Path To Realization (Fighter'...

By TheFeveredBookaholic

3.6M 127K 168K


Prologue - Asher
Chapter 1 - Aria
Chapter 2 - Asher
Chapter 3 - Asher
Chapter 4 - Aria
Chapter 5 - Asher
Chapter 6 - Aria
Chapter 7 - Asher
Chapter 8 - Aria
Chapter 9 - Asher
Chapter 10 - Aria
Chapter 11 - Asher
Chapter 12 - Aria
Chapter 13 - Asher
Chapter 14 - Aria
Chapter 16 - Aria
Chapter 17 - Aria
Chapter 18 - Asher
Chapter 19 - Aria
Chapter 20 - Asher
Chapter 21 - Asher
Chapter 22 - Aria
Chapter 23 - Asher
Chapter 24 - Aria
Chapter 25 - Asher
Chapter 26 - Aria
Chapter 27 - Asher
Chapter 28 - Aria
Chapter 29 - Aria
Chapter 30 - Asher
Chapter 31 - Aria
Chapter 32 - Asher
Chapter 33 - Aria
Chapter 34 - Asher
Chapter 35 - Asher
Epilogue - Aria
Author's Note
BOOK 5 Cover and Title
BOOK 5 Synopsis
BOOK 5 Teasers
BOOK 5 Bonus Teasers

Chapter 15 - Asher

91.8K 3.2K 6.7K
By TheFeveredBookaholic

*PLEASE NOTE BEFORE READING: Due to technical difficulties and glitching, Wattpad has not been sending notifications out to my readers for updates. This has been the case for the past two updates so please go back and make sure you have read from Chapter 13 and onwards! The following chapter contains several SPOILERS from Chapter 14 so MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALREADY READ IT! Thank you and happy reading.*



What the fuck is wrong with me? If my cock wasn't hard enough to drill through a concrete wall then I'd be convinced I dreamt sneaking into Aria's room and dry-fucking her like my life depended on it.

I hadn't meant for things to go in that direction. I needed to clear my head so I figured I'd hang with Ria for a bit, seeing as her company is the only one I'm up for these days, but then she walked in wearing a pencil skirt that molded to her hips and a tight tank that made her tits look like they were going to spill over any minute and my brain short-circuited. I couldn't think with my head anymore, at least not the one north of my body. Maybe I could have kept myself in check if Ria didn't respond to me within seconds, just by my stares alone. Those sweet nipples puckered up for me as I watched them and I was fucking gone. I couldn't hold myself back knowing she wanted me as badly as I wanted her and so...I didn't.

If I'm being honest I thought she would slap me away the second I put my lips on her skin and pressed our bodies together. My head was so far up my ass because of the call I got from my birth parents that I didn't even care about the consequences of my actions, didn't care that I was taking out my frustrations on Aria. Not only did meet my bullshit head-on, but she gave it right back to me. I was done for the second she lifted her hips up as a silent invitation to keep going, to continue rocking my dick in between her legs. Even through our clothes I could feel the warm heat of her pussy and it took every ounce of self-control not to drop to my knees and fucking devour her. I knew she'd been wet and ready for me and fuck, did that drive me out of my mind.

It's all I can think about as I lean back against my shower wall and grip my dick in my hands, pumping fast and hard. Ria pushed me when I was meant to push her and instantly turned the tables on me so I had to leave before either of us finished. Not because I was mad at her for calling me on my shit — well, that too —but because it was hot as fuck that she never backs down from me and keeps me in my place. I would have came in my pants like a pre-teen if I hadn't heard someone coming upstairs and forced myself to pull back.

If fucking Lenny hadn't interrupted...

I would have lifted Ria up by the waist and put that sweet ass on her desk, spreading her legs and kneeling between them so I could finally get a good look at all of her. Would have hooked her legs over my shoulders and pressed my face into her pussy that I knew was fucking dripping for me. Would have licked her like she was my favourite fucking ice cream come until she begged me to stop and keep going all at once. Would have told her to play with those gorgeous tits and watched her while she fucked my face until I couldn't goddamn breathe anymore.

