Elastic Hearts

By KingMythLord

34.8K 745 754

It was tough work healing all of Beach City. From the land to the settlements, all that was wrecked has now b... More

Internal Dysfunction
What the Heart Wants
Dismayed Family, Caring Friends
The 'L' Word
Dancing Beneath the Stars
My Hero is a Legend
Gemkind's First and Only Homeschool
Lurking Hostility
Anything for My Gem
Suspicions and their Inevitable Rise
Counterstrike of the Triad
No Escape from the Universe
Relaxing Resolutions

Fragments of Comfort

3.1K 70 80
By KingMythLord

Steven's P.O.V

"Now, can you take me to her please?" I ask in the most polite way possible.

"Of course!" Blue Diamond exclaims eagerly.

She and the other Diamonds stand up, each of them looking equally thrilled. Then comes the hard part though, when Yellow, Blue, and White each individually hold down their hands for me to jump onto. I bit my and grit my teeth, not sure who's shoulder I should ride on. It's like when you're all alone on the swing-set and a crowd of girls stand below asking you who out them all is the prettiest. Nobody'll be heartbroken if you say that it's all of them. Trust me, I've had it happen firsthand. Nevertheless with this situation, I choose Blue, since I've always kinda looked up to her as a mother figure. Forget Pink and her obscene lying. Blue's soft, gentle, and loving nature is an easy pick and a very welcoming personality for someone who'd be me on in my position. Blue raises me up to her hooped hair, but before I sit down, I float over to Yellow and White and give each of them a kiss on the cheek so they won't feel left out. The strict ruler and the shining empress both blush out of embarrassment, more used to doling out affection themselves than to have it replicated onto them by someone else.

But, I settle down on Blue's hair, which is remarkably soft by the way, and hold on as she starts heading down a side hallway. Yellow and White trail behind us, keeping a close eye on me to probably make sure they'd be able to help if I was in danger. It's cause to make anyone smile considering how thoughtful and caring they've become. I'll admit that each of the three were a bit hard to work with, but I have the most important tool on my side. Patience. Anything can be completed as long as you're patient with them. Sure, the Diamonds were cold and had their feelings locked away deep inside them, but nothing I couldn't handle after spending about two years or so working with them. I'd say it was a success too, cus now the colonies are dismantled and they're all a a lot happier.

"Pardon me asking this, my little Star, but is the reason you've come to see Spinel because of some internal infatuation you humans have?" White kindly asks, speaking to me from Blue's right.

Getting up, I hop over to Blue's shoulder so I can make better eye contact.

"Well...you're partially right, White. I do have these...feelings for Spinel, but they're deeper than just infatuation. Infatuation is just falling for someone because they look like the spinning image of beauty or something, but what I have is called love. Love runs deeper in humans, as well as Gems too, and is a more devoted and serious type of romantic attachment to someone" I explain.

"Hmm, interesting" White says, putting her hand to her chin in thought.

"But is this the same kind of affection that you taught us to have, or is something else? It sounds very similar, is all" Yellow inquires.

She's on Blue's other side, so, internally groaning, I hop onto Blue's head, which makes her giggle for some reason, then hop down carefully onto her left shoulder where I can talk to Yellow better.

"It's a little bit different than what I told you about, Yellow. What I have towards Spinel is a textbook Romeo and Juliet scenario. Wait, you guys don't know what that is....ummmmmm....ok, think about it like this: when you have this kind of love coursing throughout yourself, you want to be near the person that's the core of these feelings and never leave their side. You'd do anything to be with them and stand against anyone who gets in between you two" I describe.

"Oh! You mean a future mate?" Blue asks, joining the conversation.

"Eh.....eeeeee.....yeahhhh" I grin uncomfortably, not completely sure about it but not wanting to explain it much more.

I'm then enveloped by Blue's giant hand, temporarily swallowed in darkness before her hand opens like a blooming flower, giving me a nice front-row view of the cool-colored goddess' happy expression.

"You found you're one true mate! I'm so proud of you, Steven!" Blue squeals, her voice reaching a higher pitch than I ever thought possible and I'm talking jumpy schoolgirl just got her crush's phone number type of squealing.

"C'mon, Blue, it's not that big of a deal" I say, thought I can't help myself from smiling, "Besides, we're not even together yet".

