Heaven's Daughter

By writerno980

4.8K 173 14

Suddenly waking up in the body of a ten year old girl, Kairi realized that wasn't only the big change. She wa... More

Chapter 1- The Girl From Another World
Chapter 2- Wei Xing
Chapter 3 - The Ill-fated Couple
Chapter 4 - A Fated Encounter
Chapter 5 - First Lady of Lan Manor
Chapter 6 - The Fifth Disciple of Liu Sect
Chapter 7 - Learning How to Fly
Chapter 8 - A Night with the Womanizer
Chapter 9 - A Heart to Heart
Chapter 9 - Assassination Attempt
Chapter 11 - The Seal
Chapter 12 - The Plan to Elope
Chapter 13 - Chaotic Wedding
Chapter 14 - A New Friend
Chapter 15 - Bullying Right Off the Bat
Chapter 16 - An Eye for an Eye
Chapter 17 - Taking Over the Manor
Chapter 18 - A Hero in White
Chapter 19 - Big Brother to the Rescue
Chapter 21 - The Seal (ll)
Chapter 22 - The Seal Cracks
Chapter 23 - A Rare Golden Firebird
Chapter 24 - A Golden Egg
Chapter 25 - Taking a New Master
Chapter 26 - Advancing
Chapter 27 - Marriage Proposal
Chapter 28 - The Competition Starts
Chapter 29 - The End of the Competition
Chapter 30 - A Date in Yang City
Chapter 31 - Rejection
Chapter 32 - Encountering the 2nd Prince
Chapter 33 - Warning
Chapter 34 - A Deal to Switch Sides
Chapter 35 - Confessions
Chapter 36 - Confessions (2)
Chapter 37 - Truth Behind the Seal
Chapter 38 - A Royal Family's Dark Past
Chapter 39 - Third Prince Dies
Chapter 40 - The Last Phoenix
Chapter 41 - Mercenary Core
Chapter 42-Level Four Black Token Holder
Chapter 43-Darkness Within the Heart
Chapter 44-Return to Lan Manor
Chapter 45-Reunion
Chapter 46-What are We?
Chapter 47-Can't Compare
Chapter 48-Letter from the Second Master
Chapter 49-The Beauty Zi Yi
Chapter 50-Infiltrating Tian Ling Sect
Chapter 51-Trapped
Chapter 52-The Traitor of Liu Sect

Chapter 20 - They Meet Again

78 1 0
By writerno980

"If you want noodles, just tell this Gege. Gege will have someone make you noodles," Feng Jiang cooed. Kairi ignored him and finished slurping down her noodles. It was exactly the same as last time. Good noodles, busy street, and an extremely annoying man in front of her. The only minute difference was Zhang Sheng was as teaser and Feng Jiang was a pleaser.

"Xiao Xiao ah, why aren't you saying anything?" Feng Jiang asked. His smile started to fade and his eyes became misty. Kairi huffed and slammed her bowl down onto the table. She's had enough. How did Xiao You not get annoyed to death by this man? All she wanted was a little peace!

"Enough! Jiang Ge, I'm not ten years old anymore. Stop treating me like a child!" she snapped. Kairi could only stand to be patient for so long. Feng Jiang's bottom lip quivered. He clasped is hands together then looked up to the sky.

"Heavenly Lord, what has this Feng Jiang done to deserve Xiao Xiao's anger? Feng Jiang wants nothing more than Xiao Xiao's happiness!" he cried. People were starting to stare. This man was more of a child than she was. Dear Lord, what did she do to deserve this? Bring back Zhang Sheng. She could at least handle him. Kairi felt embarrassed enough. She shot up to her feet and stormed off.

"Xiao Xiao! Wait for Gege!" she heard him scream from behind him. Someone please help her get rid of him, she thought bitterly. She didn't realize that her prayers were about to be answered.

It was in the middle of the day and the street was getting more and more crowded. Feng Jiang's cries were getting more embarrassing and Kairi just wanted to get away. She continuous checked behind her shoulder as she tried to squeeze through the crowd. She didn't know where A Hua had gone but she was more worried about getting away from Feng Jiang than anything else.


Kairi slammed face first into someone's chest.

Ouch! Was this person's chest made out of stone? Why did he stand still in the middle of the street? Didn't he know she was in a hurry?

She softly massaged her nose.

"Xiao Xiao!" Feng Jiang was getting closer. She groaned and muttered a quick apology. Just then she heard a light, soft chuckle.

That chuckle, it couldn't be!

She didn't dare look up but she heard it again.

"Silly girl, did you get into trouble again?" That heavenly voice was one she had been waiting for months to hear. How could she hear it now and so clearly? She looked up and there was the most gorgeous face she had ever seen. , dark eye s looked back at her along with a warm smile.

"Zhang Sheng?"

He stood there like a majestic god dressed in dark green robes embroidered with golden threads. He really was here this time. Her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

"Looks like this little girl has grown up quite a bit," he commented.

"Why are you here?" she asked when her shock wore off.