My orgasm hits me like a punch to the fucking gut and my arm shoots out, holding on to the shower head to steady myself as my cum shoots all over the glass doors. My body shakes like a fucking leaf and my head falls back, a low groan escaping me at the white-hot pleasure of what it would be like to eat out Aria still burned into my mind. If I came that hard just from my imagination, how hard would I come doing the real thing? What would it be like to finally fuck her in every fucking position I can think of and then some?

The last of my tremors come to a stop and I pull in a deep breath, my chest rising and falling like I just ran ten miles. Holy fuck. Just the thought of Ria turns me on more than actually fucking other women. Even now, after that mind-blowing orgasm, I'm still hungry for her, my imagination demanding a round two as if it's the real thing. At this rate I'm going to spend the rest of today jerking off and I don't think my dick can handle anymore, not after what I just put it through by jacking myself harder than I ever have. I need to find another way to get rid of all this energy and frustration. More importantly, I need to get away from here knowing Aria is right next door and I can't fucking have her the way I want. I know without a doubt if I see her again at any point today, I won't stop myself. I'll take her against any surface and fuck her brains out until neither of us can even lift a finger.

Fucking shit. I glare down at my cock that's already jumping in excitement for some more action and force myself to think of something, anything, other than being inside my best friend.

Not today, you desperate fucker. But hopefully soon or we might just die.

I promise I'm not exaggerating.

I finish up with my shower and clean up behind me before throwing on my gym gear, deciding that I should probably train to blow off all this steam. If I sit in one place I'll just keep replaying what happened in Aria's room like a lovesick chick or some shit and walk around with a permanent hard-on. Not my idea of a good time.

"Mom? Dad?" I call out to them when I'm downstairs.

I find them in the guest room playing a game of Twister and smirk at the image of their tangled limbs and angry faces. They're so freaking competitive with each other it's a miracle they don't let it affect their marriage.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I lean against the frame of the entrance.

"Doc said I should exercise my body now that it's healed." Dad groans and reaches as far as he can to place his palm on a blue circle. "I fucking hate exercising so I thought I'd do it the fun way."

"Why not just practice some karate?" I ask because yeah, it turned out my adoptive father has some moves after all.

"Because he's getting too old." Mom reaches under Dad's leg, putting her hand strategically on a green circle. "His aim is way off these days. He keeps breaking shit and I'm tired of gradually losing my furniture."

"Ah, the pure love my wife gives me." Dad rolls his eyes.

"I do love you or I wouldn't be putting my body through this torture." Mom groans.

"We could do other things with our bodies." Dad wiggles his brows.

"You guys are disgusting." I tell them seriously. You'd think they could at least wait until I leave the room.

"So go before you get a front row seat to how good we are in bed." Mom winks and I actually almost throw up. They're fucking lucky I love them enough to put up with this shit.

"I'll be back before midnight." I sling my gym bag over my shoulder and walk backwards, keeping my eyes on them. "You better wrap it up before I get home. I mean that shit."

They wave me off, uncaring, and I roll my eyes. Sometimes I feel like I'm the parent and they're the teenagers.

"Love you." I call out before stepping out of the house. It's still tough for me to say the words to them face-to-face so I'm usually looking away or out of sight when I do. They get it, though. They call back the same sentiment and only then do I close the door behind me.

I punch in the alarm code for the security system Cameron installed for them and make sure it's on. I have to make sure they're safe at all costs, especially after the call I got today. The day where I can no longer dodge my birth parents came way fucking sooner than I thought. I thought I'd bought myself enough time to come up with a plan to get out of this shit but my birth parents found the protection I requested way fucking faster than I anticipated. It just goes to show how desperate they are to get this job done.

I start my drive to Fighter's Den, replaying today's call in my mind on a loop and fucking torturing myself.

"The fuck do you want?" I'd growled into the phone, already knowing it was Mike. He was the only "unknown caller" I'd been getting these days.

"We're ready." He said ominously. His know-it-all attitude ignited my anger within seconds.

"Ready for what? To get the fuck out of my life? About time."

"You wish, boy. You're going to have to take this job before I let you off the hook, you hear me?"

"Not until you meet my terms—"

"Yeah, yeah, I fucking know that. You're like a goddamn broken recorder. We found you the protection you wanted."