"Whether or not, Steven, Blue is right and we are all very happy for you. Situations like these are cause for celebration. Oh, I have a grand idea! We'll have a ball to official announce the beginning of Era 4 and you can bring her!" White suggests, sounding like she's already planned our wedding ahead of time.

"But, in case you hadn't figured out who you wanted your mate to be, I was preparing a potential list myself" Yellow admits proudly, "Top of the list was that Carnelian among the Earth Quartz', Jasper herself, and Pink's first Pearl".

"Wow. Even though I don't need it now, I really appreciate that, Yellow" I reply, being awfully thankful.

"Just doing my duty as a Diamond, think nothing of it" Yellow grins in response.

Suddenly, Blue comes to a halt, almost making me tumble off her shoulder, but I keep my distance. Steadying myself, I look ahead and see nothing but a pink wall. Wait a minute. I then look closer to the floor and sure enough, there's the door. Ha, I was looking too far up! Blue holds out her hand, which I know is my cue to jump on, and lowers me down like a slow-moving elevator. I then jump off and stand directly in front of the door itself, knowing that somewhere inside, Spinel is sitting all miserable.

"Be careful, Steven" Blue cautions, "We've tried saying many things to get her to come out, but nothing has worked thus far. I would suggest using small words because of how sensitive Spinel's become".

"Oh, yeah. Smooth and careful is what Steven Universe is all about" I grin, winking at her.

"What do you think you will do if you get inside?" White asks, bending down a tiny bit.

"I got some approaches I thought up on the way here, but I have a backup option too if none of those work" I say.

Then, I turn my gaze back to the door and decide to start out simple. I knock three times, as is customary of any way of introducing yourself. I hear no response from the other side, then do it again, in case she didn't hear me. I still get no answer, so I gotta move on to the next attempt: verbally announcing myself.

"Spinel? Are you in there?" I call out, straining to listen.

No voice replies, but I press my ear against the cold, smooth surface and listen closely, the Diamonds getting closer with anticipation written all over them. Then, suddenly, I hear a faint reply.

"Please, go away" The tiny voice speaks, it's tone laced heavily with sorrow.

"Spinel, c'mon. I just wanna talk" I say.

"I can't talk about it, Blue. Only Steven can talk with me about and he's not here! He's never coming and I'll never see him again. So forget it!" Spinel's voice answers, a bit louder with a tad more aggression to it.

I frown. Why does she think I'm Blue. My voice is nowhere near as soothing as hers. Oh well, I'll just have to set the record straight right off the get-go, no surprise or anything.

"Spinel, it's me. It's Steven. Please open the door, I can't stand to hear you in so much pain" I clear up.

There's a pause before Spinel replies back once more.

"S-Steven? Is it really you? Like, really really you?" Her voice asks, sounding hopeful this time.

"Yeah, it's me. Now can we talk?" I ask, pleading somewhat.

There's another pause and a moment of silence, but then, the door rises up into the ceiling. I know I didn't say 'open sesame' or anything, but I enter and give the Diamonds a thumbs up over my shoulder. After taking a few steps inside though, the door then closes very quickly, making me jump. I feel something above me and when I look up, I see an elongated arm with a poofy pink glove on the end. It then begins to shrink back into this crack in the wall, which evidently leads into Pink's old makeup room. Running over to the second doorway, I squint to try and spot Spinel inside, but it's too dark to see anything. It's completely pitch black in there. I then a small squeak and look down, seeing part of an eye looking up at me from closer to the floor inside. I say part of because the door crack is very small, so my view is obstructed quite a lot, but I know immediately that it's her. Spinel's stretched out then gets all the way back in and vanishes into the darkness, but I ease myself down and look at her through the slant in the door.

"I-I can't believe it!" Spinel cries, "You're here!".

"Certainly looks like it" I grin, squinting again to try and make out more of her features, "So what's a gem like you doing in a place like this?".

Her face looks down and I immediately regret asking.

"I just...didn't know what to do" Spinel admits, wringing her hands over each other, "After I came here nearly five months ago or so, I felt as if some part of me was missing. A part that wasn't returned when everything was resolved back on Earth. I keep telling myself that it can't be Pink, because I feel like I've gotten over, but is it really? Or is it the guilt I have for what I've caused you to go through? I just.....don't know anymore".

"I totally understand" I respond genuinely, "But I'd like you to know that I don't hold any of what happened between us against you. For any reason. I forgave you all those months ago, but I don't think you've forgiven yourself. I do wish you would though, but only you can do that. As far as Pink goes, I've been through the same".

