To Each Their Calling

By Vanilla_Specs

120 10 1

Third and final instalment of my series, following on from Absolute but can be read standalone. In light of... More

Chapter two
Chapter three

Chapter one

47 3 1
By Vanilla_Specs

The months that followed the storm that was Altissia were hard to say the least. With each passing day the sun struggled to break the horizon, it was only a matter of time before it ceased completely, plunging Eos into constant, perpetual darkness. That in mind, the population of Lucis steadily began to decline. More and more people were lost to the scourge or to daemon attacks, who of which, were getting braver the longer the nights stretched. Daemons began appearing in places once deemed safe, towns and villages abandoned following ambushes and overpowering hordes.

As for the King's retinue, they retreated to Lestallum for the time being. It was now the centre of life, rapidly becoming crowded as more refugees poured in from all over Eos, Accordo and Niflheim included. Prompto assisted Cid in weapon repairs, Cindy insisted he move to safety despite his distaste for the idea, he also developed various enhancements for transport vehicles and weapons alike. Gladio often took up local hunts with Iris and Cor, training his younger sister- against his better judgement, it was bound to happen with or without him anyways. Ignis remained confined to the shared apartment, Talcott was tasked with fetching him the books he required, given the man would much rather be of proper use, Gladio refused to allow it.

It wasn't so much that he didn't want Ignis out hunting, it was more the fact that behind the stoic, strong exterior, the man was damaged and unhinged. Not in the best way either. Slowly descending into paranoia and depression. If Gladio mentions it, questions it even, Ignis is on the defensive or disregards the notion entirely, as if he isn't aware of the change. Or if he is, he won't acknowledge it. Suffice to say, Gladio's at a loss on what to do about it. Once again, he'll just have to be patient.

"Hey, you alright?" Gladio asked, shooting Ignis a glance from across the room. "You're lookin' kinda spaced out."

Sitting up from his growing pile of books, Ignis yawned, most likely from boredom than exhaustion. "Merely deep in thought. Have you any news?"

"Nothin' you don't already know. Sorry I ain't got anythin' more for you to read, can't really explore ruins when we barely got enough people to help the outposts." Gladio said, his half-hearted apology sounding ridiculous to his own ears.


The shield huffed and raised a finger to silence him, knowing what he was going to say. "No, Iggy. Don't gimme that look- I told you, you ain't hunting. We agreed on it."

Ignis rolled his eyes, propping his head up on his palm, avoiding Gladio's scrutinising gaze. "Yes well, I for one don't see what the problem is, it's been months, I cannot see why you're still being so stubborn about it." While Gladio thought it was a reasonable request, Ignis didn't agree but resented arguing so conceded. Given his hatred for losing anything.

"I told you, I ain't gonna stand here and watch you be a reckless bastard. Not again. You wanna be useful? Use that brain of yours, let me 'n' everyone else do the dirty work. I ain't letting you be a martyr, got it?" Gladio tried to reason but Ignis' face showed little chance of him giving up easily this time.

"You won't permit me to be of use, yet you allow Iris to fend for herself- Your younger sister I might add, that has never fought a daemon until recently. Have you a valid reason for not keeping her under lock and key?"

Gladio winced at the bitterness in Ignis' voice, the cold stare that followed sent a chill down his spine. "Iris didn't nearly get herself killed, you did."

"I am not a child! Nor am I so physically useless you need to confine me!" Ignis stood abruptly, flinching when the chair fell backwards and how his own voice rose. "I am perfectly capable of fighting, be it alone or with you or anyone else. If anything this feels like a punishment. You literally just informed me of the shortage in able-bodies, locking me up here is doing nothing to prevent more outposts from being overrun, nor protect the people that need it."

It suddenly clicked that Ignis had been bottling up his frustration for a while. Guilt set in like a weight on his chest, for all he wanted to protect what he loves, he does a poor job of showing it. Keeping his boyfriend locked up like a child, while his kid sister hunts with the Marshal, must be a heavy blow to Ignis' self-image, not that it needed any more damage after the shit he went through in Altissia.

Finally, Gladio could no longer bear the weight of Ignis glare nor the guilt resting on his shoulders, turning away with a growl. "I'm sorry. Alright? I know you're not useless, in any way and I'm sorry I made you feel like this, but are you gonna stand there 'n' tell me you're completely fine?"

"Yes." Ignis replied sharply, his gaze still firmly locked on Gladio, eyebrows knitted together in a scowl.

Gladio scoffed and ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "Bullshit Iggy. Somethin' upstairs broke that day and still is. That's what concerns me. You're one of the best damn fighters I've ever seen and the smartest guy I know, I ain't lettin' you hunt 'cause you're also stupidly reckless and you ain't all there right now."

"Don't be absurd-" Ignis began but Gladio cut him off again.

"I'm being absurd? I ain't the one in denial. Iggy, you wake up in the middle of the night fucking screaming, I have to hold you down so you don't fucking hurt yourself. I had nightmares after the shit I went through sure, but nothing like that." Gladio stopped his ranting upon seeing the anger on Ignis' face give way to bewilderment. "You didn't... Shit, sorry."