I snorted in disbelief. "My ass. Do I also have to remind you I asked you to find guys stronger than me? Who the fuck in Vice Lords could offer me that kind of protection?"

"No one." He said simply. By that point I'd been fuming.

"Then what the fuck are you calling me for? Leave me the fuck alone."

Usually I was the one that had my head on my shoulders but today it had been Mike. That fact alone worried the hell out of me and was the reason I was losing my shit. What did he know that I didn't? I got my answer a moment later.

"We have your four men. They're from the South Bloods."

The blood had rushed to my head so fast that I fell on my ass and, luckily, landed on my bed.

I knew right then that I couldn't buy any more time for myself if what Mike was saying was true. I didn't want to ask him if he was bluffing because if he wasn't, that would give him insurmountable satisfaction. He'd know just how hopeless I felt and I refused to give him any sort of leverage he could use against me. I had to play it smart.

And so I'd calmly asked, "And how did you manage that? The South Bloods run New York City. They're fucking kings. Why would any of their members agree to work for a washed up street gang?"

"Because it's all about business. Shit boy, it's hard to believe you have my DNA in you."

"You and me both, fucking prick." I muttered.

"Watch it." He snapped.

"Get to the point and I will." I threw back. I'd been desperate to understand how Mike pulled that little stunt off. I needed as much information as possible because I was fucking screwed and we both knew it.

"You know what the great thing about gangs is? They all hate each other, even if they work together. The South Bloods and the Vice Lords have a common enemy here."

"The Asesinos." I supplied drily, catching on.

"Now you're talking." He'd almost sounded proud and I wanted to fucking throw up. I didn't want to do anything to appease the man who unfortunately was my sperm donor.

"So? What's the deal you cut them?"

He barked out a laugh. "You think I'd fall for that shit? Think I'd give you leverage you could use to double-cross us when we go after the Asesinos? Shit, now who's smoking too much?"

Damn. I didn't think he'd see through me but I knew I shouldn't have been surprised. Mike was fucking desperate to take down his rival gang once and for all, no matter the cost.

If I could figure out exactly what the cost was, then maybe I could get myself out of this shit. But how? The only way I could get the information I needed was to be around the Vice Lords, figure out their day-to-day agenda, maybe manipulate some of the members. Even if I didn't take the job, I was going to have to go New York for leverage. I was officially caught in the middle of something I couldn't get myself out of.

I'd disconnected the line, so fucking fed up. All I could think was how much I fucking hated my life and my birth parents. I wanted to hurt someone, to stop feeling so fucking helped. I craved control because in that moment I didn't have any.

So I went to Ria. Backed her into a corner. It didn't exactly work out the way I wanted it to but I also don't regret what happened between us. There's no fucking way to stop what's happening between us and as soon as I figure this shit with my birth parents out, I'm chasing her ass next. I'll win our little cat-and-mouse game that I just failed moments ago.

You better be fucking ready, Princess.

I smirk to myself as I park in the lot of Fighter's Den. I'm still in a shit mood but thinking about Ria, what we just did, makes today bearable. Surprise, surprise. That's exactly why I went to her to begin with. She makes everything fucking better.

I saunter inside Fighter's Den and look around for the guys. No one's here today except Jaxon and he's in the middle of training our youth fighters. I wasn't sure how he'd do as a coach since he wasn't a boxer for that long — he still takes matches to make extra money on the side but nothing professional — but it turns out he's a fucking natural. As great as he is at fighting, he's even better at coming up with strategic plays and understanding how to manipulate someone's strength to its entire potential. He's made some badass little dudes out of the eager youth training under his wing. I guess there's a reason Coach pays him so well. Other boxing facilities already have their eye on him to take coaching positions. I know Jaxon wouldn't, though. Dude may be a cold ass motherfucker but his loyalty runs deep, especially to his first coach and father-in-law.

"What up?" I clasp his hand in greeting as he pauses his coaching of one of the older kids.

"What're you doing here?" He asks. I usually take Friday's to myself to be with my parents.

"One of those days." I shrug and he nods in understanding. "I need to blow off some steam and fast."

"I can spar with you. Youth training finishes in half an hour."