"Really?!" Spinel exclaims, pressing her face closer to the gap, "You have?!"

"Yes" I reply earnestly, "You see, we're not so different, you and I. What you're feeling right now is exactly what I went through when I found out that Pink was my real mother instead of Rose Quartz. I was beyond heartbroken, unable to fully comprehend the reality of it all. You're heartbroken because the feelings of abandonment have resurfaced in much greater force than when Pink left you at the Garden. So you see, we're the same, me and you. Just a couple of innocent souls caught up in a mess that neither of us deserved to be in".

Sighing, I plop myself down and put my back against the door, feeling Spinel's eyes bore into me. I think so far my strategies are working, but I'll have to keep it up if I've gonna get her to come out of that makeup room.

"Not to be rude in any way, but why have you come back?" Spinel questions.

Taking a deep breathe, I rest my head against the door and turn my eyes in her direction.

"I had gotten lonely. Feeling like my purpose had run out. Beach City's all but rebuilt, so there's nothing for me to do anymore. Above all else though, I missed you. I missed my best friend, the one who puts a smile on my face every time I envision hers. I wanted to see you, but when I heard that you were keeping yourself in this room like you are now, I knew I had to help you. That is my purpose, that is what I've dedicated myself to now. And there's nowhere else in the universe I'd rather be at the moment" I explain, being truthful and soothing simultaneously.

"I'm too dangerous for you though, Steven" She says, moving backwards and away from the gap in the door, "I'll only hurt you more if I come out. Thank you for coming, but please, just let me suffer in peace".

Her form then fades into the blackness, making it impossible for me to see her. Well, that didn't work. Guess I gotta employ option number two. Nothing brings people like singing, especially when the song is the person's most heartfelt feelings towards the other. Steadying my breath, with my back still to the door, I lightly tap on the ground and begin to sing.

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

"Ummm.....what are you doing, Steven?" Spinel's voice asks.

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

"Ughhhhh....Stevennnnn!" Spinel moans, sadness welling up in her voice

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything, take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath, every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer

One step closer

Spinel's now crying, so I do what's right and finish the song.

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

My voice fades out, but the soft, gentle cries of Spinel do not. To my surprise, I feel the door slide open and the crying get clearer, so I spin around like a top and face her. Spinel sits there on the floor, now illuminated by the light of the room, her tear level rivaling that of Blue Diamond. I want to rush to her and hug her, but I worry that'll just scare her away. She'll have to come to me on her own accord. Turns out though that she was thinking just that because almost a second after the thought crossed my mind, Spinel then rushes forward and tackles me in a hug, knocking me onto my back while being unable to contain herself. She then continues to sob violently, her tears soaking my jacket. I hug her back with equal intensity and rub up and down her back soothingly while whispering the exact same thing over and over again.

"I'm here, Spinel. I'll always be here" I tell her earnestly.

Spinel's P.O.V

A star burst of emotions is spilling out of me. Thousands and thousands of years of pent up sadness is now springing forth with an untamed intensity. I just cling onto Steven's warm and inviting presence and let it all out. It's almost like I was just wallowing in despair and was unable to find a proper conduit to allow me to release these feelings. Up until a few moments ago, I was still unsure, but now I know that Steven's definitely the one. Him, with his intoxicating scent and alluring personality, is what made me break. And I'm glad he did.

As I continue to cry with no mercy, I feel his arms carefully place themselves on my back, causing me to shiver at the sudden contact. I don't know why exactly, but his touch has a unique effect on me that no other can replicate. Those soft hands of his then move back and forth across my back, sending a calmness into me that identifies itself with an audible sigh on my part. With that, I can feel my crying start to slow down and my breathing decreasing in frequency as well. Soon enough, after who on Homeworld knows, I stop sniffling and just close my eyes, take in Steven's warmth, and breathe slowly to alleviate myself of this internal shattering.

The pair of us stay this way for a long time, neither of us saying a single thing. At a certain point though, I feel like I've been acting awfully embarrassing, so I politely signal to him that I'd like to sit up. Steven catches on quick and takes his hands off my back, though a small part of me didn't want him to let go. I then get off his chest and sit cross legged on the ground next to him, Steven sitting up nearly as fast. We now sit facing one another, silence still ensuing. This gives me a moment to admire how much more handsome he looks. His arms look stronger, his face is more chiseled, his....hold on! Did I just think to myself Steven is handsome!? Where is this coming from all of a sudden?! Oh my stars, I pray to the Diamonds that this isn't another side effect of my prematurely extended isolation from the Garden!

