A Heart for Two Dolls (UglyDo...


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Dawn, a newcomer perfect doll moves in to live at UglyVile at first and became friends with Moxy and the gang... More

New Character: Dawn
Chapter 1: Welcome to UglyVille
Chapter 2: Meet Dawn
Chapter 3: I Need To Leave
Chapter 4: Into The Tunnel
Chapter 5: Institute of Perfection
Chapter 6: The Ugly Truth
Chapter 8: Dawn's Flashback
Chapter 9: Mandy's Glasses
Chapter 10: The Spy Girls
Chapter 11: The S's of Messes
Chapter 12: Lou and Ox Reunited
Chapter 13: All Dolled Up
Chapter 14: Ox's Truth
Chapter 15: Lou and Dawn's Date
Chapter 16: Kidnapped
Chapter 17: Rescue Mission
Chapter 18: Getting Ready
Chapter 19: The Gauntlet
Chapter 20: Defeat Lou
Chapter 21: Uglies and Pretties
Chapter 22: The Surprise
Chapter 23: The Wedding
Chapter 24: The Ending

Chapter 7: Lou's True Colors

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The UglyDolls were depressed and decided to leave Dawn here. Dawn walks over to them in worried.

"I'm sorry, Moxy. You guys have to go home without me." Dawn said.

"But, Dawn..." Moxy said.

"Come on, Moxy. Let's go home. And don't worry about Dawn, she'll be fine here anyway." Lucky Bat said to Moxy.

"Do you want me to carry you home, too?" Babo asked to Moxy.

Babo was carrying the others.

"Okay, just let me know." Babo said and walks off.

Moxy was depressed about being ugly, she walks away with the UglyDolls slowly and Dawn was with Lou and the four girls.

"Bless their ugly little hearts. Such a shame." Lou said.

"It is kinda sad, though." Mandy said.

The other girls looked at Mandy.

"Of course, "sad" in, like, a totally, totally shameful way. Obviously." Mandy said.

Moxy stops walking and looks at a screen to imagine her with a child for her dreams.

"Moxy." Wage said as she looks over.

"You know what? We're not going anywhere." Moxy said.

The perfect dolls all gasps.

"What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? We don't belong here." Wage said to Moxy.

"We've come this far." Moxy said.

"Um... Come again?" Lou asked.

"We're gonna train and go to the Big World. We're just as lovable as any of you. And we're gonna prove you wrong." Moxy explained as she shows off.

Lou was silent for a moment, then he laughs. Everybody, including Dawn and Mandy were laughing along.

"Before we decide to do this, shouldn't we tell Ox?" Lucky Bat asked to Moxy.

Lou and everybody was laughing until he heard and stops laughing. Everybody stops too.

"Ox? Who is Ox?" Lou asked.

"Well, he's the founder and mayor of our town, where we live." Lucky Bat answered.

"And it's the same place of where I stayed as well. Because of something happens at the Doll Factory, which I believed that it was a mistake at first." Dawn explained.

"So, there's a whole town of Uglies?" Lou asked.

"It's called Uglyville." Moxy said.

"I guess they're into literal naming." Lydia said.

"None of this matters. Okay? Only Pretty Dolls can run the Gauntlet. Rules are rules." Lou said.

"Okay. What rules, anyway?" Dawn asked.

"Uh..." Lou said.

"Did someone say 'rules'?" A robot asked as he went up to Dawn with a big book.

"Oh!" Lou said.

"It says right here in section 43..." The robot said until Lou shuts the book.

"You know what? Stay here." Lou said.

"Seriously?" Moxy asked happily.

"Yes. What kind of amazingly benevolent leader would I be if I denied fellow dolls a chance to fulfill their dreams? Mandy, show our special guests their quarters. May I suggest the Supply Suite." Lou explained.

Lou gets Mandy to show the UglyDolls to the place of where they will be sleeping at.

"Sweet!" Babo said.

Dawn was walking with them until Lou grabs her hand to stop.

"Do I get to sleep with them there?" Dawn asked to Lou.

"No, I'll let you sleep in my mansion since I have and extra room up there for the guest. I have decided to let you be with me." Lou explained.

Dawn blushes about her being with him.

"Thanks. I would love that." Dawn said happily.

Dawn walks up get to the others in order to see where they'll be at, Lou looks at Moxy and lets her to walk closer to him and he has a evil smile.

"I have a reputation to maintain, so I let you skate by this time. Enjoy this moment. Because it doesn't get better than this." Lou said in a deep voice.

"Ha! That's the name of our song." Babo said from distance.

Moxy walks off to get to the others. Kitty, Lydia, and Tuesday walks up to Lou.

"Find out everything you can about their town and report back to me tomorrow night." Lou said to the girls.

"Night? Like a date?" Tuesday asked happily.

"No. But there is one more thing I need you to do." Lou said and he chuckled with a evil smirk.

Lou opens up the doors of the living room of his mansion and he sings for the reprise of his song in a evil way.

I'll crush them all
Destroy their dream
To save my perfect empire
Nothing's too extreme.
And I know how to do it

Lou walks up to the window as it was sunset as it was getting darker.

Without looking too uncouth
A plan that's so foul, gross, hideous, nasty
You'll never see the ugly

The song ends, he evilly smiles as he closed the window with the shades.

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