I eye the group of young fighters. There's eight of them roughly between the ages of ten and sixteen. They do their own individual exercises that Jaxon assigned them and glance at me curiously every so often.

"Need help?" I ask him.

"Actually, yeah. The two young ones at the punching bag? Watch their form and the combo that I taught them. Make sure they're following it exactly as they should. If it's not better than perfect they don't get to move on."

"Shit, you're strict." I raise my brows. Then again that doesn't surprise me. Jaxon doesn't take anything half-assed. It's all or nothing for him and I respect that. "Consider it done."

"Thanks, brother." He stops me before I head off toward the kids and looks at me like he sees right through me. "What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask non-chalantly. Jaxon and I are good friends but I wouldn't reveal my personal history like that. Nobody knows my story except for Nate. I'm not big on sharing.

"You've been acting different. You're always a closed-off motherfucker but more so than usual and you're constantly angry. Nobody's put in more hours this month than you and you're not even going pro." He crosses his arm and narrows his eyes at me. I feel like I'm being lectured when he goes Dad-mode on me like this. "Something you want to talk about?"

"No." I tell him honestly and his lips twitch at my bluntness. He knows I don't give any fucks. "I have everything under control."

"Let me know if you need anything. We all got our own shit going on but we don't have to handle it alone, you know that right?"

"Yeah." I don't mean it for shit but I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I hate discussing myself or whatever's happening in my life. Hell, even Ria and Nate don't have the slightest clue about what I've been up to these days. I'm a loner to a fault. A shell you can't crack open and eventually discard when you've lost your patience. What the fuck ever.

"Bullshit." Jaxon snorts and I can't help but snicker. Dude's as blunt as I am. "Call me when you pull your head out of your ass."

"Will do." I roll my eyes and go to the two boys training.

They stop their punching when they see me, eyes growing wide. I remind myself to make my facial expressions kinder than their usual "if you stare at me too long I'll punch you" vibes.

"You guys are doing pretty good." I tell them and they exchange relieved grins. "How old are you?"

"I'm eleven." The one with blonde hair and brown eyes tell me, his cheeks red as hell on his pale skin and his grin wide. "And my name is Cody."

"I'm ten." The one with the mocha skin and light green eyes says so quietly I barely hear him. He ducks his head behind his curly hair, kicking the ground. Shit, we've got to work on his confidence.

"Which combo are you guys working on?"

"Two straights, a left hook and a right uppercut." Cody answers for them.

"Then let's see it."

They immediately face each other and take turns showing me what they've got. They're doing a pretty decent job but their form needs more work.

For the next while I help them perfect their moves, straightening their backs or raising their arms higher, telling them when to pick up speed or how hard to swing. They're fast learners, I'll give them that, and by the time their training time is up they more or less got it down.

"Nice job, you two." I tip my chins at them and they grin back proudly. It makes me remember the days Nate and I used to train together, so damn convinced we'd take on the world and become legends. I feel a pang of irrational jealousy that he's more or less achieved that dream while I'm eating dust, handling my stupid fucking birth parents and cleaning their messes. I get rid of that thought just as quick. If anyone deserves that kind of glory, it's Nate. He's the hardest working motherfucker I know and I have no right to shit on his parade.

"Can you help us again on Monday?" Cody asks hopefully. His friend has yet to say another word to me. He hasn't even told me his name yet.

"I'm not sure." I tell him. "I'm not the Coach but if I happen to catch Jaxon at a time that he needs help then sure."

"Awesome." He holds his fist out for me and I bump it. Then his eyes shift behind mine and he waves. "Hey, Lizzie."

I turn around just in time to catch Lizzie, Jaxon's daughter, crash into my legs. I smile down at her and ruffle her brown curls. I've got a real soft spot for the kid like all of us at Fighter's Den. We were all decent friends before Jaxon joined us for the first time but something about Lizzie and her contagious personality brought us closer together. I'm not sure we'd be the family we are today if her and Jax didn't enter our lives. Hell, it's almost hard to remember what this gym was even like before them.

"Hey, gorgeous." I lean down to kiss her forehead and she grins back at me with those deep-set dimples. Man, this kid is getting real pretty. Jaxon's going to have his hands full fighting off all the dudes that will no doubt be chasing her down.