"Are you feeling any better, Spinel?" He asks.

My head shakes suddenly, being brought out of my thoughts so quickly that I accidentally blush from the previous questions in my mind.

"Y-Yeah, I'm doing much better. All thanks to you, best friend" I manage to get out, though saying friend doesn't make me feel any happier.

"Good" Steven replies, sounding happy for me, "I would've hated if you had to spend another second all miserable like that. Those as innocent and sweet like yourself should never have to endure whatever outcomes may happen from my mother's actions".

After letting his words sink in, I sniffle briefly once more and wipe my eyes before letting our pupils align almost perfectly. Kindness and his caring nature are all I can find, which makes a small smile form on my otherwise frown-stricken face. And he called me sweet, which is more than enough for me to rush forward and hug him again. His hugs are just so addicting that I can't get enough of them. Still, I can't help but feel like I'm overstepping my boundaries with all this newfound affection, so I start to pull back. However, Steven's arms stop me from pulling away, halting me in place and making me look back at his patient expression.

"What's wrong, Spinel?" Steven asks worryingly.

It's hard to answer him and I can't stop myself from biting my lip and looking down.

"This is wrong. I shouldn't be like this. I don't deserve your kindness, Steven. I'm...I'm a monster" I say, my lip quivering at the last bit.

Two of Steven's fingers then graze my chin and force my face up so that we're looking at each other again. After everything I did to him, Steven should hate me! I should be shattered because of what I did! So why is it that when Steven gazes into my eyes, all I see is forgiveness?

"No way, Spinel. None of this is wrong in the slightest. Why do you wish to torture yourself further when you deserve everything opposite of it? And what kind of friend would I be if I were to hold your actions against you? Don't you ever say you're a monster, Spinel! You're...you're the most adorable, cuddly, and amazing gem I've ever met and I never want you to feel like you're anything less than that" Steven exclaims, then covering his mouth in surprise at his last couple sentences.

I caught it though and it makes me blush yet again. Oh, this effect you have on me, Steven...

"T-Thanks, Steven" I sigh, letting him remove his fingers from my chin as well as my back.

I then scooch back and we both sit on the ground once more, though I think we're both in better spirits now than before. Now that we've worked through my emotions, maybe the two of us should go out and do something. You know, like friends who haven't seen each other in a long time! It''ll be a nice distraction from everything too. But, looks like Steven's ahead of me on that as well, because he then places a gentle hand on my knee and proposes an idea.

"What do you say we go have some fun?" Steven offers, trying to liven the mood, "I bet we could play a game!".

"A game?!" I gasp, my voice tinged with excitement.

It's been so long since I've done a game of any sorts!

"Yes, a game" Steven confirms, "But first, we'll have to step outside this room. Think you can manage that?".

"Ummm....ok" I reply hesitantly, "But I need you to be right there with me. I don't think I'm ready to do it alone".

"Don't worry, Spinel" Steven says holding out his hand in an offering way, "We'll do it together".

Instead of holding his hand, I sling both arms tightly around his left one, clinging onto him. Steven smiles down at me, then walks slowly towards the door. I feel my fear begin to rise, wondering who could be waiting outside, but feeling Steven's arm against my face calms me back down. Steven then hand prints the door open and guides us both outside into the hallway beyond. Almost immediately, I notice we're not alone and upon looking up, my theory is confirmed.

"Oh, Spinel! I'm so happy to see you again!" White Diamond exclaims, tears growing in her grey eyes and a smile spreading on her large face. I'm frightened at first, but since I'm used to seeing her by now, I relax a bit and focus on Blue and Yellow Diamond, who are also here unsurprisingly.

"You had us all worried, little one" Blue Diamond confesses "We were all concerned that you would never come out".

"Yeah...well....Steven wanted to play a game with me, so I think that's the best reason to get some fresh air" I admit, rubbing my arm awkwardly while nuzzling my cheek against Steven's arm in my grasp.

"A game, you say? Dare I ask what it is, Steven? And, more importantly, can we join?" Yellow adds, moving closer along with Blue and White, each anxious to hear what Steven's planning.

