Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Lo...

By Raikishin

94.9K 1.5K 1.8K

Y/n was abandoned by his father as a child, raised in the kingdom of Mistral he lived a normal life. Until on... More

Beacon Academy
Locker room
Emerald Forest
New Team
First Day
Forever Falls
The Stray
Black and White


6.8K 122 52
By Raikishin

It was the middle of the night back at Beacon, after what had happened at the docks you found yourself exhausted but after seeing Roman you couldn't sleep. You closed your eyes and laid back on your bed hoping the sleep would take you when suddenly your scroll started to buzz. Wondering who would be messaging you this time of night, you reached over to check, you didn't recognize the number. The only thing the message said was "Meet me in the Courtyard". Your curiosity got the better of you as you got up and grabbed your jacket, you were careful not to wake anyone on your team even Ikaros as you silently left the room.

At Beacon Courtyard

When you arrived at the Courtyard you looked around and saw that no one was there, for a moment you thought you got played into coming out here for no reason when you felt someone wrap their arms around your waist from behind, you froze when you also smelled the faint scent of ice cream.

You: I should've known if Roman was here you wouldn't be far behind...Neo.

You slowly turned around to see the short pink and brown haired girl that is Roman's silent partner in crime, that idiot would've gotten caught along time ago if it wasn't for her. Neo had her umbrella and her usual smile on her face as she signs to you.

Neo: (signs) You've grown a lot since I last saw you Y/n.

You: Why are you here?

Neo:(signs) Aren't you happy to see me?

You: Can't say that I am, after all I'm not the one who left remember.

You turn to walk away but she quickly hurried in front of you.

Neo: (signs) Oh come now love.

You: What are you even doing here? Aren't you afraid of getting caught?

Neo: (signs) Please, we both know there isn't a Huntsmen alive that can catch me.

You: I wouldn't press your luck here.

Neo: (signs) As for why I'm here, I'm here for you dum dum.

You:(surprised) For me?

Neo steps closer to you and started to rub your face, the soft touch of her hands sent memories rushing to your mind but you shook them away.

Neo: Join up with us. We could have fun just like we did back in Mistral, we could be together again.

You: Is that a joke?

She leans even closer into you, your bodies practically touching, if it wasn't for your obvious height difference you would've been face to face with her.

Neo: (signs) I mean it.

You: Sorry but I'm not interested.

You turned away from her and started to make your way back to the dorms. You stopped however to look back at Neo who had her hands on her hips, you give her a sad smile.

You: Next time you want to talk...

You threw an aura infused card towards her, when it made contact with her body, she shattered like glass.

You: ...Make it be the real you.

Your  scroll suddenly goes off, looking at it you saw that you got another text from Neo, it read; "Sharp as ever, until next time love" She then sent a picture of herself on top of a nearby building and down below was you staring at your Scroll. You let out a huge sigh as you made your way back to your room.

You: You haven't changed at all.

Once back in your room you were now completely exhausted, slamming your head down on your pillow you could still smell the faint scent of Neo on your clothes, you groaned but didn't have the energy left to get up and change clothes, after a few minutes the smell starts to soothe you as you started to drift off.

You: This is kind of nostalgic.

Volume End
A/n: Thanks for reading, stay tuned for Volume 2.

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