"Hi, Uncle Ash." She holds my hand and I don't pull away. I'm not big on physical contact but Lizzie is an exception. "You're here again? You may as well make this place your home."

I put a hand to my chest and feign offence. "Don't tell me you're tired of seeing me? You heartbreaker."

She giggles in that sweet voice that makes all of us grown men go putty. There's a reason we're all wrapped around her sassy little finger. "No way. I love having all of my crazy uncles around."

"Crazy, huh? Just make sure you're never too old to show your Uncle Ash some love."

"Never." She promises. I can't believe the little tyke is already nine years old.

"Good. You sticking around with your dad?"

"Yup." She peers around my leg, smiling. "Hey, Cody. Hey, Trent."

So that's his name. I look back at the two boys. Cody is smiling and Trent...the kid has fucking stars in his eyes. He stares at Lizzie like she's the only person here. I feel my brows go up when Lizzie actually blushes, her smile widening.

Oh, shit.

Does Jaxon know his little girl has her first crush? I look over at him but he's too busy packing up the equipment.

"Hey, Lizzie." Kid sounds breathless as he grins at her. That's the most he's spoken all day and I cross my arms, watching the two of them in amusement. "Nice dress."

"Thank you." Her cheeks are nearly red as she fluffs out the pink material. Come to think of it she does look a little dolled up today. Lizzie's always loved dressing up but today there's just...more. Huh. This must be more serious than I thought.

I meet Cody's eyes when I feel him staring at me. He shakes his head, gesturing at his friend as if saying can you believe this? My lips twitch. I like this one.

"You two have a ride?" I ask them and Trent snaps out of it, eyes widening in alarm like he just remembered I'm still here. He looks down at the floor again but not before I notice the colour on his light brown cheeks.

"My mom is picking us up. She should be here by now." Cody takes hold of a gym bag near him and elbows Trent. "Let's go, man."

"Yeah." He frowns. Kid looks disappointed as hell but so does Lizzie. He must have game despite being so shy and I'm mildly impressed.

"You'll be here on Monday, right?" Lizzie asks him.

"Yeah. Will you?" He looks so fucking hopeful I almost start laughing. Poor guy is already gone for her.

"Yeah." Lizzie grins. "I'll see you then. Oh, you too, Cody."

"Thanks." He remarks drily and this time I can't hold back a snicker. I definitely like this one. "Come on, Trent. Unless you want to sleep here, too."

Trent waves at Lizzie and mumbles a goodbye to me, grabbing his stuff quickly.

"Hope I can train with you again." Cody holds his hand out and I shake it.

"Same here, man." I tell him honestly. He's a good kid.

I wave goodbye to the boys, raising a brow when Trent looks back at least five times before he actually leaves the gym. As soon as the boys are gone I turn to Lizzie.

"So," I start and crouch down to her level. "You like Trent?"

Her eyes grow enormously wide and she turns so red I almost think she's stopped breathing. "What? No! That's gross!"

"Save it." I roll my eyes. "But you listen to me good and well."

She clamps her mouth shut immediately knowing she can't bullshit me. I continue.

"Don't ever settle for less than you deserve. If you really like a guy, don't let him get too comfortable or think that he can find anyone else like you because he can't. Make him work for you so that he understands that he has to deserve you, okay? You're still a kid but one day you're going to need this advice and I want you to remember. Get me?"

"Got it, Uncle Ash." She throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. Ah, fuck. It almost makes me emotional after the day I've had and...yeah, I fucking needed this. I hug her back and kiss her forehead before she pull away to regard me with pleading eyes. "But please don't tell Daddy. You know he's going to kill Trent if he finds out."

I snort. She's sharp as hell if she knows that much about her father. "Your dad is too smart, gorgeous. Trust me. He already knows."

"You think?" She groans and I offer a somber nod. "Great. I guess Trent was nice while he lasted."

I laugh behind my fist while she reluctantly sulks away to where Coach's office is, no doubt seeking consolation from her grandfather who spoils the fuck out of her.

I stand up just as Jaxon comes over to me, scowling hard. "Did you see how Trent was looking at my baby girl?"

My lips twitch. I knew it.

