over to Elijah who sat in a chair, calmly sweating out his bite

"Elijah, Hayley's attending for Hope, but I can get her for you," Klaus says as it was true. Hayley was helping Odette with Hope as Odette was on the brink of starting to hyperventilate

"She's struggling with it. Not our finest moment, Niklaus" Elijah says while Klaus couldn't help but look at his brother's wrist that was bloody and prominent in its bite 


"Please, take care of her" Elijah says quietly as he only had a few hours before he died and he couldn't be meet his families eyes

"I promise you" Klaus swears trying to be brave as he was the only one unharmed out of all his siblings and it felt like one of the worst days he will ever experience 

"And Rebekah"

"I will get our sister, and I will make Marcel pay" Klaus strongly says

"No brother, no, no. This was not..." Elijah stops speaking to inhale sharply "This was not Marcel. This was me. This was my fault. I did all...all of this"

Elijah slowly stands up making Klaus look at him closely worried he was going to fall sometime soon, "I can't do this without you, Elijah"

Elijah finally turns around to look at Klaus only to embrace his brother with tears threatening to spill from his eyes, "Listen to me. You have to be strong. We need you"

Elijah ends the hug but looks at Klaus in reassurance that he was going to be strong. Klaus looks at his older brother and since words didn't escape his lips, Klaus slightly nods yes. Elijah then walks out of the room but not soon after Klaus gets a phone call from Rebekah

Rebekah who was at the Mikaelson compound stands on a balcony with her phone to her ear. "Nik, it's me. There's an army of your sirelings eager for blood. Marcel has them set to tear apart the city to find you, but after a brief chat, he's considered an alternative. Though I think it might be worse. He wants you to come back here and stand trial for your sins"

"Before a jury of those who hate me the most? Like hell, I will" Klaus says having taken notice of the background noise that consisted of cheering and various household items breaking

"If you don't, this mob will hunt you down. And given their current frenzy, I can't imagine they'll show any mercy to you or anyone standing in their way" Rebekah states and Klaus ends the call once he turns around to see Odette at the doorway with Hope in her arms

Klaus walks over to the two and he looks down at her daughter only to give her a smile, one that Odette couldn't fake. Having overheard the conversation between him and Rebekah, Odette wished for nothing other than making her family disappear with time on their hand

Odette walks back to the bedroom to place Hope in her playpen as a family meeting was needed to be had. Gathered up around Kol who laid on the sofa Klaus breaks the news to everyone

"It's not a trial. This is suicide. Take Odette, take Hayley, take Hope, get the hell out of the city" Elijah strongly suggests

Klaus looks across the room at Odette playing with her necklace who already had her mind made up, "No. We won't leave here"

"No! Davina please! No, don't leave me!" Kol delirious speaks thrashing around on the sofa making Elijah, Hayley and Odette run over to him and hold him down

Freya stands up from her stop next to Kol walking over to Klaus and moving him close to have a private conversation, "There may be a way to save them"

"Then I will move the world to make it so," Klaus says meaning every word

"I need time" Freya declares meaning there was only one option that would give her what she needed

"You think I should stand trial before that death-dealing mob?" Klaus asks making Odette stop trying to keep Kol from thrashing around, as she was listening in to their conversation. This was no time to be keeping secrets and she wanted to protest to this hushed conversation but she didn't know how.  How does one stop the man that they love from standing trial in order to buy time so that his siblings can live?

"Well, that's the easy part. In order to save your family, you need to come out of that trial alive"


Hope had fallen asleep in her playpen with her head resting on one of the walls. Klaus places a letter into Hope's diaper bag as he takes one last look at his daughter.

Odette walks into the room not wanting what was about to happen to occur, "Nik, this is too dangerous. Let me try to come up with a better plan or... or let Hayley go with you"

"No. I think not. Besides, I am the only one they want." Klaus says walking over to Odette who was ready to start crying knowing that this was their goodbye

"I can't just sit around doing nothing as you sacrifice yourself for everyone. I need to be doing something!" Odette exclaims trying her best not to shout as she didn't want to wake up their daughter

"Some time ago I refused to trust you with our daughter," Klaus says making Odette look away from his blue eyes


"I separated you from your family. I was wrong" Klaus says as he holds her neck and looks at Odette making Odette close her eyes and lean into his touch "Take care of them"

Odette places her hand on top of Klaus before looking at him with a small but honest smile, "I meant what I said, even after having shouted at you. I meant it, I want forever with you Nik, so you better come back to me"

"I'll always love you Odette Jade De Marie" Klaus says taking one last look at her before letting go and walking away


Freya sat at a table writing her sibling's names in their native language on a piece of paper that was surrounded by candles. She was disrupted by the panting and scared shout leaving Kols delusional state, "No! Don't hurt her!"

"Freya! It's getting worse" Hayley says as she holds Kol down on the couch "Calm down, calm down, okay? Davina is gone. She's gone. She's at peace now. It's okay"

Kol seemed to be calming down but then he reaches out his arm to wrap his hand around Hayley's throat. Elijah vamp speeds into the room talking Kols arm off of Hayley, this not only allowed Hayley to keep breathing but for her to see Elijah's hand and how far the venom had spread

"Brother! Calm yourself" Elijah tells Kol still holding him down before looking up at Hayley "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Hayley says breathlessly as she glances over at Freya


Freya looks after Kol while Odette was sat across from them as she played with her necklaces. Hayley's phone starts to ring and she picks up Rebekahs call

"Rebekah, is it over?" Hayley asks putting the phone call on speaker allowing everyone in the room to listen in without using any abilities

"Nik found a way to stay alive. Our plan worked. Now it's up to you, both. Make his sacrifice count" Rebekah says as she is in the old Kenner apartment looking across the street at the compound where she is able to hear a crowd destroying a place she used to call home

"We will hang tight. I'll come for you soon" Hayley says and ends the call as Freya needed to start her incantation

Elijah, Kol, Hayley, Odette and Freya are gathering around the table. A paper with all names of the siblings is on it written in their native tongue and Klaus in the middle

"Rebekah's dagger. It has her blood" Freya says taking the dagger from Odettes hold and places it over Rebekah's name allowing her to start reciting an incantation. Freya's chanting starts to become louder and louder, that is until it completely stopped. Along with the Mikaelson siblings going to sleep, leaving the two hybrids to stand-alone watching the Mikaelson siblings become lifeless.


In a parking lot, Odette and Hayley get a trailer ready as they were ready to start their new journey. Hayley was taking one last look at the coffins of the Mikaelsons in the back of the truck. In particular Elijah's, before she closes his coffin's lid she gives a finger kiss to Elijah. Odette was putting Hope's safety belt on making sure her daughter was safely buckled in before they drove off.

"You ready?" Hayley asks Odette who was looking up at the moon with her hands in her pocket standing outside of the driver's door

"No" Odette honestly says taking out the trucks keys and hands then over to Hayley, "but let's get the hell out here"

My dearest Hope. I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or a woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you that I love you, and to explain that in our family's darkest hour, I was called upon to save my siblings, and so I did. Please, do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure, I do in service of those I love. My sole regret is that I will be away from you and your brothers. Be good to your mother. I draw comfort knowing that she will protect you. And I know she will not rest until our family is united... until then, my sacrifice will allow you to grow. To become the beautiful daughter, amazing older sister, I can now only imagine... Please remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired, the promise we fought to protect. You are, and always will be.... our hope

a/n: slightly edited but the epilogue is left and then we go into season 4, what will yall want to read in part2?

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