He's scratching his head all uncomfortably and I can that he means to play this game with only me, which simultaneously makes me feel special and happy.

"It's not that I don't want to play a game with you guys, but I was kinda hoping it would just be me and Spinel" Steven replies politely.

"Steven, pleasssssse!" White Diamond pouts, "We haven't played games in years!"

"Much less with another gem" Blue admits.

"Hmmm" Steven frowns, biting his lip, "Tell ya what: let me do this with Spinel and I promise that the five of us will do something together down the road. That sound good?".

"Oh, alright" White Diamond relents sadly.

"But.." Yellow interjects, a grin appearing on her regularly stern face, "To let you go, we'd each like a kiss goodbye!".

"Oh yes, indeed!" Blue agrees.

Steven sighs and by using his Diamond levitation abilities, hovers up to each of the Diamonds in turn and kisses them on the cheek. I gotta admit though, being unable to hold him and having him give kisses to everyone but me mad me kinda mad and jealous. I almost felt the need to yell 'I want one too!' but that might've scared him off. Nevertheless, Steven floats down once he's done and I instantly latch back onto him, craving his warmth.

"Well then, off you go, my little Raindrop!" Blue ushers, "Don't hurt yourselves and have fun!".

Steven nods and with me still holding on, begins to walk down the hall and towards the Diamond Palace.

"I swear, Blue acts like an overprotective mom sometimes" Steven says out loud, causing a giggle to erupt from me.

"It's cute though, Steven" I say, amusement lacing my tone.

He smirks and shakes his head in disbelief, leading the pair of us further down the smoothly surfaced passageway. As we're working our way forward in a near indefinite pace, I take the time to pause and have Steven stop by the windows so I can peer out them. The way Homeworld has changed is so great and I haven't had much if any time to fully absorb the extent of all the change. Aside from the couple breaks in that whole area, I notice that Steven keeps us headed down a particular path, taking the need to go left and right down other corridors to keep on track even though I have no idea where it is we're going.

However, I feel like wherever we're going is getting close because I feel Steven's pace pick up. We then turn a sharp corner and come face to face with a set of gigantically tall double doors painted blue. Steven then hops us up the steps ahead of said door, using his levitation powers, and pushes both open with a single push of his right hand, because, you know, I'm still claiming his left one. The hybrid then pulls me inside and I get a rush of amazement. A tall platform with a mega-sized pool sits atop another long set of steps ahead of us, centering off the incredibly relaxing room. Tall pillars line opposite sides of the room and the sound of running water just makes me want to lay down and nap, though this isn't the time for anything of the such. Everything, and I mean everything, in the room is also blue-colored too, which makes me turn to look up at Steven and ask the obvious question.

"We're in Blue Diamond's room, aren't we?" I question, grinning when I see him smile.

"You catch on fast, Spinel" Steven chuckles, "Now, are you ready for the game?"

"Oh yes! I am so ready for this game! What are the rules?!" I say jumping up and down while shaking his arm.

Steven then gently removes my arms from his, but I grab onto his hands instead, not wanting him to ever let go of me. He then removes my hands too, but not before pressing them together in front of me and covering them with his own. He then gets on his knees, bringing me down with him.

"The name of the game is Hide And Seek. One person sits with their eyes closed and counts to ten, while the other person hides. The first person then has to try and find the other. Pretty easy" Steven explains.

"Oh, yes! Pink and I played this many times!" I say joyously.

"Well, then, you should have no trouble trying to find me then" Steven smirks.

"Please, I'll find you in no time" I throw back competitively.

Steven then gives me what's known as a 'thumbs-up' and asks me to turn around and start counting. I do indeed and close my eyes, beginning to count. I start with one and as I'm working my way slowly to ten, I'm giddy with joy that I get to play a game again and with my new favorite person in all of both Earth and Homeworld. The last few comes and then it's down to ten.

"Ready or not, here I come!" I announce loudly.

I then spin around and search over the large space for any sign of Steven. As expected he's nowhere in immediate line of sight, but my stretching abilities will quickly help rule out the most complicated hiding spots. First though, I try around the pillars to the right and each time, I jump around the corner and say 'gotcha' but only find more empty space. This is expected though, cause I knew Steven wouldn't make it that easy on me, but I'm already enjoying myself. I then do a complete 360 around the perimeter of the pool, not finding anything, and then go up the steps and look inside the pool itself. Again, still nothing. I then scratch the top of my head right between my ponytails and think of where to look next. I mean, there are only so many hiding places in this room and I've weaseled out the most obvious places by now. I check behind the second set of pillars, but air's all to be found there. I start to feel myself panicking, but shove it down as much as I can and keep looking. I move to the center of the room, then stretch myself up and look around the crevices in the ceiling. When I again find nothing, my anxiety rises even more, this time making a noticeable change in my breathing.