"You stopped talking to me months ago and I couldn't get through to you no matter how much I tried. I thought something happened so I came as fast as I could," he replied. He came because he stopped hearing her voice? Kairi's heart thumped rapidly. She smiled at his reply and was going to explain that she had been busy but then quickly remembered that he was the one who had stopped talking. Her smile disappeared at the thought.

"Wait a second. Why are you accusing me of the one who stopped? You're the one who stopped talking. I even had a question to ask you because I couldn't go back to Liu Sect to ask Gramps!" Kairi exclaimed. She wrapped her arms together tightly in front of her chest to show how angry she was.

"Aw. Is my silly shizhi pouting? I'm here now. Whatever questions you have, I'll answer them all," he said and rubbed her head affectionately. Before Kairi could say anything, an angry voice from behind her screamed, "Get away from my Xiao Xiao!"

A palm blast was flying their way. Feng Jiang has gone crazy! He threw a palm blast right into the crowd. It wasn't super strong but it'd be enough to knock her out at least. Kairi didn't have the energy to jump out of danger but she didn't need to worry. Zhang Sheng wrapped a tight arm around her waist and the both of them quickly jumped out of danger. Dust and sand flew everywhere. People screamed and quickly scattered to avoid the danger. The street quickly cleared up leaving several meters of an empty distance between Feng Jiang and Zhang Sheng.

"Let go of my mei mei," Feng Jiang hissed through gritted teeth.

"You know this little girl has no energy in her. Your palm blast could've killed her," Zhang Sheng said frowning. Feng Jiang gasped at his mistake. He quickly forgot his anger and rushed up to Kairi.

"Xiao Xiao. Gege apologizes. Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked checking her from side to side.

"I'm fine. Zhang Sheng uh... I mean, Fifth Shishu managed to pull me from harm," Kairi said.

"Fifth... Shishu?" Feng Jiang frowned as he eyed him up and down. It suddenly clicked in his head who Zhang Sheng was. "Gasp! Your high--!"

He quickly snapped his mouth shut when he saw that Zhang Sheng had held up a hand to stop him.

"Why don't we go somewhere in private to talk?" he suggested.
"Of course! Of course! This way!" Feng Jiang exclaimed as he led the way back to Lan Manor.

"This general did not know that your highness knew this family's Xiao Xiao. Forgive this rude one," Feng Jiang said as he brought his hands together and dropped to his knees.

"Ah. Skip the formalities. I came because this silly girl had questions to ask me," Zhang Sheng replied.

"Yes, your highness." He got back up to his feet and took a seat. Now that Zhang Sheng was here, Kairi could finally ask him what had been nagging her months ago. She already had her mouth open but no words came out. Someone had already screamed out his name before her.

"Zhang Sheng Gege!" a high pitched voice cried out. Kairi groaned at the sound of that voice. Someone must have told Feng Jiu that Prince Zhang Sheng had arrived. Madam Feng wasn't too far behind either. The both of them greeted Zhang Sheng and Feng Jiu practically flew the short distance to Zhang Sheng's side. She wrapped herself tightly around Zhang Shen's arms and rubbed herself against him. Kairi frowned at the sight and Zhang Sheng looked uncomfortable. She mouthed womanizer at him and quickly looked away. As if he felt her anger seeping out of her body, Zhang Sheng cleared his throat and pried his arm out of Feng Jiu's grasp.

"Miss Feng Jiu, it's not proper for a young lady to do this," Zhang Sheng said and shifted in his seat. Feng Jiu frowned and muttered, "Why not? Aren't I your fiancée?"

"Fiancee?" Feng Jiang repeated. "Feng Jiu, did you forget that his highness is betrothed to Xiao Xiao?"
"Jiang Ge! When everyone thought Xiao You had passed away, his highness the king said that Zhang Sheng Gege would marry me!"

Kairi finally looked back at the couple. Fiancee? Betrothed? What was all this about? She raised a questioning eyebrow at Zhang Sheng who once again cleared his throat.

"About the engagement. Things are quite complicated with the first lady still being alive so the engagement has been put on hold," Zhang Sheng explained.
"Gasp! Zhang Sheng Gege, but his highness the king said...!" Feng Jiu was quickly cut off.

"Jiu Er, enough. Come here," Madam Feng said sternly. Kairi shook her head. Feng Jiu really had a thick face. She was utterly shameless.

"No! This isn't fair! Zhang Sheng Gege is supposed to marry me! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Feng Jiu cried. She stomp her feet like a child and when no one said anything, she stormed out of the main hall.

"Please excuse Feng Jiu. She is still a child after all," Madam Feng said.

"Of course, Madam Feng. Rest assured. I don't mind it at all," Zhang Sheng replied back. Kairi needed to talk to Zhang Sheng about her cultivation but with so many people here, how was she ever going to ask? She was going ask for some privacy when Madam Feng quickly spoke up. Damn those two mother and daughter!

"Your highness, this engagement between Feng Jiu and his highness. Can it really simply be abolished like this? Engagement gifts had already been exchanged," Madam Feng interjected. Kairi couldn't believe her ears. This woman was just as shameless as her daughter. She started getting angry but then wondered why. It's not like Zhang Sheng was her boyfriend or anything. It's true she had gotten quite close with him during the year where they talked back and forth but it didn't mean anything, or so she thought.