The flurry of emotions that crossed Ignis' face only served to increase his guilt tenfold. Ultimately the adviser threw on his poker face, shutting Gladio out in the process. "That doesn't change anything." He said, crossing his arms, almost protectively.

"'K then. What about your anxiety? Not notice how that's been eating away at you, again?" Despite the fact he knew this was hurting Ignis, Gladio couldn't hold his tongue. He didn't know how to shut up at the best of times. "Don't gimme that look- Stop it."

If there was one thing Ignis knew made Gladio putty, it was his 'kicked puppy' face he picked up from Noct. That, or biting his lip, but that was reserved for more... Private matters. "You do realise, I will not sit here forever. Whether you like it or not, Noctis will need all of us in fighting shape, I- We- Cannot afford one of us to become, for lack of a better word, soft."

"I know that! Gods do I know that... Y'know what? Fine. You wanna go out and hunt, be my guest, but at least lemme make sure you've got what you need before you head out." Gladio requested, relenting was the last thing he wanted but truth be told, if Ignis put his mind to something he'd make it happen. Damaged or otherwise and whether Gladio agreed or not.

At first, Gladio expected him to refuse but surprisingly enough, he remained silent. Pondering as it were.

"If you insist. It just occurred to me, I never asked, have you seen my glasses?"

Gladio couldn't help the laughter that followed. "Guess I never did tell you what happened to 'em. Found 'em on the altar where that asshole fucked things up, couldn't save 'em though, sorry."

"Ah, no matter, I suppose I'm not in dire need of them anymore, all things considered. Gladio... I loathe to sound ungrateful for all you've done, I am thankful, truly, but you understand that I can't sit idly by until Noctis returns." Ignis reiterated. "Besides that, if anyone is a 'reckless bastard', as you so eloquently put it, it's you."

He didn't miss the sly smile that crossed Ignis' lips, the closest thing he's actually seen to a smile in some time. Neither did he disagree with that statement. Even so, Gladio was still angry, for some inexplicable reason but it wasn't totally unjust after all. So much had happened that could have been avoided, not only in Altissia but since they left Insomnia all those months ago, it must be close to a year now actually. Time flies when you're trying to save the world.

"C'mon, I had an idea and I think you'll like the outcome." Gladio said with a smile, holding out his hand. Surprisingly Ignis took it, allowing himself to be led outside. Prompto had to do a double take, to make sure he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating but seemingly couldn't stop the big grin that broke out on his face.

The thing Ignis may have missed the most after being so isolated had to be the lively atmosphere, even with the impending darkness, Lestallum was still a bustling city, that may be more to do with the amount of refugees than the city itself however. It'd also be unfair for him to pin the blame on Gladio, after all, he had ample opportunity to compromise the situation.

"Asked Cid if he could fix somethin' up for you, t' replace your glasses y'know. Still seem pretty self-conscious about you eye, too, so he made the next best thing. Plus! They'll sit better, ain't gonna have to push 'em back up every five seconds." Gladio plucked something from behind Cid's mechanic cart, grinning sheepishly as he handed it over.

Upon further inspection it appeared to be a visor of sorts, the style was nice, a sturdy frame and the glass was tinted green, great for masking the scar over his eye but light enough he could still see well.

"Impressive, I had no idea you could think so intuitively. It seems I have much to thank you for."

"Thank me later, here, lemme-" Gladio took the visor, carefully placing it in the right place and stepping back, allowing Ignis to adjust it if needs be. Satisfied and giddy may not be enough to describe his feelings. A sudden thought popped into his head, digging around in his pocket he produced a set of dog tags, stepping forward again to fasten them around Ignis' neck. "- Every hunter's gotta have 'em. Me 'n' Prompto have 'em, too."

"I'm slowly becoming laden with necklaces. It would be amusing if they didn't carry so much weight, figuratively speaking of course." Ignis said, jangling his necklaces for effect.

"So... When d'you wanna head out?" Gladio asked, unusually nervous.

Ignis remained quiet for a moment, almost as if he didn't want to answer. "In a few days I think. I should confer with Monica or Cor, find out where my help would be most desired." He said thoughtfully. "With that in mind, why don't you and I take a stroll around the city, hm?"

For the next few hours, the pair of them waltzed around the city, finally standing at the outlook and just gazing at the setting sun. Who knows how many more they'll be able to watch? And together at any rate. It was a momentary relief, this sunset, a temporary reprieve in the storm that their lives turned into. Gladio held onto Ignis like his life depended on it, his chin rested atop Ignis' head as he relished the last contact they might have for a while, with the phone lines damaged and the internet down, external contact is sparse.

No-one knows when Noct will return, if he ever will, for now though his retainers- No, his brothers- Can only hold on to the hope that if and when he comes back, things change for the better. Knowing the world is going to slowly die and decay, they need to hold onto each other, all three of them. Not that Gladio would ever let Ignis go without a fight, Prompto... Well, he'd never leave Prompto alone, he's like a puppy and you don't just abandon one when they need you the most. So it appears as though Gladio is the pillar this time, not that he minds, quite the opposite. 

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