"Steven?! Where are you?!" I call out, scared that he vanished.

I rush up to the pool of water again and continue calling his name. When I hear no response, I sink to my knees and feel myself starting to hyperventilate. Oh no, it's happening again. He's disappeared and I'll never see him again! Where did he go!? What happened to him?! Will someone please answer me?! I feel the tears come once again and i curl up into a ball near the edge of the pool, miserable once again because my best friend is gone.

"Spinel! Spinel!" A voice calls, making me jolt up and crawl over to the steps, peeking my head to see Steven run up the steps toward me.

I gasp, a smile grows on my face and I throw myself towards him. He catches me while running up the stairs and hugs me, both of us standing by the pool edge now.

"I'm so so sorry, Spinel. I didn't mean to make you cry" Steven apologizes profusely, "I should've picked a better game! I'm sorry for not coming out! I didn't mean to scare you!".

Sighing, I lean back and look at the hybrid reassuringly. It's so heartwarming to know that he cares this much about me.

"I know, Steven. But, please, can we play something else? I just...don't want to lose you too" I admit truthfully.

He nods and I smile back at him, getting a somewhat sly idea. I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing but my emotions are really pushing me on this one. I lean forward to his face, closer and closer until my lips make contact with his cheek. The contact is small and short, but when I pull back and see Steven blush, I take the moment to trace my lips with my finger, reveling in the blissful sense I experienced when kissing him. Is this why he does it with Blue, White, and Yellow. No, this one was special, or at least I want it to be because it's from me to him exclusively. Steven then gets his blush to fade and gets a menacing grin on his face, creeping me out slightly.

"Oh, you're getting it now!" Steven laughs, sweeping me out from under my own feet and holding me in his arms.

I'm thrown off balance by this sudden gesture and blushing more furiously this time, but then I see that he's walking towards the pool.

"Oh, no you don't!" I say, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

Steven has too firm a grip though and keeps me held until he tosses me into the water. I get completely submerged before I break the surface sputtering from the suddenness of it. I then want to get back at Steven for it so I toss my hand forward and using my arm like a grappling hook, I grab onto Steven's arm and yank him into the water with me. He gets drenched and breaks the surface soon enough, looking at me with a 'fake angry' expression before splashing me with some water. I do it back to him and before long, we're engaged in a splash war, tossing water at each other very frequently. We go at it for an amazingly long time, each of us laughing quite a lot at multiple points throughout, but after about three hours or so, I notice Steven yawning a whole lot.

"Are you alright, Steven?" I ask, worried for my best bud.

"Yeah, I just...need to lie for...a little while" Steven replies, yawning more in between words.

I nod and get out of the pool, helping Steven out as well. I then look for a nice place to set him down, eventually settling with Blue Diamond's cushions just beyond the pool's edge. They're stacked pretty sporadically, so I have no trouble placing Steven down right in the middle of the mound. I then go to leave, to you know give him space, but when I go to pull my hand away, I find myself stuck. Looking back, I see that Steven's chosen to hold onto my hand, having already fallen asleep while mumbling '24 hours awake is a new record'. I blush once more at the gesture, which racks up the most times I've blushed in a single day by far.

I should just let him sleep, but there's that passionate side of me that's egging me on to get all cozy in there next to him. It's hard to resist, especially when Steven looks so incredibly adorable laying there, so I decide to just go with it, walking over and laying myself down on the cushions as well. I keep myself a reasonable distance away from Steven, but only if he wakes up and doesn't suspect that I tried cuddling with him. I feel my hand that's holding his go to sleep, so with my other hand, I brush away some of Steven's hair that's fallen over his face. He's so handsome I can't even deny it! I then turn over to lay facing away from him, trying to make myself fall asleep too. Even with my eyes closed though, I feel the urge to turn over and hug Steven in his sleep, almost as if I'm unable to rest without his touch. But then, I just sigh and think to myself.

Oh, Steven. Why must you look so adorable? You're only making it harder for me not to like you.

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