"If you're worried about Miss Feng Jiu's reputation. Do not worry. Word has yet to spread about this engagement. His highness the king will compensate the Feng family for any trouble the royal family has caused. If you would excuse me, I'm quite short on time. I'm only here to answer the first miss a few questions and then I need to leave again," Zhang Sheng quickly said. Madam Feng shot Kairi a dark look and with a deep bow she too, left the main hall.

"Xiao Xiao, what is it that you need to ask his highness? Can I not help?" Feng Jiang asked. Kairi bit her lower lip as she contemplated her situation.

"I'm sorry, Gege. Can you wait outside for a moment?" Kairi asked. Feng Jiang looked at the two of them back and forth. He clearly saw something going on between the two of them but knew he couldn't cut in. His eyes grew misty but he quickly left before Kairi saw his tears. That sister complex of a guy, she thought miserably. Once the hall cleared out of everyone, Kairi finally breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Didn't you say that you hate living here because you were treated badly? Doesn't look like it to me," Zhang Sheng said. So he really had been listening, she thought feeling surprised.
"If you heard me, why didn't you say anything?" Kairi asked.

"I've been busy," he simply replied. "Now what's this about your cultivation?"

The thought about her cultivation mishap really was a thorn in her side. She quickly explained about her having trouble cultivating and how her core stopped absorbing the energy and sits at the pit of her stomach creating a bloating sensation.

His brows furrowed at her explanation.

"Cultivate for me to see," he said suddenly. She shrugged and picked a spot on the ground. She crossed her legs together and closed her eyes. She started to try and absorb the energy around her but the moment it came towards her core, it just sat there, creating that bloating sensation again. The more she drew in energy the more the energy stored. Just then she felt a sharp pain and she couldn't help but spit out blood.

"Are you alright?" Zhang Sheng asked. He was already knelt down by her side. He quickly sat in front of her and with put his forefinger and middle finger together, he pointed toward the middle of Kairi's chest. He released his own pure energy through her clearing up the blood blockage. She could feel the energy finally dispersing but it was being released back out of her body. Once he finished, Kairi felt drained. She fell forward toward Zhang Sheng who easily caught her in his arms. She was going to pass out of him.

"Little girl, don't worry. You'll be alright," he said and quickly stuff a pill into her mouth before carrying her in his arms. He walked out of the main hall to find the Feng family standing there waiting.
"Xiao Xiao!"

"Zhang Sheng Gege!"

Zhang Sheng ignored their cries and asked, "Find me a private room. Now!"

Feng Jiang looked worried to death as he quickly led them away with Feng Jiu fuming in anger behind them. No one saw the smirk on Madam Feng's face.

"What happened, your highness?" Feng Jiang asked as he watched Zhang Sheng lay Kairi in bed.

"There seems to be a seal placed on her core and a very strong one. With nowhere to go, the energy becomes entangled and disrupts the meridian points in her body. It's the reason why she is extremely weak right now," Zhang Sheng explained.

"A seal? How did the seal come about?" Feng Jiang asked. Zhang Sheng didn't reply but he knew only one person strong enough to place a seal on her. Zhang Sheng sat at the edge of her bed and brushed back her hair softly.
"What am I going to do with this troublesome girl?" he thought. His heart clenched painfully seeing the pained look on her face. He may not have been around much but he was constantly keeping tabs on her. Through the months that she hasn't been talking to him, he grew more and more worried. He had been in the middle of a strategic plan meeting when he heard her sharp voice screaming for help. He threw everything to Chen Ling and came rushing back here. He didn't realize how bad it really was.

"I'm going to Liu Sect to talk to Grandmaster Liu," Zhang Sheng said suddenly. Only Grandmaster Liu can answer the questions he has. He was just about to get up when a little hand grasped tightly onto his.

"Are you leaving again?" he heard Kairi asked. One look at her eyes and Zhang Sheng felt his heart stung. With his free hand he patted her head softly.

"What is this? Do you miss me already?" he joked. She frowned and muttered, "You haven't even answered what I wanted to know. Why would I let you leave?"

He had forgotten how adorable she was when she tried to lie through her teeth. He pulled the jade hairpin out of her hair and placed it into the hand that held his.

"I'll be back soon. When I do, I'll have the answer for you. If you have any questions, you know you can talk to me, right? Just because I don't answer, doesn't mean I'm not listening," he said. She stared at him silently for a while and then nodded. When did she grow up so fast? He chuckled and caressed her cheek lightly before getting up to his feet.

"Don't cause any trouble while I'm away," he said.

"I don't cause them. Trouble just seems to find me," she groaned. Zhang Sheng chuckled and replied, "Then I'll just have to make sure to run back before trouble finds you."

Then there it was. The prettiest smile he ever saw. It was rare for her to smile but when she did, he loved that the most.

I'm sure Zhang Sheng's eyes were light colored.

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