"How much jail time do you think I'll get for beating up a kid?" He asks and he's dead fucking serious.

"He's a kid." I remind him. "What's the worst he's going to do? Hold Lizzie's hand? Maybe try and peck her?"

"Not on my fucking watch." I half-expect fire to come out of his nose. "Maybe I should tell his mom we don't have any room in our division for him."

"Don't be an asshole." I punch his arm hard enough that he knows I'm not playing. "What did you expect? Your little girl is outgoing and beautiful. It's only going to get worse."

"And I'm definitely going to end up in jail at some point in my life." He growls low in his throat. "Fucking Trent. If he wants my baby then he has to go through me like a man."

"He's fucking ten, Jaxon."

"If he's old enough to have moon-eyes for my daughter then he's old enough to fight me."

I sigh deeply. There's no way I can talk any sense into him, not where his baby girl is concerned.

"Pryce." We both look toward Coach who's walking toward us. "I need a word."

"What's up?" I nod.

He starts to say something but stops abruptly when he notices Jaxon. Then he scowls. "Have you noticed the way Trent looks at Lizzie?"


"We need to do something about that kid." Jaxon agrees. "Or he'll try to make a move on our girl."

Both of them share a hard look, muttering, "Fucking Trent."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I really feel for the guy that ends up marrying Lizzie. He's going to have to deal with these two his whole life.

"Anyways." I prompt.

"Right." Coach's eyes harden when they meet mine. "It's time for you to go pro, Pryce. I'm done waiting for you to make that decision for yourself."

"Huh?" The shocked response comes from both Jaxon and I.

"You know I'm not ready." I tell Coach sternly. Why would he ask me that?

"Spare me your shit, Pryce." Coach levels me with a hard glare. "I've been watching you this whole month since you're here all the fucking time now. I trained all of you well and all of you are damn good fighters but're precise as fuck. You know exactly what you're doing and you're not apologetic about it. You're almost ruthless in the ring and I appreciate that in a fighter so why the fuck aren't you fighting?"

Because I have no choice but to work for my parents. Because I had no choice but to tell Mike that I agree to the job. Because if I get double-crossed again, and I fucking know I will, I'll die for real this time.

All of these are reasons I can't go pro but I can't tell Coach for shit so instead I keep my mouth shut. He shakes his head knowingly.

"You're hiding something." He punches the bag hanging beside him so suddenly that I almost flinch. Coach can be a scary motherfucker and right now he's downright pissed. "What the fuck is wrong with you miserable assholes? All of you think you're so goddamn strong and mighty going through the worst kind of shit alone when you have people willing to help. I'm willing to help for Christ's sake. You don't think I've earned your trust? You think that's fair to me when I think of all of you as my sons?"

Woah. My wide eyes meet Jaxon's and he looks remorseful as fuck. We both know Coach is right and I realize how frustrating it is for him to have his students, his family, constantly hiding shit from him. Jaxon initially hid his relationship with Emily, Cameron hid that he was being sexually abused, Nate hid being a stripper, I'm hiding my crackhead parents and the fact that I'm a killer, and who knows what the fuck Wolfe is hiding. Shit. I feel guilty as fuck thinking about it from his perspective.

"Coach..." I rub the back of my neck, uncomfortable. I want to tell him, I swear to God I do, but I can't make myself say the words.

He shakes his head like he expected as much. "I'm setting up an exhibition match for you. I promise not to broadcast because for whatever reason the topic of cameras turns you green in the face but I will have other trainers and fighters present to watch. Recording of any sort will be banned for your sanity. You're taking this goddamn match, Pryce. I'm not letting you fuck up your dreams."

He stalks away with that, leaving me speechless. He's right, though. As long as no one records me I should be okay to fight and it just goes to show how perceptive he is. My guilt deepens.

"You're not getting out of this one." Jax tells me glumly.

Based on the way my life has been going, that's no fucking surprise.



Damn, son. I really do love Coach and all his wisdom and dedication to my boys.

Also, how hilarious is it to see Jaxon losing his shit over his little girl's first crush? One of my favourite scenes in this book! Aside from Asher's shower episode of course...hehe.

Please VOTE, comment and share if you liked this chapter!

Happy Reading :)

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